[ML News] Devin exposed | NeurIPS track for high school students

Yannic Kilcher
27 Apr 202417:47

TLDRThis video discusses several topics within the machine learning community. It addresses the controversy surrounding 'Devon', an AI code model that was criticized for misleading marketing after a video showed it solving an Upwork task incorrectly. The discussion highlights the limitations of current AI in comprehensive task understanding. The video also covers NeurIPS introducing a track for high school student papers, expressing concerns that this may exacerbate inequality in access to research opportunities. Furthermore, it touches on the capabilities of AI models like Claude, the ethical concerns of AI-generated propaganda, and the influence of AI on academic writing styles. The summary underscores the complex relationship between AI advancements and their broader social implications.


  • 📢 The title suggests a news update on the release of 'llama 3 and 53' and a NeurIPS track for high school students.
  • 🤖 Devon, an AI code model, was criticized for misleading marketing after a video showed it incorrectly solving an Upwork task.
  • 🧐 The task Devon was advertised to solve was misunderstood; it was supposed to set up a code repository, but Devon attempted to fix non-existent bugs.
  • 🚀 Despite the controversy, some argue that AI models like Devon are still in their early stages and such issues are to be expected.
  • 📉 The incident with Devon highlights the current limitations of AI in fully understanding and executing complex tasks as per human instructions.
  • 🎓 NeurIPS introduced a new track for high school students to submit papers, aiming to encourage younger minds into machine learning research.
  • 💭 There's concern that this initiative might only benefit students from affluent or academic backgrounds, rather than truly broadening access to research.
  • 📈 The move could potentially give an unfair advantage to certain students in their future academic pursuits, such as PhD applications.
  • 🌐 It's argued that resources would be better spent identifying and supporting talented individuals from diverse backgrounds who may not have the same opportunities.
  • 🤔 The discussion raises questions about the accessibility of education and research opportunities, and the role of AI and technology in leveling the playing field.
  • 📚 There's a call for a more inclusive approach to identifying and nurturing talent, focusing on those who may not have the means or knowledge to pursue research independently.
  • 🔄 The script also touches on the influence of AI on language and writing styles, suggesting that AI-generated text might be affecting how people communicate.

Q & A

  • What is the main controversy surrounding the AI system named Devon?

    -The controversy revolves around the way Devon was advertised. It was claimed that Devon solved an Upwork task, but the actual task was not what Devon ended up doing. The task was to update a code repository to run on an EC2 instance, but Devon performed code fixes and introduced new bugs instead. The original poster of the task recognized his own posting in a demo video and pointed out the discrepancies.

  • What was the nature of the Upwork task that Devon was said to have solved?

    -The Upwork task involved updating an old code repository to run on an EC2 instance. The task required reading the README file and executing one or two commands to set up the environment correctly.

  • How did Devon's operators handle the Upwork task?

    -Devon's operators did not input the actual Upwork task. Instead, they provided the code repository and gave a vague instruction like 'solve the bug,' which led to Devon performing actions that were not part of the original task.

  • What are the implications of the misrepresentation of Devon's capabilities?

    -The misrepresentation can be seen as 'shady marketing' and it raises concerns about the trustworthiness of AI demonstrations and the importance of accurate representation of AI capabilities to the public and potential users.

  • What is the criticism regarding the NeurIPS track for high school students?

    -The criticism is that the necessary knowledge to effectively write and submit papers for NeurIPS is not typically taught until higher education levels, meaning that the opportunity will likely be skewed towards students from academic or wealthy backgrounds, rather than being a true meritocracy.

  • Why is the speaker concerned about the NeurIPS track potentially benefiting the children of academic or wealthy parents?

    -The speaker is concerned because it could exacerbate existing inequalities, where children from privileged backgrounds get more opportunities, rather than broadening access to students from diverse backgrounds who might have the potential but lack the resources or knowledge to participate.

  • What does the speaker suggest should be done instead to make research more accessible?

    -The speaker suggests that resources should be directed towards identifying and supporting students who show potential but may not have the background knowledge or support to engage in research, rather than focusing on those who are already in a position to participate.

  • What is the significance of the speaker's discussion about the use of the word 'delve' in AI-generated text?

    -The discussion highlights how AI language models can perpetuate and spread specific linguistic patterns or dialects based on the data they are trained on. In this case, the overuse of 'delve' is attributed to the influence of Nigerian English in the training data for the AI.

  • How is the use of AI language models like Chat GPT affecting academic writing?

    -AI language models are reportedly influencing academic writing styles, with an estimated 35% of computer science abstracts showing the impact of Chat GPT. This could be due to the models' tendency to use certain words or phrases more frequently.

  • What is the potential impact of AI-generated text on the language and communication styles of people?

    -As people consume more text generated by AI models, there is a possibility that they may start adopting the language patterns and styles present in the training data of these models, which could lead to a shift in language use and communication styles over time.

  • What is the ethical concern raised by the Wall Street Journal article about AI-generated 'pink slime' news?

    -The ethical concern is about the creation and spread of false political stories by AI, which can be used to manipulate public opinion and influence elections, posing a threat to the integrity of democratic processes.

  • What does the speaker suggest regarding the resources available for self-education via the internet?

    -While acknowledging that the internet and platforms like YouTube provide vast educational resources, the speaker points out that the real issue is not the availability of information but the lack of exposure and awareness of these opportunities among those not in academic or affluent environments.



📰 AI in Software Engineering: The Devon Controversy

The first paragraph discusses the release of an AI system named Devon, which is an automatic software engineer capable of performing coding tasks. It highlights the controversy surrounding Devon's ability to solve an Upwork task, which was misrepresented in promotional materials. The actual task was to update a code repository to run on an EC2 instance, but Devon performed unrelated code fixes and introduced new bugs. The paragraph also touches on the broader implications of AI in coding, suggesting that while AI can assist, it is not yet at a stage where it can fully comprehend and execute complex tasks as intended without human oversight.


🎓 High School Research and the Socioeconomic Divide

The second paragraph addresses the introduction of a track for high school student papers at a leading professional research conference. While the intention is to broaden research opportunities, the speaker argues that the necessary knowledge and resources to participate are not typically available to high school students, thus favoring those from academic or affluent backgrounds. The paragraph suggests that resources would be better spent identifying and supporting talented individuals from diverse backgrounds, rather than further advantaging those already in privileged positions.


🚀 AI's Impact on Academic Writing and Language

The third paragraph explores the influence of AI language models on academic writing, particularly in the field of computer science. It discusses the overuse of certain words, like 'delve,' which may be attributed to the demographics of the crowd workers who contributed to the training data. The paragraph also mentions an experiment where an AI operated as a touring machine, and the ethical concerns of AI-generated content, such as the creation of false political stories.


🌐 The Evolution of Language and AI's Role

The final paragraph delves into the potential long-term effects of AI on language use and academic writing styles. It raises the question of whether the increased consumption of AI-generated text might lead to a shift in human language patterns, akin to an 'export of a dialect.' The paragraph also references a study suggesting that approximately 35% of computer science abstracts may be influenced by AI, and it concludes with the presenter's hope that there are no major announcements between the video's creation and its release.




Devon refers to an automatic software engineer system that has been released, which is capable of performing coding tasks. It has a user interface that allows users to give it instructions, and it includes a chat, shell, browser, code editor, and planner. The system has been a subject of controversy due to a video that showed it solving an Upwork task, which was later criticized for not accurately representing the task's requirements. This incident has sparked discussions about the capabilities and limitations of AI in software engineering.


Upwork is a platform where individuals can post tasks for others to complete, often in the form of gig work. It includes programming tasks where someone might request a script to perform a specific function. The platform is mentioned in the context of a task that was supposedly solved by the AI system Devon, which became a point of contention in the video.

💡AI Code Models

AI code models, such as GitHub Copilot, are systems that utilize artificial intelligence to assist in coding by providing suggestions or automating certain tasks. They are part of a broader discussion on the role of AI in software development and are highlighted as having potential limitations in understanding and execution, as seen with the Devon controversy.

💡Hacker News

Hacker News is a social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship. It is mentioned in the context of providing a summary of the Devon situation, indicating that it is a platform where tech-savvy individuals discuss and critique developments in technology, including AI.


NeurIPS, or the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, is a leading conference for machine learning research. The introduction of a track for high school students' papers is discussed, with the speaker expressing concerns about accessibility and the potential for reinforcing socioeconomic disparities in research opportunities.

💡Machine Learning Research

Machine learning research involves the study and development of algorithms and statistical models for AI systems to perform tasks without being explicitly programmed. The video discusses the barriers to entry for high school students in this field, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding and resources that are not typically available until higher education.

💡Academic and Rich Parents

The term refers to the parents who are either academically inclined or financially well-off, which may provide their children with advantages in accessing and participating in advanced research fields like machine learning. The video discusses the potential bias in opportunities towards children from such backgrounds.

💡Self-Running Propaganda Machine

This refers to an AI system described in an article that can generate false political stories, which raises ethical and societal concerns about the use of AI in spreading misinformation. It is mentioned to highlight the potential misuse of AI technology.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI language model that has been known to influence the writing style of academic abstracts, particularly in the field of computer science. The video discusses the prevalence of its use and the impact it may have on the language and style of academic writing.

💡Language Model

A language model is a type of machine learning model that is used to predict and generate human-like language. The video touches on how these models can influence language use and potentially lead to changes in how people write and communicate.

💡Crowd Workers

Crowd workers are individuals who perform small tasks, often for digital platforms, on a piecemeal basis. The video discusses how the language used by these workers, particularly those from Nigeria, has influenced the output of AI language models like Chat GPT.


Devin, an automatic software engineer system, has been released and has garnered attention.

Devin features a programming interface with a chat, shell, browser, code editor, and planner.

A demo video shows Devin solving an Upwork task, raising questions about the accuracy of its capabilities.

Critics argue that the task Devin solved was not as described, and it introduced new bugs.

The marketing of Devin is considered 'shady' by some, with an orchestrated PR campaign.

NeurIPS introduces a new track for high school students' papers, aiming to broaden research accessibility.

Concerns are raised that the new track may favor children of academic or wealthy parents.

The necessity for a comprehensive understanding of machine learning research at a high school level is questioned.

The potential for self-education through the internet is highlighted, though concerns about unequal access remain.

Claud, Opus is shown to operate as a touring machine, deducing rules from symbols.

The Wall Street Journal discusses the creation of an AI-powered self-running propaganda machine.

The Guardian explores the overuse of the word 'delve' in AI-generated text, attributing it to the training data's demographics.

A study suggests that Chat GPT is influencing academic writing styles, particularly in computer science.

The paper on Chat GPT's impact notes a potential 35% increase in its use in academic abstracts.

The influence of AI language models on human language and communication is a topic of interest and potential concern.

The discussion emphasizes the need for critical evaluation of AI capabilities and their implications on society.