Letter Portrait - PicsArt Photo Editing Tutorial - Xyaa EditsЁЯФе

Xyaa Edits
1 Oct 202105:52

TLDRThe video script appears to be a mishmash of technical terms and phrases, possibly related to graphic design, photo editing, and possibly gaming or software tutorials. It mentions various tools and techniques such as 'chopping pic art,' 'selecting by color,' and '3D modeling.' There are also references to specific software like 'Good Photo Blend,' 'Android 2.2,' and 'Opposit.' The script seems to guide users through a process involving images, text, and possibly animation, with an emphasis on achieving a polished and professional look. However, the text is fragmented and lacks context, making it challenging to discern a clear narrative or instructional sequence.


  • ЁЯША The script mentions the use of a photo editing or drawing tool, possibly referencing steps or features within an application like 'PicsArt' or a similar platform.
  • ЁЯШБ There is a mention of selecting and using colors, indicating some form of artistic or design work.
  • ЁЯШВ The text references various tools and techniques, possibly related to digital art or photo editing.
  • ЁЯдФ There seems to be a narrative or instruction on using specific functions within a software or app, such as 'select', 'unmute', or 'draw'.
  • ЁЯШЕ The script includes references to saving and transferring images, suggesting a workflow involving multiple applications or steps.
  • ЁЯШК There's mention of 3D modeling and image processing, indicating advanced graphic design or animation work.
  • ЁЯШЗ The text includes references to specific colors and materials, possibly discussing design aesthetics or choices.
  • ЁЯЩВ There are mentions of various file formats and technical aspects, hinting at a tutorial or guide nature of the script.
  • ЁЯШЙ Some parts of the script seem to reference procedural steps, possibly guiding the user through a series of actions in a software or application.
  • ЁЯШМ The script includes various unrelated phrases and topics, suggesting it might be a compilation or collection of different instructional content or notes.

Q & A

  • What is the primary subject of the video script?

    -The primary subject of the video script appears to be a tutorial or guide on graphic design and photo editing techniques, including the use of specific tools and software.

  • Which software or tools are mentioned in the script?

    -The script mentions a variety of tools and software, including a drawing tablet, a pen tool, a 3D model, and a photo blending software. Specific names like 'Good' and 'Photoshop' are also referenced.

  • What are the key elements of the graphic design process discussed in the script?

    -The key elements discussed include selecting the right color according to a lipik tool, creating a silhouette, working with layers, and adjusting the background.

  • How does the script suggest improving a photo?

    -The script suggests improving a photo by adjusting the brightness, using a 3D model to reduce the background, and applying special effects and filters.

  • What is the significance of the 'first step' in the script?

    -The 'first step' in the script refers to the initial phase of the graphic design process, which involves selecting the appropriate tools and setting up the workspace.

  • How does the script advise handling text in design?

    -The script advises using a text tool to add captions and slogans, and suggests adjusting the text to fit the design aesthetic, including size, font, and placement.

  • What is the role of the 'drawing 3D' aspect mentioned in the script?

    -The 'drawing 3D' aspect likely refers to creating three-dimensional models or effects within the design, which can add depth and realism to the final product.

  • What are 'oposities' and 'blended next steps' as mentioned in the script?

    -While the terms 'oposities' and 'blended next steps' are not standard design terminology, they might refer to layer opacity and the process of blending elements together in a composition.

  • How does the script address the concept of 'perfect' in design?

    -The script seems to suggest that achieving a 'perfect' design involves a combination of technical skill, creative vision, and attention to detail in elements like color, composition, and special effects.

  • What is the importance of 'good' in the context of the script?

    -In the context of the script, 'good' likely refers to the quality of the design or photo editing work. It emphasizes the need for high standards in the final output.

  • What are some of the challenges or considerations mentioned in the script?

    -The script mentions challenges such as maintaining the quality of the design, dealing with complex tools, and ensuring that the final product meets certain aesthetic standards.



ЁЯОи Creative Photo Editing Techniques

This paragraph delves into the advanced techniques of photo editing, focusing on the use of specific tools and colors to enhance backgrounds and foregrounds. It introduces a step-by-step guide starting with selecting white backgrounds and employing a clerical tool technique for a nuanced effect. The discussion includes the strategic use of points, pencil discovery for drawing, and the importance of size and timing in creating engaging video content. Additionally, it covers the use of nutritious mixtape themes, the technique of reducing backgrounds to highlight the subject, and the integration of 3D model imagery to add depth. The paragraph emphasizes the meticulous arrangement of these elements to achieve a perfect blend and introduces the concept of animated profit maximization through selective search operation and color contrasts in photo editing.


ЁЯУ╕ Enhancing Instagram Photos with Text and Brightness Adjustments

The focus of this paragraph shifts to optimizing Instagram photos by incorporating slogans, adjusting brightness, and using specific fonts for visual appeal. It outlines a straightforward approach to writing engaging slogans for social media posts and underscores the importance of brightness and contrast settings to make photos stand out. Moreover, it mentions the strategic use of the 'Pencil' tool for fine adjustments and highlights the role of special report formats in enhancing the visual quality of images. The narrative wraps up with tips on leveraging typography, specifically True Type fonts, to create compelling and attention-grabbing Instagram content.




Chopping refers to the process of cutting or dividing something into smaller pieces, often used in the context of food preparation or graphic design. In the video, it may relate to editing or altering images and videos, where 'chopping' could mean selecting and cutting specific parts to create a new composition.


Aikcon is likely a misspelling or a specific term related to icons or graphical elements used in design. Icons are small graphical representations or symbols that convey a message or represent a function in digital interfaces. They are crucial in user interface design for intuitive navigation and interaction.


Backgrounds refer to the scenery or setting behind the main subject in any visual content, such as videos, images, or stage performances. They provide context and can enhance the overall aesthetic or narrative of the content. In the video, it could be about selecting or modifying the background elements in a design or video editing process.


Typography is the art and technique of arranging type or layout to make written content legible and appealing. It involves choosing typefaces, font sizes, line length, line spacing, and color to ensure that the text is visually appealing and easy to read. In the video, typography might be a key aspect of the design work being discussed, such as creating text overlays or titles for a video project.

ЁЯТб3D Model

A 3D model is a digital representation of a three-dimensional object or scene, used in various fields like video games, animation, and virtual reality. These models are created using 3D modeling software and can be manipulated to create animations, visual effects, or to be rendered as still images. In the context of the video, it could refer to incorporating 3D models into a project or learning how to create and manipulate them.


Blending in the context of digital editing refers to the process of seamlessly integrating multiple layers or elements into a single, cohesive image or scene. This could involve combining different images, adjusting transparency, or using masks to create a smooth transition between elements. It is a crucial skill in graphic design and video editing to create professional and polished outputs.


Animation is the process of creating the illusion of motion or change through a sequence of images or frames. It can be used to bring characters to life, tell stories, or add dynamic elements to static images or scenes. In the context of the video, animation might be a key technique used to enhance the visual appeal or narrative of the content being created.


Text refers to written words or information presented in a visual format. In the context of design and video editing, text is often used to convey messages, provide context, or enhance the visual appeal of the content. It can include titles, captions, annotations, or any other form of written communication.


Adobe is a software company known for its creative and multimedia products, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Premiere Pro. These tools are widely used in graphic design, video editing, and digital art. In the video, Adobe software might be discussed as part of the toolset for creating and editing visual content.


Color is a visual property that results from the light reflected or emitted by objects and is perceived by the eye. In design and video editing, color is used to evoke emotions, create visual contrast, and guide the viewer's attention. It is an essential element in creating visually appealing and effective content.


Photoshop is a popular image editing software developed by Adobe. It is widely used for photo manipulation, graphic design, and digital art creation. Photoshop provides a variety of tools and features that allow users to edit images, apply effects, and create composites. In the video, Photoshop could be the primary tool for discussing techniques related to image editing and manipulation.


Introduction to advanced image editing and art techniques using specific software tools.

Exploration of pencil techniques for precise point discovery and line drawing.

Guide on selecting the perfect white background for art projects.

Techniques for creating and manipulating 3D model images in art and design.

Strategies for effective background reduction and texture blending in digital art.

Discussion on the use of specific colors and contrast settings to enhance artistic works.

Advice on incorporating text and slogans into images for added impact.

Tutorial on adjusting image brightness and contrast for visual appeal.

Insights into the selection process for images and graphics in digital art creation.

Overview of the nutritional aspects considered in content creation, metaphorically speaking to enriching content quality.

Guidance on the use of specific software features for art creation and image editing.

Tips for blending photos seamlessly into art projects.

Instructions on drawing and detailing with precision for artistic expression.

Exploring the impact of font choices in visual design and messaging.

Demonstration of advanced techniques for achieving perfect alignment and composition in digital art.