MLB \\ Best Stealing Home Plate

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8 Oct 202118:01

TLDRThe transcript describes a series of thrilling plays in a baseball game, highlighting various strategic moves such as steals, home runs, and successful executions of double steals. Players like Taylor, Randy, Daniel, and others showcase their agility and skill on the field, resulting in intense moments of excitement and lead changes. The game's dynamic nature is evident through the numerous lead swaps and the teams' relentless efforts to outscore each other.


  • 🏃‍♂️ Multiple instances of players stealing bases, particularly home, are highlighted throughout the transcript.
  • ⚾️ The transcript focuses on various baseball plays, including steals, throws, and scores, indicating a high-paced and dynamic game.
  • 🥳 The announcer's excitement is palpable, with frequent applause and exclamations of amazement at the players' actions.
  • 👏 Several successful steal attempts are noted, contributing to the overall tension and strategy of the game.
  • 🌟 Standout moments include players like Taylor, Daniel, and Stassi executing game-changing steals and runs.
  • 🏆 References to major leagues and players' aspirations to get there underscore the competitive nature of the game.
  • 🤕 There are mentions of injuries and close calls, adding an element of risk and concern for the players' safety.
  • 🚫 Instances of failed attempts and errors, such as missed throws and unsuccessful steals, highlight the challenges of the sport.
  • 📊 The transcript provides a sense of the ebb and flow of the game, with teams taking leads and losing them throughout.
  • 🤔 Strategic decisions, like choosing when to steal a base or the pitcher's choice of pitch, are implied to be crucial to the outcome of the game.
  • 🌐 The variety of teams and players mentioned gives a broad overview of the sport's landscape and the level of talent involved.

Q & A

  • Which player made a 90-degree angle lean to make a play?


  • Who stole home and led to the score being 5-0 for the Rays?

    -Randy Rosarina

  • What happened when Daniel attempted to steal home?

    -The pitch hit the dirt and bounced back to the screen.

  • Who successfully stole home after the ball got away from the catcher?

    -The run scores, but the specific player is not mentioned.

  • Which player executed a squeeze play to score a run?

    -The specific player is not mentioned, but a player from the Phillies did so.

  • Who was involved in the play where the ball was thrown to second base and a steal for home was attempted?

    -Molina and Pena were involved in the play.

  • Which player was picked off and allowed the opposing team to score from third?

    -Tatis was picked off.

  • Who made a successful steal of home without the catcher making a throw to the plate?


  • In which scenario did a player score from third due to a throw skipping at second base?

    -Freeman scored when Molina's throw skipped at second base.

  • Which player was involved in a play where a double steal was executed to take the lead?

    -The specific player is not mentioned, but a player from the Royals was involved.

  • Who made a steal of home that was considered a rare play not seen in 10 years?




🏃‍♂️ Base Running and Stealing Highlights

This paragraph showcases a series of intense base running and stealing plays in a baseball game. Key moments include Taylor making a 90-degree angle play at home, Randy Arozarena stealing home, and various other players executing delayed steals and double steals. Notable instances include Daniel Stole's home run, the ball bouncing back to the screen after hitting the dirt, and players like Stassi and Cesar Ceno making critical plays. The summary also highlights Coleman's safe arrival at home after a missed throw, and the strategic plays that lead to scores, such as the steal of home in a squeeze play. Additionally, the paragraph details near-misses and successful attempts at stealing bases, emphasizing the high-stakes, fast-paced nature of the game.


🚀 Exciting Score Plays and Steals

The second paragraph narrates a sequence of score plays and steals that intensify the game. It starts with the Phillies taking a 4-1 lead, followed by a series of strategic base running by players like Carratini and Kim. Notable moments include a successful steal by Culverson due to a throw that gets away, and a double steal that boosts the Rangers' lead. The summary also emphasizes surprise plays, such as Sweeney safely scoring at home and Alvarez's unexpected score from third base. Additionally, it highlights dramatic moments like Diaz getting picked off first base, Alex Bregman's score after a successful steal home, and the Blue Jays taking the lead with a clever steal executed by Soto. The paragraph concludes with a focus on young player Kipnis's game-changing steal and the Royals' strategic decision-making.


🥳 Impressive Double Steals and Clever Base Movements

This paragraph is filled with impressive double steals and clever base movements that demonstrate the players' agility and strategic thinking. It begins with a focus on the Red Sox's successful steal home by Ellsbury, followed by a series of strategic plays that lead to scores, such as Guzman's throw to the plate and Andrews' safe arrival at home. Notable moments include the first run of the game by Omar, the successful steal home by Upton, and the rare execution of a perfect steal by Elvis. The summary also highlights the Angels' successful double steal, the Rays' strategic pull-off of the same maneuver, and the Royals' steal of a run due to a bad throw. Additionally, it describes the excitement of the game as players like Smith, Hamilton, and Myers make critical moves that affect the score, emphasizing the dynamic nature of baseball.


🏆 Tense Game Moments and Strategic Decisions

The final paragraph narrates tense game moments filled with strategic decisions and critical plays. It starts with the Diamondbacks' stealer's success due to a missed throw, followed by the Blue Jays' double steal that ties the game. The summary highlights key moments such as Upton's steal home, Marte's safe arrival at the plate, and the Brewers' steal of a run that leads to a tie. Notable instances include the difficulty of scoring against right-handed pitchers, the strategic bunting by the Cubs, and the successful steal home by Jankowski. The paragraph concludes with a focus on the game's high-stakes nature, as players like Myers, Hamilton, and Espinoza make split-second decisions that can change the course of the game.




In baseball, a 'steal' refers to the act of a runner advancing to the next base without the help of a hit, walk, or error, by taking advantage of the pitcher's inattention or a poor throw. This term is central to the video's theme as it describes numerous instances where players execute successful or attempted steals, showcasing their strategic gameplay and agility. For example, 'a swing and a miss a delayed double steal' illustrates a situation where a runner takes advantage of a delayed throw to advance to the next base.


In the context of the video, 'home' typically refers to home plate, the final base a runner must touch to score a point for their team. The term is used frequently as players attempt to 'steal home' or 'score home', which are critical moments in the game. An example from the script is 'he's going to try to steal home', indicating a high-risk, high-reward play where a runner attempts to advance all the way to home plate without the assistance of a hit or other play.


A 'throw' in baseball is when a player hurls the ball to another player to retire a runner or to complete a play. In the video, the quality and accuracy of throws are crucial to the outcome of various situations. For instance, 'the throw he has stolen home' suggests that a runner was able to successfully steal home due to a poor throw by the defending team.


A 'runner' in baseball is a player who is advancing around the bases during a play. The term is used throughout the video to describe individuals who are part of the action, such as 'a razor runner heads for home', which indicates a player who is quickly moving towards home plate to score a run.


A 'pitch' is the act of a pitcher throwing the ball towards the home plate for the batter to attempt to hit. In the context of the video, pitches can be crucial to the strategic plays of the game, as seen in 'the pitch hit the dirt and bounced all the way back to the screen', which describes a pitch that resulted in a specific play unfolding.


To 'score' in baseball means to make a run by touching all the bases and reaching home plate. This is the primary objective of the offensive team. The term is central to the video's theme as it highlights the outcomes of various plays, such as 'cesar cenos once i get to the major leagues and face some, double steel attempt they come to the plate hold he is in there, stassi threw down the second base, apparently he convinced he could get, kinder philippa look at that lead, coleman has, here he comes, and he is safe, he does swing it a miss rudder goes, throw is off the mark coming home is, real muto and he runs into charinos and, then hits the plate he scores it's, one-nothing phillies', indicating a successful run scoring play.


A 'base' in baseball is one of the four stations on the field that a runner must touch during the course of a play. The term is integral to the video as it describes the positions and movements of the runners, such as 'he's safe, so daniel stole home the pitch hit the, dirt and bounced all the way back to the, screen, cesar cenos once i get to the major, leagues and face some, double steel attempt they come to the, plate hold he is in there, stassi threw down the second base, apparently he convinced he could get, kinder philippa look at that lead, coleman has, here he comes, and he is safe, he does swing it a miss rudder goes, throw is off the mark coming home is, real muto and he runs into charinos and, then hits the plate he scores it's, one-nothing phillies', which indicates the strategic importance of the bases in the game.


A 'catcher' is the player who stands behind home plate to catch the pitches from the pitcher and to throw the ball to other bases in an attempt to get the runners out. The role of the catcher is significant in the video as they are involved in many of the key plays, such as 'rudder going again, and they're coming home with it, safe is the call houston apparently, could not tag, the incoming runner', showing the catcher's responsibility in both offensive and defensive plays.

💡Stolen Base

A 'stolen base' is a strategic play in which a runner attempts to advance to the next base without the batter hitting the ball. This term is prevalent in the video as it describes a common tactic used by players to gain an advantage, as seen in 'daryl williams has just stolen all the, way, people let him move, on runner takes off they throw down now, they come home late and the dodgers, execute the first and third play to make', which illustrates the execution of a successful stolen base attempt.

💡Double Steal

A 'double steal' is a play in which two runners on base attempt to steal the next base at the same time, often causing confusion among the defensive team. This term is used in the video to describe a specific type of play, such as 'the royals execute a double steal, to take pitch to pena, there goes the runner to second and back, to the plate and, safe at the plate', indicating a coordinated effort by the offensive team to advance two runners simultaneously.


A 'rundown' occurs when a runner is trapped between bases and must be tagged out by the defensive team. The term is used in the video to describe a situation where a runner is caught in a vulnerable position, as in 'argo may be hurt with the padres, they got him they got husky in the, rundown, and they run him back now they're going, to home to get rob hundley', illustrating a high-pressure moment in the game where the runner must avoid being tagged out.


The 'plate' in baseball is another term for home plate, where the runner must reach to score a run. The term is used multiple times in the video, such as 'carratini he will, score, in the back door now taken third is kim, how about that, the catcher narvaez decides to throw two, out, one score double here comes green to the, point and he is in', indicating the strategic importance of home plate in scoring and the various plays that unfold around it.

💡Picked Off

To be 'picked off' in baseball is when a runner is tagged out without the batter hitting the ball, usually after leaving the base too early or too late. This term is used in the video to describe a defensive play, as in 'tatis picked off, and he'll try and stay in the rundown, long enough to get more go home', which shows a situation where a runner is outsmarted by the pitcher and defensive team.


Taylor makes a 90-degree angle play, razor runner heads for home, stolen home, Rays lead 5-0.

Randy Arozarena's delayed double steal, applause from the crowd.

Daniel steals home as the pitch hits the dirt and bounces back to the screen.

Cesar Ceno's once I get to the major leagues and face some, double steel attempt.

Stassi's throw to second base, convincing he could get the steal.

Coleman's lead, safety at home, impressive play.

Real Muto runs into Charinos and scores, making it 1-0 Phillies.

The steal of home and squeeze play, the ball gets away, the run scores.

Washington takes off, runner goes, swing and a miss, Molina's throw skips at second, ball drop, Freeman scores, 3-1.

Mueller's stolen base, ball gets by Hartford, holding up at third base, Daryl Hamilton's impressive play.

Monitor steals home, Tatis gets picked off, and he'll try and stay in the rundown long enough to get more go home.

Argo may be hurt with the Padres, they got him, they got Husky in the rundown, and they run him back.

Rob Hundley at home, Todd Honda's front row seat to watch it happen, 2-2 swung out of, miss the throw to second base, Rojas just gave up the play at second.

Roman just a bit under par for a catcher, Rudder going again, and they're coming home with it, safe is the call, Houston apparently could not tag the incoming runner.

Whit is running, throw down to second, Owings will score, and the Royals execute a double steal.

Pap takes off, pitch a little bit low, half stops throw back to the plate, and they steal a run, good heads-up play by both.

Daryl Williams has just stolen all the way, people let him move on, runner takes off they throw down now, they come home late, and the Dodgers execute the first and third play to make.

Santander is on the move, Manning will throw back to second, now let's see Mullins starting for the plate, here's the throw home, he's gonna beat it, he is safe.

Scarborough Green takes off with the play, man Culverson running from first and now coming in from third, Garcia the throw gets away, Culverson will go to third, a stolen base, an error.

Speedy all running, applause, somebody will find one, we're going through down to second now, to time headed to the plate, safe there as well, a double steal of home and the Rangers add to the lead.