Midjourney换脸大法!如何用最新上线的--cref参数实现图片换脸/风格迁移操作 Character Reference cref参数是否可以解决角色一致性?如何用CW参数调整参考强度

15 Mar 202413:38

TLDRThe video script discusses the introduction of the CREF (character reference) parameter for the AI绘画 tool, MJ, which aims to improve role consistency in AI-generated images. The host demonstrates the use of CREF, along with the CW (control weight) parameter for adjusting reference intensity, through various examples including transforming real photos into different artistic styles and performing 'face-swapping'. While acknowledging the limitations of CREF, especially with complex character elements, the video highlights the significant advancements in AI technology and its practical applications in image generation and style transfer.


  • 🎨 The introduction of the CREF (Character Reference) parameter for MJ aims to improve role consistency in AI-generated images, a previously challenging aspect.
  • 🔍 CREF works by allowing users to submit a reference image, enabling MJ to generate images of the same character in various scenes with a degree of consistency.
  • 🌟 The CREF parameter is part of a technology trend involving IP-adapter or InstantID, focusing on facial uniformity but may have limitations with other elements like clothing and accessories.
  • 📸 The video demonstrates the use of CREF with a half-orc character and real-life images, showcasing the parameter's capabilities and limitations.
  • 🔗 The CREF parameter must be used with a space followed by the reference image link, and it can be combined with other parameters like CW (Control Weight) to adjust the reference intensity.
  • 🎭 The CW parameter allows control over the intensity of the reference image's influence, with a range from 0 (only facial features) to 100 (includes additional features like hairstyle and clothing).
  • 🖌️ CREF can be used creatively to change画风 (artistic styles), as shown by the example of transforming a real photo into a hand-drawn style.
  • 👤 The video also explores the use of CREF for 'face-swapping', allowing users to replace the face in an image with another character's face within the MJ platform.
  • 🚀 The development and implementation of CREF demonstrate the rapid advancements in AI, significantly simplifying complex tasks from the past.
  • 📹 The content creator acknowledges the limitations of CREF, especially with characters having many elements, and advises users to have realistic expectations.
  • 👍 The video encourages viewers to support the channel by liking and subscribing for more MJ-related tutorials and content.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video script?

    -The main topic of the video script is the introduction and demonstration of the newly launched CREF (character reference) parameter in the AI art generation tool MJ, which is used for maintaining character consistency in AI-generated images.

  • What is the significance of the SREF parameter mentioned in the script?

    -The SREF (style reference) parameter is significant as it allows users to achieve a certain degree of style transfer when generating images with MJ, which helps in creating art that is stylistically consistent with a reference image provided by the user.

  • How does the CREF parameter work in MJ?

    -The CREF parameter works by allowing users to submit a reference image, which can be of a person or an animal. MJ then generates images of the same character in different scenes, attempting to maintain consistency in the character's appearance based on the reference image provided.

  • What are the limitations of the CREF parameter according to the script?

    -The limitations of the CREF parameter include potential issues with accurately reproducing details such as accessories and clothing, especially when the character has many elements. The more complex the character, the harder it is to achieve complete consistency.

  • What is the role of the CW parameter in conjunction with CREF?

    -The CW parameter controls the intensity of the reference image's influence on the generated image. It ranges from 0 to 100, with 0 referring to only referencing facial features and 100 including other features like hairstyle and clothing. Users can adjust the CW value to control the level of detail they want to retain from the reference image.

  • How can the CREF parameter be used creatively?

    -The CREF parameter can be used creatively for style migration, where a real photo can be transformed into different artistic styles by combining the CREF parameter with style-specific prompt words. It can also be used for 'face-swapping' by combining it with MJ's built-in局部重绘 (partial redraw) feature.

  • What is the significance of the video's mention of IP-adapter and InstantID technologies?

    -The mention of IP-adapter and InstantID technologies signifies that these are the underlying technologies that the CREF parameter might be utilizing. These technologies are known for their ability to maintain facial consistency in AI-generated images, which is a key aspect of the CREF parameter's functionality.

  • How does the video script demonstrate the practical application of the CREF parameter?

    -The script demonstrates the practical application of the CREF parameter through a series of examples. It shows how to use the parameter with different types of reference images, such as a half-orc and real photos of people like Barack Obama and Elon Musk, to generate images in various styles and scenes.

  • What is the purpose of the video script's mention of the Midlibrary website?

    -The Midlibrary website is mentioned as a resource for finding different style prompts that can be used in conjunction with the CREF parameter to achieve specific artistic styles in the generated images, demonstrating the versatility of the tool.

  • How does the video script address the rapid development of AI in the field of art generation?

    -The script addresses the rapid development of AI by comparing the current ease of using the CREF parameter to achieve style migration and face-swapping with the more complex and time-consuming methods used just a year prior. It highlights the advancements and improvements in AI technology over a short period.

  • What is the role of the YouTube channel '氪学家' in the video script?

    -The YouTube channel '氪学家' is mentioned as the platform where the video tutorial is hosted. It is also the source for further tutorials on MJ and is used as an example of how to share resources and tutorials with the audience.

  • What is the significance of the video script's mention of the Discord platform?

    -The Discord platform is mentioned as a method for obtaining image links for use with the CREF parameter. It demonstrates the practical steps involved in copying an image link from Discord to use as a reference in the AI art generation process.



🚀 Introduction to MJ's New Character Consistency Features

The video begins by addressing the introduction of the character reference (CREF) parameter to MJ, a tool for AI-generated art, highlighting its significance in solving character consistency issues in AI art. Previously, the channel discussed various methods to achieve character consistency, including the style reference (SREF) parameter for style transfer. The new CREF parameter, introduced on Arbor Day, allows users to maintain character consistency across different scenes by referencing a single image, which could depict anything from humans to animals. The video's presenter, backed by sponsorship from the Galaxy Recording Bureau, demonstrates the CREF parameter by first creating an image of a half-orc character, then using CREF to maintain this character's consistency in a scene where the orc is eating a hot dog. Despite the technology's advancements, the video cautions about the limitations of achieving perfect consistency across all elements of a character, particularly in complex characters like the half-orc.


🎛 Exploring CREF's Customization with the CW Parameter

This section delves into the customization options offered by the CREF parameter through the introduction of the CW (Character Weight) parameter, which scales from 0 to 100 to control the degree to which various aspects of the reference image are considered in the generated artwork. A CW value of 0 focuses solely on facial features, while 100 includes other characteristics like hairstyle and clothing. The default CW value is set to 100. The video demonstrates this by generating images of Elon Musk at different CW values, showing how a higher CW value more closely matches the original's hairstyle and attire. Additionally, the presenter experiments with changing the artistic style of generated images, using both the CW parameter and style reference keywords to transform a photo of Obama into various artistic styles, effectively showcasing the versatility of the CREF parameter in artistic rendition and character consistency.


🎨 Advanced Applications and Final Thoughts on CREF

The final section highlights advanced uses of the CREF parameter, including style transformation and face swapping within MJ's platform. The presenter demonstrates how CREF, combined with MJ's partial redraw feature, can easily perform face swaps, using an example where Barack Obama's face is applied to a cartoon image of a boxer. This section underscores the practicality of CREF for both maintaining character consistency and creatively altering images, while also acknowledging its limitations with complex characters. The presenter reflects on the rapid development of AI in art, noting how CREF has simplified processes that were previously more complex and less effective. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to engage with the content and subscribe for future tutorials on MJ, expressing gratitude for the support.




AI绘画 refers to the use of artificial intelligence to create visual art. In the context of the video, it is about using AI to generate images based on given prompts or references, which is a central theme as the video discusses the capabilities of an AI system named MJ in generating consistent character art.


Character consistency is the ability of an AI system to maintain a uniform appearance and features of a character across different images or scenes. It is a key concept in the video as the creator tests the new CREF parameter to see how well it can maintain character consistency in AI-generated art.


SREF stands for Style Reference and is a parameter used in AI art generation to achieve style transfer. It allows the AI to mimic the artistic style of a given reference image when creating new content. In the video, the creator discusses the use of SREF for style migration in AI-generated art.


CREF stands for Character Reference and is a parameter used to ensure that the generated character images maintain consistency with a provided reference image. The video focuses on testing the effectiveness of the CREF parameter in achieving character consistency in AI art.


IP-adapter is a technology mentioned in the context of the video that is used to adapt the appearance of a character to a specific intellectual property or style. It is related to the discussion of character consistency and the limitations of the CREF parameter in achieving full character consistency.


InstantID is a technology mentioned in the video that is used to instantly identify and adapt the appearance of characters in AI-generated art. It is related to the discussion of character consistency and the challenges of achieving uniformity in characters with complex elements.


The CW parameter is used in conjunction with the CREF parameter to control the intensity of the character reference in AI-generated images. It has a range from 0 to 100, with 0 referring to referencing only facial features and 100 referencing additional features like hairstyle and clothing. The video demonstrates how adjusting the CW value can affect the generated images.


局部重绘, or局部重绘功能, refers to the ability to modify a specific part of an AI-generated image without altering the rest of the image. In the video, this feature is used in combination with the CREF parameter to perform a 'face swap', changing the face of a character in an image to match a reference image.


Style transfer is the process of applying the visual style of one image to another, while retaining the content of the original image. In the context of the video, the creator uses the CREF parameter to perform style transfer, transforming a real photograph into an image with a desired artistic style.


Face swapping is the process of replacing the face of a character in an image with another face, often from a different image. In the video, the creator uses the CREF parameter and the 局部重绘功能 to perform face swapping within the AI-generated images, allowing for customization of character appearances.


MJ refers to an AI art generation system or platform that is used to create images based on user inputs. It is the main subject of the video as the creator discusses and tests various parameters and features of MJ, such as SREF, CREF, and CW, to demonstrate its capabilities in generating and modifying character art.


MJ's new character consistency parameter, CREF, is now available, which is a significant improvement for AI in handling character consistency in art.

The CREF parameter, or character reference, allows users to submit an image and have MJ generate images of the same character in different scenes.

CREF works by referencing the facial features of the submitted image, and it can be used to create art with a consistent character across various styles and settings.

The SREF parameter, or style reference, was previously introduced and enables style migration in MJ's image generation.

CREF is expected to follow the IP-adapter or InstantID technology route, which can achieve facial uniformity but may have limitations with other character elements like clothing and accessories.

The CREF parameter's effectiveness was tested with a challenging example of a half-orc character, showing that it can achieve a certain level of character consistency but with some limitations.

The CW parameter was introduced as a way to control the intensity of CREF's influence on the generated image, with a range from 0 to 100.

CW value of 0 focuses on facial features only, while 100 includes additional characteristics like hairstyle and clothing.

The video demonstrated the use of CREF and CW parameters to change the style of a generated image while maintaining the character's facial features.

CREF can be used in combination with MJ's partial redraw function to perform face-swapping in generated images, offering a one-stop solution for character customization.

The video showcased the transformation of a generic boxing cartoon into an image featuring Barack Obama's face using CREF and partial redraw functions.

The presenter provided a detailed explanation of how to use the CREF and CW parameters, including the process of submitting images and constructing prompt words.

The video emphasized the rapid development of AI, noting how the CREF parameter alone can now accomplish what previously required multiple videos and a more complex process.

The presenter cautioned viewers to have a balanced view of CREF's capabilities, acknowledging its limitations when dealing with characters with many elements.

The video concluded with a call to action, encouraging viewers to like and subscribe for more MJ-related tutorials.

The video's content was practical, providing step-by-step instructions and demonstrations for using the new CREF parameter and its applications.

The video demonstrated the potential of CREF for creative applications, such as generating images in various artistic styles and performing face swaps.

The presenter's approach to explaining the CREF parameter was methodical, starting with its basic usage and gradually introducing more complex applications.

The video highlighted the importance of understanding the limitations and potential of AI tools like MJ for achieving character consistency in art.