Mastering Gamma Levels: The Ultimate Edge in Futures Day Trading

Anthony Crudele
1 May 202452:32

TLDRIn the 'Futures Radio Show' podcast, host Anthony Celli interviews Fabio, the founder of Mentor Q, a platform offering retail traders access to institutional-level data and options flow. They discuss the influence of options flow on market pricing and the importance of identifying key gamma levels for retail traders. Fabio shares his background in finance and the creation of Mentor Q, which provides daily quantitative models and data-driven approaches to simplify complex data into actionable signals. The conversation covers the significance of gamma levels in options trading and how these levels can predict market reactions, offering traders an edge. The episode also explores the expansion of Mentor Q's offerings to include futures market data and the growing trend of options on futures. Fabio emphasizes the need for traders to adapt to the evolving market landscape, where options play an increasingly significant role, and how Mentor Q's tools can assist in this regard.


  • πŸ“ˆ **Options Flow Impact**: Understanding the influence of options flow on market price action is crucial for traders as it can indicate key market movements and potential reaction zones.
  • πŸ“Š **Gamma Levels**: Marking key gamma levels on charts is significant as it helps in identifying areas where the market might experience high volatility or trend reversals.
  • 🀝 **Technical Analysis Integration**: Integrating gamma levels with technical analysis can enhance a trader's execution when trading futures by providing additional market insights.
  • πŸš€ **Mentor Q's Offering**: Mentor Q provides retail traders with institutional level data and options flow, converting it into actionable insights to improve trading strategies.
  • πŸ“± **Platform Expansion**: Mentor Q has expanded to include data for the futures markets, offering even more comprehensive data to its users.
  • πŸ“‰ **Zero Dated Options**: The introduction of zero dated options in the futures markets is a growing trend that traders should be aware of, as it can significantly influence market closes.
  • πŸ’‘ **Market Makers Role**: Market makers play a critical role in options trading by providing liquidity and executing the majority of transactions, impacting price movements.
  • πŸ“š **Educational Resources**: Utilizing tools like Mentor Q can help traders who are not deeply familiar with options to still benefit from the information options markets provide.
  • ⏰ **Market Timing**: Recognizing when market conditions are conducive to certain trading strategies is important, and gamma levels can offer insights into potential volatility.
  • 🌐 **Global Market Coverage**: Mentor Q's platform covers a wide range of markets including indices, commodities, forex, and rates, providing a broad spectrum of data for traders.
  • πŸ“ **Statistical Advantage**: The use of one-day expected move indicators and back-tested data can give traders a statistical edge, helping them to predict and prepare for market movements.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the platform that provides institutional level data and options flow to retail traders?

    -The platform is called Mentor Q, founded by Fabio.

  • How has the options market evolved in recent years according to the discussion?

    -The options market has seen significant growth, with options volume surpassing equity volumes for the first time in history in 2021. It continues to grow due to increased retail participation and the leverage options provide.

  • What is the role of market makers in options trading?

    -Market makers provide liquidity by offering bid and ask prices for options contracts. They execute the majority of transactions in options trading and make money from the spread between bid and ask, not from the direction of the trade.

  • How does the gamma level influence market price action?

    -Gamma measures the rate of change of an option's delta with respect to the underlying asset's price. High gamma levels indicate areas where market makers will need to adjust their hedges, potentially leading to reaction zones in the market that can affect price action.

  • What is the significance of zero DTE (days to expiration) options in the futures market?

    -Zero DTE options are becoming increasingly important as they influence market movements towards the market close. They represent a growing segment of the market that retail traders can leverage to enhance their trading strategies.

  • How can futures traders benefit from understanding options flow?

    -Futures traders can benefit by identifying key price levels where market makers may add or remove liquidity, leading to potential turning points in the market. This understanding can enhance execution and strategy development.

  • What is the core resistance level in the context of the gamma levels?

    -The core resistance level is a price level with the most positive gamma exposure when it comes to calls. It represents a reaction zone where there is the most upward resistance due to a large amount of call options purchased at that strike price.

  • How can the one-day expected move indicator help traders?

    -The one-day expected move indicator provides an upper and lower band that represents the maximum and minimum price levels expected for the day. This can help traders in setting profit targets, stop losses, and making more informed decisions about entering or exiting trades.

  • What is the importance of the gamma switch level?

    -The gamma switch level is critical as it defines the transition between a positive and negative gamma environment. When the spot price touches this level, it can signal an increase in price volatility and a change in how market makers hedge their positions.

  • How can the secondary gamma levels be used by traders?

    -Secondary gamma levels, which show high concentrations of gamma at different strike prices, can be used as additional reaction zones. They can be layered on top of primary levels to provide traders with more detailed insights into potential market movements.

  • What is the advantage of combining technical analysis with gamma levels?

    -Combining technical analysis with gamma levels gives traders an additional layer of information that reflects the market's protective measures and positioning. This can lead to better-informed trading decisions and potentially improve execution by understanding the market's underlying sentiment.



πŸŽ™οΈ Introduction to Futures Radio Show and Menor Q

Anthony Celli, the host of the Futures Radio Show podcast, welcomes Fabio Reri, founder of Menor Q, a platform designed to provide retail traders with institutional-level data and insights. They discuss the influence of options flow on market pricing and the importance of gamma levels in trading futures. The conversation is sponsored by FTSE Russell and TradeStation, emphasizing the significance of the Russell 2000 Index among institutional investors and the benefits of TradeStation's platform for futures traders.


πŸ“ˆ The Evolution of Options Trading and Its Impact

The discussion highlights the growth of options trading, with a significant shift post-COVID where options volume surpassed equity volumes for the first time. The importance of understanding options market dynamics is emphasized, as it can drive price action, especially around closing times. The speakers delve into how Menor Q simplifies complex options data into actionable signals, which can benefit all traders, even those not directly involved in options trading.


🀝 The Role of Market Makers in Options Trading

The paragraph explains the critical role of market makers in options trading, who provide liquidity and execute most transactions. It outlines how market makers make money from the spread between bid and ask prices, rather than from the direction of trades. The concept of delta hedging is introduced as a strategy used by market makers to manage risk, which involves making offset trades based on the Greeks and other option pricing factors.


πŸ“Š Understanding Gamma and Its Influence on Market Movements

Gamma's role in options trading is explored, describing it as a measure of how an option's delta will change with the underlying asset's price movement. The speakers discuss how gamma levels can indicate market sentiment and potential reaction zones where market makers may add or remove liquidity, impacting price action. The importance of recognizing when the market is in a positive or negative gamma environment is emphasized for strategic trading decisions.


πŸš€ Leveraging Gamma Levels for Trading Strategies

The conversation focuses on how gamma levels can be used in trading strategies. The core resistance level is identified as a key reaction zone where market makers may need to react to protect from losses, potentially leading to price pullbacks. The speakers provide practical examples of using gamma levels in trading, such as setting take-profit targets or identifying potential reversal trade opportunities.


🌐 Expanding Menor Q's Coverage to Various Markets

Fabio discusses Menor Q's expansion plans to cover a wide range of markets, including indices, commodities, forex, and rates. This expansion aims to provide value to a broader audience of traders, including those focusing on commodities or forex who may not be primarily trading indices like the NASDAQ.


πŸ“‰ Negative Gamma and Its Effect on Volatility

The speakers contrast positive and negative gamma environments and their effects on market volatility. In a negative gamma scenario, market makers' actions can lead to increased volatility and significant market swings. The importance of recognizing these environments is highlighted for strategic planning and managing trade execution.


πŸ“ˆ Combining Technical Analysis with Gamma Levels

The paragraph discusses how futures traders can integrate gamma levels with technical analysis to enhance their trading execution. By overlaying gamma levels on technical analysis, traders gain an additional layer of insight into market positioning and potential reaction zones, which can improve decision-making without altering their existing trading strategies.


πŸ” Market Awareness and the Future of Options on Futures

The final paragraph emphasizes the importance of market awareness and the growing significance of options on futures. The speakers predict continued growth in this area and suggest that understanding options markets will be crucial for traders seeking an edge. They encourage traders to evolve their strategies to incorporate insights from options data and follow Menor Q for continued learning and updates.



πŸ’‘Gamma Levels

Gamma levels refer to specific price points in the options market where there is a significant concentration of options contracts. These levels can indicate potential support or resistance areas in the market. In the context of the video, gamma levels are used to predict market reactions and are crucial for both options and futures traders to anticipate price movements and make informed trading decisions.

πŸ’‘Options Flow

Options flow describes the movement of options trading activity, which can influence the price action of the underlying asset. High options flow can suggest significant market interest in a particular direction, potentially leading to price changes. In the video, options flow is highlighted as a key factor that can drive market prices, especially around key gamma levels.

πŸ’‘Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is a method used by traders to evaluate securities and identify trading opportunities by analyzing statistics generated by market activity, such as past prices and volume. The video emphasizes the importance of integrating technical analysis with gamma levels to enhance trading execution in futures markets.

πŸ’‘Futures Trading

Futures trading involves the buying and selling of a standardized contract to trade a commodity or financial instrument at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future. The video discusses how futures traders can use gamma levels and options flow to gain an edge in their trading strategies.

πŸ’‘Delta Hedging

Delta hedging is a strategy used by market makers to manage the risk associated with the delta of their options positions. It involves making offsetting trades to mitigate risk. In the video, delta hedging is explained as a critical activity that market makers perform, which in turn influences the price action that traders observe in the market.

πŸ’‘Zero Dated Options

Zero dated options, also known as daily or intraday options, are options that expire within the same day. They are becoming increasingly popular and are mentioned in the video as a growing segment within the options market that can significantly impact the futures markets.

πŸ’‘Market Makers

Market makers are entities that provide liquidity to markets by offering to buy and sell securities at any time, thus ensuring that trading can occur continuously. They play a crucial role in the options market and their activities, such as delta hedging, can create reaction zones in the market that traders can use to their advantage.


Volatility refers to the degree of variation in the price of an asset over time. High volatility implies large price swings, while low volatility suggests more stable prices. In the context of the video, understanding volatility is essential for options and futures traders as it can predict the potential for significant price movements.

πŸ’‘Reaction Zones

Reaction zones are areas on a price chart where the market is expected to react due to a buildup of options contracts at specific strike prices. These zones can act as either support or resistance levels. The video discusses how market makers' actions in these zones can lead to significant price movements.

πŸ’‘Menthor Q

Menthor Q is a platform mentioned in the video that provides retail traders with access to institutional-level data and options flow. It is designed to convert complex data into actionable insights to enhance execution for retail traders, particularly in the futures markets.

πŸ’‘Support and Resistance

Support and resistance are concepts used in technical analysis to identify price levels at which an asset's price is more likely to find a halt and potentially reverse direction. In the video, these concepts are discussed in the context of gamma levels, where high concentrations of options contracts can create areas of support or resistance in the market.


Fabio Reri, founder of Mentor Q, discusses how options flow influences market price action and the importance of marking key gamma levels on charts.

Mentor Q provides retail traders with institutional level data and options flow, enhancing execution through actionable insights.

The podcast explores the significance of gamma levels in trading futures and how integrating these levels with technical analysis can improve execution.

Anthony Celli and Fabio Reri delve into the evolution of finance and the growing importance of leveraging data in investment processes.

Mentor Q aims to simplify complex data and create actionable signals to help retail traders improve their strategies.

The introduction of zero DTE (days to expiration) options in futures markets is a significant development for retail traders.

Understanding the role of market makers in options trading is crucial for recognizing how they impact price movements.

Gamma, a key Greek in options trading, measures the rate of change of an option's delta and is vital for delta hedging by market makers.

Positive and negative gamma environments dictate how market makers hedge their positions, affecting market volatility and price action.

Mentor Q's gamma level indicator translates the complexity of the options market into actionable levels for traders.

The core resistance and support levels identified by Mentor Q can be used as key take-profit targets and entry points for trades.

The one-day expected move indicator provides a statistical edge by predicting the maximum and minimum price levels for the day.

Back-testing results show that the one-day maximum and minimum levels are accurate in predicting price action 87.6% of the time.

Combining gamma levels with technical analysis can give futures day traders an edge by providing additional market context.

Mentor Q's tools can be used by stock, futures, and options traders to understand market positioning and improve trading decisions.

The growth of options on futures is set to continue, providing new opportunities for traders and alternative ways to access various markets.

Mentor Q's launch into futures options is expected to provide traders with valuable tools to navigate the evolving market landscape.