BlueWillow - AI SuperModel or BAD Idea?

Olivio Sarikas
21 Jan 202306:39

TLDRThe video discusses the concept of Blue Willow, an AI art generation tool that aggregates multiple models to select the best one for a user's prompt. It compares Blue Willow to MidJourney, highlighting the potential benefits of its supermodel approach, such as faster updates and a streamlined process. However, concerns are raised about the limitations of text prompts in capturing complex ideas and the challenges of working with an ever-evolving mix of models. The video invites viewers to explore Blue Willow's early, free version on Discord and share their experiences.


  • 🤖 The concept of Blue Willow is an AI that combines various models to determine the best output for a given text prompt.
  • 🌟 Blue Willow aims to simplify the process for artists by choosing the most suitable model from a collection, based on the input provided.
  • 🎨 Unlike Mid-Journey and Stable Diffusion, Blue Willow initially focuses on text prompts and later plans to include image inputs and other options.
  • 🔄 The idea behind Blue Willow is to provide incremental updates to the individual models, which are then reflected in the supermodel, offering faster and more targeted improvements.
  • 🚀 Blue Willow could potentially reduce the overwhelm faced by artists due to the vast number of models available online.
  • 💡 The challenge with Blue Willow is understanding the user's intent from a text prompt, as language has limitations in expressing complex ideas or images.
  • 🧠 Artists can learn to manipulate specific models like Mid-Journey through practice, but Blue Willow's changing model mix could disrupt this learning process.
  • 🔧 With Blue Willow, there's a risk of an endless loop of adjustments as the model mix evolves and prompts may yield different results over time.
  • 🎭 Stable Diffusion allows for the creation of unique models and artistic styles, which is important for individuality in art, a feature not yet clear with Blue Willow.
  • 🌐 Despite the uncertainties, Blue Willow is currently available for free, allowing users to experiment and provide feedback during its early development stages.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the concept of Blue Willow, an AI that aims to combine various models and data sets to generate the best results based on the user's input.

  • How does Blue Willow differ from Mid-Journey?

    -Blue Willow differs from Mid-Journey in that it does not have the same visual graphic fatality as Mid-Journey and is limited to text prompts and images, without the other choices available in stable diffusion models.

  • What is the advantage of having a supermodel like Blue Willow?

    -The advantage of having a supermodel like Blue Willow is that it can automatically update individual models, allowing for faster and more specific improvements and fixes.

  • What is the challenge with AI choosing the best model for a user's prompt?

    -The challenge is that language is limited in expressing what's in a person's mind, and the AI may not accurately select the model that best represents the user's intended outcome.

  • How does the user interact with a single model in stable diffusion?

    -In stable diffusion, the user can learn to work with the model by manipulating prompts, weights, and other parameters to achieve specific results and interact with the model to get desired outputs.

  • What is the concern with having an ever-changing model mix in Blue Willow?

    -The concern is that as the models change, the prompts may not work as effectively with the new mix, leading to unpredictable results and a continuous struggle to understand and control the AI's output.

  • How does stable diffusion support individuality in artistic output?

    -Stable diffusion supports individuality by allowing users to create and train their own models, merge them with others, and refine them to produce unique and personalized artistic creations.

  • What is the current status of Blue Willow in terms of accessibility?

    -As of the video, Blue Willow is in an early development stage and is completely free to use, with no cost for creating images. Users can access it through Discord.

  • What is the speaker's final verdict on Blue Willow?

    -The speaker has not reached a definitive conclusion about Blue Willow, expressing both excitement for its potential and concern about the challenges it may present.

  • What does the speaker suggest we should do with Blue Willow?

    -The speaker suggests that we should continue to observe and wait for more developments, but in the meantime, users are encouraged to experiment with Blue Willow as it is freely available.



🤖 Introduction to Blue Willow AI Concept

This paragraph introduces the Blue Willow AI concept, which is described as a hybrid idea that combines the best and worst aspects of AI. The speaker discusses the limitations of current AI models like Mid-Journey and Stable Diffusion, and how Blue Willow aims to address these by training an AI to select the most suitable models and datasets for a given text prompt. The idea is to streamline the process of creating art by eliminating the need for users to understand the myriad of options available. The speaker also raises concerns about the potential loss of individuality and control over the creative process, as the AI would make decisions on the user's behalf.


🎨 Balancing Creativity and AI Assistance

The second paragraph delves into the importance of maintaining individuality in artistic output and the role of tools like Dream Booth and Hyper networks in creating personalized models. It contrasts this with the potential of Blue Willow to simplify the creative process, which might lead to a loss of unique, individual creations. The speaker expresses uncertainty about the long-term implications of such AI assistance, questioning whether it's a positive development or a potentially overwhelming challenge. Despite these concerns, the speaker acknowledges the early, experimental nature of Blue Willow and encourages viewers to explore and experiment with it freely, as it is currently available at no cost.



💡Blue Willow

Blue Willow refers to an AI concept discussed in the video. It is portrayed as a combination of the best and worst ideas, suggesting a complex and potentially controversial nature. The concept involves training an AI to select the best models and datasets for a given text prompt, aiming to optimize the output based on the user's needs. This idea is compared to other AI models like Mid-journey and Stable Diffusion, highlighting its unique approach to handling artistic creation.

💡AI concept

An AI concept in this context refers to the theoretical or practical application of artificial intelligence in a specific domain. The video discusses the Blue Willow AI concept, which is about creating an AI that can intelligently choose the most suitable models and datasets for generating artwork based on text prompts. The concept is explored in terms of its potential benefits and challenges in the realm of digital art creation.

💡Text prompts

Text prompts are inputs provided to AI systems, which are used to generate specific outputs. In the context of the video, text prompts are used to guide the Blue Willow AI in creating artwork. The AI interprets these prompts to choose the appropriate models and datasets, aiming to produce the desired artistic outcome. Text prompts are crucial in AI-generated art as they directly influence the final result.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is an AI model mentioned in the video that allows users to create artwork by providing text prompts and other choices such as rendering methods. It emphasizes the user's control and customization options, enabling them to refine their artistic output. The video contrasts this with the Blue Willow concept, which automates the model selection process.


Artwork in this context refers to the visual creations or digital images generated by AI systems based on text prompts. The video discusses the process of creating artwork with AI, particularly focusing on how different AI models like Blue Willow and Stable Diffusion contribute to this process. The quality and uniqueness of the artwork are central to the discussion, highlighting the potential of AI in the artistic domain.

💡Model selection

Model selection is the process of choosing the most appropriate AI model or dataset for a specific task or prompt. In the video, the Blue Willow concept is centered around automating model selection, where the AI decides which models and datasets are best suited for a given text prompt. This is a departure from other AI systems where users might have more control over the models used.


Updates in this context refer to improvements or changes made to AI models. The video mentions that the Blue Willow concept allows for incremental updates to individual models, which can then be integrated into the supermodel. This suggests a more dynamic and responsive system that can adapt to new developments or fix issues more quickly than a single, monolithic model.

💡Incremental updates

Incremental updates are small, gradual changes made to a system or model over time. In the video, this concept is applied to AI models, where instead of waiting for a major overhaul, individual models can be updated regularly. This approach is presented as beneficial for keeping the AI system current and addressing issues promptly.

💡Dream Booth

Dream Booth is a feature mentioned in the video that allows users to train their own models with specific styles, objects, or subjects. This customization process enables artists to create unique and personalized artwork by merging their trained models with others. It emphasizes the role of individual creativity and control in the AI art creation process.


Uniqueness in the context of the video refers to the distinctiveness and individuality of the artistic output created with AI. The discussion around Dream Booth and Stable Diffusion highlights the importance of artists being able to create one-of-a-kind artwork that reflects their personal style or vision. This is contrasted with the Blue Willow concept, which might reduce the element of personal touch by automating certain aspects of the creative process.


Control in this context refers to the degree of influence or management an individual has over the AI system, particularly in terms of creating artwork. The video discusses the trade-off between user control, as seen in models like Stable Diffusion and Dream Booth, and automated processes, as proposed by the Blue Willow concept. The balance between control and automation is a central theme in the discussion of AI's role in art creation.


The concept of Blue Willow is introduced as a blend of the best and worst ideas, an AI concept that is generating interest.

Blue Willow differs from mid-journey as it is not limited to text prompts and can utilize images, but lacks the variety of choices offered by stable effusion.

The core idea of Blue Willow is to collect different models and train an AI to determine the best model and data set for a given prompt, aiming to provide the best results.

Blue Willow plans to address the issue of being overwhelmed by choices by simplifying the process through AI selection.

The concept includes the potential for adding more options in the future, such as CFG, scaling, and rendering methods.

Blue Willow is compared to invoke AI, with the distinction that it would choose the best models for the user.

The ability to incrementally update individual models in Blue Willow is highlighted as a way to provide faster and more specific updates.

A concern is raised about the AI's ability to interpret prompts accurately, as language may not fully capture the user's intended meaning.

The user's ability to learn and manipulate a single model in platforms like mid-cherny is contrasted with the changing nature of Blue Willow's model mix.

The potential issue of prompts yielding different results due to model updates and changes in the super model's selection is discussed.

The importance of individuality in artistic output is emphasized, which may be compromised by the collective nature of Blue Willow's model.

The complexity of tools like stable diffusion is acknowledged, and the potential benefits of having more accessible tools are considered.

The uncertainty surrounding Blue Willow's development is noted, with the suggestion that it may be a groundbreaking or problematic idea for the future of AI.

The current stage of Blue Willow is described as being in early development and freely accessible for users to experiment with.

An invitation is extended for users to share their thoughts on Blue Willow and to engage with the content creator's community.