How I monetized a Faceless AI Youtube Channel

Your AI guide/ with AI Guy
31 Jan 202410:42

TLDRThe speaker shares their journey of monetizing their AI-focused YouTube channel, discussing the misconceptions around monetization and revealing their earnings analytics. They detail their online entrepreneurship start in 2016, the evolution through Instagram theme pages, TikTok attempts, and eventual success on YouTube. The video covers the requirements for YouTube's monetization tiers, the influence of viewer demographics and geographical location on ad revenue, and additional income streams like affiliate marketing and sponsorships. The speaker encourages persistence, consistency, and value creation in content, highlighting the potential of AI tools and the importance of high-quality character in their channel's growth.


  • 🚀 The AI channel creator discusses the monetization of AI-focused YouTube channels, aiming to dispel myths and share personal experiences.
  • 🎮 The creator's online journey began in 2016 with an online gaming business, which taught the potential of making money online.
  • 📈 The transition from gaming to social media, specifically Instagram theme pages, highlighted the importance of consistency and content discovery.
  • 🎥 A failed attempt at TikTok led to learning video editing and the significance of a good script in content creation.
  • 📅 The YouTube channel was started in August 2023, with monetization achieved by December, showcasing a relatively quick transition to earning revenue.
  • 💰 The first earnings were modest, but the channel's revenue growth was significant, doubling in the second month and surpassing $800 in the third.
  • 🌍 Geographical location of viewers impacts earnings, with developed countries generally offering higher ad bids due to greater buying power.
  • 👥 The majority of viewers were males aged 18 to 54, with the largest audience hailing from India and the United States.
  • 🔗 Affiliate marketing and sponsorships were additional revenue streams, though exact figures were not disclosed due to ethical and professional reasons.
  • 💪 The creator emphasizes the value of consistency, learning, and adapting quickly in the YouTube business, akin to running any other business.
  • 🌟 The AI channel's unique advantage was leveraging the trend of AI tools and creating high-quality content to stand out and attract viewers.

Q & A

  • What was the speaker's initial impression of making money online before starting his YouTube journey?

    -The speaker initially had no idea that he could make money online, but after watching videos of people who made a reasonable amount of money per year, he realized it was possible and not as hard as he thought.

  • What are the two tiers of YouTube monetization?

    -The first tier involves making money through fan funding like Super Chats, Super Thanks, and channel memberships, which requires 500 subscribers, 3 valid public videos in the last 90 days, and 3,000 valid public watch hours in the past year. The second tier is the YouTube Partner Program, which requires 1,000 subscribers, 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months, or 10 million valid public short views in the last 90 days, allowing YouTube to place ads on the videos.

  • How much did the speaker earn in the first month after his channel was monetized?

    -In the first month after monetization, the speaker earned a total of $300.

  • How did the speaker's RPM change over time?

    -The speaker's RPM, or the amount of money YouTube pays per thousand views, started out quite low but gradually increased over time.

  • What factors influence the amount of money a YouTuber earns from their videos?

    -The amount a YouTuber earns is influenced by factors such as the age category and geographical location of viewers, as well as the niche the channel belongs to.

  • What percentage of viewers watching the speaker's videos were not subscribed to the channel?

    -About 85% of people watching the speaker's videos were not currently subscribed to the channel.

  • What were the top five countries where the speaker's viewers were from in the first couple of months on YouTube?

    -The majority of the speaker's viewers were from India, followed by the United States, Pakistan, Indonesia, and then Brazil.

  • How does the speaker's channel primarily make money?

    -The speaker's channel primarily makes money through YouTube's monetization program, which includes ad revenue, as well as affiliate marketing and sponsorships.

  • What advice does the speaker give to those considering starting a YouTube channel?

    -The speaker advises not to give up, to be consistent, ready to learn and unlearn, adjust quickly, and accept losses without emotions. They also emphasize the importance of providing value or teaching in the content.

  • What is the speaker's strategy for leveraging the popularity of AI on their channel?

    -The speaker's strategy is to talk about trending AI tools and create high-quality content that educates people about AI, which helped propel the channel to its current success.

  • What is the speaker's future plan regarding their YouTube channels?

    -The speaker plans to start a tutorial series about their Avatar and has also created a new channel where they will be posting videos every day for the next 365 days.



🚀 Debunking Myths on Monetizing AI Channels

The creator discusses the common misconceptions about monetizing AI channels on YouTube. They share their personal journey of starting a faceless AI YouTube channel and how they managed to earn revenue from it. The video aims to provide insights and encourage others to join the YouTube community and generate passive income using AI. The creator also briefly touches upon their online journey, starting from playing an online game for income to eventually finding success on YouTube.


📈 Earnings and Analytics Breakdown

This paragraph delves into the creator's YouTube earnings and analytics. They share their initial earnings and how their revenue increased over time. The creator explains the concept of RPM (Revenue Per Mille) and how various factors such as viewer demographics, geographical location, and niche impact earnings. They also discuss the importance of subscriber engagement and the role of affiliate marketing and sponsorships in their overall income.


🌐 Geographical and Demographic Insights

The creator provides an analysis of their viewers' geographical locations and demographic information. They discuss how the majority of their viewers are from countries like India, the United States, and Brazil, and are within the age group of 18 to 54. The video emphasizes the impact of viewers' location on ad revenue, highlighting that developed countries tend to offer higher ad bids due to greater buying power.

💡 Final Thoughts and Future Plans

In the concluding part, the creator reflects on their one-year journey with YouTube and shares their thoughts on whether it's worth starting a channel. They acknowledge the challenges and hard work involved in maintaining a YouTube channel while balancing other responsibilities. The creator also emphasizes the importance of providing value and teaching through content. They announce upcoming tutorial series on their avatar and a new channel where they will be posting daily videos for the next 365 days.




Monetization refers to the process of generating revenue from a digital platform, such as a YouTube channel. In the context of the video, it involves the channel becoming eligible to earn money through YouTube's Partner Program by meeting specific requirements like a certain number of subscribers and watch hours. The speaker discusses their journey to monetization and the different revenue streams available, such as ad placements and fan funding options like Super Chats and channel memberships.

💡YouTube Analytics

YouTube Analytics is a set of tools provided by YouTube that allows content creators to track and analyze the performance of their videos. This includes data on views, watch time, audience demographics, and revenue generated. In the video, the creator uses their analytics to illustrate the growth of their channel and to understand the factors that contribute to their earnings, such as the age and geographical location of their viewers.

💡AI Channel

An AI channel is a YouTube channel focused on content related to artificial intelligence, often created and managed by individuals or entities that specialize in AI technologies. The video's creator runs a faceless AI channel, meaning they do not show their face in the videos, and instead, focus on tutorials and content creation using AI tools. The channel's niche and high-quality content have helped it gain traction and become monetizable.

💡Passive Income

Passive income refers to earnings that are generated with minimal ongoing effort after an initial setup or investment of time and resources. In the context of the video, the creator aims to show that through the use of AI and YouTube's monetization features, one can generate a form of passive income by creating and uploading content that continues to earn money over time.

💡Content Creation

Content creation is the process of producing and publishing various forms of digital content, such as videos, articles, or podcasts, to engage and inform an audience. In the video, the creator discusses their journey of creating content using AI tools and the importance of consistency, quality, and learning from each experience to improve their content creation skills.

💡Online Entrepreneur

An online entrepreneur is an individual who starts and runs a business on the internet, often involving e-commerce, digital products, or online services. In the video, the creator describes their beginnings as an online entrepreneur, buying and selling low-rank gaming accounts and using cheats, which marked the start of their journey towards monetizing online content.

💡RPM (Revenue Per Mille)

RPM stands for Revenue Per Mille, which is a metric used to measure the revenue generated from every thousand views on a YouTube video. It is an important indicator for content creators to understand how much they are earning from ad placements on their videos and how their content is monetizing.

💡Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where an individual earns a commission for promoting and selling other companies' products or services. In the context of the video, the creator earns additional income through affiliate marketing by promoting certain tools in their videos and receiving a kickback when viewers sign up using their referral links.


Sponsorships involve a brand paying a content creator to feature or promote their products or services within a video or a series of videos. This can be in the form of mentions, product placements, or full tutorials. Sponsorships are a way for content creators to earn money from their audience and brand partnerships.


Consistency refers to the regular and persistent effort put into creating and publishing content over time. It is crucial for building and maintaining an audience on platforms like YouTube. In the video, the creator emphasizes the importance of being consistent in content creation to grow and succeed on the platform.

💡Learning and Unlearning

Learning and unlearning refer to the process of acquiring new skills and knowledge while also being open to letting go of old habits or beliefs that may no longer serve one's growth or success. In the context of the video, the creator discusses the importance of being adaptable and willing to adjust strategies based on new insights and experiences in the ever-changing landscape of online content creation and monetization.


The speaker discusses the monetization of AI channels on YouTube, aiming to dispel myths and share personal analytics.

The speaker's YouTube journey began with no initial knowledge of earning money online, highlighting the learning curve involved.

An early online venture involved buying low-rank accounts and using cheats in an online game to make money.

The speaker's transition from Instagram theme pages to YouTube taught valuable lessons about consistency and content discovery.

The attempt to run a personal TikTok account, despite the failure, provided insights into video editing and scriptwriting.

The YouTube channel started in August 2023, emphasizing the recent nature of the speaker's success.

Monetization was achieved in December 2023, showcasing a relatively quick turnaround from channel start to monetization.

The first earnings were modest, but excitement was high, reflecting the significance of initial success.

Revenue growth is highlighted by the increase from $11 to $26 per day, demonstrating the channel's upward trend.

Requirements for different tiers of YouTube monetization are detailed, providing clarity on the platform's policies.

The first month of monetization yielded $300, a promising start to the speaker's YouTube income.

By January, earnings doubled to over $800, illustrating the rapid growth potential of a YouTube channel.

Factors influencing earnings, such as viewer demographics and geographical location, are discussed.

The speaker notes that the majority of viewers are not subscribed, emphasizing the importance of subscriber engagement.

Additional income streams like affiliate marketing and sponsorships are explored, beyond standard ad revenue.

The speaker reflects on the worthiness of starting a YouTube channel, despite the challenges and hard work involved.

The importance of providing value and teaching through content is underscored as the primary motivation for creating a YouTube channel.

The speaker's advantage in discussing AI tools and creating high-quality content is highlighted as a key to their channel's success.

The speaker announces upcoming tutorial series and a new channel, encouraging viewers to engage for future content.