Midjourney Monetized!!

3 Apr 202431:34

TLDRThe speaker discusses their professional use of AI in their creative process, specifically focusing on generating images for a social media post. They share their journey of using AI tools like Midjourney and Dall-E, highlighting the importance of controlling the output rather than just collaboration. The speaker emphasizes the iterative process of refining prompts and combining the strengths of different AI platforms to achieve the desired concept. They also touch on the use of Photoshop and Adobe Express for finalizing the image, showcasing how AI can act as an assistant, saving time and resources in the creative process.


  • 🎨 The artist uses AI tools like Midjourney and Dall-E in their professional pipeline to enhance their creative process and produce content for clients.
  • 🛠️ The process involves multiple iterations and tweaks to the AI prompts to achieve the desired visual outcome.
  • 🖌️ AI generators are seen as collaborative tools rather than a complete solution, requiring human input and refinement.
  • 💡 The artist emphasizes the importance of maintaining control over the creative direction and not relying solely on AI for concept development.
  • 📸 The example project is a social media post teasing a new cocktail, using AI to visualize the concept of a glass under a linen cover.
  • 🔄 The artist uses a combination of AI renderings and Photoshop manipulations to finalize the image, highlighting the synergy between AI and traditional design tools.
  • 🎨 The artist prefers the aesthetic 'vibe' of Midjourney over Dall-E, despite finding Dall-E's language understanding to be more accurate.
  • 🤖 The use of AI reduces the time and effort required for tasks such as setting up photoshoots, speeding up the creation process.
  • 🖼️ The final image is crafted to be impactful for social media, with careful consideration of branding, composition, and text legibility.
  • 📈 The artist sees AI as a cost-effective alternative to hiring a design assistant, helping to bridge the gap until they can expand their team.
  • 🌐 The artist plans to share more of their work process using AI tools, especially during their busy season on Cape Cod.

Q & A

  • How does the speaker utilize AI in their professional pipeline?

    -The speaker uses AI, specifically Midjourney and Dall-E, to generate visual concepts and images for client projects, such as social media posts. They iterate through multiple versions to refine the AI-generated content to match their vision.

  • What is the speaker's perspective on the control versus collaboration with AI generators?

    -The speaker advocates for maintaining control over the AI generators, pushing for the desired outcome through repeated iterations and adjustments to the prompts, rather than just relying on the AI's initial output.

  • What was the initial concept the speaker wanted to create for their client's social media post?

    -The initial concept was to tease a new cocktail with an image of a glass covered by a piece of linen on a rustic table, similar to how the auto industry reveals a new car under a cover.

  • Why did the speaker switch from Midjourney to Dall-E during the creation process?

    -The speaker switched to Dall-E because they were not getting the desired results from Midjourney. They found that Dall-E understood the prompt better and provided outputs closer to their concept, despite preferring the aesthetic of Midjourney.

  • How did the speaker incorporate the neon sign element into their design?

    -The speaker attempted to include a neon sign with the client's name, Picos, in the background of the image. However, after experimenting with different prompts, they ultimately decided against using a neon sign in the final design.

  • What role did Photoshop play in the speaker's process?

    -Photoshop was used to refine and finalize the image. The speaker used its AI features to correct elements such as the glass lip, the scale of the coffee beans, and to dim the hard specular hit on the tequila bottle. They also adjusted the background and added a gradient fill to create a darker, more moody atmosphere.

  • How did the speaker ensure the text in their social media post was legible and impactful?

    -The speaker used Adobe Express to design the text, ensuring it was bold and large enough to be easily read on small screens. They also considered the color palette and contrast to make the text pop against the background.

  • What was the speaker's strategy for balancing the design elements in the final image?

    -The speaker used a combination of diagonal lines from the linen and a crossed banner at the bottom to create balance. They also adjusted the brightness and contrast of various elements and used color contrast, such as teal, to draw attention to certain areas of the design.

  • How does the speaker view AI in relation to hiring a design assistant?

    -The speaker sees AI as a tool that can replace the need for a human design assistant, helping them save on costs and manage their workload more efficiently. They view AI as a bridge to help them handle more significant client projects without the pressure of managing a larger workforce.

  • What is the speaker's recommendation for using AI generators effectively?

    -The speaker recommends not giving up on your concept despite initial unsatisfactory results from AI generators. They emphasize the importance of iterative refinement and using the AI as an assistant to achieve the desired outcome.

  • How does the speaker plan to use AI in their future work?

    -The speaker intends to continue using AI for backend work, such as designing and creating content for their clients, especially during the busy advertising season on Cape Cod. They see AI as a valuable tool for enhancing their productivity and output quality.



🎨 Artistic AI Collaboration

The speaker discusses their professional use of AI, specifically Midjourney, in their creative pipeline. They emphasize the importance of control versus collaboration with AI, and share their process of creating a piece for a client. The speaker begins by conceptualizing a social media post for a new cocktail, using AI to generate images but finding the results unsatisfactory. They express doubt but ultimately continue to refine their prompts and explore different AI tools to achieve their desired outcome.


🗣️ Language Understanding in AI

The speaker compares the language understanding capabilities of Midjourney and Dall-E, finding that Dall-E better comprehends their prompt, although they prefer the aesthetic of Midjourney. They describe their iterative process of refining the AI-generated images, including dealing with unexpected results like film reels and hubcaps. The speaker is confident in their ability to guide the AI towards their vision, despite the challenges and multiple iterations required.


🖌️ Refining AI Concepts

The speaker continues to iterate on their AI-generated images, using a Dall-E render as a reference to guide Midjourney's output. They discuss the improvements in the AI's understanding and the closer alignment with their concept. The speaker also talks about the practical applications of these images in marketing and how the AI tools have sped up the process significantly. They share their excitement as they get closer to the desired image, despite some rendering issues that need fixing.


🌟 Finalizing the AI Artwork

The speaker describes the final stages of their AI-assisted creative process, including the use of Photoshop to fix and enhance the AI-generated image. They detail the steps taken to adjust the glass, linen, and background, as well as the addition of elements like a neon sign and coffee beans to align with the client's brand. The speaker emphasizes the importance of subtlety and balance in the final image, and how they achieved the desired effect using a combination of AI and traditional editing tools.


📣 Social Media Strategy

The speaker shifts focus to the strategic use of their AI-assisted artwork for a social media announcement. They discuss the importance of the reveal and the storytelling aspect of the image. The speaker also talks about their work with a specific brand, Picos Taco Shack, and how they incorporate the brand's elements into the final image. They emphasize the need to keep the focus on the product and the brand, rather than on the AI technology used in the creation process.


🤖 AI as a Creative Assistant

The speaker reflects on their experience using AI as a creative assistant, detailing the benefits and challenges of this approach. They discuss how AI has helped them bridge the gap between needing a larger workforce and managing the risks associated with expansion. The speaker shares their excitement about the potential of AI to transform the creative process and enable solo professionals to handle larger projects without the need for additional staff.


🌊 Seasonal Creative Workflow

The speaker concludes by discussing their current workflow and the importance of the season for their clients on Cape Cod. They express their intention to share more projects and insights with their audience, highlighting the urgency and intensity of their work during the peak season. The speaker also mentions their personal need for coffee to fuel their creative process and encourages the audience to engage with their content and apply the shared tools and techniques in their own work.




Midjourney is an AI image generation platform mentioned in the script. It is used by the speaker to create visual concepts for clients. The speaker discusses their process of using Midjourney to generate images and the challenges they faced in getting the desired results, such as not getting the intended concept of a glass under a linen.

💡Control versus Collaboration

The concept of control versus collaboration refers to the speaker's approach to using AI tools like Midjourney. They prefer to maintain control over the creative process rather than just collaborating with the AI's outputs. This is evident in the speaker's repeated efforts to guide the AI towards their desired concept.


Dall-E is another AI image generation tool mentioned in the script. The speaker uses it as an alternative to Midjourney when they are not getting the desired results. They note that Dall-E has a different understanding of prompts and can provide more illustrative outputs.

💡Social Media Post

A social media post is the specific project the speaker is working on in the video. It involves creating a visual teaser for a new cocktail for one of their clients. The speaker discusses the concept development and the use of AI tools to achieve the visual for the post.

💡Concept Development

Concept development is the process of creating and refining an idea for a visual or project. In the context of the video, the speaker is developing a concept for a social media post, using AI tools to experiment with different visual elements until they achieve the desired look.

💡Image Rendering

Image rendering refers to the process of generating visual images from textual prompts using AI tools. The speaker discusses their experience with rendering images using Midjourney and Dall-E, and the iterative process of refining the prompts to get the desired output.


Photoshop is a widely used software for image editing and manipulation. In the video, the speaker uses Photoshop to refine the AI-generated images, fixing elements such as the glass rim, adjusting the lighting, and adding details like coffee beans and a tequila bottle to the composition.

💡Adobe Express

Adobe Express is an online design tool offered by Adobe for creating social media layouts and other marketing materials quickly and easily. The speaker uses Adobe Express to finalize their social media post by adding text, adjusting the layout, and ensuring the design is coherent with the brand's visual language.


Branding refers to the process of creating a unique name, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates a product or service from others. In the video, the speaker is focused on maintaining consistent branding for their client throughout the design process, from the AI-generated images to the final social media post.

💡Professional Pipeline

A professional pipeline refers to the series of steps or processes used in a professional setting to complete a project or task. In the video, the speaker describes their professional pipeline involving the use of AI tools to generate images, refine them in Photoshop, and finalize the design in Adobe Express for a client's social media post.


The speaker discusses using AI in a professional pipeline to create content for clients, specifically for a social media post.

The importance of control versus collaboration when working with AI generators is emphasized.

The process of creating a concept for a new cocktail using AI is detailed, starting with an idea of revealing the product like the auto industry does with cars.

The use of Midjourney for initial renderings and the struggle to get the desired outcome is described.

Switching to Dall-E to better understand the prompt and get closer to the intended concept is mentioned.

The preference for Midjourney's aesthetic over Dall-E's illustrative style is expressed.

Combining the best aspects of both AI tools, using Dall-E for concept and Midjourney for style, is highlighted as an effective strategy.

The iterative process of refining the AI-generated images to achieve the desired result is emphasized.

The time-saving benefits of using AI in comparison to traditional photoshoots are discussed.

The incorporation of a neon sign with the client's name into the AI-generated image is attempted.

The use of Photoshop to further refine the image, including fixing errors and adjusting elements, is detailed.

The strategic use of contrast and color in the final design for social media impact is discussed.

The final composition is created in Adobe Express, with considerations for branding and social media optimization.

AI is described as an effective tool for bridging the gap between needing more workforce and being able to maintain it.

The speaker shares their experience of using AI as an assistant, eliminating the need for a human design assistant.

The practical application of AI in a real-world scenario, such as creating content for a client's social media post, is demonstrated.

The importance of persistence and not giving up on the concept, even when AI doesn't initially produce the desired results, is highlighted.