Opus Clip vs Klap: which AI for instant YouTube Shorts?

Greg Preece
13 Dec 202305:44

TLDRThe video script offers a comparative analysis of Opus Clip and Clap, two AI-driven platforms designed to create viral YouTube shorts from longer videos. The reviewer shares their experience, highlighting Opus Clip's flexibility in sourcing videos from a variety of platforms and its user-friendly interface that allows for customized inputs to guide the AI's clip selection process. The test results show Opus Clip generating 18 YouTube shorts from a 44-minute video, significantly outperforming Clap's output of only three. The pricing for both platforms is identical, but the superior functionality and output of Opus Clip make it the recommended choice for maximizing content creation and channel growth.


  • 🌟 Both Opus Clip and Clap are AI-driven platforms designed to create viral YouTube shorts from longer videos.
  • 📌 The process of initiating the video shortening process is identical on both platforms, involving the input of a video link or direct upload.
  • 🤖 Opus Clip offers more flexibility by supporting videos from a variety of sources including Zoom, Google Drive, YouTube, and Rumble, while Clap only accepts YouTube videos.
  • 🔍 An unique feature of Opus Clip is the ability to input topics from the original video, guiding the AI in selecting relevant clips, a feature Clap lacks.
  • ⏱️ In the test, Clap took 8 minutes and Opus Clip took 12 minutes to process a 44-minute video, showing a marginal difference in speed.
  • 🎨 Clap's editing interface was found to be less appealing and somewhat messy, whereas Opus Clip provided a cleaner, more intuitive user experience.
  • 📊 Clap's editing process involves a slider for adjusting clip start and end points, which was found to be less efficient compared to Opus Clip's text-based selection method.
  • 📈 Opus Clip generated 18 YouTube shorts from the original video, significantly more than Clap's 3, potentially leading to more views and revenue.
  • 💰 Both platforms offer a free trial, with a standard pricing of $29 per month, though Opus Clip had a sale price of $19 per month at the time of the video.
  • 🚀 Despite the same pricing, Opus Clip is recommended over Clap due to its higher clip generation rate and superior user experience.
  • 🎥 The video creator also mentions a method for generating thousands of clips in under 10 minutes using Opus Clip, which is explored in a subsequent video.

Q & A

  • What are the two platforms discussed in the video for creating viral YouTube shorts from long videos?

    -The two platforms discussed in the video are Opus Clip and Clap.

  • How does the process of starting off on both Opus Clip and Clap websites?

    -The process of starting off on both Opus Clip and Clap is the same. You either paste the video link you want to be edited or upload your videos directly from your computer onto both websites.

  • What is the advantage of using Opus Clip over Clap in terms of source material flexibility?

    -Opus Clip allows you to bring in videos from Zoom, Google Drive, YouTube, or Rumble, whereas Clap only supports videos from YouTube, making Opus Clip more flexible.

  • How does Opus Clip allow user input in the AI's clip selection process?

    -After pasting the link to the video, Opus Clip provides a box where users can write in topics discussed in the original video, giving the AI direction on what to look for when choosing clips.

  • What is the difference in the time taken by Opus Clip and Clap to process the original video and come back with finished clips?

    -It took Clap 8 minutes and Opus Clip 12 minutes to process the original video and come up with finished clips.

  • Which platform provided more YouTube shorts from the original 44-minute video, Opus Clip or Clap?

    -Opus Clip generated 18 YouTube shorts, while Clap only generated three.

  • What is the author's opinion on the user interface of Clap's edit screen?

    -The author found Clap's edit screen to be messy and not visually appealing, with presets that looked ugly and a left panel that was overwhelming.

  • How does Opus Clip make it easier to set the start and end points of clips?

    -Opus Clip uses a text-based approach where the original video's dialogue is displayed, and users can click on specific words to set the start and end points of their YouTube shorts easily.

  • What is the pricing structure for both Opus Clip and Clap?

    -Both Opus Clip and Clap start at a price of $29 per month, with a sale price of $19 per month at the time of recording the video.

  • Why does the author recommend Opus Clip over Clap based on the comparison?

    -The author recommends Opus Clip because it provides more usable clips, a better user experience, and a more visually appealing and user-friendly interface for the same price as Clap.

  • Does the author mention any additional tips or methods for making more YouTube shorts with Opus Clip?

    -Yes, the author mentions having found a way to make thousands of clips in less than 10 minutes using Opus Clip and refers viewers to another video for this method.



🚀 Comparison of Opus Clip and Clap for YouTube Shorts Creation

This paragraph compares the features and performance of two AI-driven platforms, Opus Clip and Clap, for creating viral YouTube shorts from longer videos. The narrator shares their experience using both services, highlighting the ease of starting the process, the flexibility in video source options, and the ability to input topics of interest for Opus Clip's AI to focus on. The comparison also touches on the editing features and user experience of each platform, as well as the time taken to generate clips. It is noted that Opus Clip offers more customization and a cleaner interface, while Clap's interface appears cluttered and less intuitive. The paragraph concludes with a discussion on the number of YouTube shorts generated from a 44-minute video, with Opus Clip producing 18 compared to Clap's three, indicating a significant difference in output efficiency.


💰 Pricing and Recommendation for Video Clip Creation Tools

The second paragraph focuses on the pricing and recommendation for the video clip creation tools discussed. It mentions that both Opus Clip and Clap have the same pricing structure, with a free trial available and a standard price of $29 per month, although Opus Clip is currently on sale for $19 per month. The narrator expresses a clear preference for Opus Clip due to its superior output, providing more usable clips and a more satisfying user experience for the same price. The paragraph ends with a suggestion to watch another video for a method to create thousands of clips in less than 10 minutes using Opus Clip and a reminder to subscribe to the channel for more content.



💡Opus Clip

Opus Clip is an AI-powered video editing tool that can automatically generate viral YouTube shorts from longer videos. It allows users to input topics from the original video to guide the AI in selecting interesting clips. The platform's interface is user-friendly, with a neat layout and animations that can be previewed before selection.


Clap is another AI video editing platform that also generates YouTube shorts from longer videos. However, it is noted for its less flexible video import options, as it only supports YouTube videos, and its editing interface is described as less appealing and more cluttered. Clap also does not offer the option for users to input topics to guide the AI in clip selection.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of the video refers to the technology used by both Opus Clip and Clap to automatically select and edit clips from longer videos to create engaging YouTube shorts. The AI algorithms are designed to identify interesting moments and topics within the original video content.

💡YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts are short, vertical videos that are popular on the YouTube platform. They are typically under 60 seconds and are designed to be easily consumable and shareable. The video script discusses the use of AI tools to convert longer videos into multiple YouTube Shorts to increase views and revenue potential.

💡Editing Interface

The editing interface refers to the visual and functional layout of the tools and features within a video editing platform. It is crucial for user experience as it allows for easy navigation, clip selection, and editing. The script contrasts the Opus Clip interface, which is described as neat and user-friendly, with the Clap interface, which is seen as cluttered and less appealing.

💡Video Import

Video import refers to the process of bringing videos from their original source into a video editing platform. The ease and flexibility of this process can affect the user's workflow and the types of content they can work with. The script mentions that Opus Clip offers more flexibility in video import by supporting various sources like Zoom, Google Drive, YouTube, and Rumble, while Clap only supports YouTube.

💡User Input

User input in the context of the video refers to the ability of a platform to receive and incorporate information from the user to guide its AI algorithms. In Opus Clip, this is seen as an advantage as it allows users to input topics from the original video, helping the AI to select more relevant and interesting clips.


Pricing refers to the cost associated with using a service or platform. In the video script, it is mentioned as a deciding factor when comparing Opus Clip and Clap. Both platforms offer a free trial, but the regular pricing is the same, making the choice more about the value and features provided for that cost.

💡Free Trial

A free trial is a period during which users can access and test a service without charge. It allows potential customers to evaluate the features and performance of a product before making a financial commitment. The script mentions that both Opus Clip and Clap offer free trials, giving users the opportunity to try out the platforms and see which one better suits their needs.

💡Video Editing

Video editing is the process of manipulating and combining video clips to create a final product. This can involve cutting, arranging, adding effects, and adjusting various elements to enhance the storytelling and visual appeal. In the context of the video, video editing is simplified by AI tools to quickly generate content for platforms like YouTube.

💡Revenue Generation

Revenue generation refers to the process of earning income from a business or activity. In the context of the video, it is associated with creating content for YouTube, where the goal is to generate as many views as possible to maximize earnings. The number of YouTube Shorts produced can directly impact the potential for revenue generation.


Opus Clip and Clap are AI tools designed to create viral YouTube shorts from longer videos.

The process to start using both Opus Clip and Clap is the same, requiring users to paste a video link or upload a video directly.

Opus Clip offers more flexibility by supporting video import from various platforms like Zoom, Google Drive, YouTube, and Rumble, while Clap only supports YouTube.

Opus Clip allows users to input topics from the original video for the AI to focus on when selecting clips, a feature not present in Clap.

The test used a 44-minute video to compare the performance of Opus Clip and Clap.

Clap took 8 minutes to process the video, while Opus Clip took 12 minutes.

Clap's edit screen was described as messy and less satisfying to use, whereas Opus Clip's interface was more organized and visually appealing.

Opus Clip provides a unique text-based method for setting the start and end points of clips, making it easier to customize YouTube shorts.

Opus Clip generated 18 YouTube shorts from the original video, significantly more than Clap's 3.

The quantity of YouTube shorts generated is crucial for increasing channel views and revenue.

Both Opus Clip and Clap have similar pricing, but Opus Clip offers more value for the same cost due to its higher output and user-friendly interface.

The video provides links to free trials for both Opus Clip and Clap for viewers to test the platforms themselves.

The video creator recommends using Opus Clip for making YouTube shorts due to its efficiency and ease of use.

There is a method to create thousands of YouTube shorts in under 10 minutes using Opus Clip, which is detailed in another video.

The video encourages viewers to subscribe to the channel for more content on creating YouTube shorts.