My Ex - That Library Show

That Library Show
25 Mar 202430:11

TLDRIn this candid conversation, former couple Lysi and Derek delve into the intricacies of their past relationship, discussing the reasons for their breakup, their emotional journeys since then, and their personal growth. They share memories, regrets, and insights, including their experiences with therapy and self-improvement. The dialogue is raw and honest, highlighting the complexities of love, self-discovery, and moving on.


  • 💔 The couple in the conversation had a relationship that lasted around 8 to 10 months, but they are unsure of the exact duration.
  • 🎁 They shared memorable gifts with each other, with the man giving a significant doll and the woman giving a haircut and beard trim.
  • 💞 Despite their breakup, they still have a deep understanding and connection with each other, knowing a lot about each other's lives.
  • 😔 The breakup occurred close to the woman's birthday, which was a difficult time for both of them.
  • 🤔 The man has not been in a relationship since their breakup, choosing to remain single for three years.
  • 🧠 Therapy played a role in their post-breakup lives, with both of them seeking professional help to deal with personal issues.
  • 🌟 The conversation reveals insecurities and anxieties they both faced during their relationship, and how these feelings affected their actions and decisions.
  • 🚫 The man admits to being self-centered and not being able to handle the woman's struggles with anorexia and bulimia, which caused tension in their relationship.
  • 💬 They discuss the concept of 'red flags' in relationships, with the woman accusing the man of being self-centered and the man admitting his anxiety could be a red flag for some.
  • 💌 They both express that they still care for each other and acknowledge the positive and negative aspects of their time together.
  • 🔄 The conversation highlights the complexity of their relationship, with moments of love, insecurity, growth, and self-reflection.

Q & A

  • How did the couple meet?

    -The couple met because the man's friend made a Tinder account for him, and the woman was the only person he talked to from that video.

  • How long were they together?

    -They were together for about 8 to 10 months, as they both have different recollections of the exact duration.

  • What significant event happened close to their breakup?

    -They broke up close to the woman's birthday, specifically about two weeks after.

  • What was the woman's occupation?

    -The woman, Lysi, is a flight attendant.

  • What was the man's perspective on their relationship?

    -The man felt that he was not ready to be a boyfriend and was trying to be a better person during their relationship.

  • What did the man do after their breakup?

    -After their breakup, the man started going back to his old therapist and began working on his emotional vulnerabilities.

  • What was the woman's experience after their breakup?

    -The woman felt insecure and thought she was a rebound for the man. She also stopped flying private as a flight attendant due to environmental concerns.

  • What was the man's favorite moment with the woman?

    -The man's favorite moment was when the woman openly discussed her past marijuana use with his mother, showing authenticity and courage.

  • What Taylor Swift song would the man choose to describe their relationship?

    -The man would choose 'the 1' by Taylor Swift to describe their relationship.

  • How soon did they see other people after their breakup?

    -The man saw someone else after about a week, while the woman waited for about two weeks.

  • What red flag did the woman notice in the man?

    -The woman noticed that the man was self-centered and often made everything about him.

  • What was the man's red flag for the woman?

    -The man considered the woman's high anxiety as a red flag.



💔 Reflecting on a Past Relationship

The conversation begins with a discussion about sticking together and the fear of sweating, leading to a light-hearted comment about the woman's appearance. They reminisce about their past relationship, with the man admitting he doesn't remember the exact duration, but they agree it was around 8 months. The woman mentions their breakup occurred close to her birthday, and the man recalls giving her a doll as a gift. The conversation shifts to the man's current status as a single individual for three years and the surprise of being asked to participate in the video. The discussion includes a brief mention of COVID-19 being over and a sponsored message about BetterHelp, an online therapy platform.


🧠 Therapy and Personal Growth

The man shares his experience of returning to therapy after the breakup, where he learns that the woman is a flight attendant. The conversation delves into their perspectives on the relationship, with the woman admitting she thought she was a rebound for the man. They discuss their emotional states during the relationship, with the man acknowledging his insecurities and desire to be a better person. The woman talks about her efforts to be the best girlfriend and the realization that she lost herself in the process. The conversation also touches on the man's overthinking and anxiety, and how it affected their dynamic.


🎶 Music, Memories, and Moving On

The discussion continues with the man expressing his difficulty listening to certain songs due to the memories of the woman. They playfully debate Taylor Swift's music and its impact on their relationship. The conversation takes a more serious turn as they discuss the aftermath of their breakup, including the emotional pain and the note the woman left for the man. They share their experiences of moving on and the challenges they faced in the early days after their separation.


💬 Honesty and Misunderstandings

The conversation explores the honesty and openness in their relationship, with the woman recalling a moment where she was upfront with the man's mother about her past. They discuss the importance of being genuine and the woman's admiration for the man's ability to be open. The discussion also includes a humorous exchange about a misunderstanding involving a language barrier and the complexities of relationships and friendships.


🥺 Insecurities and Emotional Vulnerability

The conversation delves into the insecurities and emotional vulnerabilities of both individuals. The man admits to being self-centered and discusses an incident where his anxiety led to an inappropriate reaction to the woman's struggles with anorexia and bulimia. They explore each other's 'red flags' and the impact of anxiety on their relationship. The discussion becomes intimate as they rate each other's sexual ability and discuss the best and worst aspects of their physical relationship.


💓 Kinks, Sexual Dynamics, and Healing

The conversation takes a candid turn as they discuss their sexual relationship, including kinks and the dynamics between them. They explore the woman's openness to trying new things and the man's insecurities about their sexual compatibility. The discussion becomes more personal as they share their experiences and feelings about their past relationship, including moments of vulnerability and the impact of their separation on their emotional well-being.


🚶‍♂️ Moving Forward and Reflection

The final paragraph sees the conversation winding down as they discuss their individual journeys since the breakup. They share the number of people they've been with and their thoughts on moving on from the relationship. The conversation ends with a reflection on their past encounters and a sense of closure as they acknowledge the growth and learning they've experienced from their time together.




The term 'relationship' refers to the way in which two people are connected and interact with each other, often characterized by emotional and social commitments. In the context of the video, the relationship is the central theme, as it explores the dynamics, memories, and personal growth of the two individuals who were once romantically involved. The conversation delves into their past experiences, misunderstandings, and the impact they had on each other's lives, highlighting the complexities and nuances of human relationships.


A 'breakup' is the process or result of ending a romantic relationship. It often involves a range of emotions and can lead to personal growth or change for the individuals involved. In the video, the breakup is a pivotal event that marks the end of the couple's romantic involvement and serves as a catalyst for introspection and self-discovery. The conversation around the breakup reveals the characters' feelings of regret, relief, and the search for closure.

💡Personal Growth

Personal growth refers to the process of improving oneself through experiences, self-reflection, and learning from past mistakes. It is a central theme in the video, as both individuals discuss how their relationship and subsequent breakup have contributed to their personal development. They explore how they have changed and grown as people since the end of their relationship, acknowledging the lessons they have learned and the ways in which they have become better versions of themselves.

💡Emotional Vulnerability

Emotional vulnerability is the willingness to openly express one's feelings, fears, and insecurities, often with the risk of being judged or hurt. In the video, emotional vulnerability is a significant aspect of the conversation, as both individuals share intimate details about their emotional states during and after the relationship. By being vulnerable, they are able to connect on a deeper level and gain insights into each other's perspectives.


Communication is the exchange of information, ideas, or feelings through verbal or non-verbal means. It is a crucial aspect of any relationship, as it allows individuals to express their needs, understand each other, and resolve conflicts. In the video, the concept of communication is highlighted through the discussion of misunderstandings and missed opportunities for open dialogue during the relationship, as well as the benefits of improved communication in their current interaction.


Insecurity refers to a feeling of uncertainty and anxiety about one's self-worth, abilities, or relationships. It is a recurring theme in the video, as both individuals express their insecurities during the relationship, which affected their behavior and decision-making. The conversation reveals how these insecurities influenced their interactions and the eventual breakdown of the relationship.


Self-reflection is the process of examining one's own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in order to gain insight and understanding about oneself. It is a key element in the video, as both individuals engage in introspection about their past relationship, identifying their own shortcomings and areas for growth. Through self-reflection, they are able to recognize patterns and make changes that contribute to their personal development.


Therapy is a form of treatment that aims to help individuals cope with various emotional, mental, or behavioral issues through the use of psychological techniques and strategies. In the video, therapy is mentioned as a tool for personal growth and emotional healing. One of the individuals shares their experience of attending therapy sessions after the breakup, which helped them process their emotions and gain a better understanding of themselves.

💡Sexual Compatibility

Sexual compatibility refers to the level of harmony and satisfaction in the sexual relationship between two individuals. It involves factors such as mutual desire, shared preferences, and the ability to communicate openly about sexual needs and boundaries. In the video, the couple discusses their sexual compatibility, including their likes and dislikes, and how it affected their relationship.


Jealousy is an emotion that arises from feelings of insecurity, fear, or concern about a rival or potential threat to a valued relationship. It is a complex emotion that can lead to both positive and negative outcomes in relationships. In the video, jealousy is discussed as a factor that influenced the dynamics between the two individuals, with one person expressing their dislike for the jealousy aspect of relationships and how it can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies and unhealthy behaviors.

💡Red Flags

Red flags are warning signs or indicators that suggest potential problems or issues in a relationship or situation. They often signal the need for attention or caution. In the video, the term 'red flags' is used to describe behaviors or traits that caused concern or discomfort for the individuals involved, and how these factors were addressed or managed over the course of their relationship.


The conversation begins with a discussion about a sticky situation, possibly referring to a past event or metaphorically to their relationship.

One person mentions not sweating, which could be a metaphor for not being emotionally invested or physically present in the relationship.

There's a mention of COVID being over, indicating a significant shift in their lives and possibly the context of their relationship.

The couple discusses the duration of their relationship, showing uncertainty and a lack of clarity about the time they spent together.

The mention of a memorable gift, a doll, signifies a moment of emotional connection and thoughtfulness in their relationship.

The conversation reveals a complex dynamic where one person feels they were a rebound and the other was trying to move on from a past relationship.

The discussion about therapy and emotional vulnerability shows personal growth and self-awareness on both sides.

The conversation touches on insecurities and the pressure to be a certain way in the relationship.

One person admits to being overly focused on their partner's feelings, neglecting their own needs and emotions.

The mention of a favorite memory involving honesty and openness with a family member indicates a valued aspect of their relationship.

The conversation reveals a shared love for Taylor Swift and a song that encapsulates their relationship, showing common ground and emotional connection.

The discussion about post-breakup experiences and the struggle to move on highlight the depth of their feelings and the complexity of their situation.

One person's confession about their red flag, being self-centered, provides insight into their personal growth and self-awareness.

The conversation includes a candid discussion about sexual performance and desires, showing a level of intimacy and honesty in their communication.

The mention of a past therapist's comment about flight attendants reflects the external influences and judgments that affected their relationship.

The conversation ends with a reflection on their past and a lack of regret, indicating a sense of closure and acceptance.