will improve your sales emails so you can sell more

Gerhard Gschwandtner
11 May 202306:03

TLDRThe transcript discusses the impact of AI on personalizing email communication, emphasizing the importance of making emails more human and engaging. It highlights the mission of a company that fuses social sciences with technology to enhance the writing experience. The speaker shares insights on how their tool, Lavender, boosts confidence and improves salespeople's lives by increasing email reply rates significantly. The focus is on creating a positive and fun email experience, which is a stark contrast to traditional B2B email software, ultimately leading to better outcomes and personal growth.


  • 🚀 The speaker enjoys less than 2% of the hundreds of emails received due to personalization and uniqueness.
  • 💡 The mission is to blend social sciences like communication psychology with computer science, such as AI and data science, to enhance human communication.
  • 🌟 AI is being used to make communication more human-like, countering the trend of robotic, automated responses.
  • 🛠️ The focus is on understanding the reader's needs and inbox environment to optimize email suggestions for a better experience.
  • 🌈 The product, Lavender, aims to create a positive impact on salespeople's lives, who often face negativity and stress.
  • 🎯 By prioritizing the reader's experience, the tool not only increases efficiency but also improves mental health and overall well-being.
  • 💰 The improved language skills and structure provided by Lavender lead to better results and increased confidence in sending emails.
  • 🎮 Lavender gamifies the email writing process, reducing anxiety and making it enjoyable, which is unusual in B2B email software.
  • 🔮 The 'magic' of Lavender lies in crafting better stories for both the user and the customer, enhancing personal identity and communication.
  • 📈 Lavender significantly boosts reply rates in cold emails, with an average of 28.5% and some teams reaching 40-50%.
  • 🌟 The ultimate goal is to sell confidence, empowering users to feel competent and increase their chances of getting replies and closing deals.

Q & A

  • What percentage of emails does the speaker enjoy reading, and why?

    -The speaker enjoys less than two percent of the hundreds of emails they receive weekly because those emails are personal, about their challenges, or have a unique twist that captures their attention.

  • What was the initial mission behind the creation of the AI tool mentioned?

    -The initial mission was to apply social sciences, like communication psychology, with computer science, such as AI and data science, to help humans write more humanly.

  • How does the prevalence of cadencing and automation affect communication?

    -The prevalence of cadencing and automation has made everyone sound robotic because they use the same buzzwords and jargon, lacking uniqueness and personal touch.

  • What unique opportunity does the AI tool provide in terms of communication?

    -The AI tool provides a unique opportunity to apply artificial intelligence in a way that makes communication sound more human, contrary to the robotic nature of widespread automation.

  • What was the primary focus of the AI tool's development?

    -The primary focus was to optimize the reader's experience by making their inbox management better, rather than just focusing on efficiency for the user.

  • How does the AI email tool contribute to creating a positive world for salespeople?

    -The AI email tool contributes to creating a positive world by improving engagement, leading to more positive responses, and reducing the negativity and stress associated with sales roles.

  • What unexpected reaction did a user have towards the AI tool that the speaker mentioned?

    -A user named Cells since got a tattoo of the lavender wizard mascot on his arm, showing his love for the product.

  • How does the AI tool, Lavender, make the email writing process more enjoyable?

    -Lavender makes the email writing process more enjoyable by gamifying it with a scoring system and using bright colors, which makes it feel fun rather than stressful.

  • What is the 'magic' within Lavender that helps users craft better stories?

    -The 'magic' within Lavender is the improved language skills and structuring of communication that allows users to express their identities and craft better stories for both themselves and their customers.

  • What does the speaker claim they are selling with Lavender, beyond software?

    -The speaker claims they are selling confidence, which empowers users to feel competent and increases their chances of getting positive responses.

  • What is the average reply rate for the users of the AI tool, and how does it compare to historical rates?

    -The average reply rate for the users of the AI tool is 28.5%, which is significantly higher than the historical rate of one or two percent in cold email scenarios.



🤖 The Human Touch in AI-Powered Communication

This paragraph discusses the challenge of standing out in a sea of generic emails and the importance of personalization. It highlights the speaker's enjoyment of less than 2% of the hundreds of emails received weekly, due to their personal nature or unique twist. The speaker expresses amazement at the automation of this process and the initial mission to blend social sciences, such as communication psychology, with computer science, including AI and data science, to aid human communication. The paragraph emphasizes the irony of using AI to make communication more human, as the prevalence of automation has led to a robotic tone in many communications. The speaker's company, presumably the maker of an AI tool, focuses on understanding the reader's needs and inbox experience to optimize email suggestions, aiming to improve the reader's experience and create a more positive and engaging environment for salespeople.


🚀 Boosting Confidence and Sales through AI-Enhanced Emails

The second paragraph delves into the transformative impact of the AI email tool on salespeople's confidence and success rates. It describes a shift from a historically low reply rate of 1-2% in cold emailing to an impressive average of 28.5% among users of the tool, with some teams achieving even higher rates. This significant increase in engagement and positive responses leads to higher commission checks and an improved quality of life for the salespeople. The speaker also touches on the emotional and psychological benefits of the tool, noting its ability to alleviate anxiety and stress associated with email writing. The product, named Lavender, gamifies the email process by providing scores and a mascot, aiming to make the task more enjoyable and less daunting for users. The speaker concludes by encouraging everyone to try Lavender to enhance both their personal and sales lives.




Personalization refers to the process of tailoring content or communication to an individual's preferences, needs, or characteristics. In the context of the video, it is about making emails more engaging and meaningful by relating them to the recipient's personal experiences or challenges. This is exemplified by the speaker's enjoyment of emails that are about them or have a unique twist that captures their attention.


Automation is the use of technology to perform tasks without human intervention. In the video, it is mentioned as a process that can make communication more efficient but also risks making it sound robotic due to the prevalence of standard phrases and jargon. However, the speaker also sees automation as an opportunity to enhance human communication by applying AI in a way that makes it more human-like, not less.

💡communication psychology

Communication psychology is the study of how people communicate and the psychological processes involved in communication. In the video, it is mentioned as a social science that, when combined with computer science and data science, can help improve the way humans write and communicate. The goal is to make writing more humanly and engaging by understanding the psychological aspects of how people perceive and react to messages.

💡reader experience

Reader experience refers to how a reader interacts with and perceives the content they are reading. In the context of the video, it is about optimizing the suggestions provided by an email tool to make the reading experience more enjoyable and less stressful for the recipient. The focus is on understanding the reader's needs and inbox environment and tailoring the email content to provide value and engagement.


Positivity refers to an optimistic and constructive approach or outlook. In the video, it is emphasized as a crucial aspect of sales and communication, where a positive world can be created for salespeople who often live in a world of negativity. By fostering a positive mindset, the tool aims to improve not only the mental health of sales professionals but also their overall performance and personal lives.


Engagement refers to the level of interest, attention, and interaction that a person has with something, such as a message or a tool. In the context of the video, it is about creating an email tool that not only increases the efficiency of salespeople but also fosters better engagement with the readers, leading to more positive outcomes like meetings and customer acquisitions.


Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It is often associated with feelings of cynicism, detachment, and ineffectiveness. In the video, burnout is discussed as a common issue among sales professionals, who can benefit from tools that alleviate stress and improve their daily work experience.


Confidence refers to a feeling of self-assurance and belief in one's own abilities. In the video, confidence is portrayed as a key outcome of using the email tool, as it helps salespeople feel competent and assured when sending emails, leading to better results and a more positive mindset.

💡language skills

Language skills refer to the ability to use language effectively for communication. In the context of the video, improving language skills is seen as a way to enhance the results of salespeople and make them feel better about their communication. By crafting better stories and expressions through improved language skills, salespeople can achieve more positive outcomes in their interactions with customers.


Lavender, in the context of the video, appears to be the name of the email tool being discussed. It is designed to make the email writing process more enjoyable and less stressful for users, contrasting with traditional B2B email software. The tool aims to enhance user experience by providing features like scoring and a fun, game-like interface.

💡reply rate

Reply rate is the percentage of sent messages that receive a response. In the video, it is used as a metric to demonstrate the effectiveness of the email tool in increasing engagement and positive outcomes for salespeople. A higher reply rate indicates better communication and a greater likelihood of successful sales interactions.


The importance of personalization in emails, as only less than 2% of received emails are enjoyable to read due to their personal touch.

The unique approach of combining social sciences like communication psychology with computer science, such as AI and data science, to enhance human communication.

The prevalence of automation leading to a robotic sound in communication, highlighting the need for a unique application of AI to make communication more human.

The mission to prioritize the reader's experience and optimize email suggestions to improve the reader's inbox experience.

The idea of using AI to help salespeople create a positive impact in their world, which is often filled with negativity.

The focus on making the email tool engaging and enjoyable, which is a departure from the typical B2B email software experience.

The anecdote of a user getting a tattoo of the company's mascot, showcasing the deep emotional connection and satisfaction with the product.

The concept that language is an integral part of a person's identity and that improving language skills can lead to better results and self-expression.

The 'magic' of Lavender is crafting better stories for both the user and the customer, enhancing the user's confidence and communication effectiveness.

The core value proposition of selling confidence rather than software, which drives users to feel competent and secure in their interactions.

The significant increase in reply rates from 1-2% to an average of 28.5%, showcasing the practical effectiveness of the email tool.

The positive downstream effects of increased confidence and success in sales, including improved mental health and personal life satisfaction.

The innovative approach of Lavender in gamifying the email writing process, reducing anxiety and making it a fun experience.

The importance of understanding the reader's inbox and optimizing the email tool to make it a better experience for both the sender and the receiver.

The potential for the email tool to not only improve sales performance but also to positively influence the user's overall life and well-being.