This 4141 IS THE NEW META! - 4-1-4-1 20-0 Custom Tactics, Instructions & Tips for FC24
- 🏟️ 4141阵型在防守和进攻之间取得了很好的平衡,适合喜欢424阵型的玩家。
- 🔄 4141阵型在构建进攻时提供了丰富的传球选择,使得比赛更加有趣。
- 💡 推荐使用Levi Co目标来提升中后卫的能力,它在防守上非常全面。
- ⚽ 通过设置合适的宽度和深度,可以最大化中场的压力,同时保持防线的稳固。
- 🏃 采用高压迫的中场设置,有助于在赢得球权后快速发起进攻。
- 📈 使用控球和机会创造的战术,可以更好地控制球队,而不是依赖AI。
- 🤝 选择拥有良好身体素质和速度的前锋,以配合敏捷但力量不足的边锋。
- 🏃 边锋应设置为内切并进入禁区进行传中,以利用他们的速度和技术。
- 🔝 中场球员应具备进攻意识,能够与前锋有效配合,创造得分机会。
- ⚖️ 后腰的设置应注重切断传球线路,并在进攻时保持位置以覆盖防守空当。
- 🚀 边后卫应根据情况适时前插,利用空当进行有威胁的跑位和传中。
Q & A
为什么在4141阵型中,边锋的设置是'Cut inside and get into the box with cross'而不是'Get behind'?
-因为'Get behind'设置会减少传球选项,迫使球员进行不必要的跑动。相反,'Cut inside and get into the box with cross'可以让边锋成为持续的传球选择,并在合适的时机切入禁区,为队友创造传中机会。
为什么在4141阵型中,防守型中场(CDM)的设置是'Cut passing Lane stay back while attacking cover Center'?
在4141阵型中,为什么建议将边后卫设置为'Join the attack overlap'?
-即使设置为'Join the attack',边后卫也不会一直前插,因为前面有边锋。他们会在边锋切入内线时利用产生的空间进行前插,这样可以在对方防线后面创造进攻机会。
为什么在4141阵型中,门将的设置是'sweeper keeper'?
-将门将设置为'sweeper keeper'意味着门将会参与到球队的进攻组织中,特别是在球队控球时,门将可以作为一个额外的传球选项,帮助球队从后场开始构建进攻。
-通过设置宽度为35,可以确保球员在进入禁区时更加集中,增加禁区内的接球选项。同时,设置'Six players in the box'可以确保有足够的球员参与进攻,增加进球机会。
为什么在4141阵型中,使用'Possession'而不是'Direct passing'?
-使用'Possession'可以让玩家更好地控制球队,尤其是在连续传球时,AI会根据玩家的传球自动进行跑位,而'Direct passing'则更多依赖AI来控制比赛,可能会导致AI的跑位选择不如玩家所愿。
-通过为每个位置的球员设置特定的指令,比如让中锋'Stay Central',边锋'Cut inside and get into the box with cross',中场球员根据他们的特点进行相应的设置,如CAM的'Get forward'和CDM的'Stay back while attacking',可以最大化每个球员的作用,提高球队整体的表现。
🏟️ 4141阵型介绍与战术分析
本段讨论了4141阵型的特点,强调其在攻防两端的平衡性,以及与424阵型的相似之处。提到了这种阵型对于喜欢控球和传递的玩家来说非常有趣,因为总有传球选择。还提到了通过Levi Co目标提升中后卫能力,以及如何设置自定义战术,包括进攻平衡、宽度和深度的调整,以及如何通过控制传球来增强球队控制力。
📊 球员指令与战术偏好
🛡️ 防守与进攻的平衡
推荐使用Levi Co目标中后卫,因其全面性和防守风格而成为游戏中最受欢迎的中后卫之一
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with code n what's good y' today we're
going to be going over the 4141 and if
you were a person that really liked the
424 previously you're going to notice
that this formation is going to be
really similar and it's going to play
really similar as well so if you had fun
with that formation this formation is
going to be pretty good as well it's
also really well balanced and
well-rounded to cater to defense as well
as attacking so if you found the 424 to
be to attacking then this
4141 is going to be basically not
defensive but it's going to have defense
in mind and generally I've just found
this formation to be really fun to begin
with because you're always going to have
passing options especially in the
buildup so building up this formation is
a lot more fun than any of the other
formations in the game to be honest and
to be frank I've went over a lot of
formations when it comes to all the
formations the game has to offer ever
since the most recent patch which is
like two months ago and I think I'm
honestly going to stick to the 4141 for
the remainder of the game until the next
patch obviously either that or the 424
but basically if you guys are wondering
what my favorite formations are right
now it's either this formation right
here or the 424 I'm obviously going to
go back and forth between the two but
what matters is this formation for right
now and as you can see my team's right
here just to go straight to the custom
tactics because this formation's really
just honestly really good to be honest
Al you guys haven't done so already I
highly recommend you guys do this Levi
Co objective right here it's easily been
one of my favorite center backs in the
game to this point it's well-rounded
it's fast enough and it has three play
style pluses in defense so that's
perfect perfect to be honest but that's
besides the point we're just going to go
straight to the custom tactics if
anything I have this set to my attacking
and we're going to have it on balance
with 38 width and 68 depth and I said
this in my previous video but with the
width we want it to be as low as
possible until it's not too low and what
I mean by that is we want it low enough
to the point where the options in the
middle of the field are just too tight
but not too low to the point where the
other team's just going to have too many
options out wide and basically with how
the meta is it's kind of silly to be
honest I don't know why have it like
this but when the ball's on one side of
the um Pitch your defense is going to
shift towards that side so even though
this is a narrow width your touch lines
are still going to be covered pretty
well whenever the ball's on that side if
that makes sense it's not like they're
going to be wide open if anything it's
just the other side of the field if
anything that is going to be an issue so
if you're playing against people that
love to switch the ball then you're
probably going to have to pause the game
and turn this back up but most people
don't play like that to be honest it's
only like a select few so that's why we
have at 38 if like I said this becomes
an free I turn it up to like 45 at most
but 38 just for the sake of maximizing
the amount of pressure we can cause in
the middle of the pitch and then 68
depth you want this to be a high
pressing formation because you're
basically going to have a huge wall in
your Midfield and pushing that wall
forward is going to basically allow for
you to keep the ball away from your own
box and the benefit to that isn't
necessarily present in defense but more
so in offense because once you win the
ball back you're just going to make it
much more easier for you to start an
attack because it's a lot more easier to
start an attack from the middle of the
pitch than it is from your own box so
the whole objective is to win the ball
back in the middle of the pitch for you
and then build a Play balance of chance
creation possession again in my personal
opinion the game is so much better with
the possession chance creation because
you actually will have control on your
team with this chance cretion and what I
mean with that is the fact that when you
use possession instead of direct passing
the thing with direct passing is that
it's basically putting emphasis into the
AI I'll be explaining this in a future
video where where I explain how to make
your own custom tactics but think of
direct passing as letting the AI do a
lot of the work for you which can be
helpful for a lot of games but there'll
also be games where you're noticing that
your AI just aren't making correct
movements which can be really
frustrating to play with so think of
possession as you have control of your
team so with possession you'll notice
that whenever using passing goes
whenever you're using one two passes
things like this you're going to be able
to dictate the quality of the AI you're
attacking AI so it'll give you just in
general better control of your team so
if you've ever played of direct passing
and you realize that you're just not
playing good and you can't explain why
because your AI is just not making
proper movements and it's really not
your fault because you're using direct
passing and direct passing is really
just most of the AI doing the work for
you and the issue with that is if the AI
is letting you down then there's not
much you can do to really do anything
about that and possession will finally
give you control of your team in the
final third especially and then with 35
because this formation is really wide to
begin with you have a lot of options
horizontally it's really really
important that you have a more narrow
width for this formation that way when
you get to the final third all of your
players are going to access the box so
35 width is important and then six
players in the Box quite frankly it's
not an AI formation if it doesn't have
six players in the Box you know my
custom tactics you know I love to
overload the other teams attack with
options I know they say defense wins
games but in my opinion the way I play
this game it's outscoring your opponent
that wins games because I suck at
defense and I go 20 no like pretty often
so if you're a player that loves scoring
a lot of goals if you like playing games
that go like 54 65 things like that just
high-scoring games to begin with then
these custom Tech are perfect for you
you can also pride yourself on defense
too to be honest it's just it matter
it's a matter of how you actually
control the players where this is
important but for the most part this
custom tactic focuses more on the
attacking side and the buildup side and
then three corners in the Box again this
is personal preference I love to
experiment you can do one if you like
playing the ball short I like to do
three because I have players that can do
headers so it's up to you basically but
and then free kicks too this I should
have this to free kicks one to be honest
free kicks suck when it comes to passing
anyways so free kicks one before I go
ahead and show you guys the player
instructions if you haven't subscribed
already go ahead and subscribe today
because I've been creating some of the
most meta tactics as well as authentic
tactics for fc24 so if you like playing
different formations that aren't the
typical 4231 4321 things like that blah
blah blah I've been playing with a lot
of different tactics this year and I
found honestly other tactics in the game
that aren't the traditional meta
formations to be really really good so
go ahead and subscribe if you haven't
already additionally if you're looking
for a Discord server where you can find
things like FIFA discussion for tactics
daily content Squad building any of that
stuff go ahead and join today's have the
link in the description and then going
straight to play instructions of course
for Striker up front right here we're
going to have him only on State Central
normally you would want State forward
but I honestly didn't even bother
putting it on anything this time because
I think by default the game just has it
on state forward to begin with I don't I
don't see like an actual difference
because as a lone Striker he's going to
hold that position up front anyways so
if he want to just to be safe he can put
State forward it would be recommended
but I honestly don't think EA even set
this thing up properly to be honest but
you're going to want a really good
Striker that is really really good in
physicality which is going to be
important if you love playing with
Wingers that are just really agile and
quick but don't have good strength that
aren't able to resist a defender on
their shoulders and I wouldn't recommend
this formation for you to be honest
because you're going to need to play
like drug bear or something like this
because when he's alone in the Box he's
going to be dragging center backs out of
space and that's where the Wingers and
the center mids are going to get evolved
for a lot of shooting opportunities for
themselves so you're going to need a
shriker that is just really strong off
the ball as well and is also really
quick so I found Dr to be perfect for
the squad and he's also really good for
crosses which is going to be
a huge you know gameplay detail in this
formation if you're a player that loves
plan crosses then you're going to have a
lot of fun with this formation but yeah
stay Central and then your right winger
right here is going to be on basic
defensive support cut inside and get
into the box with cross we do not have
it on getting behind because we do not
need him to be on getting behind we want
him to be a passing option consistently
and the issue of getting behind is the
fact that operates just like how people
play with um direct passing it's going
to remove a passing option in favor of
forcing runs when it's not completely
necessary and we need players to
constantly be open in this formation
because when we constantly spam those
passes after each individual pass
there's AI instructed to make certain
runs after the pass so think of it this
way think of you passing around and when
you're passing around the other player
has to control a player and then try to
intercept the ball whatnot and when all
of this is happening they're dragging
players out of position once the player
you have passed and go with or passed
and gone with to better say these
Wingers right here will begin to abuse
space that you have won yourself that's
also where G to the Box cross comes into
play because whenever it's relevant
they're going to cut inside they're
going to get in between the fullback and
the center back and if you have players
with finesse shot Plus or even finesse
shot the regular one you're going to be
getting yourself a lot of goals with
these Wingers and the same thing is
going to be on your left Winger right
here as well you're going to have them
cut inside get into the box with cross
now if you really want to you can put
them on comeback for defense however
it's worth noting that they're already
going to be really aggressive on defense
and they're going to track back enough
so that's why I don't do so already but
if defending is really important for you
and you want to like compromise your
attack a little bit you can just put
them both on comeback on defense but
like I said if you know me I hate
defending in FIFA so I just love being
ready for the Counterattack at all
points so they're still going to track
back but they're going to hold a much
aggressively deeper position in defense
when you have them on basic or sorry
when you have them on come back on
defense so it's your preference to be
honest and then your right center mid is
going to be on get forward cover Center
this player right here is going to be
like a number 10 basically they're going
to be working a lot with your Striker so
you're going to need a player that is
really really good good in terms of
dribbling and shooting and then Pace
won't be as important so that's why I
found Z to be perfect for this because
since he's five star five star I'm able
to do a lot with him and he's also just
really good in dribbling to begin with
so I usually don't have issues with him
but you're going to want someone with a
number 10 type of player profile right
here you're also going to need someone
you can trust to score a lot of goals
with with this player right here because
they're going to get a lot of shooting
shooting opportunities off the back of
your Striker and then your other Center
mid right here is going to be on Bounce
attack cover Center guys if you have
that Loftus T card he is so good I don't
know like how he's so good but he's just
so good it feels like he's it feels like
he has like 120 Pace because for some
reason he's so fast probably because
he's really tall so but he's really
really good he's perfect as a box to box
which is important for this position
right here because on Bounce attack he's
going to attack whenever it's relevant
instead of forcing the option which is
which is what makes it different to the
other camid as we saw so you're going to
want a player that has basically really
well-rounded stats you know Plus 90 and
almost anything if possible and that's
what lus cheek has more or less if you
have that new modrick or maybe you have
that Bruno whoever you have that has
really good stats across the board going
be perfect for this position right here
and then you CDM right here cut passing
Lane stay back while attacking cover
Center really all this guy needs to do
is just stay back and help the center
backs because we'll go over the uh
fullbacks in a moment but with stay back
while attacking he's going to hold a
position in between the center backs so
that's going to allow the center backs
to drag a little bit out wider than they
normally need to when you have the ball
and when you're in the final thre
especially so as we'll go over in a
moment but you have an attacking
fullback and the issue with attacking
fullbacks is you don't want to leave too
much space out open so having a player
that is a defensive midfielder like he
has a defensive midfielder AI having him
on stay back while attacking will allow
him to drop in between the center backs
and then when he drops in between the
center backs those two center backs that
are already there are going to start
holding slightly wider positions to
accommodate the fullback that's now
attacking now obviously this is
situational it's only going to happen on
certain occasions and now with that
being said you go to the left back right
here which is our join the attack
overlap now even though it's on join the
attack because there's a Winger right
next to it or sorry right in front of it
he's not literally going to bomb the
wings every single chance he has for
example if you look at the 43 21 that
fullback is always always always bombing
the wings and that's only because
there's no player ahead of them and when
there's no player ahead of him there's
just too much space for them to have and
because there's too much space they're
just going to they're just going to
utilize it every single time they have
every single chance they have so even
though this play not join the attack
they're only going to make runs whenever
your Winger right here has actually cut
inside basically and once they've cut
inside they're going to be dragging
Wingers inside or sorry fullbacks inside
side and that's when this player is
going to be fully utilized and they're
going to be able to make a run in behind
that's going to be an issue for the
other player and at this point once
that's occurred hopefully you have a CDM
that has really good passing stats
ideally has a long ball Pass Plus or
just a regular long ball pass or just
some player in Midfield to begin with
that has long ball pass because then you
can find this guy and you're going to
get a really good opportunity to attack
straight from this position and then
your two center backs obviously are
going to be St back while attacking and
your right back right here is also going
to be on stay back while attacking
overlap and then your keeper is going to
be on I forgot to set it but balance or
sorry no comes across the sweeper keeper
like I said earlier the difference
between this and a formation of direct
passing especially the traditional metal
with the 4321 and such is that your AI
is going to be as good as the passes you
can make with possession you actually
have control of your AI meaning that the
runs you make are going to be the runs
you actually deserve rather than direct
passing which just forces runs over and
over again until you can just basically
just force a pass in that makes sense
that's why direct passing is always the
meta because it's not necessarily the
best but it's just so easy to play with
because you don't actually have to do
that much to attack with direct passing
while possession it is going to be a
little bit more harder in essence
however it's going to be B more
beneficial in the long run especially if
you're a more skilled player because if
you can make good quality passes and
make dribbles when it's appropriate
you're going to have control of the
other team's defense because that other
player is trying to control the ball or
sorry win the ball back but you're
constantly triggering passing options by
passing from one player passing to
another runs are occurring automatically
by the AI because they're receiving the
ball and once they pass the ball with
position they're instructed to run right
after into space that you've opened up
and this formation collectively is meant
to force the amount of options that you
actually get for and after these passes
yeah like I said before if you guys were
wondering what I actually prefer when it
comes to form missions it's either this
one or the 424 in my honest opinion and
then after that there's obviously the
meta ones like the 4321 the 4 tri2 and
the 4231 but those are honestly like in
one tie for me like I can't really tell
you which one's the best out of those
because they're all the meta yeah I have
a lot of fun with this formation to be
honest I'll probably even drop like a
longer gameplay video with this
formation when it comes to the Premier
League team the season cuz I'm trying to
grind out and get that cold palmer but
we'll see how that goes to be honest but
other than that go ahead and like
comment subscribe if you mess with the
content and that's all
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