Is Stable Diffusion WebUI Forge Just Plain Better Than A1111 WebUI?

Nerdy Rodent
10 Feb 202416:17

TLDRWeb UI Forge is introduced as an improved version of the Automatic 1111, addressing long-standing bugs and offering significant performance enhancements, especially for users with low-end graphics cards. It boasts a variety of built-in extensions and new features, such as masks with IP adapter and Photo Maker, which were not available in the original Automatic 1111. The installation process is outlined, with options for both beginners and more tech-savvy users. Web UI Forge's model swapping capability, speed, and memory efficiency are tested and proven superior to Automatic 1111, providing a seamless and powerful experience for users.


  • 🚀 Web UI Forge is an improved version of the Automatic 1111, designed to address long-standing bugs and performance issues.
  • 💻 Users with low-end graphics cards can expect significant performance improvements, up to 75% speed up for 6GB VRAM cards and around 5% for 4090 users.
  • 📊 Forge optimizes GPU memory usage, making it more efficient and suitable for higher resolutions or larger batch sizes.
  • 🔧 The transition from Automatic 1111 to Web UI Forge is straightforward, with extensions built-in and an easier way to add custom features.
  • 🔄 Web UI Forge introduces new tools and features not available in the original Automatic 1111, such as masks with IP adapter and Photomaker.
  • 🔧 There are two installation options for Web UI Forge: a one-click package for Windows users and a manual installation for more tech-savvy users on Linux or Mac.
  • 📖 The manual installation instructions are brief and may require some prior knowledge of Python and environment management.
  • 💡 It is recommended to keep Automatic 1111 and Forge environments separate for the best compatibility and to avoid potential issues.
  • ⏱️ Web UI Forge demonstrates faster model swapping without the RAM issues experienced in Automatic 1111.
  • 🎨 The built-in extensions, such as IP adapter and Photomaker, offer advanced creative possibilities, including the ability to create custom masks and stylized images.
  • 📈 Performance and memory usage improvements in Web UI Forge are quantifiable, with faster generation times and lower memory consumption compared to Automatic 1111.

Q & A

  • What is the main difference between Web UI Forge and the original Automatic 1111?

    -Web UI Forge is an improved version of Automatic 1111 that addresses long-standing bugs, offers better performance and resource usage improvements, especially for users with low-end graphics cards, and provides a variety of built-in extensions and tools that were not available in the original Automatic 1111.

  • How does Web UI Forge benefit users with 6 gig VRAM cards?

    -Users with 6 gig VRAM cards can expect up to a 75% speed up when using Web UI Forge, as it significantly improves performance and resource usage.

  • What is the advantage of using Web UI Forge for users with high-end GPUs, like the 4090?

    -Even users with high-end GPUs, such as the 4090, can expect a performance boost, although it is smaller, around the 5% level.

  • How has Web UI Forge addressed the issue of out-of-memory errors in Automatic 1111?

    -Web UI Forge has improved GPU peak memory usage, which helps in resolving out-of-memory errors that users faced with Automatic 1111, especially when working with increased resolutions, batch sizes, or other resource-intensive tasks.

  • What are some of the built-in extensions available in Web UI Forge that were not present in the original Automatic 1111?

    -Web UI Forge includes built-in extensions such as masks with IP adapter, control net photomaker, and a variety of other tools that were previously only accessible through the Comfy UI.

  • What are the two installation options for Web UI Forge?

    -The two installation options for Web UI Forge are using a one-click package for Microsoft Windows users and performing a normal installation by cloning the forge repo and running the appropriate script or batch file.

  • Why is it recommended to avoid using the one-click installer if you plan to use other Python programs?

    -The one-click installer is not recommended for users who intend to use other Python programs because it does not provide an understanding of the installation process, and it may lead to confusion about the presence of Python and the environment setup.

  • How can Linux or Mac users run Web UI Forge?

    -Linux or Mac users should run the '' file without the 'user' at the end, as the '' file is commented out and does nothing.

  • What is the significance of the '' file in the installation process?

    -The '' file is used to set command line arguments for checkpoints, hyper networks, embeddings, and other parameters. It is important to back up this file if any changes are made.

  • How does Web UI Forge handle model swapping compared to Automatic 1111?

    -Web UI Forge significantly improves model swapping by allowing users to change models without the issues of memory consumption or incomplete model loading that were present in Automatic 1111.

  • What are some additional features of Web UI Forge that contribute to its efficiency and ease of use?

    -Web UI Forge offers additional features such as better memory utilization, improved performance, a range of built-in extensions, and the ability to use masks with IP adapters and other control nets, which were not available or had limitations in Automatic 1111.



🚀 Introduction to Web UI Forge and Performance Improvements

This paragraph introduces Web UI Forge, a new tool that combines the automatic 1111 web UI with improved functionality and performance. It highlights the significant performance and resource usage improvements, especially for users with low-end graphics cards and 6 gig VRAM cards, promising up to a 75% speed increase. The script also mentions a 5% boost for 4090 users and improved GPU peak memory usage. Users can expect better handling of features that previously caused out of memory errors in automatic 1111. The paragraph emphasizes that Web UI Forge is a better choice due to these improvements and additional features like built-in extensions and easier customization options.


📋 Installation Guide and Python Environment Management

The second paragraph delves into the installation process of Web UI Forge, outlining two primary options. It details the one-click package for Microsoft Windows users, which simplifies the process but may leave users uninformed about the underlying workings. For more tech-savvy users, it provides instructions for a normal install, involving Anaconda environment setup and running specific commands for Linux, Mac, or Windows. The paragraph also advises backing up any modified files and recommends keeping separate environments for automatic 1111 and Forge for optimal compatibility. It concludes with a brief mention of the benefits of learning Python environment management to avoid future issues.


✨ Testing Web UI Forge: Model Swapping and Performance

This paragraph focuses on testing the claims of Web UI Forge, particularly its model swapping capabilities and performance enhancements. It compares the model swapping issues in automatic 1111 with the seamless swapping experience in Web UI Forge. The paragraph presents a practical test, swapping between models and generating images to demonstrate the improved efficiency. It also compares memory usage and processing time, confirming that Web UI Forge is faster and more memory-efficient. The paragraph concludes by highlighting additional features like IP adapters and masks, which are now built into Web UI Forge.


🎨 Exploring Built-In Extensions: Masks and Photo Maker

The final paragraph discusses the variety of built-in extensions available in Web UI Forge, such as control net, free U hyper tile, IP adapter, photomaker, and more. It demonstrates the use of masks with IP adapters, allowing users to create custom images with precise control over the generation process. The paragraph showcases the ability to doodle masks and adjust canvas sizes to match the desired output. It also introduces Photo Maker, a feature that simplifies the process of generating images with a specific style and control net. The summary emphasizes the ease of use and the creative potential unlocked by these new features in Web UI Forge.



💡Web UI Forge

Web UI Forge is an improved version of the Automatic 1111 web interface, designed to address various long-standing bugs and performance issues. It offers better resource usage, especially for users with low-end graphics cards, and increased speed, with up to a 75% improvement for those with 6 gig VRAM cards. The platform also provides additional features and extensions, making it a more efficient and feature-rich choice for users.

💡Performance Improvements

Performance improvements refer to the enhancements in speed and efficiency that Web UI Forge brings to the table compared to its predecessor, Automatic 1111. These improvements are particularly noticeable for users with lower-end graphics cards and those who work with high resolutions or large batch sizes. The script highlights that even users with high-end cards like the 4090 can expect a modest performance boost.

💡Resource Usage

Resource usage in the context of the script refers to the consumption of system resources like memory and processing power by the Web UI Forge application. The improvements in resource usage mean that the application runs more efficiently, using less memory and providing better performance, which is beneficial for users with limited hardware capabilities.


Extensions in the script refer to additional features or tools integrated into Web UI Forge that enhance its functionality. These extensions provide users with more options for customization and control over their projects, such as masks with IP adapter and control net photomaker, which were not available in the original Automatic 1111.


Installation refers to the process of setting up and preparing Web UI Forge for use. The script outlines two primary installation methods: a one-click package for Windows users and a manual installation process for more tech-savvy users or those on Linux and Mac. The manual installation involves using command-line instructions and understanding Python environments.

💡Python Environment

A Python environment is a setup that includes the Python interpreter, libraries, and other components necessary to run Python programs. In the context of the script, managing Python environments is crucial for installing Web UI Forge correctly and avoiding potential conflicts with other Python programs.


Checkpoints in the script refer to the saving points in the Automatic 1111 application, which allow users to save their progress and return to it later. The improvements in Web UI Forge address issues related to loading checkpoints, which were a problem in the previous version.

💡IP Adapter

IP Adapter is an extension in Web UI Forge that allows users to integrate their own images or styles into the generation process, creating unique and customized outputs. It is one of the many extensions that come built-in with Web UI Forge, enhancing its creative capabilities.


Masks in the context of the script are tools used in conjunction with extensions like IP Adapter to define specific areas of the generated image that should adhere to certain styles or features. They provide greater control over the final output and are a new addition in Web UI Forge, enhancing its versatility.

💡Control Net

Control Net is a feature in Web UI Forge that enables users to influence the generation process by setting specific parameters or conditions. It works in conjunction with extensions and is used to fine-tune the output based on user preferences.


Photomaker is a built-in feature of Web UI Forge that allows users to create images from text prompts with a high level of control over the final output. It offers functionalities similar to other extensions but is particularly focused on generating images with a specific style or theme.


Introduction to Web UI Forge, a new interface that improves upon the previous automatic 1111 web UI.

Web UI Forge addresses long-standing bugs in automatic 1111, such as issues with checkpoint loading.

Users with low-end graphics cards can expect significant performance and resource usage improvements with Web UI Forge.

Individuals with 6 gig VRAM cards may see up to a 75% speed up, and even 4090 users can expect around a 5% boost.

GPU Peak memory usage is expected to be better in Web UI Forge, benefiting those wanting increased resolutions or batch sizes.

Web UI Forge offers a variety of extensions built-in and an easier way to add custom content.

New tools available in Web UI Forge that were not present in the original automatic 1111, such as masks with IP adapter and control net photomaker.

Installation instructions for Web UI Forge are provided, with options for both Windows users and more tech-savvy users.

The one-click package for Windows users is designed for quick and easy setup but may lack educational value.

For Linux or Mac users, the installation process is slightly different and requires running the web file.

Web UI Forge allows for model swapping without the issues that plagued automatic 1111.

Performance tests show that Web UI Forge is faster and more memory-efficient than automatic 1111.

Built-in extensions like IP adapter and masks offer capabilities that were not available in automatic 1111.

Web UI Forge includes Photo Maker, a tool for easy generation of images with special activation words and control nets.

The Web UI Forge environment is recommended for the best compatibility and to avoid potential issues with existing Python environments.

Symbolic links can be used to save space and reuse models from automatic 1111 in Web UI Forge.

Web UI Forge provides a more consistent and reliable experience for users, especially when compared to the issues found in automatic 1111.