Is This Rooftop Turbine the Future of Energy… or an Old Idea?

Undecided with Matt Ferrell
14 May 202418:49

TLDRThe video discusses the VX175, a shrouded rooftop wind turbine developed by Norwegian company Ventum Dynamics. Unlike traditional wind turbines, the VX175 features a shroud that accelerates wind, allowing more air to pass through and potentially increasing power output. The design has been misunderstood as being inspired by an 18th-century invention by Erasmus Darwin, but the VX175 is actually a modern take on the IMPLUX turbine, invented by engineer Varan Sureshan. The turbine is designed for urban environments, where it can harness energy from turbulent airflows common in cities. The VX175 is stationary except for the rotor, which reduces maintenance costs and noise. While there's no public performance data yet, the turbine shows promise for decentralized power supply in commercial and residential areas, particularly for apartment buildings and industrial zones.


  • 🌪 The VX175 is a shrouded rooftop wind turbine developed by Norwegian company Ventum Dynamics, which was released to the market in February.
  • 🏢 The turbine is designed to be deployed along the edges of large industrial and commercial buildings, similar to the Aeromine rooftop wind turbine.
  • 🛡️ A key feature of the VX175 is its shroud, a lantern-like structure that wraps around the body to accelerate wind and allow a greater volume of air to pass through the turbine.
  • 🤔 The VX175's design was initially thought to be connected to an older concept by Erasmus Darwin, but it turns out that the modern turbine was not based on Darwin's design.
  • 🌬️ The shroud technology has been experimented with for decades to amplify a turbine’s power output, but the modern application in the VX175 is distinct.
  • 📚 The IMPLUX turbine, originally invented by engineer Varan Sureshan, is more closely related to the VX175 than Darwin’s design, although Sureshan was not inspired by Darwin’s work.
  • 💡 The VX175 aims to harness wind energy in urban environments, particularly from turbulent airflows common in cities, by using an omnidirectional shroud.
  • 🔍 There is skepticism due to the lack of publicly available performance data for the VX175, but the potential for increased efficiency in certain environments is promising.
  • 🏗️ Ventum's turbine is designed to be maintenance-friendly with no moving parts except the rotor, which also contributes to a quieter operation.
  • 🌿 The turbine is not intended for single-family homes but is suited for apartment blocks, commercial buildings, and offices, with a larger version, the VX300, in development for industrial areas.
  • ♻️ The development and potential success of the VX175 highlight the importance of decentralized power supply and the exploration of various wind turbine technologies to increase the adoption of renewable energy.

Q & A

  • What is unique about the Aeromine rooftop wind turbine?

    -The Aeromine rooftop wind turbine is unique due to its 'motionless' design, which differentiates it from traditional wind turbines.

  • What is the name of the new rooftop turbine released by the Norwegian company Ventum Dynamics?

    -The new rooftop turbine released by Ventum Dynamics is called the VX175.

  • How does the VX175 shrouded wind turbine differ from traditional wind turbines?

    -The VX175 features a lantern-like shroud wrapped around the body, which accelerates the wind and allows a greater volume of air to pass through the turbine, enhancing its power output.

  • Who is Erasmus Darwin and what is his connection to the concept of shrouded wind turbines?

    -Erasmus Darwin was an English physician and the grandfather of Charles Darwin. He developed a shrouded windmill, which is an early concept that has similarities to modern shrouded turbines like the VX175, although the modern design is not directly based on his work.

  • What is the IMPLUX turbine and how is it related to the VX175?

    -The IMPLUX turbine was invented by engineer Varan Sureshan and represents a 'static turbine' and 'dynamic turbine' combination for higher power extraction. The VX175 incorporates features from the IMPLUX, and Ventum acquired the patent for it, making the two turbines essentially the same machine with the VX175 optimized for manufacturing.

  • What are the advantages of using a shroud in a wind turbine?

    -Shrouds in wind turbines offer several advantages, including the concentration of wind energy, low exit pressure leading to increased airflow and faster wind speeds, avoidance of tip losses, and overall increased efficiency and power output.

  • Why might shrouded turbines like the VX175 not be economically practical for traditional wind turbine applications?

    -Attaching a heavy shroud to an already massive traditional turbine tower could threaten structural integrity, and the cost of such components has historically been a consistent drawback, making them less economically practical for traditional applications.

  • What is a DAWT and how does it differ from a traditional wind turbine?

    -A DAWT, or diffuser-augmented wind turbine, is a type of turbine that uses a shroud, duct, or diffuser to increase speed and power output. Unlike traditional wind turbines, DAWTs are designed to be more efficient in areas with lower wind speeds, such as urban and residential areas.

  • What are the potential benefits of using the VX175 turbine in urban environments?

    -The VX175 turbine can be mounted on the tops of buildings and is designed to capture energy from turbulent airflow common in cities. It can harness the 'edge effect' where wind is redirected upwards and accelerated by buildings, potentially leading to higher efficiencies and power output in such environments.

  • How does the noise level of the VX175 turbine compare to general environmental noise standards?

    -The VX175 produces noise at about 40 decibels in 6 m/s (13.4 mph) winds, which is quieter than the 55 dB considered acceptable for human health by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

  • What are the potential applications and target markets for the VX175 turbine?

    -The VX175 is suitable for commercial buildings, offices, and apartments. Ventum Dynamics is also releasing the VX300, a larger version for industrial areas like warehouses and storage facilities. These turbines aim to bring wind power to more populated areas where traditional wind turbines may not be feasible.



🌬️ Exploring the VX175 Rooftop Wind Turbine

This segment introduces the new VX175 rooftop wind turbine by Ventum Dynamics, comparing it to the previously discussed Aeromine turbine. The VX175 is notable for its shrouded design which enhances wind acceleration and increases airflow through the turbine. The turbine is mounted on the edges of large buildings and its design incorporates historical concepts that amplify a turbine's power output, using shrouds around the rotor. The segment also addresses a common misconception linking the design to a Darwinian concept, clarifying that the design's origins are independent of such historical inventions.


📜 Historical Context and Misinformation About VX175

The narrative delves into the historical confusion surrounding the VX175, initially believed to be inspired by Erasmus Darwin's windmill designs. However, it is clarified that there is no direct connection between Darwin’s designs and the VX175. The segment explores the process of discovery and misinformation that led to this belief, highlighting the role of a misleading video and subsequent research by the channel's team. It also reflects on the broader implications of such misunderstandings in science communication, emphasizing the importance of accurate historical and technical research.


🌀 Shrouded Turbines and Their Modern Application

This part discusses the functionality and classification of the VX175 as a Diffuser-Augmented Wind Turbine (DAWT). It outlines the theoretical benefits of using shrouds, such as increased power output and efficiency through concentrated wind energy and reduced exit pressure. The segment also considers the economic and practical challenges of implementing shrouded turbines, particularly in urban environments with lower wind speeds. The narrative contrasts the VX175’s design with historical attempts and explains why shrouds are periodically revisited in turbine design.


🏗️ The Evolution and Future of the VX175

The final segment discusses the development and potential of the VX175. It explains how the turbine benefits from an omnidirectional shroud that maximizes energy capture from turbulent city winds. Maintenance advantages due to minimal moving parts are also highlighted, along with the absence of public performance data which invokes skepticism. The segment wraps up by contemplating the broader implications of introducing such technologies into urban settings, questioning the practicality and future integration of small wind turbines (SWTs) in populated areas.



💡Aeromine rooftop wind turbine

The Aeromine rooftop wind turbine is a unique design mentioned at the beginning of the video that sets the stage for discussing the VX175. It is significant as it represents the kind of innovative wind power technology that can be deployed on rooftops, which is a theme explored throughout the video.

💡Ventum Dynamics

Ventum Dynamics is a Norwegian company that has developed the VX175, a shrouded wind turbine. The company plays a central role in the video as it brings the VX175 to market, showcasing an example of how wind energy technology is evolving.


A shroud in the context of the video refers to the lantern-like structure that wraps around the body of the VX175 wind turbine. It is a key innovation that accelerates wind, allowing a greater volume of air to pass through the turbine, which is crucial for increasing power output in a compact design suitable for rooftops.

💡Erasmus Darwin

Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, is mentioned in the video as he developed a windmill with a similar shrouded design in the 18th century. His invention serves as a historical point of interest and a misleading connection to the VX175, which is clarified in the video as being unrelated to Darwin's work.

💡IMPLUX turbine

The IMPLUX turbine is an invention by engineer Varan Sureshan and is mentioned as a precursor to the VX175. It is significant because it represents the original concept that influenced the design of the VX175, despite not being directly based on Erasmus Darwin's design.

💡Darwinian invention

The term 'Darwinian invention' in the video refers to the misconception that the VX175 is based on an invention by Charles Darwin. The video clarifies that the actual connection is to Erasmus Darwin, and even then, the VX175 is not a direct evolution of Erasmus Darwin's design.

💡Decentralized power supply

Decentralized power supply is a concept discussed in the video that highlights the benefits of smaller wind turbines like the VX175. It refers to the distribution of electricity generation closer to the point of use, which can be facilitated by rooftop turbines and is a key advantage of this technology.

💡Diffuser-augmented wind turbine (DAWT)

A DAWT, or diffuser-augmented wind turbine, is a type of turbine that uses a shroud or similar device to increase wind speed and power output. The VX175 is an example of a DAWT, and the video discusses how this technology can make use of low wind speeds typically found in urban areas.

💡Levelized cost of energy (LCOE)

LCOE is a measure of the average cost to generate unit electricity over the lifetime of a project and is mentioned in the context of comparing the efficiency of different wind turbine technologies. The video cites a study showing that DAWTs like the VX175 can significantly reduce LCOE, making them more economically viable.

💡Annual energy production (AEP)

AEP refers to the amount of energy a turbine is expected to produce in a year. It is a critical metric for assessing the effectiveness of wind turbines. The video discusses how the VX175's design aims to increase AEP, particularly in urban environments with turbulent airflow.


Surfshark is mentioned as the sponsor of the video. It is a VPN service that offers security and privacy features, including the ability to bypass geofencing blocks on content and shopping services. The mention of Surfshark serves as an example of how the video also includes赞助商 (sponsorship) content, which is a common practice in online media.


Norwegian company Ventum Dynamics has released a new rooftop wind turbine, the VX175, featuring a unique shroud design.

The VX175 is deployed along the edges of large industrial and commercial buildings, similar to the Aeromine rooftop wind turbine.

The shroud of the VX175 accelerates wind, allowing a greater volume of air to pass through the turbine, potentially increasing power output.

The design of the VX175 has been mistakenly associated with an invention by Erasmus Darwin, Charles Darwin's grandfather.

Ventum's turbine is not based on Darwin's design; it is a new form of the IMPLUX turbine invented by engineer Varan Sureshan.

The IMPLUX turbine faced manufacturing and political challenges that prevented its commercialization.

Ventum's VX175 is optimized for manufacturing and incorporates features from the IMPLUX, making it a successor to the earlier design.

The VX175 has an omnidirectional shroud, enabling it to capture energy from turbulent airflow common in urban environments.

The turbine has no moving parts except the rotor, which reduces maintenance costs and contributes to a quieter operation.

Ventum's turbine is designed for use on commercial buildings, offices, and apartment blocks, with a larger version, the VX300, for industrial areas.

The VX175 represents an example of humans thinking alike across time, with no direct link between Darwin's windmill and modern designs.

Shrouds, or diffusers, have been experimented with for decades to amplify a turbine's power output.

The VX175 is a DAWT (diffuser-augmented wind turbine), a class of turbine that aims to use low wind speeds from rooftops more effectively.

Shrouds can offer increased power output by concentrating wind energy and reducing tip losses, but their economic practicality has been a challenge.

Ventum's approach to using shrouds on rooftop turbines is innovative, as it avoids the structural integrity issues of larger traditional turbines.

The VX175 is designed to harness the 'edge effect' of wind acceleration in urban environments, potentially increasing efficiency.

While there is skepticism due to the lack of public performance data, the VX175 represents ongoing attempts to improve small wind turbines for populated areas.