Minvo Review: Opus Clip Alternative | Use AI to Create Shorts & Tiktok Videos

5 Mar 202437:30

TLDRIn this video, the reviewer explores MVO, a new application for content creators that generates short video clips from long-form content. The software, which competes with Opus Clip and Munch, offers AI-powered video editing features such as captioning and clip scoring. The reviewer praises MVO's editing capabilities and full-screen editor but notes some initial issues with video processing and user interface. The video also discusses the pricing plans and features, highlighting the value offered at different levels.


  • 🚀 MVO is a newly released application on Appsumo, targeting content creators and YouTubers looking to utilize long-form content.
  • 📌 MVO functions similarly to Opus Clip and Munch, allowing users to upload long-form videos which are then split into clips and graded by AI.
  • 🌟 One of the standout features of MVO is its video editor, which is described as impressive and offers a full-screen editing experience.
  • 💡 MVO's AI capabilities include adding captions, emojis, text, and media overlays to the videos, enhancing their engagement.
  • 🎥 The software provides an auto-editing feature that can adjust video content based on certain criteria, such as focusing on speakers or cutting filler words.
  • 💰 MVO offers a tiered pricing structure, with plans ranging from $7.99 to $649, catering to different levels of users from individual content creators to agencies.
  • 📈 The platform is responsive to user feedback, as seen with the adjustment of the export limit from 20 to unlimited exports per month for all users.
  • 🔧 MVO is continuously being improved with a roadmap for future features, including integration with Google Drive and more advanced editing tools.
  • 🤖 The AI writing feature is designed to assist with post-article creation, which can be a valuable tool for content creators focusing on written content as well.
  • 🔗 MVO allows for social media integration, enabling users to post their content directly to platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.
  • 📊 The software is designed with a user-friendly interface, but the video rendering and initial access to user content seemed to have some issues on the first day of launch.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the software discussed in the transcript?

    -The main purpose of the software discussed in the transcript is to create short video clips from long-form content, specifically for YouTubers. It uses AI to analyze the content, generate clips, add captions, and optimize them for social media platforms.

  • How does the software handle long-form content?

    -The software uploads long-form content, typically YouTube videos, and then uses AI to split them into several clips. It also grades the clips based on how engaging the AI thinks they are and can add captions to improve accessibility and engagement.

  • What are the two similar competitors mentioned in the transcript?

    -The two similar competitors mentioned in the transcript are Opus Clip and Munch. Both of these tools also focus on creating short clips from long-form content.

  • What feature does the software offer for video editing?

    -The software offers a comprehensive video editing feature that includes the ability to add overlays, text, emojis, and media. It also has a timeline for editing, allowing users to make precise adjustments to their video clips.

  • What is the significance of the 'moments' feature in the software?

    -The 'moments' feature refers to the short video clips generated by the software from the long-form content. These moments can be exported and used across various social media platforms to increase engagement and reach.

  • How does the software handle team collaboration?

    -The software allows for multiple users, enabling team collaboration. Depending on the plan, different numbers of users can be accommodated, which is beneficial for managing multiple brands or channels.

  • What is the pricing structure for the different plans offered by the software?

    -The software offers a tiered pricing structure with different plans such as Creator, Pro, Pro Plus, and AppSumo licensing tiers. Each plan offers varying features, video upload limits, user access, and export limits, with the most popular plan being the Pro version at $19.99 per month.

  • What is the software's approach to AI writing for post articles?

    -The software includes AI writing functionality, particularly in the higher-tier plans, which can generate articles based on the video content. This feature is designed to optimize the content for social media sharing and engagement.

  • How does the software address user feedback and concerns?

    -The software developers are responsive to user feedback and concerns, as seen with the adjustment they made to the export limits after user complaints. They have also updated their plans to offer unlimited exports for all users in response to feedback.

  • What are some of the unique features of the software's video editor?

    -The software's video editor includes features such as Magic Frame for focusing on speakers, Magic Cut for removing filler words and silences, and Magic Emojis and Magic Media for adding relevant emojis and media to the video clips.

  • What is the reviewer's overall rating for the software?

    -The reviewer gave the software an overall rating of 4.5 or higher, considering it a solid choice for those looking to create short video clips from long-form content.



📺 Introduction to MVO and Appsumo

The speaker begins by welcoming viewers back to the show and introduces the topic of the day, MVO, a new application featured on Appsumo. It is noted that Appsumo typically releases new apps every Monday, and the lack of reviews for MVO indicates its recent release. The speaker shares an initial impression that MVO is an Opus Clip or Munch alternative, two known software tools for video content creation and editing. The speaker has experience with Opus Clip and discusses its functionality briefly, mentioning the purchase of credits and the software's effectiveness in handling long-form content. The speaker also mentions another tool, Descript, which offers similar capabilities. The discussion includes a critique of software that fails to acknowledge its inspirations or competitors, and the speaker expresses anticipation for exploring MVO further.


💰 MVO's Pricing and Features

The speaker delves into the pricing plans and features of MVO, comparing them to those of Opus Clip and Munch. The plans are described as reasonably priced and transparent, with the aim of attracting customers. The different tiers of the Appsumo plan are outlined, starting with the basic $59 tier offering two hours of video input per month, escalating to the $649 tier which allows for 50 hours of video input and 500 exports per month. The speaker also discusses the benefits of the Pro and Pro Plus plans, highlighting the extended video storage, additional users, and larger file uploads as you move up the tiers. The conversation touches on the importance of the number of exports and the potential need for agency-type numbers as one moves up the licensing tiers.


🎥 Uploading and Initial Experience with MVO

The speaker narrates the process of uploading a video to MVO and shares the initial experience with the platform. After copying a YouTube video link and pasting it into MVO, the speaker goes through the steps of selecting a brand and providing information about the content to optimize the AI's processing. The speaker notes that MVO requires videos to be at least five minutes long to be considered long-form. The uploading process is smooth, but there is a mention of a potential issue with the video processing time, as the speaker's video remains in processing mode for an extended period. The speaker reaches out to MVO's support about this issue, and the response indicates that the delay is due to server bandwidth issues resulting from the influx of Appsumo customers.


🛠️ Exploring MVO's Editing Tools and Interface

The speaker discusses the user interface and editing tools available within MVO. The video editor is described as impressive and well-developed, with features that allow for detailed editing, including the addition of text, emojis, and overlays. The speaker highlights the ability to adjust the display of media on the timeline, the option to switch between different aspect ratios, and the application of filters. However, the speaker encounters some issues, such as difficulty finding the video and a lack of clarity on how to change the video title within the platform. The speaker also notes that while MVO may not have all the advanced features of its competitors like Opus Clip, it shows promise in its editing capabilities and user interface.


🚀 Final Thoughts on MVO and Its Potential

The speaker concludes the review by sharing final thoughts on MVO. Despite some initial issues with video processing and user interface, the speaker is optimistic about MVO's potential, particularly praising its video editing tools. The speaker notes that MVO has made adjustments to their plans in response to customer feedback, such as removing the limit on video exports. The speaker also mentions that MVO is upfront about using Chat GPT 4, which is reflected in its pricing. The review ends with a recommendation to check out MVO, especially for those looking for a robust video editing tool, and the speaker suggests that the sweet spot for pricing is the $379 tier, offering 25 hours of video input per month and team functionality.




MVO is the main subject of the video, a software tool that appears to have recently been released on Appsumo. It is compared to other similar tools like Opus Clip and Munch, and is described as a platform for creating short video clips from long-form content, with the help of AI. The video reviewer discusses the features, pricing, and user interface of MVO, as well as its potential as an alternative to other tools in the market.


Appsumo is a platform that typically releases new applications every Monday. It is where the reviewer discovered MVO, and the video discusses the typical pattern of software releases on this platform.

💡Opus Clip

Opus Clip is one of the tools compared to MVO in the video. It is a software that helps users create short video clips from long-form content, utilizing AI to grade the clips and add captions. The reviewer has personal experience with Opus Clip and uses it as a benchmark for evaluating MVO.


Munch is another software tool similar to MVO and Opus Clip. It is mentioned as part of the landscape of tools available for creating short video clips from longer content. The reviewer notes that MVO does not currently have Munch as a competitor listed on its website, which they find surprising.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a key component in MVO, Opus Clip, and Munch. It is used to analyze and grade the quality of the short video clips created from long-form content. AI also assists in adding captions and other editing tasks.

💡Video Editing

Video editing is the process of manipulating and assembling video shots into a new sequence. In the context of the video, it refers to the functionality provided by MVO, which allows users to create short clips from long-form videos, add captions, and make other edits to enhance their content.


Pricing refers to the cost associated with using the MVO software. The video discusses different pricing tiers and plans offered by MVO, as well as comparisons to Opus Clip's pricing, which the reviewer has experience with.

💡User Interface

User Interface (UI) refers to the way a software's components are presented and interact with the user. In the video, the reviewer comments on the UI of MVO, comparing it to Opus Clip and discussing its ease of use and navigation.

💡Video Exports

Video exports refer to the process of finalizing and saving edited video content. In the context of the video, it is a feature of MVO that initially had limitations but was updated based on user feedback to offer unlimited exports for all users.


A roadmap in the context of software development is a strategic plan that outlines future updates and improvements to a product. The video mentions MVO's roadmap, which includes features planned for development and those that have been completed.

💡Social Media Integration

Social Media Integration refers to the ability of a software to connect and interact with various social media platforms. In the video, the reviewer discusses MVO's integration with platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok, which allows for direct posting and scheduling of content.


The review discusses the release of a new application, MVO, on Appsumo, a platform known for introducing new applications every Monday.

MVO is an AI-driven tool that competes directly with Opus Clip and Munch, two established players in the market for creating short video clips from longer content.

The reviewer has experience with Opus Clip, noting that MVO's functionality appears to be very similar, suggesting it could be a strong alternative for those looking for a tool to create clips for platforms like YouTube.

MVO's pricing is competitive and transparent, with different tiers offering various features and capacities, from basic plans for individual content creators to more advanced options for agencies and teams.

One notable feature of MVO is its AI writing capabilities, which can generate a post article from the video content, a unique selling point that could appeal to content creators and social media managers.

The review highlights a potential issue with MVO's user interface, where the reviewer faced difficulty in navigating back to their uploaded video for editing, suggesting that this may be an area for improvement.

Despite the UI issue, the reviewer found the video editing features within MVO to be impressive, offering a full-screen editor with a range of editing tools that surpass some of the capabilities of competing software like Opus Clip.

The reviewer notes that MVO's quick response to customer feedback and willingness to make adjustments, such as unlimited exports for all users, reflects positively on the company's commitment to customer satisfaction.

MVO supports multiple social media account connections, which is beneficial for users managing multiple channels or brands, and offers the flexibility for teams to collaborate effectively.

The review suggests that MVO could be particularly useful for entrepreneurs, freelancers, or influencers looking to create engaging content quickly and efficiently.

The reviewer provides a detailed comparison of MVO with other tools like Opus Clip and Munch, discussing the advantages and potential areas for improvement in the MVO platform.

MVO's ability to handle long-form content and convert it into several clips with AI grading and captioning capabilities is highlighted as a key feature that can save time and effort for content creators.

The review mentions that MVO's roadmap includes plans for importing from Google Drive and other features that would enhance team collaboration and streamline the content creation process.

The reviewer concludes that MVO is a solid choice for content creators, giving it a rating of 4.5 or higher, and recommends it as a valuable tool for those looking to enhance their video content strategy.