Make Crazy Art with the NEW OpenAI Dall-e API

Beyond Fireship
4 Nov 202205:36

TLDRThe video discusses the latest trend in artificial image generation with the introduction of OpenAI's Dall-e API. It covers the creation of high-quality artificial art programmatically, which was previously limited by deep learning knowledge and hardware requirements. The video provides a step-by-step guide on using the API, including generating new images, editing existing images with a mask, and creating variations from source images. It also touches on the cost implications and potential business applications, such as generating images for blog articles or repurposing public domain books with AI illustrations. The tutorial concludes with a demonstration of editing a specific part of an image using a mask, showcasing the API's creative potential.


  • 🎨 **Artificial Image Generation**: OpenAI has released an image generation API based on their Dall-e 2 models, allowing developers to programmatically generate high-quality artificial art.
  • 💲 **Paid API**: The OpenAI Dall-e API is a paid service, offering $18 in credits upon account creation, with costs around two cents per image after the initial credits are used up.
  • 📈 **Resolution and Pricing**: The maximum resolution for generated images is 1024 pixels, and the cost is approximately 50 images per dollar at this resolution.
  • 🛠️ **Technical Requirements**: To use the API, one needs to have an understanding of deep learning and the necessary hardware to run compute-intensive models.
  • 📚 **SDK and Project Setup**: Developers can start a new Node.js project, install the OpenAI SDK for JavaScript, and use ES module imports for the code.
  • 🌐 **API Key Usage**: An API key is required for the API and should be kept private to prevent misuse, such as generating inappropriate content.
  • 🚀 **Generating Images**: The API can generate images from text prompts, with options to specify the number of images and desired resolution.
  • 🖼️ **Image Variation**: Developers can create variations of existing images using the API, which can sometimes result in aesthetically pleasing or cartoon-like outputs.
  • 🧩 **Image Editing**: The API allows for editing specific parts of an image using a mask, which can be created in a tool like Figma and then used to replace parts of an image with AI-generated content.
  • 💡 **Business Ideas**: The script suggests business ideas like creating a SaaS product for bloggers to generate images for articles or repackaging old public domain books with AI illustrations.
  • 🔍 **Potential and Limitations**: While the API has great potential for creativity, it also has limitations, as repeatedly feeding its own results back into the system can lead to a degradation in the quality of the generated art.

Q & A

  • What is the current trend in artificial image generation?

    -The current trend in artificial image generation is the ability to convert text into images, with various demos and apps available that showcase the capabilities of AI in creating images.

  • What is the significance of OpenAI's Dall-e API?

    -The OpenAI Dall-e API allows developers to programmatically generate high-quality artificial art without the need for extensive deep learning knowledge or specialized hardware.

  • How much does it cost to use the OpenAI Dall-e API?

    -After the initial $18 in credits provided by OpenAI, it costs about two pennies per image or 50 images per dollar at the maximum resolution of 1024 pixels.

  • What is the process to start using the OpenAI Dall-e API?

    -To start using the OpenAI Dall-e API, one needs to create an OpenAI account, generate an API key, and then use the OpenAI SDK for JavaScript or Python to create a new project and integrate the API.

  • What are the different functionalities provided by the OpenAI Dall-e API?

    -The OpenAI Dall-e API allows users to generate a new image, edit an existing image with a mask, and create a variation from a source image.

  • How can the OpenAI Dall-e API be used in business?

    -The API can be used to build a SaaS product that automatically generates images for blog articles or to create AI illustrations for old public domain books, repurposing them as illustrated novels.

  • What is the process of generating an image using the OpenAI Dall-e API?

    -The process involves importing the necessary classes from the SDK, creating a configuration with the API key, initializing the SDK, and then making a call to the create image endpoint with a prompt, number of images, and resolution.

  • How can an image variation be created using the OpenAI Dall-e API?

    -An image variation can be created by using the 'create image variation' endpoint, which takes an existing image as a starting point and generates a different result without needing a prompt.

  • What are the limitations of the OpenAI Dall-e API when generating art?

    -While the API can produce some cool results, it tends to lean towards cartoon characters and can devolve into less aesthetically pleasing images if its own results are repeatedly used as input.

  • How can the OpenAI Dall-e API be used to edit a specific part of an existing image?

    -The 'create image edit' endpoint can be used to change a specific part of an existing image by providing two images: the full image as the source and a mask or transparent area that will be replaced with AI-generated content.

  • What is a recommended tool for creating a mask for image editing with the OpenAI Dall-e API?

    -Figma is recommended for creating a mask. It involves duplicating the original image, using the pen tool to draw a shape around the area to be masked, and then using a subtract selection to create the mask.

  • What is the potential of the image editing feature in the OpenAI Dall-e API?

    -The image editing feature has significant potential for creativity, as it allows for subtle and interesting augmentations of existing images, opening up possibilities for unique and personalized art.



🚀 Introduction to AI Image Generation and OpenAI's DALL-E 2 API

This paragraph introduces the trend of artificial image generation in machine learning, highlighting various demonstrations and apps that convert text into images. The speaker discusses the release of OpenAI's image generation API based on their DALL-E 2 models, which allows developers to generate high-quality artificial art. The video aims to educate viewers on the capabilities of the API and to brainstorm potential business applications. The process involves setting up an OpenAI account, obtaining an API key, and using the OpenAI SDK for JavaScript to create, edit, and vary images programmatically. The cost of using the API is also mentioned, along with the potential for creating a SaaS product that generates images for blog articles or republishes old public domain books with AI illustrations.


🎨 Using OpenAI's DALL-E 2 for Image Generation, Variation, and Editing

The second paragraph delves into the practical implementation of the DALL-E 2 API for generating new images, creating variations from existing images, and editing specific parts of an image. It outlines the steps to import the OpenAI configuration and API classes, set up a prompt for image description, and make a call to the create image endpoint. The process of saving the generated image to disk using Node.js's native fetch API and file system API is explained. Additionally, the paragraph covers how to create an image variation using an existing image and the challenges of recursively generating images leading to less aesthetically pleasing results. The potential for creative augmentation of existing images using a mask is also discussed, along with a demonstration of editing an image of the speaker with AI-generated art on the computer screen.



💡Artificial Image Generation

Artificial image generation refers to the process of creating images through artificial intelligence (AI). It is a significant trend in machine learning where AI algorithms are trained to generate images that can mimic or even surpass human creativity. In the context of the video, it is the core technology behind the OpenAI Dall-e API, which allows developers to programmatically generate high-quality artificial art.

💡Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that involves artificial neural networks with multiple layers (hence 'deep') to analyze and learn from data. It is particularly effective for tasks like image and speech recognition. In the video, deep learning is the foundational technology for the Dall-e models, which are used to generate images from textual descriptions.

💡API (Application Programming Interface)

An API is a set of rules and protocols that allows software applications to communicate and interact with each other. In the video, the OpenAI Dall-e API is a tool that enables developers to generate images based on textual prompts, making it easier to integrate image generation into their applications.


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. It is widely used for server-side or back-end development. In the video, Node.js is used to demonstrate how to interact with the OpenAI Dall-e API to generate images programmatically.


OpenAI is a research and deployment company that focuses on creating and developing friendly AI in a safe manner. It has developed various models and APIs, including Dall-e, which is referenced in the video as the basis for the image generation capabilities discussed.


Dall-e is an AI model developed by OpenAI that is capable of generating images from textual descriptions. It is named after the artist Salvador Dalí, reflecting its creative output. In the video, Dall-e is central to the discussion as the technology that powers the image generation API.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a term mentioned in the video that likely refers to a type of image generation model or technique that allows for the creation of images from text. It is one of the many tools available for converting text prompts into images, highlighting the variety of options in the field of AI-generated art.

💡Image Resolution

Image resolution refers to the number of pixels that make up an image, which determines its clarity and detail. A higher resolution means more pixels and generally a clearer image. In the context of the video, the OpenAI Dall-e API can generate images at a maximum resolution of 1024 pixels.

💡API Key

An API key is a unique identifier used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to an API. It is a security measure to ensure that only authorized users can access the API. In the video, viewers are instructed to generate an API key to use the OpenAI Dall-e API.

💡Image Variation

An image variation refers to a slightly altered version of an original image, often created to provide a different perspective or style. In the video, the Dall-e API's ability to generate image variations is demonstrated, showing how an existing image can be used to create a new, distinct result.

💡Image Masking

Image masking is a technique used in image editing where a part of an image is made transparent or obscured to allow for other elements to be placed in its place. In the video, the concept is used to show how a specific part of an image can be edited using a mask, with the Dall-e API generating new content for the masked area.


Artificial image generation has become a significant trend in machine learning, with various demos showcasing AI's capabilities.

OpenAI has released an image generation API based on their Dall-e 2 models, allowing developers to create high-quality artificial art.

The API is a paid service, offering $18 in credits upon account creation, with a cost of approximately two cents per image after credits are used.

Developers can generate images programmatically using the API, which requires knowledge of deep learning and appropriate hardware.

The video demonstrates how to use the OpenAI SDK for JavaScript to generate images, edit existing images with a mask, and create variations from source images.

The process includes creating a new Node.js project, installing the OpenAI SDK, and setting up configuration with the API key.

An example prompt for image generation is provided, such as 'a ship sailing through a river of fire in deep space'.

The API call to create an image results in an image URL, which can be directly accessed or saved to disk.

Node.js and the native fetch API are used to fetch the image and convert it into a buffer for writing to disk.

The video provides a business idea for a SaaS product that generates images for blog articles, enhancing content with AI-generated visuals.

Another business idea involves repurposing public domain books with AI illustrations, such as creating an illustrated version of Joseph Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'.

The video shows how to create an image variation using an existing image as a starting point, resulting in a different outcome.

The Mona Lisa is used as an example to demonstrate the creation of an image variation, sometimes resulting in less aesthetically pleasing outcomes.

The video discusses the tendency of the Dall-e model to lean towards cartoon characters when recursively generating images from its own results.

Editing a specific part of an existing image is shown as a method with high potential for subtle and creative augmentation.

A demonstration is provided on how to create a mask using Figma, which is then used to edit a specific part of an image.

The final example shows an edited image where only the computer screen has AI-generated art, showcasing the potential for creative applications.

The tutorial concludes with a summary of the capabilities of the OpenAI Dall-e API and an invitation to watch the next video.