8 Nov 202320:52

TLDRThe video introduces a solution for running uncensored AI models on a local computer using a software called u/aba Tex generation web UI. It guides viewers through the installation process, downloading AI models from, and using the interface for text generation and character roleplay. The video also demonstrates how to use microphone input and text-to-speech output for interactive conversations with AI characters. Additionally, it covers the use of multimodel capabilities for image analysis similar to Chat GPT Vision, all without the need for internet corporations' surveillance.


  • 🚀 Introduction of a new, uncensored AI roleplay experience that bypasses big corporation control and surveillance.
  • 🔧 Explanation of how to install Udba Tex, a software that enables running AI text models locally on your computer.
  • 💻 Offering a one-click installer for Patreon supporters to simplify the installation process.
  • 🔗 Guidance on downloading and installing Git for Windows to clone the necessary repository.
  • 📂 Instructions for creating a new folder, cloning the repository, and accessing the command prompt for further actions.
  • 🏃‍♂️ Details on running the installation and update batch files specific to Windows.
  • 💡 Discussion on the choice between using a GPU or CPU for running AI models and the implications of each.
  • 📚 Information on finding and downloading AI models from Hugging Face and understanding the different model formats available.
  • 🎮 Exploration of the various virtual characters available for interaction and the ability to create custom characters.
  • 🎤 Integration of microphone and text-to-speech extensions for a more interactive and immersive experience.
  • 🖼️ Capability to analyze and discuss images using the Lava model, similar to other AI vision platforms.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue discussed in the video script?

    -The main issue discussed is the limitations of censored AI models like ChatGPT and the solution of using uncensored large language models with multimodal capabilities on a local computer.

  • What software is recommended for running AI text models locally?

    -The software recommended for running AI text models locally is uba Tex, generation web UI.

  • How can users simplify the installation process of the mentioned software?

    -Users can simplify the installation process by using a one-click installer provided to Patreon supporters of the video creator.

  • What tool is required to clone the repository for manual installation?

    -Git for Windows is the tool required to clone the repository for manual installation.

  • What are the two main files used for running and updating the web UI on Windows?

    -The two main files used are 'start windows.bat' for running the installation and launching the web UI, and 'update windows.bat' for updating the software.

  • Where can users find AI models to download?

    -Users can find AI models to download on the Hugging Face website and from a user named 'the block' who has a list of models available.

  • What are the two formats for AI models if a user has a GPU?

    -If a user has a GPU, they can choose between 'awq' and 'gptq' formats, with 'awq' being the more recent and recommended format.

  • What is the recommended small AI model for beginners?

    -The recommended small AI model for beginners is 'Mistral 7B', a 7 billion parameter model that requires around 4 GB of VRAM to run.

  • How can users have a conversation with virtual characters?

    -Users can have a conversation with virtual characters by selecting a character from the character gallery in the web UI and typing or speaking to them using the integrated text-to-speech and speech-to-text extensions.

  • What are the two text-to-speech options provided in the web UI?

    -The two text-to-speech options provided are 11Labs, which is a high-quality paid service, and Srow, which is a free alternative with various voice options.

  • How can users analyze and discuss images using the web UI?

    -Users can analyze and discuss images by downloading a special model like 'lava', selecting the 'instruct' mode for chat, and using the 'send the picture' feature to upload and describe the image.



🚀 Introduction to Uncensored AI and Installation Guide

The paragraph introduces the audience to an uncensored AI experience and guides them through the installation process of a software called uaba Tex, which allows users to run AI text models on their local computers. The speaker, 'k a overlo', contrasts this with the limitations of a well-known AI model, Chad gbt, which is censored and controlled by a corporation. The installation process is simplified for Patreon supporters with a one-click installer, while a manual installation method is also provided involving the use of G for Windows to clone a repository.


💻 Selecting and Downloading AI Models

This paragraph delves into the process of selecting and downloading AI models suitable for the user's hardware. It explains the difference between models designed for CPU (GG UF format) and GPU use (awq and gptq formats). The speaker advises on the appropriate model sizes based on the user's GPU capabilities and introduces 'huggingface doco' as a resource for finding AI models. Specific models like Mistral 7B and lat 2 30 billion are recommended for their efficiency and power. The paragraph also covers how to download these models using the web UI's model tab and the process of choosing specific versions of models.


🎧 Interactive AI Conversations with Voice and Text

The speaker demonstrates how to use the web UI to have interactive conversations with AI characters using both text and voice. Extensions like 11 Labs and srow are used to enable text-to-speech and speech-to-text capabilities, allowing users to converse with virtual characters through microphone input and receive audio responses. The paragraph highlights the entertainment and roleplay potential of this feature, as well as the integration of the API for text-to-speech services. It also addresses the limitations of the free API quota and offers a free alternative for extended use.


🖼️ AI Image Analysis and Conversation

This section introduces the ability of the web UI to analyze images using a special model called lava. The user can download this model and use it to have a conversation about an image, similar to CH GPT Vision. The process involves selecting the correct loader, adjusting the settings, and using the 'instruct mode' for special chat interactions with images. The speaker provides a brief demonstration of uploading an image and generating a description from the AI, showcasing the versatility of the web UI in handling both text and visual inputs.


🎉 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

The speaker concludes the video by summarizing the main points covered, including the installation and use of the web UI for uncensored AI interactions. The speaker encourages viewers to try it out for themselves and offers technical support for any installation issues. They also thank the viewers for watching, ask for likes and subscriptions, and express gratitude to Patreon supporters for their contributions.



💡uncensored roleplay

The term 'uncensored roleplay' refers to the creation and interaction with virtual characters or scenarios that are not restricted by content moderation or censorship. In the context of the video, it highlights the user's desire for an open and unrestricted AI experience, free from the limitations imposed by big corporations and their content policies.

💡AI text models

AI text models are artificial intelligence systems designed to generate, understand, and predict written language. These models can be used for various purposes, such as chatting, content creation, or language translation. In the video, the focus is on running these models locally, emphasizing the user's control and privacy.

💡local computer

Refers to a personal computer that is used and controlled by an individual, as opposed to cloud-based or remote servers. The emphasis on running AI models on a local computer in the video is to ensure that user data and interactions remain private and not subject to external monitoring or control.

💡Git for Windows

Git for Windows is a software package that provides the Git version control system along with the graphical user interface and command line tools necessary to clone and manage repositories. It is used in the video as a tool to download and install the 'uaba Tex, generation web UI' and its associated AI models.

💡Hugging Face

Hugging Face is an open-source platform that provides a wide range of AI models, datasets, and tools for natural language processing tasks. In the video, it is mentioned as a source for downloading AI text models that can be used with the 'uaba Tex, generation web UI'.

💡GPU and CPU

GPU stands for Graphics Processing Unit, and CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. These are essential components of a computer that perform the processing tasks. GPUs are specialized for graphics and parallel computations, while CPUs handle general-purpose computing tasks. In the context of the video, the choice between using GPU or CPU affects the performance and resource usage when running AI models.

💡parameter model

In the context of AI, a parameter model refers to the size and complexity of the model, with the number of parameters often indicating the model's capacity for understanding and generating language. A higher number of parameters typically means the model can handle more complex tasks but requires more computational resources.


Text-to-speech (TTS) is a technology that converts written text into spoken words using synthetic voices. This technology allows computers and devices to 'speak' the text, providing an auditory experience for users. In the video, TTS is used to give AI-generated responses an audible form, enhancing the interactive experience.

💡multimodel capabilities

Multimodel capabilities refer to the ability of a system to handle and integrate multiple AI models simultaneously. This allows users to perform a variety of tasks using different specialized models within the same interface, enhancing the flexibility and range of applications.

💡Patreon supporters

Patreon supporters are individuals who financially contribute to a content creator's work on the Patreon platform. These supporters often receive exclusive content or benefits as a token of appreciation for their contributions.

💡one-click installer

A one-click installer is a software installation process that can be initiated with a single mouse click, simplifying the setup and reducing the need for manual steps. This type of installer is designed to make software deployment more accessible and user-friendly.


Introducing an uncensored roleplay solution that bypasses big corporations' surveillance.

OpenAI's release of new tools and updates for chatbots, while still maintaining censorship.

The proposition of running uncensored large language models with multimodel capabilities on a local computer.

The simplicity of installation through a one-click installer for Patreon supporters.

Manual installation process involving G for Windows to clone a repository.

The use of Uberbot Text Generation Web UI as an interface for running AI text models.

Downloading and installing necessary files through 'start-windows.bat' and 'update-windows.bat'.

Adapting to different GPU types and deciding whether to use CUDA based on the GPU model.

The availability of AI models on Hugging Face Doco, a platform for AI models, datasets, and software testing.

Choosing between different AI model formats like gptq, awq, and gguf based on GPU or CPU usage.

Recommendations on specific AI models like Mistral 7B and Lat 2 30 billion for varying levels of computing power.

The process of downloading AI models through the Web UI's model tab and pasting the model name.

The refresh button's role in updating the model list after downloading.

Selecting the appropriate loader like Auto awq or Lama, CPP based on the model format.

The capability to converse with virtual characters, each with unique personalities and conversation styles.

Utilizing microphone input and text-to-speech output for a more interactive and natural conversation experience.

The integration of 11 Labs and Srow for text-to-speech and speech-to-text, enhancing the conversational capabilities.

The option to analyze and discuss images using AI models like lava, similar to GPT Vision.

The inclusion of a special character, Sandra the loving girlfriend, exclusive for Patreon supporters.

The availability of a one-click installer and technical support for users facing installation issues.