Mid Journey Beginners guide - Plans, Pricing, Relax vs. Fast mode, unlimited, and private mode

Artificially Intelligent
23 Oct 202206:48

TLDRThis tutorial introduces the pricing plans and features of Mid Journey, a creative tool. It covers basic membership at $10/month with a 200-image limit, standard membership at $30/month with private Discord access, and the unlimited mode which offers fast image generation with some restrictions. The script also discusses the relaxed mode for unlimited image creation, private mode to protect prompts, and enterprise plans. It suggests starting with the basic plan and upgrading for selling art, with a hint at a future tutorial on image deletion.


  • 💰 Mid Journey is not free and offers a tiered pricing structure based on usage and features.
  • 🚗 The Basic Membership costs $10 per month and provides access to approximately 200 images, with some limitations.
  • 🔍 Standard Membership at $30 per month includes private interactions with the Mid Journey bot and scalability.
  • 🔑 A private Discord channel is not available with the Basic Membership, which can be inconvenient for users.
  • 🔄 Users can upscale images to a quarter of the quality and enhance them later if needed.
  • 🚀 Fast mode is the default setting, offering about 15 GPU hours or roughly 800 to 1000 images, depending on render quality.
  • 🕒 By typing 'slash relax', users can enter unlimited mode, which reduces the time to get an image but may queue users if overused.
  • 🚦 Relaxed mode restricts the use of maximum upscale, while fast mode can be reactivated with 'slash fast'.
  • 🏛 All images created are shared with the community and owned by Mid Journey, with some copyright restrictions.
  • 🔒 A 'slash private' command is available for an additional $20 per month to prevent others from copying prompts.
  • 📈 For those serious about art sales, the private mode is recommended to protect intellectual property.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video tutorial?

    -The main topic of the video tutorial is a guide on using Mid Journey, covering plans, pricing, and different modes such as Relax vs. Fast mode, unlimited usage, and private mode.

  • How many free tries are offered to test Mid Journey?

    -Mid Journey offers 25 free tries to test the service, not 25 pictures but 25 attempts to create a picture.

  • What does the basic membership cost and what does it include?

    -The basic membership costs $10 a month and includes almost full access with a limit of approximately 200 images, depending on the quality and usage.

  • What is the downside of the basic membership plan?

    -The downside of the basic membership plan is the lack of access to a private Discord SAS with Mid Journey, meaning users have to use the public chat rooms.

  • What is the cost of the standard membership plan?

    -The standard membership plan costs $30 a month and includes private access to the Mid Journey bot on Discord.

  • What is the default mode for users in Mid Journey?

    -The default mode for users in Mid Journey is the fast mode, which is metered and allows for a certain amount of GPU hours or render minutes.

  • How can users enter unlimited mode in Mid Journey?

    -Users can enter unlimited mode by typing 'slash relax' and pressing enter, which stops Mid Journey from counting render minutes.

  • What is the difference between fast mode and relaxed mode in terms of speed and usage?

    -In fast mode, users are metered with a limit on GPU hours, while in relaxed mode, the service is unlimited but may queue users if they are spamming requests, and upscale to the maximum is not allowed.

  • What is the cost of adding private mode to the standard or unlimited plan?

    -Adding private mode to the standard or unlimited plan costs an extra $20 per month.

  • What happens to the photos created with Mid Journey in terms of ownership and sharing?

    -All photos created with Mid Journey are shared with the community and owned by Mid Journey. Users can sell their photos but are subject to copyright laws.

  • What is the recommendation for new users starting with Mid Journey?

    -The recommendation for new users is to start with the $10 plan, rendering in quarter or half quality and upscaling the images they want to keep to maximize the use of their minutes.



💰 Mid-Journey Pricing and Membership Options

This paragraph introduces the topic of pricing for the mid-journey service, which is not free but is considered worth the cost. The speaker offers a quick tutorial on the service, with this part focusing on the different membership tiers. The basic membership at $10 per month allows almost full access but is limited to approximately 200 images, depending on quality and user errors. The standard membership, which the speaker uses, costs $30 per month and includes private interactions with the mid-journey bot on Discord. The unlimited mode offers about 900 minutes of GPU time, translating to roughly 800 to 1000 images, with a caveat that users cannot upscale to the maximum in relaxed mode. The paragraph also mentions a private mode for an additional $20 per month to prevent others from copying prompts, and an enterprise plan for larger companies at $600 per month. The speaker advises starting with the basic plan and upgrading as needed, and promises to cover image deletion in part three of the tutorial.


🎨 Recommendations for Using Mid-Journey and Community Interaction

In the second paragraph, the speaker provides recommendations for new users of the mid-journey service. They suggest starting with the $10 plan and rendering images in quarter or half quality before upscaling to maximize the use of available minutes. The speaker acknowledges the chaotic nature of the community channels but highlights their value for inspiration and learning. They encourage upgrading to the $30 plan for those who plan to sell their art and mention the possibility of a $50 plan with private mode to protect intellectual property. The paragraph concludes with a reminder to watch the other parts of the tutorial and a humorous reference to a movie, suggesting a lighthearted tone throughout the script.



💡Mid Journey

Mid Journey appears to be the name of the service or product being discussed in the video. It seems to offer a creative tool or platform that users can interact with to generate images or art, as indicated by the mention of 'rendering' and 'creating pictures.' The term is central to the video's theme, which revolves around how to use and pay for this service.


Pricing refers to the cost structure of the Mid Journey service. The script discusses various membership tiers and their respective prices, such as the 'basic membership' for ten dollars a month and the 'standard membership' for thirty dollars a month. Understanding the pricing is crucial for potential users to decide which plan suits their needs.


Discord is mentioned as the platform where users interact with the Mid Journey service. It is a communication app designed for creating communities, and in this context, it seems to host chat rooms where users can communicate with the Mid Journey bot. The script mentions 'private Discord SAS' and 'normal chat rooms,' indicating that the service integrates with Discord for user interaction.


Rendering in the script refers to the process of generating images using the Mid Journey service. The term is used to describe how users can create images at different qualities, such as 'one-fourth of the quality,' and then upscale them. Rendering is a key concept in the video, as it is the primary function users perform with the service.


Upscaling in the context of the video is the process of enhancing the quality of an image. Users can render images at a lower quality to save on usage and then upscale them to improve the final result. The script mentions upscaling 'the crap out of the pictures you like,' indicating it as a technique to maximize the use of rendering minutes.

💡Fast mode

Fast mode is one of the operational modes of the Mid Journey service, which is mentioned as the default setting. It implies a quicker process for generating images, with a limit on GPU hours, translating to a large number of images that can be produced within a certain timeframe. The script contrasts fast mode with 'relaxed mode,' indicating different user experiences.

💡Relaxed mode

Relaxed mode is an alternative to fast mode, offering users an 'unlimited' experience where the service stops counting rendering minutes. The script describes this mode as 'still pretty damn fast,' but with a restriction on upscaling to the maximum. It provides a different user experience, allowing for more freedom in image generation.

💡Unlimited mode

Unlimited mode seems to be synonymous with relaxed mode in the script. It refers to a state where users can render images without being limited by the rendering minutes, allowing for a more liberal use of the service. The term is used to highlight the flexibility and freedom offered to users in this mode.

💡Private mode

Private mode is an additional feature that users can opt into for an extra cost. It prevents others from copying the user's prompts, offering a level of exclusivity and protection for the user's creations. The script mentions 'type slash private' to activate this mode, indicating it as a way to safeguard original work.

💡Enterprise plan

The enterprise plan is a higher-tier subscription option mentioned in the script, costing six hundred dollars. It is suggested for larger companies or teams, but the script humorously notes that such entities are unlikely to be watching the tutorial. It represents a premium level of service within the Mid Journey offerings.

💡Community channels

Community channels refer to the public chat rooms within Discord where users can interact with others and the Mid Journey bot. The script describes these as 'chaotic' but also a source of inspiration and learning for new users, as they can see various prompts and ideas from the community.


Mid Journey offers a 25-querer test drive for new users to try the service.

Basic membership costs $10 per month with an average limit of 200 images.

The basic plan lacks a private Discord SAS for direct bot interaction.

Standard membership at $30 per month includes private Whispers with the Mid Journey bot.

Unlimited mode by default is in 'fast mode' with approximately 15 GPU hours or 800 to 1000 images.

To enter 'relaxed mode', type 'slash relax' to stop the timer and reduce image generation time to 45 seconds per image.

In relaxed mode, users cannot upscale images to the maximum setting.

To revert to fast mode, type 'slash fast' and press enter.

All images are shared with the community and owned by Mid Journey, with potential copyright restrictions.

Private mode can be added for an extra $20 per month to prevent others from copying prompts.

An enterprise plan is available for larger companies at a cost of $600 per month.

A method to erase images will be shown in part three of the tutorial to prevent copying.

Starting with a $10 plan and rendering in quarter or half quality is recommended for beginners.

Upgrading to the $30 plan is advised for those planning to sell their art.

Part 3 of the tutorial will cover how to delete photos from community boards.

The community channels provide inspiration and help for new users learning prompts.