Mastering Midjourney in 2023 | The Ultimate Guide

3 Jan 202314:15

TLDRThis video script offers an in-depth guide to mastering the art of generating images using Mid-Journey, a powerful AI tool. It covers the evolution of the software, the introduction of seven models, and their unique features. The script emphasizes the importance of understanding settings like quality and stylization, and explores the concept of prompt engineering. It encourages viewers to experiment with different prompts and settings to create visually stunning and personalized art, highlighting the creative potential of Mid-Journey and its ability to empower users to express their unique visual style.


  • 🎨 Mid-journey is a versatile and constantly evolving AI tool for creating imagery, but it can sometimes produce unimaginative results.
  • πŸš€ The latest version of Mid-journey supports seven different models, each with its own strengths and weaknesses in generating art.
  • 🌟 Version 4 of Mid-journey is the most popular due to its versatility and ability to produce high-quality images from simple prompts.
  • πŸ“Έ Test models like 'mid-journey test' and 'mid-journey test photo' are less intelligent and struggle to follow prompts closely, but generate two images instead of four.
  • 🎭 Niji is a specialized model fine-tuned for anime and illustrative styles, offering a unique take on generated art.
  • πŸ”§ Quality settings can adjust the generation time and level of detail, with higher quality resulting in more detailed images but longer wait times.
  • 🌈 The stylize function can enhance images by adding elements like makeup or studio lighting, with different versions of Mid-journey offering varying levels of control.
  • πŸ”„ Upscalers have been improved to reduce artifacts and add photorealistic details, with options for different resolutions and styles.
  • πŸ”„ Remix mode allows for variations of an image with the ability to change the prompt for more precise control over the generated art.
  • πŸ’‘ Prompt engineering is a skill that involves turning ideas into effective prompts, using style direction, weights, and tags for fine control over AI-generated images.
  • πŸ› οΈ Users can save their prompt configurations as preferences for quick access and use in future creations, streamlining the art generation process.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is an update on how to use Mid-Journey, an AI tool for creating imagery, and becoming an art-generating master with it.

  • How many models does the Mid-Journey bot currently support?

    -The Mid-Journey bot currently supports seven models.

  • What are the differences between the numbered versions of Mid-Journey?

    -The numbered versions of Mid-Journey improve with each version, with higher numbers offering better performance across various dimensions of AI art generation.

  • What is the purpose of the 'test' models in Mid-Journey?

    -The 'test' models combine knowledge from Stable Diffusion with Mid-Journey's creativity, but they are less intelligent and have trouble closely following prompts compared to classical Mid-Journey models.

  • What is the role of the 'style' function in Mid-Journey?

    -The 'style' function in Mid-Journey adjusts the image based on its learned sense of beauty. Lower numbers let the prompt speak for itself, while higher numbers add enhancements like makeup or studio lighting.

  • How has the default upscaler in Mid-Journey improved?

    -The default upscaler has improved by being less likely to generate artifacts and adding more photorealistic details.

  • What is the 'remix mode' in Mid-Journey and how does it enhance the creative process?

    -The 'remix mode' allows users to change the prompt while requesting a variation of an image, making it easier to refine the art variations to match the creator's vision more closely.

  • What is 'prompt engineering' and how does it help in creating AI art?

    -'Prompt engineering' is the process of turning an idea into a detailed prompt that guides the AI in creating the desired imagery. It involves adding style direction, specific tags, and camera settings to refine and enhance the final result.

  • How can users save and reuse their prompt configurations in Mid-Journey?

    -Users can save their prompt configurations as a 'prefer' option and reuse it by typing the corresponding tag followed by the prompt weight, allowing for quick and easy generation of similar images.

  • What is the advice given to users who want to create beautiful art with Mid-Journey?

    -The advice given is to challenge oneself to find or create a style that truly resonates with them, rather than just relying on an artist's name as a shortcut. Users are encouraged to experiment and discover their own unique visual style.



🎨 Introduction to Mid-Journey and Art Generation

The speaker discusses the nature of Mid-Journey, an AI tool for creating imagery, noting its ever-changing complexity. They reflect on a previous video they made about Mid-Journey, which quickly became outdated due to the fast-paced AI industry. The speaker aims to update the audience on the latest Mid-Journey features and turn them into art-generating masters. They introduce characters Roger the panda and Hannah the elf, and a concept called 'Ice Sea Peaks' to use as examples throughout the video. The main focus is on the evolution and current state of the Mid-Journey bot, which now supports seven models, each with its unique capabilities and improvements.


πŸ“ˆ Mid-Journey Model Comparisons and Settings

The speaker compares different Mid-Journey models, highlighting the improvements and specific features of each. They discuss the numbered versions, the test models, and the niji mode, which is tailored for anime and illustrative styles. The speaker emphasizes the popularity and versatility of version four, now set as default despite being in Alpha. They delve into the new UI settings, such as quality and stylization, explaining how these affect the generation process and the resulting images. The speaker also touches on the different upscaling options available, each with its unique strengths and applications.


🌟 Advanced Prompt Engineering and Style Exploration

The speaker guides the audience through the process of 'prompt engineering' in Mid-Journey, demonstrating how to transform a simple idea into a compelling visual prompt. They illustrate this by enhancing a food photography prompt, using a lettuce leaf with mustard as an example. The speaker explains the use of multi-prompt formats, weights, and tags for fine-tuning the style and details of the generated images. They also introduce the concept of using negative weights in prompts to remove undesired elements from the image. The speaker encourages the audience to explore and find their own unique visual style, rather than relying solely on existing artist styles, and shares their own preferred options for different styles.




Mid-journey refers to an AI tool used for creating imagery based on user inputs. In the context of the video, it is described as a complex and ever-changing tool with limitless potential for generating visual content. The video discusses various versions of mid-journey and how they differ in terms of capabilities and output quality, highlighting the rapid evolution of AI in art generation.


Parameters are specific settings or variables that users can adjust within the mid-journey tool to influence the output of the generated images. The video explains how parameters, along with image prompts and weights, can be manipulated to achieve desired artistic effects, demonstrating the importance of understanding these technical aspects to master the art of AI-generated imagery.

πŸ’‘Image Prompts

Image prompts are textual descriptions or phrases that guide the AI in creating a specific image. In the video, the creator emphasizes the significance of crafting effective image prompts to communicate the desired visual concept to the AI, which in turn generates an image that aligns with the user's intent. The video provides examples of how different prompts can lead to varied outcomes in the AI-generated art.


Weights in the context of the mid-journey tool are numerical values assigned to different elements of a multi-prompt to control their influence on the final image. The video illustrates how adjusting weights can help to fine-tune the AI's output, ensuring that certain aspects of the image are emphasized or diminished according to the user's creative vision.


Styles refer to the distinct visual characteristics or aesthetics that can be applied to AI-generated images through the mid-journey tool. The video discusses how users can leverage styles to mimic the artistic qualities of different mediums or artists, thereby customizing the visual output to match a user's preferred aesthetic or to evoke specific moods and themes in the generated art.


Upscalers are functions within the mid-journey tool designed to increase the resolution of the generated images. The video describes various upscalers and their capabilities, such as adding photorealistic details or maintaining the original artistic feel of the image. The choice of upscaler can significantly impact the final quality and appearance of the AI-generated content.

πŸ’‘Remix Mode

Remix mode is a feature in the mid-journey tool that allows users to request variations of an image while also changing the original prompt. This functionality, as explained in the video, provides a higher level of control and precision, enabling users to refine their art by following a specific creative thread and making iterative improvements to the generated images.

πŸ’‘Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the process of carefully crafting and optimizing textual prompts to achieve the desired outcome when using AI tools like mid-journey. The video emphasizes the skill involved in turning a simple idea into a compelling prompt, which requires a deep understanding of how the AI interprets and visualizes the text, and the ability to adjust the prompt to elicit the most visually striking results.

πŸ’‘Negative Weight

A negative weight in the context of the mid-journey tool is used within a multi-prompt to suppress certain elements that may not align with the desired image. The video demonstrates how assigning a negative weight to specific prompts can help to refine the AI's output by removing unwanted visual aspects, thereby allowing for greater control over the final composition.

πŸ’‘Community Feed

The community feed in the mid-journey tool is a platform where users can share their AI-generated images with others. The video mentions that version four of mid-journey is particularly popular on this feed, indicating that it is a widely used and appreciated model within the community of users. The community feed serves as a space for inspiration, collaboration, and the sharing of creative ideas and techniques.


The video discusses the evolution and complexity of mid-journey, a tool for creating imagery.

The speaker's most popular video provided an in-depth look at mid-journey, including parameters, image prompts, weights, and styles.

The AI industry's rapid development means that information becomes outdated quickly, prompting the need for updated tutorials.

The introduction of new characters, Roger the panda and Hannah the elf princess, adds a creative and engaging element to the tutorial.

The mid-journey bot now supports seven models, each with its unique capabilities and features.

Version 4 of mid-journey is the most popular due to its versatility and high-quality image generation.

The video covers the new UI and its settings, providing users with a comprehensive guide on how to use the updated mid-journey.

The stylize function has been improved and expanded, allowing for more control over the generated images' aesthetics.

Upscalers have been enhanced, offering different levels of detail and photorealism in the final images.

The concept of variations has been revolutionized with the introduction of remix mode, allowing for more precise control over image variations.

Prompt engineering is introduced as a skill to turn ideas into effective prompts for mid-journey.

The use of multi-prompt and weights allows for a separation of idea and style, providing greater flexibility in image generation.

The video emphasizes the importance of exploring beyond the preset styles to find or create a unique visual style that resonates with the user.

The speaker shares a list of 25 different styles they've created, encouraging users to use and build upon them for their own creations.

The video concludes with an invitation to join a Discord community to share creations and explore new styles discovered through mid-journey.