Midjourney 5.2 | 100 textures and materials for prompting inspiration

19 Aug 202319:46

TLDRIn this video, the creator explores the latest version of Midjourney 5.2 by experimenting with various textures and materials. They prompt the AI with unique combinations of words like 'Apple', 'doll', and 'car' with 100 different textures to observe the resulting images. The aim is to inspire viewers to use these textures for their own creative projects, highlighting that while certain textures produce photorealistic images, others lead to unexpected and whimsical outcomes. The video encourages exploration and invites viewers to share their favorites and future experiments.


  • 🍎 The video explores the use of textures and materials in AI technology, specifically with Midjourney 5.2.
  • 🧵 Three key objects were chosen for the experiment: Apple, doll, and car.
  • 🌿 The script lists 100 different textures and materials, providing a wide range of possibilities for creative inspiration.
  • 🎨 Combining texture or material words with objects can lead to photorealistic images rather than different art styles.
  • 🤖 AI technology like Midjourney can interpret real-life objects and materials in a more literal way.
  • 📌 The video encourages viewers to experiment with their own prompts and words for unique results.
  • 🎥 Replicability: Using the same prompt, aspect ratio, seed number, and version should generate identical images in fast mode.
  • 🌐 The script suggests that the possibilities with AI are endless and cannot be fully covered in a single video.
  • 🌈 The video aims to inspire viewers to explore and be creative with AI technologies.
  • 💬 Viewers are encouraged to share their favorite textures or materials in the comments section.
  • 🔔 The content creator appreciates viewers' engagement and encourages subscription to the channel for more similar content.

Q & A

  • What was the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video was to explore various textures and materials that could be used with AI technologies, specifically Midjourney 5.2, to create unique and inspiring visual prompts.

  • How many different textures and materials were discussed in the video?

    -The video discussed 100 different textures and materials.

  • What were the three objects chosen by the creator to combine with texture words for the experiment?

    -The creator chose an apple, a doll, and a car as the objects to combine with different texture words for the experiment.

  • What was the purpose of using the word 'foreign' in the script?

    -The word 'foreign' was likely used to describe the creator's interest in experimenting with AI technologies from various origins or to indicate a sense of exploration and openness to new ideas.

  • How can one replicate the exact same images as shown in the video?

    -To replicate the exact same images, one should use the exact same prompt, aspect ratio, seed number, and version of Midjourney 5.2 while on fast mode.

  • What was the observation made by the creator regarding the use of texture or material words in AI prompts?

    -The creator observed that using words for texture or materials tends to produce more photorealistic images rather than different art styles, possibly because these are real-life objects and not abstract concepts.

  • What was the creator's conclusion about the possibilities with AI technologies and textures/materials?

    -The creator concluded that the possibilities are endless and it's impossible to cover everything in a single video, suggesting a vast potential for creativity and exploration with AI technologies and textures/materials.

  • Which texture or material produced an interesting result that stood out in the video?

    -The video did not specify a single standout texture or material, but it encouraged viewers to find their favorites and experiment with them in the future.

  • How can viewers engage with the content of the video?

    -Viewers can engage with the content by leaving comments about their favorite textures or materials, what inspired them, or what they want to experiment with in the future. They can also subscribe to the channel for more similar content.

  • What was the significance of the music in the video?

    -The music in the video served as a background element to enhance the viewer's experience while going through the various textures and materials discussed.



🌟 Experimenting with AI and Textures

The paragraph introduces the speaker's interest in AI technologies, particularly in exploring the latest versions of mid-journey. The focus is on examining various textures and materials that can be created through AI. The speaker has chosen three objects - an apple, a doll, and a car - to combine with different texture words. The aim is to observe how mid-journey generates images when these words are used with objects that are not typically associated with textures or materials. The speaker provides prompts and results, allowing viewers to replicate the process. The emphasis is on the potential for personal creativity and the exploration of endless possibilities with AI-generated textures and materials.


🌿 Diverse Textures and Materials

This paragraph delves into a wide array of textures and materials, providing vivid descriptions and examples. The speaker lists various textures such as barky, basket weave, beaded, bubble wrap, and burlap, among others, and describes their visual and tactile qualities. The paragraph aims to inspire creativity by showcasing the breadth of textures that can be applied to objects, demonstrating how different words can alter the outcome of AI-generated images. The use of onomatopoeic words like 'cracked ice' and 'crimped material' adds to the immersive quality of the description, painting a clear picture of each texture in the listener's mind.


🎨 Textures Inspiring Creativity

The speaker continues to explore a diverse range of textures and materials, this time including examples like driftwood, embossed leather, and faux fur. The paragraph emphasizes the creative potential of combining these textures with objects, leading to unique and interesting visual outcomes. The speaker also notes that while the list provided is extensive, it is by no means exhaustive, and there are many more materials and textures to discover and experiment with. The use of descriptive language continues to engage the listener, with terms like 'geometric tiles' and 'frosted' evoking a strong sense of visual and tactile qualities.


🌈 Reflecting on AI's Creative Potential

In the final paragraph, the speaker reflects on the creative potential of AI in generating images with various textures and materials. It is noted that using words for textures or materials tends to produce more photorealistic images, as opposed to different art styles. The speaker shares their observation that combining texture or material words with objects can lead to fun and unexpected results. The paragraph concludes with an invitation for viewers to share their favorite textures or materials in the comments and encourages further experimentation. The speaker also promotes their channel for those interested in similar content and expresses gratitude for the viewers' engagement.




Midjourney refers to an AI technology that is being explored in the video. It is a tool that generates images based on textual prompts, and the video creator is particularly interested in its latest versions. The use of Midjourney in the video is to see how it interprets various textures and materials when combined with different objects, showcasing the technology's capabilities in producing photorealistic images or different art styles.

💡Textures and Materials

Textures and materials are the central focus of the video. The video creator is experimenting with how the AI technology, Midjourney, represents various surfaces and substances. These can range from natural elements like 'bark' and 'cork' to man-made materials such as 'cast iron' and 'faux fur'. The video aims to inspire viewers by demonstrating the wide array of textures and materials that can be used to create visually compelling and diverse images, thus expanding the creative possibilities within AI-generated art.

💡Prompting Inspiration

Prompting inspiration refers to the process of using specific words or phrases to guide the AI in generating images. In the context of the video, the creator uses a combination of the words 'Apple', 'doll', and 'car' with different texture words to elicit a variety of responses from Midjourney. This technique is meant to inspire viewers to think creatively about how they can use language to influence the output of AI technologies and to encourage experimentation with different prompts.


In the video, 'Apple' is one of the three selected objects that the creator combines with various texture words to prompt Midjourney. It serves as a versatile and familiar item to demonstrate how the AI can transform a common object into something unique and visually interesting by applying different textures and materials. The use of 'Apple' allows viewers to see how ordinary items can be reimagined through the lens of AI technology.


Similar to 'Apple', 'Doll' is another object chosen by the video creator for the AI experiments. It represents a human-made item with historical and cultural significance. By combining 'Doll' with various textures and materials, the video showcases the AI's ability to create intricate and detailed images that could inspire artists, designers, and hobbyists to think about dolls in new and innovative ways.


'Car' is the third object used in the video's AI experiments. As a complex, functional item that is familiar to most people, 'Car' provides an interesting challenge for the AI. The video creator uses it to demonstrate how Midjourney can interpret and visualize the combination of a mechanical object with diverse textures and materials, potentially inspiring viewers to think about cars beyond their traditional form and function.

💡Photorealistic Images

Photorealistic images refer to visual outputs that are incredibly detailed and lifelike, resembling photographs. The video creator notes that using words for textures or materials tends to produce more photorealistic images with Midjourney. This suggests that the AI is adept at interpreting real-world textures and applying them to objects, which could be useful for various applications such as design, advertising, or even education.

💡AI Technologies

AI Technologies encompass the various tools and systems that use artificial intelligence to perform tasks, analyze data, or create content. In the video, the creator is particularly interested in AI technologies related to image generation, specifically Midjourney. The exploration of these technologies in the video highlights their potential for creativity and innovation, as well as the evolving capabilities of AI in the realm of visual arts.


Experimentation is a key theme in the video, as the creator is always looking to test and push the boundaries of AI technologies. By experimenting with different textures, materials, and objects, the video showcases the creative potential of Midjourney and encourages viewers to engage in their own experiments. This process of trial and error is essential for discovering new possibilities and advancing our understanding of AI's capabilities.

💡Inspirational Content

Inspirational content in the video serves to motivate viewers to explore and create. By presenting a wide range of textures and materials applied to everyday objects, the video aims to spark the viewer's imagination and inspire them to experiment with AI technologies themselves. The video acts as a catalyst for creativity, prompting viewers to think about how they can apply these techniques in their own projects or hobbies.


The video explores the latest versions of mid-journey AI technology with a focus on different textures and materials.

Three words, Apple, doll, and car, were selected to combine with texture words for experimentation.

The video demonstrates how using texture words can produce photorealistic images.

Combining texture or material words with objects can result in unique and unexpected outcomes.

The video provides 100 examples of textures and materials that can inspire creativity.

Using texture words with real-life objects can lead to more photorealistic interpretations.

The video encourages viewers to experiment with their own prompts and words for generating images.

The presenter shares their observations on the effects of different texture words on image generation.

Texture words like 'Barky', 'basket weave', and 'beaded' were used to create distinct visual effects.

The use of 'cast iron' and 'chalkboard' textures resulted in images with a distinctive weight and writing surface.

Textures such as 'cracked ice' and 'crimped material' were explored for their visual impact.

The video showcases 'embroidered' and 'etched glass' textures for their decorative appeal.

Synthetic materials like 'faux fur' and 'Ted material' were tested for their visual similarity to natural materials.

The presenter discusses the endless possibilities of textures and materials for AI image generation.

Textures like 'geometric tiles' and 'gingham' were used to create patterned effects.

The video includes examples of 'knitted' and 'knurled' textures for their tactile qualities.

The use of 'metallic' and 'mossy' textures added a shiny and natural touch to the generated images.

Textures such as 'ostrich skin' and 'painted wood' were tested for their distinctive visual features.

The video concludes by inviting viewers to share their favorite textures and materials in the comments.