Luminar Neo: Lighting the Landscape

Jim Nix
9 May 202416:13

TLDRIn this video, the host guides viewers through the process of enhancing a landscape photo taken in Iceland using Luminar Neo. The focus is on lighting adjustments, utilizing various tools such as Develop RAW, Super Contrast, Object Select for masking waterfalls, Water Enhancer for improving the water's appearance, and Luminosity Masks for subtle sky adjustments. Additional techniques include using a radial gradient to draw attention to focal points, adjusting HSL settings to modify color brightness and saturation, and applying a vignette with Inner Light to create visual interest. The host emphasizes the importance of subtlety to avoid over-editing and provides a before-and-after comparison to showcase the impact of their editing techniques.


  • 📸 **Editing Process**: The video focuses on enhancing a landscape photo taken in Iceland using various tools in Luminar Neo, emphasizing lighting adjustments.
  • 💡 **Initial Adjustments**: Basic edits like camera light profile, blacks and whites, color, sharpening, and auto distortion correction are applied to the raw file to establish a good starting point.
  • 🌟 **Super Contrast**: The presenter prefers using Develop RAW and Super Contrast as a one-two punch for lighting adjustments without delving into complex masking.
  • 💧 **Waterfalls Focus**: Waterfalls are highlighted as a key focal point using the new Object Select tool to brighten them and make them stand out more.
  • 🌊 **Water Enhancer**: A tool used to adjust the water's appearance, making it more vibrant and blue, while being careful not to overdo the color or brightness.
  • 🎨 **Color Work**: The HSL section is utilized to adjust the luminance of colors, particularly toning down the yellows in the grass and brightening the blues in the water.
  • 🌈 **Vignette and Inner Light**: The vignette tool, specifically the Inner Light feature, is used to draw attention to the waterfalls by darkening the edges and creating a subtle light effect.
  • 🌙 **Twilight Enhancer**: This tool helps to add character to the sky, with adjustments made primarily to the sky and not the foreground for a natural look.
  • 📂 **Luminosity Masks**: A powerful tool for isolating and adjusting specific tonal areas of the image, such as darkening the sky without creating a halo effect along the edges.
  • 🖌️ **Brush Refinements**: After applying various masks, a brush tool is used for fine-tuning, erasing unwanted effects, and ensuring a seamless blend between different areas of the image.
  • ⛰️ **Foreground Elements**: To direct the viewer's attention to the waterfalls, the presenter darkens the foreground using a linear gradient, making the main subject more prominent.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to demonstrate how to light a landscape image using various tools in Luminar Neo, including new and existing features.

  • What is the first step the presenter takes in editing the landscape image?

    -The first step the presenter takes is to use the Develop RAW tool to make basic adjustments such as camera light profile, blacks and whites, color, sharpening, and auto distortion correction.

  • What new tool does the presenter use to enhance the waterfalls in the image?

    -The presenter uses a new tool called 'Object Select' to select and slightly brighten the waterfalls, making them stand out more as a focal point in the image.

  • How does the 'Water Enhancer' tool affect the image?

    -The 'Water Enhancer' tool is used to adjust the color and brightness of the water in the image, making it more vibrant and visually appealing without being overdone.

  • What does the presenter use to create a pop of brightness in a specific area of the photo?

    -The presenter uses a radial gradient with Accent AI to create a pop of brightness in a specific area, drawing the viewer's eye to that part of the image.

  • Why does the presenter prefer using Luminosity masks over other masking tools in certain situations?

    -The presenter prefers Luminosity masks because they allow for precise isolation of different tonal areas and a more natural, gradient-like fade along the edges, which is especially useful when adjusting the sky without creating a halo effect.

  • How does the 'Twilight Enhancer' tool impact the overall mood of the landscape?

    -The 'Twilight Enhancer' tool is used to add a certain character to the sky, enhancing the mood of the landscape by making subtle adjustments to the sky's color and brightness.

  • What role does the HSL section play in lighting up the landscape?

    -The HSL section, specifically the luminance sliders, allows the presenter to adjust the brightness values of individual colors, which can help to illuminate certain parts of the landscape and create more contrast.

  • How does the presenter use a vignette to enhance the lighting of the landscape?

    -The presenter uses an 'Inner Light' vignette to create a subtle light adjustment that draws attention to the subject, in this case, the waterfalls, by darkening the areas around them.

  • What is the presenter's approach to using the different tools in Luminar Neo for lighting a landscape?

    -The presenter's approach involves using a combination of tools such as Develop RAW, Super Contrast, Object Select, Water Enhancer, Twilight Enhancer, Accent AI, Luminosity masks, and HSL adjustments to achieve a visually interesting and balanced image.

  • Why is it important to make adjustments to a RAW file straight out of the camera?

    -Adjustments to a RAW file are important because a RAW file often requires editing to achieve the desired look and feel, allowing the photographer to manipulate elements such as lighting, color, and contrast to match their creative vision.



📸 Introduction to Landscape Lighting in Luminar Neo

The speaker welcomes viewers to a tutorial on enhancing landscape photos using Luminar Neo. They discuss their approach to lighting, emphasizing the importance of adjusting the light to bring out the desired vision in a photo. The base image, a raw file from Iceland, is shown before and after initial edits using Develop RAW and Super Contrast. The speaker's strategy involves using various tools, including new and existing ones, along with masks for color correction and highlights without over-editing.


💡 Lighting Up Waterfalls and Using Water Enhancer

The focus shifts to making the waterfalls stand out as a central element of the image. Using the Object Select tool, the speaker selects and slightly brightens the waterfalls to make them pop. They then introduce the Water Enhancer tool, adjusting the blue tone and brightness of the water for a more natural and appealing look. Attention is given to refining the mask to avoid affecting the sky or the newly brightened waterfalls.


🌄 Advanced Sky Lighting with Luminosity Masks

The speaker addresses the need to adjust the sky's brightness and color without creating a halo effect. They compare different masking tools and highlight the Luminosity mask as the preferred method for its ability to blend seamlessly with the sky's tonal areas. After darkening and cooling the sky's color, they proceed to use the Twilight Enhancer tool to add character to the sky, carefully avoiding the foreground with another Luminosity mask.


🖌️ Final Touches: Accentuating Waterfalls and Using HSL

To draw attention to the waterfalls, the speaker uses a radial gradient with Accent AI and adjusts exposure for a subtle highlight. They also discuss the importance of managing the foreground elements and use a linear gradient to slightly darken the area, enhancing the visual focus on the waterfall. The HSL tool is employed to adjust the luminance of colors, particularly toning down the yellows and increasing the blue to create contrast and make the water features stand out more. Lastly, the vignette with Inner Light is used to add a finishing touch, drawing the viewer's eye to the waterfalls.

🎨 Conclusion and Summary of Lighting Techniques

The speaker concludes by showing the dramatic improvement from the original raw file to the edited landscape. They summarize the various tools and techniques used to light up the landscape, including the Water Enhancer, Twilight Enhancer, Accent AI, Develop RAW, Object Select, and Luminosity masks. They emphasize the flexibility and control these tools offer, allowing for a customized approach to achieving the desired look in landscape photography.



💡Luminar Neo

Luminar Neo is a photo editing software that offers a suite of tools for enhancing and transforming photographs. In the video, it is the primary platform where the host demonstrates how to edit a landscape image taken in Iceland. It is central to the video's theme as it is the tool that enables the host to manipulate lighting and other aspects of the photo to achieve the desired visual effect.

💡Landscape Image

A landscape image refers to a type of photography that captures a wide view of the natural environment, often featuring elements like mountains, forests, and bodies of water. In the context of the video, the host is focusing on enhancing a landscape image taken during a trip to Iceland, emphasizing the importance of lighting adjustments to bring out the desired mood and depth in the scene.

💡Lighting the Landscape

Lighting the landscape is a technique used in photography and photo editing to adjust the light and shadows in an image to create a specific mood or visual impact. The host of the video uses various tools within Luminar Neo to modify the lighting of the landscape image, aiming to make it visually striking without appearing over-edited. This concept is the main focus of the video and is integral to achieving the host's artistic vision for the photograph.

💡Object Select

Object Select is a feature within Luminar Neo that allows users to quickly and accurately select specific objects within an image, such as the waterfalls in the host's landscape photo. This tool is used to make targeted adjustments to these selected areas, ensuring that the enhancements are applied only to the desired parts of the image. In the video, Object Select is highlighted for its ability to precisely isolate and brighten the waterfalls, making them stand out more prominently in the final image.

💡Water Enhancer

Water Enhancer is a tool within Luminar Neo designed to improve the appearance of water in a photograph. It can adjust the color, brightness, and overall visual appeal of water elements. In the video, the host uses the Water Enhancer to add more vibrancy and a subtle blue tone to the water in the landscape, enhancing its visual impact without making it look unnatural.

💡Super Contrast

Super Contrast is a feature in Luminar Neo that enhances the contrast of an image, making it more dynamic and visually engaging. The host mentions it as part of their editing workflow, suggesting that it is a crucial step after the initial Develop RAW adjustments to bring out the light and character in the landscape. It contributes to the overall lighting and mood of the final image by adding depth and definition to the various elements within the scene.

💡Luminosity Masks

Luminosity Masks are a set of tools used in photo editing to isolate different tonal areas of an image based on their brightness levels. This allows for precise adjustments to specific parts of a photo without affecting the rest. In the video, the host uses Luminosity Masks to selectively darken the sky in the landscape image, creating a smooth gradient at the edges without a halo effect, which would have been a problem if other selection tools were used.

💡Twilight Enhancer

Twilight Enhancer is a tool that adjusts the colors and tones of an image to mimic the soft, warm lighting conditions of twilight. The host uses this feature to add character to the sky in the landscape image, giving it a more appealing and natural look. The Twilight Enhancer is applied in a subtle manner to avoid overdoing the effect and to keep the focus on the sky rather than the foreground.

💡Radial Gradient

A Radial Gradient is a type of gradient that radiates outward from a central point. In photo editing, it can be used to create a visual effect that draws attention to a specific area of an image. The host employs a radial gradient with Accent AI to highlight the waterfalls and make them a prominent focal point in the landscape image. By adjusting the size, position, and intensity of the gradient, the host is able to control where the viewer's eye is drawn within the composition.

💡Linear Gradient

A Linear Gradient is a gradual transition between two colors or tones that moves along a straight line. In the context of the video, the host uses a Linear Gradient to darken the foreground area of the landscape image, creating a visual contrast that leads the viewer's eye towards the brighter and more prominent waterfalls. This technique helps to enhance the overall lighting and composition of the image by establishing a balance between the different areas of the scene.

💡HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance)

HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, and Luminance, which are three components of the color of an object. In photo editing, adjusting these values can alter the color and brightness of specific colors within an image. The host uses the HSL tool to modify the luminance of the yellows in the landscape to make them less dominant, and to increase the luminance of the blues to brighten the water. This helps to create a more balanced and visually appealing image by controlling the brightness and prominence of different colors.


A Vignette is a gradual reduction of an image's brightness or saturation at the periphery compared to the image center. In the video, the host uses an Inner Light Vignette to subtly brighten the central area of the image, particularly around the waterfalls, without making the effect too obvious. This technique adds visual interest and helps to draw the viewer's attention to the main focal points of the landscape image.


Luminar Neo is used to edit a landscape image taken in Iceland, focusing on enhancing the lighting of the landscape.

The video demonstrates how to adjust lighting and achieve the desired vision for a photo using various tools.

Develop RAW and Super Contrast are the primary tools used for the initial lighting adjustments.

Object Select is a new masking tool that can automatically select and adjust specific objects, such as waterfalls, in the image.

Water Enhancer is a tool used to subtly enhance the color and brightness of water elements in the photo.

Radial gradients and AI are used to draw attention to and light up specific areas of the photo, such as the waterfalls.

Luminosity masks are praised for their ability to isolate and adjust different tonal areas of an image with precision.

Twilight Enhancer is a tool that can add character to the sky, enhancing the mood of the landscape.

Develop tool can be used with a linear gradient to subtly darken the foreground, drawing more attention to the focal points.

HS(L) Luminosity sliders in the HSL section can be used to adjust the brightness of individual colors to illuminate the landscape.

Vignette with Inner Light can add visual interest by subtly brightening the subject, such as the waterfalls.

The presenter emphasizes the flexibility and control provided by Luminar's tools for lighting and enhancing landscapes.

Different masks are stackable, allowing for precise control over where adjustments are applied.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use various tools in Luminar Neo to achieve a visually striking landscape image.

Luminar Neo's tools allow for non-destructive editing, giving photographers the ability to experiment freely.

The presenter shares personal preferences for certain tools and techniques, encouraging viewers to find their own style.

The importance of subtlety in editing is stressed to avoid overdoing effects and maintaining a natural look in the final image.

The use of Luminosity masks is demonstrated as a powerful technique for making precise adjustments to specific areas of an image.