Midjourney vs Magnific.AI - Upscaler Comparison

WeirdWonderful AI Art
1 Dec 202313:00

TLDRIn this video, the host compares image upscaling using two different AI tools: Magnific.AI and Midjourney. The original images were generated by Midjourney, and then upscaled by both Magnific and Midjourney itself, using a 2x scale to maintain a fair comparison. The video covers a variety of image types, including portraits, video game style images, landscapes, 3D renders, and illustrations. The host observes that the use of a prompt can enhance the detail in the upscaled images, particularly with Magnific. Through a side-by-side comparison in Lightroom, it's evident that Magnific often provides more definition and realism in the upscaled images, especially noticeable in landscapes and 3D renders. Portraits upscaled by Magnific also show more texture and detail, giving a more natural and less 'airbrushed' appearance compared to Midjourney's results. The host concludes that while both tools are usable, Magnific tends to produce better quality upscales in this comparison.


  • 🎨 **Midjourney vs Magnific.AI Comparison**: The video compares image upscaling using both Midjourney and Magnific.AI technologies.
  • 🖼️ **Original Images**: All samples originated from Midjourney and were upscaled to 2x size for a fair comparison.
  • 📈 **Use of Prompts**: Prompts were used in some cases to enhance detail, but not in all, to see the natural rendering capabilities.
  • 🚀 **3D Renders & Landscapes**: Notable differences were observed in 3D renders and landscapes, with improvements in definition and realism.
  • 👩‍🚀 **Sci-Fi Image Optimizer**: The Sci-Fi and horror optimizer was initially used but resulted in an undesirable, scary outcome.
  • 🎥 **Film & Photography Optimizer**: This optimizer was favored as it kept the upscaled image more aligned with the original.
  • 📊 **Lightroom Analysis**: Lightroom was used to compare the original Midjourney images (green) with those upscaled by Midjourney (red) and Magnific (purple).
  • 🌟 **Detail & Realism**: Magnific.AI generally provided more detail and a more realistic look, especially in landscapes and portraits.
  • 🌄 **Landscape Upscaling**: Magnific outperformed Midjourney in landscape upscaling, offering better definition and a more natural appearance.
  • 🎮 **Video Game Style Images**: Magnific also did a better job with video game style images, providing more detail and clarity.
  • 🖋️ **Portrait Upscaling**: In portraits, Magnific delivered more texture and detail, making the images appear less artificial.
  • 📚 **Illustration Comparison**: For illustrations, both upscaling methods were comparable, with Magnific adding some extra details.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to compare images upscaled using Magnific.AI with those upscaled using Midjourney, both at a 2x scale.

  • What types of images were used for the comparison?

    -The types of images used for the comparison include portraits, video game style images, landscapes, 3D renders, and illustrations.

  • What was the role of the prompt in the upscaling process?

    -The prompt was used in some cases to add more detail to the upscaled images, particularly in the 3D render landscape, but not in all cases.

  • What was the issue with using the science fiction and horror optimizer?

    -The science fiction and horror optimizer resulted in a very horror-themed image that the creator did not like, even with low creativity and resemblance settings.

  • How did the film and photography optimizer affect the upscaled image?

    -The film and photography optimizer kept the result more in line with the original image, providing a more acceptable outcome for the cyberpunk neon landscape.

  • What software was used to compare the upscaled images?

    -Adobe Lightroom was used to compare the upscaled images side by side.

  • What was the general observation regarding the definition of the upscaled images?

    -The upscaled images using Magnific.AI generally had more definition and detail compared to those upscaled using Midjourney.

  • How did the landscape images compare between the two upscaling methods?

    -The landscape images upscaled with Magnific.AI had significantly more detail and a more realistic appearance compared to those upscaled with Midjourney.

  • What was the difference in the rendering of the video game asset between the two upscaling methods?

    -The video game asset upscaled with Magnific.AI had more definition in the panels and buttons, and a clearer satellite map or view, compared to the Midjourney upscale.

  • How did the 3D render images compare in terms of detail and smoothness?

    -The 3D render images were mostly comparable in detail and smoothness, but Magnific.AI provided more definition in certain areas such as the supporting station.

  • What was the overall verdict on the portrait images?

    -Magnific.AI did a better job at rendering the portrait images, providing more detail, texture, and a more natural look compared to the Midjourney upscaled images.



🔍 Upscaling AI-Generated Images: Magnific AI vs Mid Journey

The video begins with the host welcoming viewers to a channel dedicated to exploring AI. The main focus of this video is a comparison between images upscaled using two different tools: Magnific AI and Mid Journey's built-in upscaler. The original images were all created with Mid Journey, ensuring a fair comparison. The host discusses the use of prompts to enhance image details and shares observations on the differences in the quality of upscaled images, particularly noting the improvements in 3D renders and landscapes. The comparison will be conducted in Adobe Lightroom, where the original and upscaled images are organized by tool and whether a prompt was used during the upscaling process.


🖼️ Comparative Analysis of Upscaled Images in Lightroom

The host dives into the comparison using Adobe Lightroom, where images are categorized by their original source and upscaling method. The original Mid Journey creations are marked in green, while the upscaled versions from Mid Journey and Magnific AI are marked in red and purple, respectively. The video provides a side-by-side comparison of various image types, including Sci-Fi, illustrations, landscapes, video game assets, 3D renders, and portraits. The host observes that while some images show minimal differences, others, particularly landscapes and certain video game assets, exhibit significant improvements in detail and realism when upscaled with Magnific AI. The host also comments on the rendering of rain, the clarity of signs, and the definition of human figures and buildings in the upscaled images.


🎨 Evaluating the Quality of Portraits and Textures

The video concludes with an in-depth look at the quality of upscaled portraits. The host compares the original Mid Journey images to those upscaled by Magnific AI, noting a substantial difference in detail and texture. The upscaled images using Magnific AI appear more realistic, with better-defined skin textures, hair details, and natural features like eyelid folds. The host also points out the improved definition along the edges and in areas such as the underarms. The video ends with a call to action for viewers to like, comment, and subscribe for more content, and to suggest future comparisons or experiments with Magnific AI.



💡AI Channel

An AI channel refers to a platform or a specific section of a platform that is dedicated to content related to artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, it suggests that the channel is focused on exploring and showcasing various AI technologies and their capabilities, such as image upscaling.

💡Image Upscaling

Image upscaling is the process of increasing the resolution of a digital image while maintaining or improving its quality. In the video, the host compares the results of upscaling images using two different AI technologies, Magnific.AI and Midjourney.


Midjourney is a term used in the video to refer to the original image generation tool that created the images being compared. It is also the name of the company that developed the AI technology for image creation and upscaling.


Magnific.AI is an AI-powered image upscaling tool that is being compared against Midjourney's upscaling technology in the video. It is used to enhance the resolution and detail of images.

💡2x Upscale Size

The term '2x upscale size' refers to doubling the original size of an image. In the video, the host uses this scaling factor to compare the performance of the two upscaling tools, ensuring a fair comparison.


A prompt in the context of AI image generation is a set of instructions or a description given to the AI to guide the creation or modification of an image. The video discusses how using a prompt can influence the detail and outcome of the upscaled images.

💡3D Renders

3D renders refer to two-dimensional images that are generated from three-dimensional models. In the video, the host includes 3D render images in the comparison to evaluate how well each upscaling tool handles different types of images.


An illustration is a type of artwork that is used to decorate, explain, or clarify a text. The video script mentions comparing upscaled illustrations to see how each tool handles the detail and style of this type of image.

💡Film and Photography Optimizer

This term refers to a specific setting or mode within an AI upscaling tool that is designed to enhance images in a way that is suitable for film and photography. The host used this optimizer in the video to achieve a result that aligns with the original image's style.


Adobe Lightroom is a photo editing and organization software. In the video, the host uses Lightroom to compare the upscaled images side by side, highlighting the differences in detail and quality.


Cyberpunk is a genre of science fiction that features advanced technological and scientific achievements, juxtaposed with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order. The video mentions a 'cyberpunk neon landscape' as an example of the type of image being upscaled and compared.


Texture in the context of image upscaling refers to the detail and quality of surfaces in an image. The video discusses how the skin and hair textures are rendered more realistically by one of the upscaling tools compared to the other.


Comparison of image upscaling using Midjourney and Magnific.AI

All samples originated from Midjourney and were upscaled by both Midjourney and Magnific.AI

2x upscale size was used for a fair comparison

Different types of images were used, including portraits, video game style images, landscapes, 3D renders, and illustrations

Prompts were used in some cases to add more detail to the images

Significant differences noticed in 3D render landscapes, less so in portraits and video game images

A big difference and improvement were observed in a cyberpunk neon landscape image using Magnific.AI

Lightroom was used to compare the upscaled images side by side

Midjourney upscaled images appeared flat with less definition

Magnific.AI provided more well-defined main subjects and additional details in upscaled images

In illustrations, both upscaling methods were comparable, with Magnific.AI adding a few extra details

Landscape images upscaled by Magnific.AI showed significantly more detail and realism

Video game asset images upscaled by Magnific.AI had more definition in panels and buttons

3D render images upscaled by Magnific.AI had better detail in supporting structures

Portrait images upscaled by Magnific.AI showed more natural skin texture and hair detail

Magnific.AI generally provided more detailed and realistic upscaled images across all categories

The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to share their thoughts and subscribe for more comparisons and experiments