37 Academic Research
TLDR本视频由Dr. Krippin主讲,主题是提升研究水平。他强调了大学作为研究机器的角色,鼓励学生们学习如何系统地进行研究,并参与到这一过程中。Dr. Krippin通过举例说明了学术研究的循环性,即教授们如何相互影响,并通过教学和研究影响学生。他还强调了正确引用文献的重要性,以及如何使用学术数据库进行深入研究。Dr. Krippin建议学生使用学术数据库如JSTOR进行研究,并介绍了如何通过上传PDF文件到聊天机器人来帮助总结和理解研究材料。视频最后,他提醒学生在写作前先进行研究,并正确引用来源,以接近真理,使生活更轻松。
- 📚 我们处于大学环境中,需要学习如何进行系统化的研究。
- 🔬 大学像一个不断产生新研究的研究机器,每个人都是这个过程中的一部分。
- 🎓 如果你对进入研究生院或其他高等教育机构感兴趣,掌握研究过程尤为重要。
- 👨🏫 教授通过教学和研究影响学生,学生通过写作论文也会影响助教和教授,形成知识循环。
- 📝 学术研究是一代代传承下来的,研究成果会不断被后来的研究者引用和扩展。
- 📘 研究论文中的参考文献部分非常重要,它允许其他研究者继续在此基础上进行研究。
- 🤖 以人工智能为例,学生通过研究和写作论文,可以对教授和助教的知识产生影响。
- 🔍 进行学术研究时,应该使用学术数据库而不是仅仅依赖互联网搜索引擎。
- 📖 可以使用学术数据库如JSTOR进行文献搜索,并下载感兴趣的全文进行深入研究。
- 📑 即使是非正式的,也应该建立一个注释书目,以记录和回顾自己的研究过程。
- ✏️ 在学术写作中,正确引用来源是必要的,否则可能会影响你的学术成绩。
Q & A
Dr. Krippin在视频中提到了哪些研究过程的要素?
-Dr. Krippin提到了研究过程包括:学习如何系统地进行研究、参与研究过程、在大学环境中进行研究、撰写论文、教授和学生之间的相互影响、以及研究成果的传播和引用。
Dr. Krippin提到了哪些年份和研究活动?
-Dr. Krippin提到了1999年一位化学教授进行了研究并撰写了论文,2005年法国的一位教授读了这篇研究并用于自己的研究,2012年德国有人读了法国教授的研究并发表了自己的结果,2019年和2024年也有类似的研究传承。
Dr. Krippin提到了哪些学术研究的例子?
-Dr. Krippin提到了David Donaho关于人工智能奇点的研究作为学术研究的例子,并展示了参考文献部分的重要性。
Dr. Krippin建议如何使用学术数据库进行研究?
-Dr. Krippin建议首先浏览多个链接,选择看起来最有趣的进行深入阅读。他还建议使用如JSTOR这样的学术搜索引擎,并强调了下载全文的重要性。
如何利用Chat GPT来帮助研究?
-可以上传PDF文件到Chat GPT,并请求它总结内容,这有助于快速获取关键信息和新的想法,从而提高研究效率。
Dr. Krippin提到了哪些研究工具或资源?
-Dr. Krippin提到了学术数据库如JSTOR,以及使用Chat GPT来帮助审查和总结学术文章。
📚 大学研究的层次与学术交流
Dr. Krippin在视频中强调了大学作为研究机器的角色,鼓励学生学习如何进行系统性研究。他提到,学生在大学中不仅学习知识,还参与到研究过程中,这对于有意向继续深造的学生尤为重要。他通过举例说明,研究成果如何在不同国家和时间点的教授之间传递,以及教授如何通过授课和作业影响学生,形成学术研究的循环。此外,Dr. Krippin还提到了研究论文中的引用部分对于学术研究的重要性,并以David Donaho的研究为例,展示了学术引用的实践。
🔬 学术研究的循环与重要性
在这一部分,Dr. Krippin解释了学术研究的循环是如何运作的,并通过Donaho教授的例子,说明了前人的研究如何影响后来者。他强调了在研究中引用前人工作的重要性,并建议学生在撰写论文时,应使用学术数据库进行研究,而不是仅仅依赖互联网搜索引擎。他还提到了JSTOR数据库,并展示了如何使用它来寻找和下载学术文章,以支持研究。
🔍 学术数据库的利用与研究方法
Dr. Krippin在这一段中详细介绍了如何利用学术数据库进行研究。他建议学生在开始阅读之前,先浏览多个链接,选择最感兴趣的文章。他还提出了使用Chat GPT来帮助总结PDF文件内容的想法,以提高研究效率。此外,Dr. Krippin讨论了创建注释书目的重要性,无论是正式的MLA格式还是非正式的手写笔记,都可以帮助研究者记录和回顾研究过程。
✍️ 学术写作与引用的重要性
在视频的最后部分,Dr. Krippin强调了学术写作中正确引用来源的必要性。他警告学生,如果不正确地记录来源,可能会导致学术不诚实的问题,甚至可能得到不及格的成绩。他建议学生在研究之后进行写作,因为这是大学教育的一部分,也是最有效和最便捷的获取知识的方法。
Dr. Krippin 强调了将研究提升到更高水平的重要性,并鼓励学生通过电子邮件提出问题或评论。
David Donaho 的研究论文展示了学术研究的引用和影响。
Dr. Krippin 个人的经历说明了研究引用的重要性。
使用Chat GPT帮助审阅和总结下载的PDF文件内容。
通过Chat GPT获取的新思路:将AI意外事件纳入训练场景中。
hello again I'm Dr krippin today let's
talk about taking our research to a
higher level but before we do that as
always there's my email address aronin
gmail.com please email me if you have
any questions or comments about the
course so we are in Academia now we are
in the university all of us are
participating in the University so let's
think about what that means you come to
the university for a specific reason and
part of it is to learn how to do
research in a methodical way and
participate in this process of research
a university is like a research machine
it's always producing new research I'm a
part of it you're a part of it now too
and we want to learn how to do it the
right way especially if you're
interested in going to graduate school
some kind of school after the university
you definitely want to uh get a hang of
of the research process in the
University setting but just for success
in in the University now we also want to
get a handle on it so imagine uh there's
professor say a chemist okay a chemistry
professor at the University a long time
ago did some research and then wrote an
essay we'll say that's in 1999 in the
year 1999 there's this chemistry
professor did research then wrote an
essay presenting the results of the
research then a few few years later in
2005 a professor somewhere else in
France uh reads the research from
1999 and uses that that contributes to
her research that she does and then she
publishes her results in France in 2005
and then a few years later in 2012
someone in Germany reads those results
and uses those as part of their research
experiment and then they publish their
results and so on the next one in 2019
it gets passed on to 2024 and so the
research continues from one Professor to
the next right and the professors
influence students as well the
professors influence undergraduate
students in the lectures the students go
and hear the professor talking about the
thing that the professor's been reading
and experimenting with the professor
gives assignments to the undergraduates
which lead them to experience similar
things to what the professor is
interested in right so the
undergraduates are influenced by the
professor then they need to write essays
right like now you are in a course
you're writing an essay one of the
topics is AI for example right so you
now are doing research on AI why because
of a professor who me why am I
interested in it well generally it's
relevant to our future writing but also
I had people at my University also
conducting research right my University
is doing it so now it's to you you're
writing an essay about Ai and you have a
ta a graduate student who's reading what
you write so they are influenced by your
research when you write your essay you
will have some quotations in there some
new information maybe new ideas which
your ta will read and that will actually
educate the TA and contribute to the
knowledge that the TA has so when a TA
reads uh a 100 different student essays
the TA is also learning that
and guess what that then goes to
influence the professor as well uh and
so it becomes a cycle the professor then
publishes the result of what he or she
has been doing and it back into the
cycle it
goes so if we look at a real world
example of how this works here's one
piece of research this is an academic
piece of writing by David donaho there
okay so that's the author he has has
written this thing about the singularity
I keep looking into the AI Singularity
here because I want to know what it is
so he's written about it and uh
following below this is his essay his
research findings and at the end is his
references section and we see other
people who have written about similar
topics ball Barrett Benson and so on now
this is a references section for us
we'll have a works cited section instead
of the references section but it's
almost the same thing so before donaho
there was ball and Barrett and Benson so
remember ball and remember Dono because
we want to come back here and fill in
some of this with real life examples so
let's take this professor here and we'll
say that's donaho right there in the
cycle and before he did his before he
presented his writing he read ball for
example and now I am cripping I am now
reading donaho so let's imagine I have
read donaho and then I write something
about artificial intelligence then the
next person can be influenced by what I
write and so on so this is how the Cycle
Works in real
life we could simplify it and just kind
of get rid of a lot of the uh the
apparatus of the whole university and
just look at one course like the course
that we're in right now there are
undergraduate students and there's a
professor right and you have to write
these essays about for example AI you do
research and we have multiple people as
a class doing research then that goes to
me I read what you wrote I get new
information from you sometimes I get new
ideas also and I read a 100 essays I'm
learning a lot about AI from
undergraduate students okay so I
probably know a lot more than the
average person about AI why because of
my students because of you that's why
you did research I read your research I
found new ideas from what you did okay
so then what happens then I go and
influence the students right I give
assignments I talk about Ai and it this
is just another cycle within this
greater cycle of the academic machine
and it keeps going around and around it
never ends it produces more and more
research with the goal of getting closer
to the truth that's why we keep doing
this is we're trying to get closer to
the truth and when our mind uh fits the
actual reality the material physical
reality of the world it makes life
easier for us that's why we want to get
closer to the
truth so that makes the work cited page
all the more important remember Dono had
the references section we have the work
cited section we're using MLA format
it's just about the same but these names
bestof Farmers Insurance Group hany it
someone can come along and use those to
continue research and when you put these
in your essay then someone can use your
essay as a research tool that's what
we're trying to do here so the work
cited page is very important to what
we're doing when I was in uh when I was
an undergraduate in college I didn't
think this part was important at all I
didn't think about it but now I
understand that it is and with AI it's
more and more
important so to do academic research
rather than just doing internet research
using a search engine like Google or by
do you want to use uh databases academic
databases probably from your University
School library so here's an example of a
University Library website and all the
databases it has you see up at the top
of of the uh page here a toz databases
and then notice there are
databases um I only know about four of
them they're
740 I have no idea what they are so it's
too many databases for me actually but
we only need to know a few main ones
that'll definitely be enough for our
purposes uh so I want to point out Jore
which I've mentioned previously in one
video you see up in the corner there jst
o r people just say d j store this
essentially works like a Google search
engine internet search engine um except
that normally it costs a lot of money to
use this one you need a subscription so
usually it's University libraries that
have it J store now does have a public
website so we can use this one without
paying anything and but it uh the search
result are academic essays so you see
there in the search bar I typed in AI
Singularity then I did a search so let's
see what the results look like it looks
almost the same as uh an internet search
engine would one a public search engine
we get a bunch of links and one thing
important to notice about these links is
the option to download things so if we
can download the full text and read the
entire thing that's useful for us if
there's no download we can't read it so
it's not useful so the first thing we
want to notice is which one of these
things have the option for download
right and then as you're going through
them browse many links look up and down
at the titles of 20 different pages
don't just choose the first one and open
it and then read what's there for 30
minutes and then go back to the second
link and open it and read what's there
for 20 minutes don't do that way just
look up and down 20 different links
whichever ones look the most interesting
first look at those first and then after
you've chosen some that are good and you
you decided to ignore some that are not
good open more than one those good ones
open multiple Links of those and again
just browse don't start reading the
first one for 30 minutes right
now one thing you can do now that we
have chat GPT so powerful is you can
upload the PDF file after you download
it you can upload it into chat GPT and
ask chat GPT to help you review it so
look up here at the prompt I gave to
chat GPT 40 I uploaded that file that we
were looking at the first one with this
instruction could you summarize the
content of this PDF for me please I'm
researching Ai and Singularity for a
essay and so then chat GPT gives me
these results here and as I'm looking at
the results I find out okay this is
about the Israeli Defense Forces it's
about the army of Israel using AI it
doesn't sound very interesting to me I
just look at it a little bit as we look
down I see number six though looks in
interesting recommendations for
addressing AI Singularity because my
topic was Singularity right so possible
solutions I look there at that and then
one of them looks interesting actually
it says incorporating AI based surprises
into training scenarios to prepare
commanders and staffs for new types of
threats so that's kind of a new idea
actually I guess I would have thought of
it eventually but I hadn't thought of it
so far is one way to prepare for
problems from AI is to imagine problems
from Ai and create some surprise
problems so if we're trying to prepare
for bad things that can happen with AI
we could basically gameplay them now
make up a bunch of problems and and do
sort of games to figure out how we
should best respond to them so I I don't
think that I want to read this essay too
much I'm not going to uh spend a half an
hour reading it but I did get a new
thought just by this process here and
that's helpful too so what you can do
even if you're not going to read all of
these things is build in annotated
bibliography now there are formal ones
like this MLA annotated bi bibliography
and you may need to do one for your
course right um and then if you a formal
one someone else can come and and look
at your annotated bibliography and just
use it almost like a map for their
research they see the record of your
research and then they can go and
continue research from there but you can
also do an informal annotated
bibliography just writing by hand on
some paper taking notes on all of the
different things that you've looked at
just like that one about the Israeli
Army just now just write it down and
make sure you can find it again for your
own purposes uh when later in research
it's time for you to come back and
figure out what you're going to write
down so this also makes the Intex
citations all the more important when
you're writing your paragraphs and
you're including quotations in your
paragraphs uh academic writing puts
extra emphasis on including the source
that's the source name there Wordsworth
and the page number is
263 um this is very important in
academic research in fact it's totally
necessary and you could end up getting a
grade of 60 or zero if you don't
properly document your
sources so I'm going to stop here with
this video um just be sure to do your
research first writing second because
that's the nature of the University
that's what we're learning here among
other things but it's also the fastest
way and the the easiest way to get to
the truth and the truth makes life
easier for all of us all right I'm going
to stop here for today until our next
video take care everyone
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