Tucker Carlson Responds to Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address
TLDRThe transcript criticizes President Joe Biden's speech, accusing him of prioritizing foreign wars over domestic issues, and suggesting that his administration is reckless and out of touch with American concerns. It also alleges a political agenda to overturn Roe v. Wade and criticizes the focus on abortion rights, questioning the government's role in promoting it. The speaker implies that Biden's policies are unpopular and that the Democratic Party is planning to manipulate the election to secure his reelection.
- 🗣️ The speaker criticizes Joe Biden's speech, calling it 'the darkest, most un-American speech ever' by an American president.
- 💥 Biden is accused of comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler and labeling him an existential threat to freedom and democracy.
- 🌍 The script highlights Biden's focus on sending aid to Ukraine, which the speaker argues is not in America's interest.
- 🔥 The speaker suggests that Biden's priorities are misguided, ignoring domestic issues such as drug cartels, economy, education, and public health.
- 🕊️ The speech is described as lacking in decency and generosity towards fellow Americans.
- 🤝 The speaker points out the Republican Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, appears to support Biden's agenda on Ukraine aid.
- 💰 The script implies a political agenda behind the push for war against Russia, questioning the benefits for the United States.
- 🚨 The speaker warns of the increased risk of nuclear war due to the current foreign policy stance.
- 🏥 The script criticizes Biden for not addressing issues like crime, inflation, and healthcare, which are important to the American people.
- 👶 The speaker questions Biden's support for abortion and the encouragement of having fewer children, suggesting it could lead to population decline.
- 🏛️ The script suggests that the Democratic party believes Biden cannot win a fair election and may resort to election fraud.
Q & A
What was the main criticism of Joe Biden's speech according to the transcript?
-The main criticism was that Joe Biden's speech was described as the darkest and most un-American ever given by an American president, lacking decency and generosity towards fellow Americans.
How did the speaker compare Joe Biden's priorities to those of the United States?
-The speaker claimed that Joe Biden's top priority is sending billions to Ukraine for a foreign war, rather than addressing domestic issues such as drug cartels, the economy, education, and public health.
What was the speaker's view on the Republican Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson's stance on Ukraine aid?
-The speaker accused Mike Johnson of secretly supporting Biden's agenda of sending aid to Ukraine, despite it not aligning with the interests of Republican voters.
What was the speaker's opinion on the potential consequences of the U.S. involvement in foreign wars?
-The speaker suggested that U.S. involvement in foreign wars, particularly with Russia, could lead to unpredictable outcomes and potentially bring the world closer to nuclear war.
How did the speaker describe the focus on abortion rights in Joe Biden's speech?
-The speaker criticized the emphasis on abortion rights, suggesting that it was offered as a consolation prize to the public while neglecting more pressing issues like crime, inflation, and healthcare.
What was the speaker's stance on the comparison of Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler in the speech?
-The speaker found the comparison extreme and inappropriate, arguing that it was an inflammatory way to describe a political opponent in a country with a history of peaceful elections.
What did the speaker imply about the Attorney General's comments on voter ID requirements?
-The speaker implied that the Attorney General's comments against voter ID requirements were advocating for mass voter fraud and an attempt to secure a re-election for Joe Biden.
What was the speaker's view on the portrayal of Joe Biden's political skills in the media?
-The speaker mocked the media's portrayal of Joe Biden as politically skilled, suggesting that his inability to win in a fair election contradicts this image.
What was the speaker's opinion on the potential impact of overturning Roe v. Wade?
-The speaker suggested that the overturning of Roe v. Wade was presented as a gift to the public, but it was not addressing the more significant issues that people face.
How did the speaker describe the political reality underlying Joe Biden's actions?
-The speaker described the political reality as dire, suggesting that Joe Biden cannot win in a fair election and that the Democratic party is resorting to measures that could lead to voter fraud.
🗣️ Biden's Controversial Speech
The paragraph discusses the divisive nature of President Joe Biden's speech, which is described as one of the darkest and most un-American ever given by an American president. It highlights Biden's comparison of Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler and his prioritization of sending aid to Ukraine over domestic issues such as drug cartels, the economy, education, and public health. The speaker criticizes Biden's focus on foreign wars and questions the Republican Speaker of the House's support for Biden's agenda.
🤔 Political Agendas and Voter Concerns
This paragraph delves into the political motivations behind the war against Russia, questioning why it is considered a priority. It suggests that the war may be driven by financial interests and the influence of foreign powers. The speaker also points out that the speech lacked focus on key domestic issues such as crime, inflation, and drug abuse, and criticizes Biden's stance on abortion and reproductive rights, arguing that these issues are being used to distract from the real problems facing the country.
👨👩👧👦 Population and Political Strategy
The paragraph addresses the political implications of encouraging Americans to have fewer children, which could lead to a decline in the native population. It questions the government's support for abortion and the Equality Act, suggesting that these policies are part of a larger strategy that does not align with the interests of the American people. The speaker criticizes the lack of focus on improving infrastructure, education, and affordability, instead highlighting the emphasis on divisive social issues.
🏛️ Election Integrity and Voter ID
This paragraph criticizes the Attorney General's stance on voter ID requirements, suggesting that the opposition to such measures is based on the premise that people of color do not have state-issued IDs, which the speaker argues is a false and racist claim. It points out the contradiction in advocating for a cashless society, which requires ID, while simultaneously opposing voter ID laws. The speaker accuses the Attorney General and the administration of promoting voter fraud as a means to secure re-election for their preferred candidate.
💡Joe Biden
💡Donald Trump
💡Reproductive Freedom
💡Voter Fraud
💡Roe v. Wade
💡Transgender Rights
💡Election Integrity
💡Domestic Issues
Joe Biden is described as a cruel and vicious demagogue.
Biden's speech was labeled as possibly the darkest and most un-American ever given by an American president.
Biden's first sentence compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.
Biden's top priority was stated as sending billions more to Ukraine, a foreign war unrelated to the United States.
The speech emphasized Biden's commitment to aiding Ukraine over addressing domestic issues like drug cartels, economy, and education.
Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson was criticized for supporting Biden's agenda on Ukraine aid.
Biden's speech was described as lacking in decency and generosity towards fellow Americans.
The speech did not address issues like crime, inflation, or the opioid crisis, which are important to Americans.
Biden's stance on overturning Roe v. Wade was mentioned, highlighting the political power of women.
The speech emphasized reproductive freedom and the importance of winning elections related to it.
Biden's support for the Equality Act and transgender rights was mentioned.
The speech was criticized for not offering solutions to everyday problems like affordable housing, healthcare, or education.
The political reality that Biden cannot win in a fair election was suggested.
The media's portrayal of Biden's political skills was questioned, especially in light of his performance against Trump.
The Attorney General's statements on voting rights were criticized as promoting voter fraud.
The speech was accused of ignoring the needs of the American people in favor of foreign interests and wars.
The speech was described as reckless and potentially suicidal due to the risk of escalating conflicts.
good evening and welcome to the Tucker
Carlson Network Live that was quite an
experience watching that you know you
think of Joe Biden is a daughtering old
man a guy who can't remember when his
son died or when he served as vice
president of course that's exactly who
he is and it's on display every day but
Joe Biden is also a cruel and vicious
demagogue a man who has no problem at
all denouncing his fellow Americans or
putting his political opponents in
prison as he has done and that was all
on display tonight that was possibly the
darkest most unamerican speech ever
given by an American president in fact
it wasn't a speech it was a rant
entirely lacking in decency or
generosity to his fellow Americans in
Joe Biden's very first sentence he
compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler he
did not describe Trump as the other Pary
candidate which he is a political
opponent in a country that's had
peaceful elections for 250 years no
according to Joe Biden Donald Trump is
AD off Hitler he is an existential
threat to freedom and democracy if he
wins you will die and so will your
country that was the first sentence but
that was really the last time he
mentioned the United States at all for
paragraphs and paragraphs Biden quickly
explained that actually his top priority
has nothing to do with America his top
priority is sending billions more to
Ukraine a foreign war in Eastern Europe
a war across the world that has nothing
to do with the United States that the
United States is not oblig ated by any
treaty to join of course Ukraine is not
a member of NATO a war that can only
hurt this country and already has hurt
it in grave and permanent ways the
invasion of Ukraine is the most
important thing to Joe Biden not ending
the invasion of our own country by drug
cartels which control huge swaths of the
Southern United States at this point not
a degrading economy you experience every
day not our collapsing schools schools
where kids can't read at all not the
100,000 in fenal deaths every year not
the declining life expectancy that is
obvious if you look around collapsing
Public Health an epidemic of suicide and
murder things that hurt Americans ghost
armies of drug addicts living on the
streets right outside the chamber where
the speech was given tonight none of
that matters Biden's top priority is aid
Ukraine it was deranged you watch this
you thought this is insane does anyone
in the room think it's insane they must
here's how the Republican Speaker of the
House Mike Johnson of Louisiana newly
elected the man who leads Republicans in
fact the top elected Republican in the
United States of America here's how he
responded as Joe Biden told the country
that the invasion of Ukraine is his top
priority watch this overseas Putin of
Russia is on the March invading Ukraine
and sowing chaos throughout Europe and
Beyond if anybody in this room thinks
Putin will stop at Ukraine I assure you
he will
not but you
train Ukraine can stop
Putin Ukraine can stop Putin if we stand
with Ukraine and provide the
weapons that need to defend
itself my message to President Putin who
I've known for a long time is simple we
will not walk
away we will not bow
down I Will Not Bow
this is crazy talk there's no
explanation of what the goal is here
there's lie after lie Ukraine can stop
Russia no it can't this has gone on for
over two years NATO was stronger than
ever no it's not NATO is on its way to
collapse as is the economy of Western
Europe for not one sentence did Joe
Biden explain what the goal of this
exercise is when we'll know we've
won and what the future should look like
again it was crazy
talk and yet Mike Johnson the Republican
Speaker of the House nodded Gravely oh
of course he is completely on board with
Joe Biden on this Biden's signature
issue and that's not a guess as of this
afternoon Mike Johnson is secretly
supporting Biden's agenda sending
another $60 billion do to the oligarchs
in Ukraine Johnson plans to let
Democrats onto the floor of the house to
vote for this this is a stealthy
procedural move designed to Shield him
and other Republicans from criticism oh
the Democrats did it but that's exactly
what it is he's the speaker of the house
he could stop it but he won't because
he's on board so why is he on board is
Mike Johnson representing his own voters
as he backs Joe Biden's signature agenda
item a war against Russia no he's not
Republican voters in Louisiana are not
for this Republican voters nationally
are not for this they hate this it has
nothing to do with them and it's
insulting as their country is invaded we
send billions to prevent the invasion of
another country that we have nothing to
with but the unit party demands this so
Mike Johnson is doing it and so at some
point you ask well why are they
demanding this actually why is war with
Russia the most important thing if you
look at the numbers or a map it wouldn't
be obvious that Russia would be
America's main enemy there are other
candidates could it be because Russia is
the largest white Christian country in
the world maybe could it be because
they're getting rich from warwolf that's
certainly true and there may be other
reasons as well we could guess but we
don't need to because we know that it's
happening and we know that war against
Russia is not the only War we're going
to be engaged in and not the only one
that Biden announced tonight Biden also
told the country that we're going to
have boots on the ground in Gaza really
or admitted it in fact American forces
have actually been there for months did
you know that did anyone ask you has
anyone explained to you no matter where
your sympathies lie what the point of
this is when we'll know we've won what's
the objective here American lives will
be at risk but of course no one's told
you and of course you already know the
point the point is to suck the United
States into another foreign war that
can't possibly help the United States a
war that can only hurt us and already is
hurting us and we're doing this not
because it helps us but because foreign
interests are demanding that we do it
America is being used as we so often
have been and the results of all of this
is that the world is now closer to nucle
nuclear war at this moment at any time
in history closer during than it was
during the Cuban Missile Crisis we have
no idea where this is going you never do
once people start to die once Wars begin
no PowerPoint can tell you no speech to
a joint session can tell you where this
is going it's Dynamic it's completely
unpredictable and that's why wise people
pause before accelerating but there are
no wise people in charge in either party
on either side you think Tony blinkin
the secretary state has any clue what
will happen in a war with Russia of
course not you can't say where this is
going this is so reckless that it
qualifies as suicidal and maybe they are
but the rest of us
aren't but the most interesting fact of
the speech was the
emphasis there was not a meaningful word
for the entire duration about the things
that actually matter to people who live
here like crime or inflation or fentel
or the foreign army now occupying Our
Country Joe Biden doesn't care there was
no upside for you in any of the things
that he said but he does have a present
for you he's got something to give you
something you want very badly here it is
look it's a decision to overturn Ro v
Wade the Supreme Court majority wrote
The Following and with all due respect
justices women are not without electoral
power excuse me electoral or political
power you're about to realize just how
clearly those bragging about overturning
riewe have no clue about the power of
women but they found out when
reproductive Freedom was on the ballot
we won in 2022 and 2020 and we win again
2024 oh well you can't have a safe clean
country or groceries you can afford or
schools that will educate your
children but you can't have abortion you
can have a lot more abortion how's about
some more abortion for you that'll make
you happy and free you can have all the
abortions you want but of course you
already could have all the ab abortions
you want abortion is one thing maybe the
one thing that's pretty easy to get in
this country compare getting an abortion
to getting an affordable new roof or a
replacement no abortion is everywhere
it's very easy to get and it's easy to
get because the government wants it to
be of course unlike an affordable new
roof but what's interesting is why of
all the services government could
guarantee why abortion at a time when
fertility rates of actual Americans are
below replacement Biden and his party
are encouraging Americans to have fewer
children now if you have a handheld
calculator do the math on that that's
the path to Extinction why would they
want that you're the leader of a country
why would you want your people to have
children H you should ponder that but
let's say you're too old to have an
abortion let's say it doesn't actually
apply to you this wonderful Freedom that
will make you happy what can you do to
guarantee that you will have no
descendants well you can always castrate
your children and end your lineage no
more grandchildren and Joe Biden wants
help I want to protect fundamental
rights pass the equality
act my m a transgender
americ I have your
oh Trans children I have your back
that's not creepy but that's what he's
offering a abortion War castration of
children not better roads in schools
cheaper electricity and food no abortion
War who wants all that I mean some tiny
percentage of CNN contributors think
those the most important things but most
people would rather have cheaper
electricity cheaper food better
roads and so what this means is that
underneath all of the talk is a dire
political reality Joe Biden can't win in
a fair election Joe Biden will lose in
November he cannot
win that's the thing that nobody in any
media wants to say out loud in a fair
election Joe Biden cannot win so they're
saying the opposite here for example is
the pregame analysis over at MSNBC which
we watched while waiting for Biden to
dot her up to the stage waiting for the
amphetamines to take effect and keep in
mind as you watch this analysis these
are supposedly the smart kids these are
the smart kids the ones with complicated
glasses these are the ones the white
house looks to for guidance and here's
their analysis of Joe Biden's skills
watch this this seems like a weirdly
like counterintuitive hot take even
though it's the most obvious thing you
could say which is that Joe Biden is
good at politics like Joe Biden is good
at politics he's very good at politics
like he the man really doesn't know what
he's doing and you really see it in
those sort of SE situ
Joe Biden is just really good at
politics it's the one thing he's really
good at really if Joe Biden is so good
at politics why is he losing to Donald
Trump who the rest of us were assured
was a racist who no normal
person would vote for but now Joe Biden
is getting stomped by Donald Trump but
he's also at the same time good at
politics right Chris Hayes ladies and
gentlemen the most famous lesbian in
television so again they can't win but
they're not giving up so what does that
tell you well they're going to steal the
election and we know they're going to
steal the election because they're now
saying so out loud here is the Attorney
General of the United States the chief
law enforcement officer of this country
in Selma Alabama just the other day
listen to this the right to vote is
still under
attack and that is why the justice
department is fighting back that is why
one of the first things I did when I
came into office was to double the size
of the voting section of the Civil
Rights division that is why we are
challenging efforts by States and
jurisdictions to implement
discriminatory burdensome and
unnecessary restrictions on access to
the ballot including those related to
mailin voting the use of dropboxes and
voter ID
requirements that is why we are working
to block the adoption of discriminatory
redistricting plans that dilute the vote
of black voters and other voters of
color did you catch that of course
you're a racist that's always the
takeaway but consider the details of
what the Attorney General of the United
States just said mail and balloting
dropboxes voter ID
requirements the chief law enforcement
officer of the United States government
is telling you that it's immoral in fact
racist in fact illegal to ask people for
their IDs when they vote to verify they
are who they say they are what is that
well no one ever talks about this but
the justification for it is that somehow
people of color black people don't have
state issued IDs somehow they're living
in a country where you can do virtually
nothing without proving your identity
with a government issued ID without
government issued IDs so they can't fly
on planes they can't have checking
accounts they can't have any interaction
with the government state local or
federal they can't stay in hotels they
can't have credit
cards because someone without a state
issued ID can't do any of those things
but what's so interesting is these same
people very much including the attorney
general and the administration he serves
is working to eliminate cash to make
this a cashless Society have you been to
a stadium event recently no cash
accepted you have to have a credit card
and in order to get a credit card you
need a state issued ID and somehow
that's not racist but it is racist to
ask people to prove their identity when
they choose the next president of the
United States so that doesn't make any
sense at all that's a lie it's an easily
provable lie and anyone telling that lie
is advocating for Mass voter fraud which
the Attorney General is there's no other
way to read it so you should know that
you live in a country where the Attorney
General is eding in fact calling for
voter fraud and that's the only chance
they have to get their guy
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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