NOW AVAILABLE: GitHub Copilot in the CLI

21 Mar 202403:44

TLDRGitHub Copilot is now accessible via the Command Line Interface (CLI), offering terminal command suggestions and explanations for unfamiliar commands. To utilize this feature, users need a GitHub Copilot subscription and the GitHub CLI installed. The installation process is outlined, including authentication and extension installation. The script demonstrates how to use the 'gh copilot' command to explain or suggest commands, as well as how to generate shell-specific aliases for convenience. The feature set includes commands like 'gh copilot explain' for detailed breakdowns of command meanings and 'gh copilot suggest' for command suggestions based on user intent. The extension also facilitates viewing the status of Pull Requests directly from the terminal and allows for command execution with confirmation. GitHub Copilot in the CLI is designed to assist users in remembering, learning, and understanding commands within their terminal environment. It is now available to all GitHub Copilot subscribers.


  • 🚀 **GitHub Copilot CLI** is now available for users with a subscription, providing terminal command suggestions and explanations.
  • 📥 **Installation Prerequisites**: A GitHub Copilot subscription and GitHub CLI are required to start using the CLI extension.
  • 💿 **GitHub CLI Installation**: Users can install the GitHub CLI using their preferred package manager, with detailed instructions available in the repository.
  • 🍎 **Platform Specific Command**: On Mac OS, the installation command is `brew install gh` using Homebrew.
  • 🔑 **Authentication**: After installation, users authenticate their GitHub account with `gh auth login`.
  • 🧩 **Extension Installation**: Install the Copilot extension using `gh extension install github/gh-copilot`.
  • 📋 **Verification**: Check if the extension is installed with `gh extension list`.
  • 📚 **Help Command**: Users can get started with `gh copilot --help` to see available commands and options.
  • 💡 **Command Explanation**: The `gh copilot explain` command helps users understand unfamiliar commands.
  • 🏷️ **Aliases**: A highly requested feature, `gh copilot alias`, generates shell-specific aliases for ease of use.
  • 📝 **Custom Alias Usage**: For Zsh users, copying and sourcing the provided alias link streamlines command usage.
  • ✅ **Command Suggestion**: `gh copilot suggest` offers command suggestions based on user input, with options to copy and execute.
  • 🔄 **Command Revision**: Users can revise suggested commands for better accuracy or request an explanation of the suggestion.
  • 🔍 **GitHub CLI Commands**: Users can get GitHub CLI commands for specific tasks, like viewing PR status with `ghcs -t gh view pr status`.

Q & A

  • What is the new feature available in GitHub Copilot?

    -GitHub Copilot is now available in the CLI (Command Line Interface), offering terminal command suggestions and explanations for unfamiliar commands.

  • What is required to start using GitHub Copilot in the CLI?

    -To use GitHub Copilot in the CLI, you need a GitHub Copilot subscription and the GitHub CLI installed on your system.

  • How can one install the GitHub CLI on a Mac OS system?

    -On Mac OS, you can install the GitHub CLI using Homebrew with the command 'brew install gh'.

  • What command is used to authenticate your GitHub account with the CLI?

    -After installing the GitHub CLI, you authenticate your GitHub account by running the command 'gh auth login'.

  • How do you install the GitHub Copilot extension for the CLI?

    -To install the GitHub Copilot extension, run 'gh extension install github/gh-copilot' after you have authenticated your GitHub account.

  • How can you check if the GitHub Copilot extension is installed?

    -You can check if the extension is installed by running the command 'gh extension list' in your terminal.

  • What does the 'gh copilot explain' command do?

    -The 'gh copilot explain' command provides an explanation of a given command, breaking it down into understandable chunks.

  • How can you generate shell-specific aliases using GitHub Copilot in the CLI?

    -You can generate shell-specific aliases by using the 'gh copilot alias' command followed by '--help' to see the available options for different shells.

  • What is the command to get suggestions from GitHub Copilot in the CLI?

    -The 'gh copilot suggest' command is used to get suggestions for commands based on what you're trying to accomplish.

  • How can you view the status of your Pull Requests using GitHub Copilot in the CLI?

    -You can view the status of your Pull Requests by running 'ghcs -t gh view pr status', which will provide you with the GitHub CLI command to view the status.

  • What happens when you select the 'execute' command option in GitHub Copilot in the CLI?

    -When you select the 'execute' command option, you will be prompted to confirm if you want to execute the suggested command, and if you choose yes, it will run the command for you.

  • Can you revise a suggested command in GitHub Copilot in the CLI if it's not quite what you want?

    -Yes, you can revise the suggested command to update the suggestion and get a more accurate command that fits your needs.



🚀 GitHub Copilot CLI General Availability

GitHub Copilot is now available for use in the command-line interface (CLI). It offers command suggestions and explanations for unfamiliar commands. To use it, you must have a GitHub Copilot subscription and the GitHub CLI installed. The GitHub CLI can be installed using a package manager like Homebrew on Mac OS with the command 'brew install gh'. After installation, you authenticate your GitHub account with 'gh auth login', then install the Copilot extension with 'gh extension install github/gh-copilot'. You can check for the extension's installation and explore its commands and flags using 'gh extension list' and 'gh copilot --help'. The extension includes features like 'gh copilot explain' to clarify commands and 'gh copilot suggest' to propose commands. Additionally, 'gh copilot config' and 'gh copilot alias' help generate shell-specific aliases, which were a highly requested feature from the beta release. Users can get help with aliases for their specific shell type by using 'gh copilot alias --help' and sourcing the appropriate commands. The script also demonstrates how to use 'ghce' to explain a command and 'ghcs' to get command suggestions, including how to execute or revise suggested commands. The extension is designed to assist users in remembering, learning, and understanding terminal commands.



💡GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered code assistant developed by GitHub and OpenAI. It helps developers write code by suggesting lines of code based on the context provided. In the context of the video, GitHub Copilot is being integrated into the Command Line Interface (CLI), allowing users to receive command suggestions and explanations directly in their terminal.


CLI stands for Command Line Interface, which is a text-based interface for interacting with a computer operating system or software. It allows users to execute commands by typing them in rather than using a graphical interface. The video discusses the integration of GitHub Copilot into the CLI, enhancing the functionality of terminal usage.

💡Terminal Command Suggestions

Terminal command suggestions refer to the feature where GitHub Copilot in the CLI can provide users with potential commands they might need to execute based on their current context or query. This feature is particularly useful for users who may not be familiar with all the commands available or are looking for more efficient ways to perform a task.


Authentication in the context of the video is the process by which a user verifies their identity to the GitHub system. The user runs 'gh auth login' to authenticate their GitHub account, which is a prerequisite for using GitHub Copilot in the CLI. This ensures that the user's actions and commands are tied to their account and its associated permissions.

💡GitHub CLI

GitHub CLI, also known as 'gh', is a command-line tool that allows users to interact with GitHub repositories, perform Git operations, and manage their GitHub workflow from the terminal. It is a prerequisite for using GitHub Copilot in the CLI, as it provides the foundational tooling upon which Copilot's features are layered.


Homebrew is a package manager for macOS that simplifies the installation of software. In the video, it is used to install the GitHub CLI with the command 'brew install gh'. Package managers like Homebrew are essential for system administration and software management, making it easier for users to install and manage applications on their systems.


In the context of the video, extensions refer to additional features or tools that can be installed to enhance the functionality of the GitHub CLI. Users install the GitHub Copilot extension for the CLI using the command 'gh extension install github/gh-copilot', which then provides them with the ability to use Copilot's features within their terminal.


Aliases in the context of the video are shorthand commands that users can create for frequently used terminal commands or sequences of commands. GitHub Copilot in the CLI allows users to generate shell-specific aliases, making it easier to remember and use complex commands. For example, the video mentions using 'gh copilot alias --help' to generate aliases for different shell types.

💡Explain Command

The 'explain' command is a feature of GitHub Copilot in the CLI that allows users to get a detailed explanation of a terminal command they are unfamiliar with. For instance, the user can run 'gh copilot explain' followed by a command to receive a breakdown of what that command does, making it more accessible for users to understand and learn new commands.

💡Suggest Command

The 'suggest' command is another feature of GitHub Copilot in the CLI that provides users with command suggestions based on what they are trying to accomplish. For example, if a user is unsure of the command to view the status of their pull requests, they can run 'ghcs -t gh view pr status' to get a suggested command for this purpose.

💡Pull Requests

Pull requests are a feature in Git and GitHub that allows users to propose changes to a repository. When a developer makes changes to the code in their branch, they can open a pull request to ask for feedback or to merge their changes into another branch, often the main branch. In the video, the user asks Copilot in the CLI for a command to view the status of their pull requests, demonstrating how the tool can assist with GitHub workflows.


GitHub Copilot is now available in the CLI for users with a subscription.

It provides terminal command suggestions and explanations for unfamiliar commands.

To use it, you need a GitHub Copilot subscription and GitHub CLI installed.

GitHub CLI can be installed via package managers like Homebrew on Mac OS.

Authentication is required with 'gh auth login' after installation.

Install the Copilot extension using 'gh extension install github/gh-copilot'.

Check if the extension is installed with 'gh extension list'.

Use 'gh copilot --help' to view available commands and options.

Commands like 'gh copilot explain' and 'gh copilot suggest' are available for command explanations and suggestions.

Shell-specific aliases can be generated with 'gh copilot config' and 'gh copilot alias'.

Aliases are a highly requested feature from the public beta release.

Get help on aliases with 'gh copilot alias --help' for different shell types.

Use 'ghce' as a shortcut to explain a command in the terminal.

Explanations are broken down into chunks for easier reading and understanding.

Get more information on the explain command with 'ghce --help'.

Use 'ghcs' to get command suggestions based on what you're trying to accomplish.

Suggested commands can be copied directly from the terminal.

View usage information and examples with 'ghcs --help'.

Get GitHub CLI commands for specific tasks like viewing PR status with 'ghcs -t'.

Execute suggested commands directly with the 'execute' option.

Revise suggested commands to update the suggestion as needed.

GitHub Copilot in the CLI helps remember, teach, and explain commands directly in the terminal.

The extension is available to all GitHub Copilot subscribers.