Learn How to Make BEAUTIFUL Portraits Using AI

Prompt Engineering
10 Sept 202203:23

TLDRIn this video, the presenter teaches viewers how to create stunning AI-generated portraits using Stable Diffusion 1.4. They share their process, which involves structuring prompts with subject, action, background, lighting, style, and reference artists. The video offers practical tips, such as preferring a square or vertical output dimension and adjusting the guidance scale between 7 to 15 to avoid glitches in facial features. The presenter also encourages viewers to like, subscribe, and share suggestions for further improvement, making it an engaging and informative watch for those interested in AI art.


  • 🎨 Use AI to create beautiful portraits by structuring your prompts with subject, action, background, lighting, style, and reference artists.
  • 🖼️ The output dimension is crucial; square or vertical formats work best for generating portraits.
  • 🚫 Avoid long or wide canvases as they tend to generate multiple people in the portrait.
  • 🔍 For guidance scale, a range of 7 to 15 is recommended for better results, depending on the art style.
  • 🧩 If the face glitches, try a lower scale to fix the issue.
  • 👍 Encouragement to like and subscribe if you enjoy the format of the content.
  • 💭 The video shares the creator's personal findings and examples to help viewers start making their own art.
  • 📈 The use of Stable Diffusion 1.4 is mentioned, suggesting that similar AI models could achieve comparable results.
  • 🎶 The transcript includes a musical interlude, indicating the importance of mood and atmosphere in portrait creation.
  • 🤔 The video acknowledges the unpredictable nature of AI, highlighting the need for experimentation and patience.
  • 🌟 The importance of seeing the bigger picture and understanding the elements that make up a portrait is emphasized.
  • ✅ The video is a tutorial aimed at helping viewers learn how to use AI for portrait creation, providing a step-by-step guide.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is teaching viewers how to create beautiful portraits using AI technology.

  • What type of AI tool is the speaker using in the video?

    -The speaker is using stable diffusion 1.4 for creating AI-generated portraits.

  • What are the key elements the speaker suggests including in the AI prompt for creating portraits?

    -The key elements to include in the AI prompt are subject, action, background, lighting, style, and reference artists.

  • What does the speaker recommend regarding the output dimension for generating portraits?

    -The speaker recommends using either a square or vertical output dimension for the best results.

  • What happens if the canvas is too long or too wide according to the speaker's experience?

    -The speaker has found that generating a portrait with a canvas that is too long or too wide tends to result in multiple people being generated in the portrait.

  • What guidance scale does the speaker find works best for creating portraits?

    -The speaker finds that a guidance scale of 7 to 15 works best, depending on the art style one is aiming for.

  • What should one do if the face in their portrait keeps glitching?

    -If the face in the portrait keeps glitching, the speaker suggests trying a lower guidance scale.

  • How can viewers show appreciation for the video format?

    -Viewers can show appreciation by liking the video and subscribing to the channel.

  • What should viewers do if they have suggestions for the video?

    -Viewers can leave their suggestions in the comments section of the video.

  • What is the purpose of the music and lyrics in the video?

    -The music and lyrics serve as a backdrop to the instructional content, possibly enhancing the viewer's engagement with the material.

  • What is the speaker's final message to the viewers after sharing their findings?

    -The speaker thanks the viewers for watching the video and encourages them to like, subscribe, and comment if they have any suggestions.

  • Why is it important to include reference artists in the AI prompt?

    -Including reference artists helps the AI to generate portraits in a particular style, which can be crucial for achieving the desired artistic outcome.



🎨 Introduction to AI Art Creation

The video begins with an introduction to the process of creating beautiful portraits using AI, specifically mentioning the use of stable diffusion 1.4. The creator acknowledges the power and unpredictability of AI and intends to provide examples and findings to help viewers start their own art journey. The video is set to music and includes a poetic narrative about life and love, suggesting a deep emotional connection to the subject matter.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is used to create beautiful portraits, showcasing its power and potential unpredictability in the artistic process.

💡Stable Diffusion 1.4

Stable Diffusion 1.4 is a specific version of an AI model used for generating images from textual descriptions. It is mentioned as the tool the speaker is currently using to create the portraits, indicating the practical application of AI in the video.


In the context of portrait creation, the subject refers to the person or entity being depicted in the artwork. The video discusses structuring prompts around the subject to guide the AI in generating the portrait.


Action in this video script pertains to the activity or pose that the subject in the portrait is engaged in. It is one of the elements used to prompt the AI and is crucial for setting the scene of the portrait.


The background refers to the setting or environment that surrounds the subject in a portrait. It plays a significant role in providing context and depth to the overall portrait, as discussed in the video.


Lighting is a critical element in portraiture that can dramatically affect the mood and quality of the image. In the video, it is mentioned as a part of the prompt structure for creating portraits with AI.


Style in art refers to a particular way of expressing oneself or an artistic technique that characterizes an individual's or a group's work. In the context of the video, style is a keyword used to direct the AI to generate portraits in a specific artistic manner.

💡Reference Artists

Reference artists are specific individuals or groups whose work is used as an example or inspiration for the AI to emulate when creating portraits. This concept is used in the video to guide the AI towards a particular artistic outcome.

💡Output Dimension

Output dimension refers to the size and shape of the final image generated by the AI. The video suggests that a square or vertical dimension works best for portrait creation to avoid generating multiple people in the image.

💡Guidance Scale

The guidance scale is a parameter that influences the level of detail or complexity in the AI-generated portrait. A scale of 7 to 15 is suggested in the video as optimal, depending on the art style being pursued.


Glitching, in the context of digital art and AI, refers to unintended visual artifacts or errors that occur in the generated image. The video suggests adjusting the guidance scale if the face in the portrait keeps glitching.


A subscription, in the context of online content, is when viewers sign up to receive regular updates or access to premium content. The video script encourages viewers to subscribe if they like the format, indicating a way to support the content creator.


Learn how to make beautiful portraits using AI

AI is powerful but sometimes unpredictable

Multiple examples provided to get started on making your own art

Sharing findings on using stable diffusion 1.4

Applicability for similar data sets in the future

Subject, action, background, lighting, style, and reference artists used in portrait creation

Optimal output dimensions for portrait generation

Guidance on avoiding glitches in the portrait's face

Recommendations for the guidance scale for portrait art

Engaging music and lyrics enhance the video experience

The importance of walking at the same pace in life

Discovering the puzzle pieces and their meanings

Figuring out the right place for the sun and rain in life's metaphors

Advice on dealing with past mistakes and moving forward

The artist's personal journey and realizations

Encouragement to subscribe for more content

Invitation for viewers to leave likes and comments with suggestions

Gratitude expressed for watching the video