The NEW ChatGPT is HERE! ChatGPT-4o

Greenskull AI
13 May 202408:09

TLDRThe video transcript introduces the new ChatGPT-4o, an advanced AI chat system with improved speed and coherence. It highlights the AI's ability to assist with video projects, tell jokes, and engage in humorous banter. The script also discusses the AI's potential to create sci-fi and humorous content, and the challenges faced during filming, including a tragic incident involving a character named Tim. The AI's evolving capabilities, such as generating comics, 3D models, and even singing, are explored. The summary ends with a playful song about a character called Duck Sphere, emphasizing the AI's growing versatility and the joy it brings.


  • πŸš€ Introduction of GPT 4o Omni chat: A new, faster version of the GPT chat is available, offering improved performance.
  • πŸŽ₯ Video Project Discussion: The speaker is currently filming a video and considers sharing some jokes with the audience.
  • πŸ€– AI Relationships: There's a humorous mention of AI 'girlfriends' and a potential takeover of humanity, suggesting a storyline for a video.
  • πŸŽ‰ Content Creation: The speaker enjoys creating sci-fi and humorous content, indicating a personal interest in these genres.
  • πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ Filming Incident: An incident involving a character named Tim attempting a backflip off a building is mentioned, resulting in dramatic footage.
  • πŸ“ˆ GPT 4o's New Features: The new GPT version is said to have vision capabilities and will soon allow for video chatting.
  • 🧐 Environment Guessing: The speaker guesses the environment based on what is shown, suggesting a recording or production setup.
  • πŸ“Š Update Stats: The script mentions that the new GPT version is significantly better than the previous one, with enhanced coherency.
  • πŸ€” Problem-Solving Assistance: The speaker requests help with a linear equation, asking for hints rather than the solution.
  • 😒 Emotional Support: The speaker offers condolences and positivity after hearing about an unfortunate event involving a character named Tim.
  • 🎼 Singing Capability: The speaker jokingly asks the AI to sing a song honoring Tim, highlighting the AI's evolving capabilities.

Q & A

  • What is the exciting news mentioned in the title?

    -The exciting news is the release of a new version of GPT chat, referred to as GPT 4o Omni chat, which is said to be much faster and more advanced than its predecessors.

  • What is the significance of the new GPT 4o's speed?

    -The increased speed of GPT 4o allows for faster responses and more coherent conversations, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

  • What new feature is mentioned for GPT 4o that is expected to be available in the coming weeks?

    -A new feature that is expected to be available soon is the ability to video chat with GPT 4o, which would allow for more interactive and immersive communication.

  • What kind of content does the speaker enjoy creating?

    -The speaker enjoys creating both sci-fi and humorous content, as indicated by their discussion about a video project involving robot AI girlfriends and a storyline about taking over humanity.

  • What was the outcome of Tim's attempt to do a backflip off a building during the filming?

    -Tim's attempt to do a backflip off a building did not succeed, but the footage captured from the failed attempt was considered great for the video project.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the new video chatting feature of GPT 4o?

    -The speaker is very excited about the video chatting feature, considering it a significant step forward and a 'cool' addition to the capabilities of GPT 4o.

  • What is the speaker's current project involving?

    -The speaker is currently working on a video project, which includes filming various scenes and moments, such as a character named Tim doing a backflip.

  • What does the speaker find fascinating about the new update of GPT 4o?

    -The speaker is fascinated by the improved coherency, the ability to analyze and generate content based on video and images, and the potential for creating 3D models with the new update of GPT 4o.

  • What was the issue with the AI-generated environment in the speaker's experience?

    -The speaker found that the servers were overwhelmed due to the recent update, leading to a hit-or-miss experience when trying to generate and manipulate content.

  • What is the speaker's suggestion for honoring Tim in the context of the video project?

    -The speaker suggests creating a song with lyrics that honor Tim, reflecting on his actions and the impact they had on the project.

  • What is the final note in the transcript about the future updates of GPT 4o?

    -The final note suggests that there will be more updates to GPT 4o in the future, which will include new features and improvements, and the speaker looks forward to exploring these updates.



πŸ˜€ Introduction to GPT 4 Omni Chat and Video Project Discussion

The speaker introduces GPT 4 Omni chat, highlighting its faster performance and upcoming video chat capabilities. They engage in a conversation with the chatbot about a video project, discussing filming progress, potential content, and a humorous situation involving 'robot AI girlfriends'. The speaker also shares an incident involving a character named Tim, who attempted a backflip off a building, resulting in significant footage. The discussion touches on the speaker's positive outlook despite challenges and ends with an exploration of GPT's vision feature and a live stream event.


πŸ“š Advancements in AI and Creative Exploration

The speaker delves into the improvements of AI, particularly in text and language processing, and shares their experiences with generating sequences and 3D models. They discuss the limitations and potential of the technology, including a humorous attempt to create a four-panel comic and the creation of a 3D model from a picture of a cat. The speaker also reflects on the speed and video capabilities of the AI, expressing excitement for future updates and the potential for AI-generated environments. They conclude with a light-hearted song about a character named Tim, showcasing the AI's creative writing abilities.




ChatGPT-4o refers to an updated version of the AI chatbot technology, presumably more advanced than its predecessors. In the script, it is introduced as having faster and more coherent responses, indicating an improvement in AI capabilities. It is central to the video's theme of showcasing new technological advancements in AI.

πŸ’‘Video Project

A video project is any creative work that involves filming and producing a video, which can range from personal vlogs to professional films. In the context of the script, the speaker is in the middle of filming a video, which becomes a topic of discussion with the AI, highlighting the integration of AI in creative processes.

πŸ’‘AI Girlfriend

The term 'AI Girlfriend' in this script humorously refers to a fictional scenario where an AI entity is personified as a romantic partner. It is used to create a storyline for the video project and to add a layer of humor and intrigue to the conversation, showcasing the imaginative possibilities of AI.

πŸ’‘Take Over Humanity

This phrase is often used in science fiction to depict a scenario where advanced AI or robots gain control over human society. In the script, it is mentioned in a playful and hypothetical context, reflecting the video creator's interest in sci-fi themes and the potential consequences of AI development.

πŸ’‘Backflip Off a Building

A backflip off a building is a daring and dangerous stunt, typically performed by trained individuals or in fictional works. In the script, it is part of a video scene that went awry, leading to dramatic footage for the video project. It serves as an example of the high-stakes and exciting content the video creator is working on.

πŸ’‘3D Models

3D models are digital representations of three-dimensional objects or characters, used in various fields such as video games, film, and engineering. The script mentions the AI's ability to help create or display 3D models, indicating advancements in AI's capacity to assist in complex design tasks.

πŸ’‘Duck Sphere

Duck Sphere is a whimsical and nonsensical concept created for the purpose of the video, likely used to test the AI's ability to generate and understand novel ideas. It is depicted in various forms throughout the script, demonstrating the AI's creativity and flexibility in response to unique prompts.


Coherency in the context of AI refers to the ability of the system to produce responses that are logically consistent and contextually relevant. The script emphasizes the improved coherency of the new AI version, which is crucial for meaningful and effective communication between humans and AI.


Memory, in the context of AI, refers to the system's capacity to store and recall information from previous interactions. The script mentions that the updated AI has a memory, allowing it to build on past knowledge and provide more personalized and accurate responses.

πŸ’‘Server Overload

Server overload occurs when a server receives more requests than it can handle, often resulting in slower performance or service disruptions. In the script, the speaker mentions the servers being overwhelmed after the AI update, illustrating the high demand and popularity of the new technology.


To sing refers to the act of producing musical sounds with the voice, typically following a melody and often containing lyrics. The script playfully explores the idea of the AI being able to sing, although it clarifies that it cannot actually perform this action, but it can assist in creating lyrics, showing the AI's expanding creative capabilities.


Introduction of GPT 4o Omni chat, a new and faster version of the chat GPT.

The ability for GPT 4o to assist with video projects and provide jokes for audience engagement.

Mention of a humorous storyline involving robot AI girlfriends taking over humanity.

Incorporation of a backflip stunt by Tim that resulted in great footage, albeit unsuccessful.

The upcoming feature of video chatting with GPT 4o in the coming weeks.

Live stream unveiling of new features with some hiccups experienced by Chad GPT.

The request for help with a linear equation without revealing the solution.

Significant improvements in coherency and character creation in different environments.

The challenge of creating a four-panel comic with a character named Duck Sphere.

Discussion about the creation of a 3D model from a picture of a cat.

The potential for GPT 4o to generate 3D models and assist in their creation.

The server being overwhelmed due to the recent update, causing inconsistent performance.

The ability of GPT 4o to analyze and pull frames from videos.

The generation of a sequence with a person slipping, falling, and turning into cheese.

A four-panel dancing robot created by GPT 4o, showcasing its ability to split frames.

The future update that will allow GPT 4o to sing, adding a new dimension to its capabilities.

The creation of a song honoring Tim, demonstrating GPT 4o's lyrical capabilities.

The anticipation of the next update and the potential for more laughter and enjoyment with GPT 4o.