I Paid 5 Designers To Design THE SAME Logo... 🧐 (Interesting Results)

Will Paterson
7 Sept 202124:48

TLDRIn this video, Will Paterson shares an intriguing experiment where he paid five designers with varying levels of expertise to create logos for a fictional company called Solar Drop. The company, described as a British interstellar technology firm specializing in e-commerce and artificial superintelligence, aims to serve Mars inhabitants by delivering a wide range of products from Earth. The designers were given a futuristic brief and a three-hour time limit, with no revisions requested. The video showcases the diverse designs submitted, ranging from minimalistic and futuristic to more playful and vintage-inspired concepts. Each designer's approach, including their use of color, typography, and symbolism, is discussed, along with the presenter's reactions and insights. The video serves not only as a comparison of design styles but also as an exploration of the value and thought process behind logo creation within a limited timeframe.


  • 🎨 Will Paterson paid five designers to create a logo for a fictional company called Solar Drop, aiming to see the variety in design approaches within a 3-hour time frame.
  • ⏳ Each designer was given a 3-hour deadline and a specific brief, focusing on a futuristic and space-themed design for an interstellar technology company.
  • 💰 The designers were paid different amounts ranging from $100 to $500, reflecting the time and effort put into their designs.
  • 🔍 Will reacted to each logo without prior knowledge of the designs, providing immediate feedback and insights on the concepts and execution.
  • 🚀 The brief described Solar Drop as a company selling a wide range of products to Mars inhabitants, with a focus on zero-emission deliveries and future plans for a distribution center on Phobos.
  • 🌐 The designers were encouraged to create a brand identity that would inspire space colonization and portray the company as reliable and futuristic.
  • 🔵 Malvin Soto's design used an orange color palette and a circular symbol representing planets and interplanetary travel, but was critiqued for being too busy.
  • 🔲 Miftah Udin presented a futuristic logo with a strong use of geometric shapes and a color scheme that worked well on both black and white backgrounds.
  • 🌌 Arine Lack's design featured a pin location and orbiting lines, symbolizing the connection between Earth and Mars, with a clean and balanced icon.
  • 🌈 Mo Borbon's logo incorporated a star, Earth, and Mars with a continuous cycle, showcasing depth and the use of negative space for scalability.
  • 💭 Jessica St. Onge's design took a unique, almost 'hippie vibe' approach with hand-lettered elements and pastel colors, which was a departure from the expected futuristic theme.
  • 📚 Will also promoted his new Skillshare class, offering insights into logo design processes and providing a platform for designers to learn and share their work.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the company for which the logo is being designed?

    -Solar Drop

  • What is the main focus of Solar Drop as described in the brief?

    -Solar Drop is a British interstellar technology company with a focus on e-commerce and artificial superintelligence.

  • What is unique about the delivery system of Solar Drop?

    -Solar Drop delivers products once a month on an automated flight with zero emissions and plans to build a distribution center on Phobos within the next 2 years.

  • What is the significance of the color choice for the logo design?

    -The color choice is significant as it should reflect the brand identity and be relevant to inspire space colonization. The presenter prefers a darker crimson for Mars, symbolizing the 'Red Planet'.

  • How much time does each designer have to design the logo?

    -Each designer has 3 hours to design the logo.

  • What is the purpose of the video and the logo design exercise?

    -The purpose is to see the differences in designs from various designers, promote the designers, and to understand what the price is worth for 3 hours of their time.

  • What is the first impression of the logo designed by Malvin Soto?

    -The first impression is that the logo is quite busy for a futuristic company, and the presenter suggests that the concept could be simplified.

  • What is the price range for the designers in the video?

    -The price range for the designers is from $100 to $500.

  • What is the main critique of the logo designed by Miftah Udin?

    -The main critique is the futuristic aspect of the logo is well-executed, but there are suggestions for personal changes and improvements in the presentation of the mock-ups.

  • What is the presenter's opinion on the use of mock-ups in logo presentations?

    -The presenter believes that mock-ups are extremely important as they help to 'wow' the client and showcase the logo in a real-world context.

  • What is the final critique of Jessica St. Onge's logo design?

    -The critique is that while the design is stylish and the mood board is loved, the logo does not hit the brief as expected. It is seen as not fully relevant to inspire space colonization and lacks the futuristic aspect that was desired.



🌌 Introduction to the Logo Design Challenge

Will Paterson introduces a unique logo design challenge for a futuristic company named Solar Drop. The company, focused on interstellar technology and e-commerce, sells a variety of products to Mars inhabitants. Designers are given a 3-hour time frame to create a logo that reflects the company's aim to inspire space colonization and reliability. The video also mentions a new Skillshare class by Will, which is now live.


🎨 Malvin Soto's Logo Presentation and Feedback

Malvin Soto presents his logo for Solar Drop, which uses an orange color palette and a circular design symbolizing planets and interplanetary travel. Will provides feedback, suggesting a darker crimson for Mars and noting the busyness of the design. He appreciates the futuristic typography but finds the design elements, such as the dots, unnecessary. Will also discusses the concept of negative space and the potential simplification of the logo.


🚀 Miftah Udin's Futuristic Logo Design

Miftah Udin's logo is praised for its futuristic design, with geometric letter forms and a connection to packaging. The presentation includes various mock-ups that impress Will, who particularly likes the blue color scheme and the vintage yet modern vibe. Miftah's attention to detail and the comprehensive presentation are highlighted, including the use of the logo on IDs and a spacesuit.


🌟 Arine Lack's Iconic and Balanced Logo Concept

Arine Lack's logo is appreciated for its clean and balanced design, featuring a pin location and orbiting lines around planets. Will suggests using a crimson color for Mars and discusses the typography, which he finds slightly odd. However, the icon's appeal makes up for it. Arine's presentation includes an animated logo, which Will finds impressive and suggests could be interactive with further development.


🌈 Mo Borbon's Colorful and Depthful Logo Presentation

Mo Borbon's logo is admired for its use of color and depth, symbolizing the cycle between Earth and Mars. The design is futuristic, and the use of shadows adds to the effect. Will appreciates the tasteful use of color and the typography, although he suggests making 'Solar' heavier for balance. The presentation is comprehensive, with black and white versions and various mock-ups that showcase the logo's versatility.

🎭 Jessica St. Onge's Unique and Playful Logo Approach

Jessica St. Onge's logo is a hand-lettered piece with a pastel color scheme and a vibe that's different from the others. Will finds the logo stylish but questions its scalability and relevance to the brief, which emphasized futurism and interstellar e-commerce. While the typography and mood board are praised, Will feels the overall design does not align with the company's vision as described in the brief.



💡Logo Design

Logo Design refers to the process of creating a unique visual symbol or icon that represents a company or brand. In the video, the host, Will Paterson, pays five different designers to create logos for a fictional company called Solar Drop. The diversity in the designs showcases the creativity and variety that can come from a single design brief.


A brief is a summary of the project's requirements and goals given to the designers before they start working on a task. In this video, the brief includes details about the company Solar Drop, its focus on interstellar technology, e-commerce, and artificial superintelligence, which the designers must consider when creating the logo.

💡Interstellar Technology

Interstellar Technology pertains to advancements or innovations that facilitate travel between stars. In the context of the video, Solar Drop is described as a company that deals with such technology, which is why the logo designs need to reflect a futuristic and advanced image.


E-commerce stands for electronic commerce and refers to buying and selling goods or services using the internet. Solar Drop is described as an e-commerce company that sells a variety of products to Mars inhabitants, which is a central theme in the video that influences the logo designs.

💡Artificial Superintelligence

Artificial Superintelligence refers to a hypothetical form of artificial intelligence far surpassing human intelligence. The company Solar Drop is focused on this concept, which is a key element that the designers must incorporate into their logo designs to convey the company's advanced technological nature.


Scalability in design refers to the ability of a logo to maintain its integrity and be recognizable at various sizes, from small app icons to large billboards. Will Paterson discusses the importance of scalability when evaluating the effectiveness of the logo designs for Solar Drop.


Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible and appealing when displayed. In the video, the host comments on the typography used in the logos, noting whether it is futuristic, clean, or fitting for the brand's identity.

💡Mood Board

A mood board is a visual tool used by designers to collect images, samples, and objects that convey a certain mood or theme. In the video, designers present mood boards that reflect their interpretation of the brief and inspire their logo designs for Solar Drop.


Mock-ups are preliminary models or designs used to visualize the final product. In the context of the video, mock-ups are used to display how the logo would look when applied to various mediums such as t-shirts, app icons, and spaceship branding.


Futurism is a movement that focuses on the future, particularly in art and design, often characterized by futuristic or advanced themes. The video emphasizes the need for the logos to have a futuristic appeal, as Solar Drop is an interstellar technology company.

💡Zero Emissions

Zero Emissions refers to the release of no pollutants or greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Solar Drop's commitment to zero-emission deliveries is highlighted in the video as part of their brand identity, which the logo designs should reflect.


Will Paterson paid five designers to create logos for a futuristic company called Solar Drop within a 3-hour time frame.

The brief for Solar Drop includes being an interstellar technology company focusing on e-commerce and artificial superintelligence.

Deliveries to Mars are made once a month via automated, zero-emission flights, with plans to build a distribution center on Phobos within two years.

The company aims to inspire space colonization and be seen as a reliable provider for Martian inhabitants.

Malvin Soto's design features a circle representing planets and a dot symbolizing the package, aiming for a futuristic look.

Miftah Udin's logo is praised for its futuristic feel, with square geometric letter forms and a connection to packaging.

Arine Lack's icon design is appreciated for its clean and consistent concept, featuring pin location flat maps and orbiting lines.

Mo Borbon's logo incorporates a star, Earth, and Mars, symbolizing a continuous cycle between the two planets.

Jessica St. Onge's hand-lettered logo is criticized for its scalability issues but appreciated for its unique and stylish approach.

The video includes a promotion for Will Paterson's new Skillshare original class on logo design.

Designers were instructed not to ask for revisions and to present their work as a reaction to the brief without prior knowledge of the project.

The video showcases the diversity of design interpretations within a strict time constraint, highlighting the value of time in design.

Each designer's presentation includes a variety of mock-ups to demonstrate the logo's application in different contexts.

The video emphasizes the importance of presentation in design, as it can significantly impact a client's perception of the logo.

The use of color in logos is discussed, with a preference for non-cliche and futuristic tones that align with the company's innovative image.

Typography is a critical aspect of logo design, with a focus on futurism and the balance between style and legibility.

The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to share their thoughts on the logos and engage with the content.