Mind-blowing page animations are easy now... View Transitions API first look

Beyond Fireship
13 Aug 202305:00

TLDRIn this video, the presenter introduces the View Transitions API, a new feature in Astro that allows for smooth, mobile-like animations between web pages with minimal code. The API is based on an experimental browser API and provides fallbacks for unsupported browsers. It enables client-side routing, which is crucial for complex websites with user authentication and stateful interactions. The presenter discusses the implementation of the API, including the addition of a pseudo-element for animations and the use of directives to persist elements and their states across page transitions. The video also covers custom animations and the concept of 'hero animations', demonstrating how to create seamless transitions between pages with a consistent visual element. The presenter concludes with a practical example using a grid of images, showing how the API can be used to create engaging and dynamic web experiences.


  • 🚀 Astro's new View Transitions API allows for mobile-like hero animations with simple code, enhancing the user experience.
  • 🔧 The API is experimental and not supported in all browsers, but Astro provides a fallback for unsupported browsers.
  • 💻 The View Transitions API makes Astro a strong candidate for projects that benefit from fast performance and minimal JavaScript delivery.
  • 🔄 Astro now supports client-side routing with JavaScript state transfer, a feature previously missing and a reason for not choosing it earlier.
  • 🛠️ Implementing the View Transitions API involves simple additions to the HTML head and offers various animation options, including fading and sliding effects.
  • 🌐 With the API, JavaScript related to UI themes (like light and dark mode) needs to be managed to ensure it works consistently after navigation.
  • 🎨 Custom event handling can be maintained through transitions by using the 'transition persist' directive, which helps in preserving state and event listeners.
  • 📊 Astro's approach allows developers to mix interactive components with static HTML, benefiting from 'Island Architecture' for efficient loading.
  • 🎭 Developers can name transitions to manage animations for components that move between different positions on pages.
  • 👾 Advanced animations like hero transitions create a seamless experience, moving elements smoothly from one view to another.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to demonstrate how to create mobile-like hero animations using the View Transitions API, which allows for the smooth transfer of an image from one page to the next with minimal code.

  • What was the reason for not choosing Astro initially for the Fireship IO course platform rebuild?

    -The initial reason for not choosing Astro was the lack of a client-side routing feature that transfers JavaScript state from one route to another, which is essential for a website with user authentication, progress tracking, and other dynamic features.

  • How does the View Transitions API differ from traditional full page reloads in web development?

    -The View Transitions API provides a smoother user experience by allowing for client-side routing and transferring JavaScript state between routes, unlike traditional full page reloads that refresh the entire page and lose state each time a new page is navigated to.

  • What are the benefits of using Astro for web development, as mentioned in the video?

    -Astro offers benefits such as an out-of-the-box content management system, improved performance by not shipping excessive JavaScript, and the flexibility to integrate any or multiple frameworks simultaneously.

  • How does the View Transitions API handle browser compatibility issues?

    -The View Transitions API is based on an experimental browser API and while not supported in every browser, Astro provides a fallback for browsers that do not support it, ensuring a consistent user experience across different platforms.

  • What is the impact on page load performance when using the View Transitions API?

    -The impact on page load performance is minimal, with the additional JavaScript required for the View Transitions API weighing in at around 4.5 kilobytes, which is considered tiny and virtually不影响 (no impact) on page load performance.

  • How does the View Transitions API affect the way JavaScript runs on a website?

    -The API changes the JavaScript runtime behavior to be more like Turbolinks, where JavaScript that was running on every page now only runs once, unless specifically managed through events or directives to maintain state across soft navigations.

  • What is the 'transition persist' directive in Astro, and how is it used?

    -The 'transition persist' directive in Astro is used to take the current element along with any attached state and transfer it to the next page during a soft navigation, ensuring that any JavaScript state or event listeners continue to function as normal.

  • How can custom animations be implemented with the View Transitions API?

    -Custom animations can be implemented by using the 'transition animate' directive followed by specifying the desired animation, such as 'slide', to create tailored transitions that fit the website's design and user experience goals.

  • What is a 'hero animation' and how does the View Transitions API facilitate this?

    -A 'hero animation' is a smooth transition effect often seen on iOS and Android where a prominent element, like an image, seamlessly moves from one page to another without leaving the screen. The View Transitions API facilitates this by allowing developers to define how elements transition between pages, creating a seamless and engaging user experience.

  • Can you provide an example of how the View Transitions API is used in the video?

    -In the video, an example is given where a grid of images (referred to humorously as 'asses') on a list page transitions to a dedicated page for each image. The transition is set up so that the same image element is used on both pages, and the API is instructed to move the image smoothly from the list to the dedicated page, creating a visually appealing and连贯 (cohesive) transition.



🚀 Introducing Mobile-like Hero Animations with Svelte

The video begins with an introduction to creating mobile-like hero animations that transfer an image seamlessly from one page to the next using minimal code. The speaker reflects on rebuilding the Fireship IO course platform with Svelte, Hugo, and a custom router called Flamethrower. They discuss their preference for custom solutions, but acknowledge that this stack might not be ideal for everyone. The speaker highlights the importance of client-side routing for maintaining JavaScript state across routes, which was a missing feature in Astro that has since been addressed with the introduction of the View Transitions API. This new API provides a fallback for unsupported browsers, making Astro a more viable option for complex websites with user authentication, progress tracking, and video players.



💡Mobile-like hero animations

Mobile-like hero animations refer to the visually engaging and smooth transitions that are commonly seen in mobile applications, where an image or element transitions seamlessly from one screen to another. In the context of the video, these animations are implemented with minimal code to create an interactive and dynamic user experience on the web.


Svelte is a modern front-end framework for building web applications. It is known for its efficient approach to building user interfaces by compiling components into highly optimized JavaScript at build time. In the video, Svelte is mentioned as one of the frameworks that can be integrated with Astro for building web projects.


Hugo is a static site generator that transforms plain text files into static websites. It is designed to be fast and easy to use. The video script mentions Hugo as part of the technology stack used to rebuild the Fireship IO course platform.


Flamethrower is a custom-built router mentioned in the video, which is used for client-side routing in web applications. It is part of the speaker's technology stack and is used to manage page transitions without full page reloads.

💡Client-side routing

Client-side routing is a technique used in web development to allow users to navigate between different 'pages' or views in a web application without triggering a full page reload. This is important for maintaining a smooth user experience and preserving JavaScript state. The video discusses the importance of this feature for the Fireship IO website.


Astro is a modern web framework that focuses on performance by minimizing the amount of JavaScript it sends to the client. It has recently introduced a new feature called the View Transitions API, which allows for smoother transitions between routes, similar to those found in mobile applications. The video provides an overview of how this API can be used to enhance the user experience on web projects.

💡View Transitions API

The View Transitions API is a new feature in Astro that allows for creating smooth transitions between different pages or routes in a web application. It is based on the underlying browser API of the same name and provides a fallback for browsers that do not support it. The API enables developers to create animations and maintain JavaScript state across route changes.

💡Soft navigation

Soft navigation refers to the process of navigating between pages or routes in a web application without causing a full page reload. This is achieved through client-side routing and is highlighted in the video as a key feature enabled by the View Transitions API in Astro, which allows for a more app-like experience on the web.

💡JavaScript state

JavaScript state refers to the current conditions or settings of a JavaScript application, which can include user preferences, form inputs, or any other dynamic data. In the context of the video, maintaining JavaScript state across route changes is crucial for features like user authentication and progress tracking, and the View Transitions API facilitates this.

💡Astro before load event

The Astro before load event is a custom event in the Astro framework that can be listened for to perform actions before a new page is loaded during soft navigation. In the video, it is mentioned as a way to update the color preference and add the proper class during route changes, ensuring that user settings like dark mode are preserved.

💡Transition persist directive

The transition persist directive is a feature in Astro that allows certain elements to maintain their state and event listeners across page transitions. This is particularly useful for components like navigation bars that should retain their functionality even after a soft navigation. The video demonstrates how this directive can be used to keep interactive elements working across different routes.

💡Hero animation

A hero animation is a prominent and engaging animation often used in mobile operating systems like iOS and Android to transition an element, such as an image, from one page to another in a visually appealing way. The video showcases how the View Transitions API in Astro can be used to create such animations on the web, providing a smooth and seamless user experience.


Learn how to create mobile-like hero animations that transition an image from one page to the next with minimal code.

The video discusses the rebuilding of the Fireship IO course platform with Svelte, Hugo, and a custom router called Flamethrower.

Astro's new View Transitions API is based on the underlying browser API and provides a fallback for unsupported browsers.

Astro's View Transitions API enables client-side routing and JavaScript state transfer between routes.

The API allows for easy integration of any framework or multiple frameworks simultaneously.

The implementation of View Transitions in an Astro project involves adding a component to the HTML head.

View Transitions adds a pseudo-element for handling animations like fading between routes.

There's a trade-off as the feature requires approximately 4.5 kilobytes of JavaScript.

Developers must adapt their approach as JavaScript that runs on every page now only runs once with View Transitions.

Astro's before load event can be used to run scripts on soft navigations, such as updating color preferences.

The transition persist directive can be used to maintain JavaScript state and event listeners across page transitions.

Astro's Island architecture separates interactive components from static HTML, enhancing the effectiveness of View Transitions.

View Transitions allows for naming transitions, which is useful for components in different locations across pages.

Custom animations can be created for route transitions, offering a more engaging user experience.

Hero animations, like sliding an image from one page to another, can be easily implemented with View Transitions.

Astro's View Transitions API can create a seamless experience similar to iOS and Android hero animations.

Astro's documentation provides examples of fading animations between routes.

The video includes a demo showcasing how images transition smoothly between pages using View Transitions.

The transition of images between pages can be choreographed to create a visually appealing and smooth user experience.