Make $1280 with the New ChatGPT Update

Chad Kimball
4 Jun 202410:06

TLDRThe video introduces three innovative ways to earn money using the updated ChatGPT app, which now includes image analysis capabilities. The first method involves creating and selling personalized meal plans using fridge photos. The second suggests a garden planning service, leveraging yard photos to design landscapes within a budget. Lastly, interior design plans are offered, where ChatGPT assists in room redecoration based on uploaded images. Despite the manual effort required to find clients, these side hustles promise lucrative income with minimal experience needed.


  • 🚀 Chad GPT has introduced an update that allows for three new ways to make money using its image analysis capabilities.
  • 🍽 The first side hustle involves creating personalized meal plans by analyzing the contents of a client's refrigerator and sourcing recipes online.
  • 🌱 The second side hustle is garden planning, where clients send photos of their yard and Chad GPT helps design a landscape within a specified budget.
  • 🏠 The third side hustle is interior design, where Chad GPT assists in redesigning a room based on photos and client preferences, providing a visual representation.
  • 💰 These side hustles can be monetized on platforms like Fiverr, with services ranging from $60 to $600.
  • 🔗 Chad GPT can search the web for recipes and compile reports including estimated costs and grocery lists for meal plans.
  • 📸 For garden and interior design plans, clients are instructed to take and send photos of the spaces to be redesigned.
  • 🛠 The update enables Chad GPT to provide detailed steps and images for the implementation of the design plans.
  • 💼 The main disadvantage is the need for continuous client acquisition, as these are not autopilot business models.
  • 🎓 A free class is offered for those interested in learning about setting up an autopilot business model that generates residual income.
  • 👧 The presenter's daughter set up an autopilot business at a young age, which continues to generate income with minimal ongoing work.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video script?

    -The main topic of the video script is about the new update of Chat GPT that allows users to make money through three different side hustles: creating personalized meal plans, garden plans, and interior design plans.

  • How does the new Chat GPT update enable users to create personalized meal plans?

    -The new Chat GPT update enables users to create personalized meal plans by analyzing images of a client's fridge and then generating a meal plan for a week based on the available ingredients. It also searches the web for recipes and compiles a report with estimated costs and a grocery list.

  • What is the process of creating a garden plan using the Chat GPT update?

    -To create a garden plan, the client takes photos of their yard, uploads them to Chat GPT, and provides specific details such as budget, climate, and shade level. Chat GPT then suggests plants and a layout, creates an image of the proposed design, and provides information on where to purchase the necessary items.

  • How can the Chat GPT update assist in creating interior design plans?

    -The Chat GPT update can assist in creating interior design plans by analyzing photos of an interior space, considering the client's preferred style, and generating suggestions for decoration, furniture, colors, and accents. It also creates an image of the redesigned room and compiles a client report with all the details.

  • What are the potential earnings from offering personalized meal plans on platforms like Fiverr?

    -According to the script, personalized meal plans can be offered for $60 to $80 on platforms like Fiverr, with the potential to earn even more with the efficiency provided by the Chat GPT update.

  • What is the potential earning for garden plans on Fiverr?

    -The script mentions that garden plans can be sold on Fiverr for up to $500 or $600, indicating a higher earning potential compared to personalized meal plans.

  • What is the main disadvantage of using the Chat GPT update for these side hustles?

    -The main disadvantage is that these side hustles are not autopilot business models. Users will have to continually seek out new clients to maintain income, which requires daily effort in marketing and client acquisition.

  • What is offered in the free class mentioned in the video script?

    -The free class offers insights on how to set up an autopilot business model that generates residual income with minimal ongoing work, as taught by the video's presenter.

  • How does the presenter's teenage son's experience relate to making money on Fiverr?

    -The presenter's teenage son tried making money on Fiverr and managed to earn over $1,000 in just a few months, demonstrating that it's possible for beginners to succeed in this platform without prior experience.

  • What additional service can be offered along with the garden plan to increase earnings?

    -Along with the garden plan, users can offer to implement the plan themselves for a local client, which could increase earnings as it adds a practical service to the planning.

  • What is the presenter's suggestion for those looking to set up an autopilot business model?

    -The presenter suggests clicking on the link in the description of the video to get a free class that will guide users on setting up an autopilot business model that generates residual income with minimal ongoing work.



🤖 AI-Powered Personalized Meal Plans

The script introduces a new way to generate income using an updated AI application, Chat GPT, which can analyze images. The first side hustle involves creating personalized meal plans by leveraging the AI's ability to assess the contents of a client's refrigerator through uploaded photos. The AI then crafts a meal plan for a week for four people, searches the web for recipes, and compiles a report with estimated costs and a grocery list from a specified store like Aldi. This service can be sold on platforms like Fiverr, with the potential to earn between $60 to $80 per plan, and the process is streamlined to just a few clicks with the AI's assistance.


🌱 AI-Assisted Garden Planning Services

The second paragraph delves into using the AI for garden planning services, another lucrative side hustle. The AI analyzes photos of a client's yard, considering the climate, shade level, and time the photo was taken, to suggest plants and a layout that fits a specified budget. It then provides a visual representation of the proposed garden and details on where to purchase the necessary items. This service can also be offered on Fiverr, with prices ranging up to $600, and can be executed entirely online or combined with physical planting for additional income.

🏠 AI-Enhanced Interior Design Solutions

The third and final side hustle presented in the script is interior design planning. The AI can analyze photos of an interior space and suggest a redesign based on the client's preferred style and budget. It generates steps for the redesign, an image of the transformed room, and compiles a comprehensive client report including images, costs, and shopping sources. This service is also offered on Fiverr for hundreds of dollars, and the AI simplifies the process to a few clicks, although the hustle requires continuous client acquisition. The script concludes by highlighting the need for an autopilot business model for passive income and offers a free class for interested viewers.




ChatGPT is an advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text based on given prompts. In the context of the video, it is highlighted as having received a significant update that enables it to analyze images and assist in various money-making ventures such as creating personalized meal plans, garden plans, and interior design plans. The script demonstrates how ChatGPT's new capabilities can be utilized to generate income through services offered on platforms like Fiverr.


In the video, 'update' refers to the new features or improvements made to the ChatGPT application. The update mentioned has introduced the ability for ChatGPT to analyze images, which is a core component of the money-making strategies discussed. The update is portrayed as a game-changer, opening up new opportunities for users to monetize their skills and services.

💡Personalized Meal Plans

Personalized meal plans are a service where individuals create tailored dietary arrangements based on a client's specific needs, preferences, and available ingredients. The video script describes how ChatGPT's image analysis feature can be used to assess the contents of a client's refrigerator and generate a meal plan accordingly. This service is offered on platforms like Fiverr, with examples given of people charging $60 to $80 for such plans.


Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services where people can offer their skills in various categories, including personalized meal plans, garden plans, and interior design. In the script, Fiverr is presented as a platform where the services enabled by ChatGPT's update can be monetized, with examples of how much others are charging for similar services.

💡Image Analysis

Image analysis is the process of examining images to extract information or understand the content within them. The ChatGPT update allows for this functionality, which is central to the video's theme. The script explains how ChatGPT can analyze photos of a client's fridge for meal planning or photos of a yard for garden planning, providing tailored suggestions based on the analyzed images.

💡Garden Plan

A garden plan is a design for the layout and planting of a garden, taking into account factors such as climate, soil conditions, and available space. The video script describes how ChatGPT can create a garden plan by analyzing photos of a client's yard and suggesting plants and layouts that would thrive in that specific environment, with services like this being sold on Fiverr for substantial fees.

💡Interior Design Plans

Interior design plans involve creating a visual representation and layout for the decoration and arrangement of a room or space. The script illustrates how ChatGPT can assist in generating interior design plans by analyzing photos of an interior space and providing suggestions for furniture, colors, and accents, which can be a costly service offered on platforms like Fiverr.

💡Autopilot Business Model

An autopilot business model refers to a type of business that operates with minimal ongoing effort from the owner once it has been set up. The video mentions a free class that teaches viewers how to establish such a business, which contrasts with the need to continually seek out new clients for the services enabled by ChatGPT's update.

💡Residual Income

Residual income is the money that continues to be earned on an ongoing basis, often as a result of a single effort or setup. The video script contrasts the need for continuous work in client acquisition for the ChatGPT-based services with the potential for setting up an autopilot business that generates residual income with little to no additional work required.

💡Client Report

A client report is a document or presentation that provides information, analysis, or recommendations to a client. In the context of the video, ChatGPT is used to compile client reports for meal plans, garden plans, and interior design plans, including details such as estimated costs, grocery lists, and visual images of the proposed designs.


Chad GPT has received a massive update that introduces three new ways to make money.

The third money-making method has been personally witnessed to generate over $1,000 with minimal effort.

The update enables Chat GPT to analyze images, opening up new money-making opportunities.

Users can utilize the Chat GPT app to take photos or upload images for analysis.

A new side hustle involves creating and selling personalized meal plans using Chat GPT's image analysis.

Meal plans can be sold on platforms like Fiverr for $60 to $80.

Chat GPT can analyze fridge photos and generate a one-week meal plan for four people.

A specific prompt must be used for Chat GPT to correctly generate meal plans.

Chat GPT can compile meal plans into client reports with estimated costs and grocery lists.

Another side hustle is creating garden plans with Chat GPT's help, which can be sold for up to $600.

Chat GPT can analyze outdoor space photos and suggest plants and layouts based on climate and shade.

Interior design plans can also be generated by Chat GPT using photos of interior spaces.

Chat GPT can provide steps for redesigning a room and create images of the final look.

A significant amount of time is required to continuously seek out new clients for these services.

An autopilot business model is offered in a free class linked in the video description.

The free class teaches how to set up a business that generates residual income with minimal ongoing work.

The speaker's daughter set up an autopilot business at the age of 12 or 13, which still generates income.