“Llama 3 with Agents gives you Godlike power” - Pietro Schirano

David Ondrej Podcast
24 Apr 202474:58

TLDRIn this insightful discussion, Pietro Schirano shares his experience with Llama 3, an AI model that he integrated with his agentic framework called My ASRO. Schirano won a competition by Anthropic for his innovative framework, which allows users to set a goal and enables a more intelligent AI to guide a less intelligent AI to achieve that goal. He describes the process as giving users a 'Godlike power', as it can create applications and content with minimal instruction. Schirano also discusses the cost-effectiveness and speed of using AI models, comparing them to human teams where a senior developer checks the work of a junior one. He further explores the creative potential of AI, particularly in brainstorming and problem-solving, and how fine-tuning AI models can lead to more personalized and effective tools. Schirano also contemplates the future of AI, suggesting that within five years, we could see AI devices in homes that are highly personalized and aligned with individual preferences.


  • 🚀 **Innovation with LLaMa 3**: The speaker integrated LLaMa 3 with an agentic framework called 'My ASRO', which allows specifying a goal and directs a less intelligent AI to achieve it under the guidance of a more intelligent AI like LLaMa 3.
  • 🤖 **AI as a Team**: The framework is likened to a senior developer checking the work of a junior one, where a more advanced AI oversees the work of a less advanced AI to ensure task completion.
  • 💡 **Cost-Effectiveness of LLaMa 3**: The speaker chose LLaMa 3 for its balance of speed, cost, and style, especially noting its competitive pricing at 25 cents per million tokens.
  • 🧠 **AI's Creative Leap**: There's a belief that LLaMa 3 and other models like it are approaching or even surpassing the capabilities of more established models in certain tasks, particularly those requiring creativity.
  • 📈 **Rapid Progression in AI**: The speaker discusses the astonishing pace at which AI is advancing, noting the significant improvements in models like LLaMa 3 compared to their predecessors.
  • 🌐 **AI's Impact on Society**: There's a reflection on how the general public's interaction with AI is often limited to basic interfaces, highlighting the gap between everyday AI applications and the cutting-edge models discussed.
  • 💡 **The Importance of Creativity**: The conversation emphasizes the importance of AI's creative capabilities, which are seen as a differentiating factor among various AI models.
  • 📱 **Personalized AI Future**: The speaker anticipates a future where AI is personalized and fine-tuned to individual preferences and styles, much like how smartphones are tailored to users.
  • 🔍 **Role of Fine-Tuning**: There's a discussion about when and why companies or individuals should opt for fine-tuning AI models to align with specific needs or brand identities.
  • ⏱️ **Timeline to AGI**: The speaker is optimistic about the timeline for achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), suggesting it could be within five years based on current advancements.
  • 🤝 **Collaboration in AI Development**: The dialogue suggests that collaboration and a shift in societal attitudes towards experimentation and creativity will be crucial in harnessing AI's full potential.

Q & A

  • What was the first thing Pietro Schirano built with Llama 3?

    -The first thing Pietro Schirano built with Llama 3 was an integration with his agentic framework called My ASRO, which allows specifying a goal and directs a less intelligent AI to achieve it under the guidance of a more intelligent AI like Llama 3.

  • How does the My ASRO framework function?

    -My ASRO is a framework that enables users to specify a goal, and then it uses a more intelligent AI to guide a less intelligent AI, or a 'mini agent,' to achieve that goal efficiently.

  • Why did Pietro choose to use Llama 3 for his framework?

    -Pietro chose Llama 3 because of its speed, cost-effectiveness, and the style of AI it provides. He found it to be a good balance between cost and capability, with a performance level between 3.5 and 4 on his scale, making it suitable for executing tasks under the supervision of a smarter model.

  • What does Pietro consider the main advantage of using Llama 3 in his system?

    -The main advantage is the ability to have a local model that can compete with larger, more powerful models like GT4. This gives users the feeling of having 'Godlike power' as they can command the system to create apps or achieve specific goals with high efficiency.

  • How does the cost factor into the decision of using Llama 3?

    -The cost is a significant factor because Llama 3 offers a high level of performance at a much lower cost compared to other models. It is priced at 25 cents per million tokens, which Pietro found to be incredibly affordable for the capabilities it provides.

  • What is the role of the 'orchestrator' in Pietro's framework?

    -The 'orchestrator' in Pietro's framework is a function that oversees the work of the less intelligent AI, similar to a senior developer checking the work of a junior one. It ensures that the tasks are executed correctly and makes adjustments as needed.

  • What is the significance of the 'personalized AI strategy' mentioned by Pietro?

    -The personalized AI strategy is an offer to join a community where members get access to cutting-edge AI training courses, workshops, and direct interaction with experts like Pietro. It is aimed at individuals who want to stay ahead in the AI space and is available for a limited time.

  • How does creativity come into play with Llama 3 and the My ASRO framework?

    -Creativity is an important aspect when using Llama 3 within the My ASRO framework, especially for tasks that require brainstorming or pseudo-creative thinking. Llama 3 has shown to be highly effective in generating creative outputs, surpassing other models like GT4 in these types of tasks.

  • What is the potential of Llama 3 in terms of local model capabilities?

    -Llama 3 has the potential to act as a local model that can compete with larger, more centralized models like GT4. This means that users can leverage powerful AI capabilities on their local machines, which is a significant step forward in terms of accessibility and control.

  • How does the performance of Llama 3 compare to other models like GT4?

    -While Llama 3 may not be on par with GT4 in certain areas like function calling and specific modes, it is considered close to GT4 in many other tasks. It has shown remarkable performance in regular coding tasks and creative problem-solving, often exceeding expectations for a model of its size.

  • What is the future that Pietro envisions for AI and personal devices?

    -Pietro envisions a future where personal devices are highly knowledgeable and fine-tuned to individual preferences, acting as an extension of oneself. He believes that within three to five years, we could see AI models that are capable of instant fine-tuning and are aligned with personal interests.



🚀 Innovative AI Framework Integration

The speaker discusses their initial project using Llama 3, which involved integrating it with their proprietary 'asro' framework. This framework allows for goal specification followed by an intelligent AI, in this case, Llama, to guide a less intelligent AI to achieve the set goal. The speaker shares their excitement about the system's reasoning capabilities and how it can autonomously create applications based on user input, comparing the experience to 'having the power of the Gods in your hands.' They also mention winning a competition by Anthropic and provide insights into their cost-effective approach to AI utilization.


🤖 AI Creativity and the Future of Interaction

The speaker reflects on the significant gap between their advanced AI experiences and the general public's interaction with AI, primarily through basic platforms like the free version of Chatbot. They express a desire to build a future where AI is more integrated and less intimidating. The discussion also touches on the speaker's experiments with AI and creativity, highlighting the potential for AI to enhance human creativity and the importance of nurturing this aspect of AI development.


🧠 The Evolution of AI and Human-like Interaction

The speaker delves into the concept of fine-tuning AI models to align with personal or brand identities, emphasizing the potential for AI to become an extension of oneself. They discuss the importance of data in training AI and the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI, including concerns about consciousness and the potential misuse of AI technology. The speaker also shares their experiences with different AI models, including Google's AI and their expectations for future advancements.


💡 The Impact of AI on Personal and Professional Growth

The speaker shares a personal anecdote about how their life changed after interacting with AI tools like GPT. They discuss the transformative effect of AI on their career, leading them to found a company and develop various AI applications. The conversation also explores the concept of 'the smart get smarter' with AI, where those who engage deeply with AI technology can gain a significant advantage in their fields.


🌐 Global Tech Giants and AI Innovation

The speaker evaluates the roles and potential of major technology companies like Google, Apple, and Facebook in the AI landscape. They discuss the challenges and opportunities these companies face, including the potential for Apple to become a significant player in AI and the importance of creativity and innovation in maintaining a competitive edge in the market.


🎨 AI and the Renaissance of Creative Problem Solving

The speaker discusses the transformative impact of AI on creative problem solving and the potential for a new Renaissance era driven by AI and human collaboration. They emphasize the importance of understanding human elements and creativity when working with AI, suggesting that empathetic and creative individuals will be well-suited to work with AI tools effectively.


🧩 Empowering Creators with AI-Driven Image Generation

The speaker introduces their company, Ever Art, which focuses on making AI-driven image generation more accessible and user-friendly. They explain how Ever Art allows users to train custom models on specific styles, personas, or products, leading to highly personalized and easily usable AI models. The speaker also shares their excitement about the company's success and the potential for AI to democratize creative processes.



💡Llama 3

Llama 3 refers to a presumably advanced version of an AI model or framework discussed in the transcript. It is central to the discussion as the speaker has built an 'agentic framework' called 'my asro' to integrate with Llama 3, highlighting its significance in their work and the perceived 'Godlike power' it bestows when used effectively.

💡Agentic Framework

An 'agentic framework' is a system designed to operate through agents, which are entities that can act autonomously to achieve specific goals. In the context of the video, the speaker's framework directs a less intelligent AI to accomplish tasks under the guidance of a more sophisticated AI, like Llama 3.


Anthropic is mentioned as a company that emailed the speaker, congratulating them for winning a competition. It suggests that Anthropic is involved in the AI field, likely organizing developer competitions or challenges related to AI model integrations and frameworks.


The term 'competition' here refers to a contest likely organized by Anthropic, where developers compete presumably for integrating or utilizing AI models in innovative ways. The speaker's victory implies a significant achievement in the field of AI application.

💡Goal Specification

In the context of the agentic framework, 'goal specification' is the process of defining what the AI should achieve. It is a crucial part of directing the 'mini agent' or less intelligent AI to work towards a desired outcome, which is overseen by a more advanced AI.

💡AI Task Delegation

AI task delegation is the concept of assigning different parts of a complex task to various levels of AI, from less intelligent to highly intelligent models. The transcript discusses how this system allows for efficient problem-solving by breaking down tasks and allocating them to appropriate AI agents.


Cost-effectiveness is a measure of the relationship between the benefits of a service or product and its costs. The speaker emphasizes the cost-effectiveness of using a model like Llama 3, noting the balance between speed, cost, and the ability to perform tasks accurately.

💡Fine-Tuning AI Models

Fine-tuning AI models involves training an existing AI model with new data to adapt it to a specific task or to improve its performance. The transcript discusses the potential and importance of fine-tuning for personalization and aligning AI with individual or company preferences.

💡Personalized AI

Personalized AI refers to AI systems that are tailored to individual users, brands, or corporations. The transcript suggests that the future of AI may involve more personalized experiences, where AI is fine-tuned to specific needs and preferences, offering a more customized service.

💡AI and Creativity

AI and creativity is a theme in the transcript where the speaker discusses how AI models like Llama 3 can exhibit a level of creativity in tasks such as content generation. This creativity is seen as a sign of advanced AI capabilities and a potential area for future development.

💡AI Training Courses

AI training courses are educational programs designed to teach individuals about AI technologies, their applications, and how to work with them. The speaker mentions offering such courses as part of a community offer, indicating a demand for learning and upskilling in the AI field.


Llama 3 was integrated with an agentic framework called 'my asro', allowing users to specify goals and have AI direct mini agents to achieve them.

The speaker won a competition by anthropic for their EST framework, showcasing the powerful combination of AI and human-directed goals.

Llama 3's capabilities are compared to GBD4, with the speaker noting that for many tasks, Llama 3 is almost on par, despite being more cost-effective.

The speaker discusses the importance of speed, cost, and style when choosing AI models, and how Llama 3 meets these criteria effectively.

An AI strategy called 'Myestro' is mentioned, which helps in creating personalized AI solutions for various tasks, emphasizing creativity in AI.

The potential of running AI models like Llama 3 locally is explored, highlighting the impressive capabilities of such systems.

The speaker shares their experience with fine-tuning AI models and the creative potential of platforms like Llama 3 and Google's Cloud AI.

A discussion on the future of AI and the possibility of personal AI devices that are fine-tuned to individual preferences and behaviors.

The impact of AI on society and the potential for a new Renaissance era where AI empowers individuals to create and explore.

Everr, a company that specializes in AI art and brand design, is introduced as a platform that simplifies AI usage for artists, brands, and corporations.

The concept of 'the smart get smarter' is discussed, emphasizing how engagement with AI can enhance human intelligence and capabilities.

The importance of learning and adapting to new technologies is highlighted, as opposed to resisting or dismissing their potential.

The speaker shares their personal journey of being transformed by AI, from their first interactions with GPT to building a company around it.

AI's potential to democratize creativity and the arts by providing tools that can be harnessed by anyone with a creative vision.

The idea that AI could be a great equalizer, allowing those with less access to resources to achieve more through enhanced intelligence.

The future of work and how AI can complement human skills, suggesting that people should focus on their irreplaceable skills while AI handles the rest.

The societal shift needed to embrace AI fully, including changes in education and encouragement of free-thinking and experimentation.