Now is not the time for the U.S., Taiwan to poke China: NYT's Tom Friedman

CNBC Television
29 Jul 202203:54

TLDRIn a recent discussion, columnist Tom Friedman emphasized the importance of maintaining diplomatic relations with China amidst global tensions, particularly concerning Ukraine. Referencing advice from his grandmother, Friedman advocated against provoking China, especially as the U.S. focuses on supporting Ukraine against Russia. He highlighted China's decision not to support Russia militarily as a crucial development. With the geopolitical stakes high, Friedman advised against actions like Nancy Pelosi's potential visit to Taiwan, suggesting that such moves could unnecessarily escalate tensions with China during a sensitive period.


  • 📞 President Biden and President Xi Jinping discussed global issues in a lengthy phone call, highlighting the importance of maintaining diplomatic dialogues.
  • 🌏 Tom Friedman emphasizes the critical context of the call with China, especially considering the ongoing situation in Ukraine and the need for China's neutrality.
  • 🚫 The U.S. previously warned China against supporting Russia in the Ukraine conflict, and China has complied, not providing military aid to Russia.
  • 👵 Friedman references his grandmother's wisdom, advising against confronting two superpowers simultaneously, emphasizing focus on Ukraine over other geopolitical issues.
  • 🏝️ Regarding Taiwan, Friedman notes its strategic but vulnerable geographic position as a small island near a large mainland, advocating caution in its dealings with China.
  • 🛑 He advises against provocative actions towards China, especially given the current geopolitical focus on Ukraine and the benefits of China's neutral stance.
  • 🔍 The ongoing conversation reflects concerns within the U.S. administration about potential actions, like Nancy Pelosi's proposed visit to Taiwan, which could destabilize U.S.-China relations.
  • 🏠 Friedman suggests that now is not the time for such visits, advising key political figures to refrain from actions that could be perceived as provocative by China.
  • 👀 With China potentially aiding the U.S. by not supporting Russia, and with the strategic focus on Ukraine, any disruption could detract from these larger goals.
  • 📈 He also mentions the internal challenges China is facing, such as COVID-19 and political pressures, which could make them more sensitive to external provocations.

Q & A

  • What was the main topic of the phone call between President Biden and President Xi Jinping?

    -The main topic of the phone call between President Biden and President Xi Jinping was to discuss global headlines and maintain dialogue amidst geopolitical tensions, specifically regarding the Ukraine conflict and China's stance on it.

  • What key message did the U.S. convey to China regarding the Ukraine war?

    -The U.S. conveyed a key message to China to not support Russia in the Ukraine war by providing military equipment or any form of aid.

  • According to Tom Friedman, why is it important for the U.S. to maintain good relations with China currently?

    -According to Tom Friedman, it is important for the U.S. to maintain good relations with China to ensure China's cooperation in global matters like the Ukraine situation and to avoid provoking China when it's crucial to focus on the larger goal of supporting Ukraine.

  • What advice did Tom Friedman's grandmother give regarding dealing with superpowers?

    -Tom Friedman's grandmother advised to never fight two superpowers at once, highlighting the importance of choosing battles wisely and maintaining strategic alliances.

  • What are Tom Friedman's views on Taiwan's geopolitical situation?

    -Tom Friedman appreciates Taiwan's democracy and technology but warns against provoking China due to Taiwan's vulnerable geographic position as a small island near a large mainland.

  • What was Tom Friedman's response to concerns about Nancy Pelosi visiting Taiwan?

    -Tom Friedman advised Nancy Pelosi to stay home and not visit Taiwan as it could unnecessarily provoke China at a sensitive time when the focus should be on Ukraine.

  • How does Tom Friedman assess China's response to not supporting Russia in the Ukraine war?

    -Tom Friedman assesses China's response to not support Russia in the Ukraine war as a significant and positive development, which he believes was motivated by China's own national interests.

  • What does Tom Friedman mean by the 'eyes on the prize' in the context of U.S. foreign policy?

    -By 'eyes on the prize,' Tom Friedman means that the U.S. should focus on the primary goal of supporting Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, rather than getting distracted by other potential conflicts, such as with China over Taiwan.

  • What does Tom Friedman suggest is at stake if the U.S. provokes China?

    -Tom Friedman suggests that provoking China could derail important strategic objectives, such as gaining China's neutrality or indirect support in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

  • What potential risk does Tom Friedman imply China's President Xi Jinping faces domestically?

    -Tom Friedman implies that President Xi Jinping faces domestic challenges, including dissatisfaction with his COVID strategy and internal pressures, which could make him seek a distraction, potentially in the form of a military response.



📞 Recent Biden-Xi Dialogue and Its Geopolitical Context

In their fifth extensive phone discussion, U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping discussed global issues, with a particular focus on the geopolitical dynamics surrounding China's stance during the Ukraine conflict. The conversation highlighted how China, following intense discussions with Biden and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, chose not to support Russia militarily in Ukraine, aligning with its own national interests. This development was seen as significant by the U.S., influencing their current diplomatic approach which prioritizes maintaining stable relations with China while focusing on aiding Ukraine. The dialogue also touched on the sensitive issue of Taiwan, where the wisdom of not provoking China was emphasized, given its strategic and delicate position near the mainland.



💡Ukraine War

The Ukraine War refers to the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, which began in February 2022. In the video, Tom Friedman discusses the importance of this war in the context of U.S. and China relations, emphasizing that the U.S. has urged China not to support Russia militarily. The significance of the Ukraine War in the video is linked to global geopolitics and the strategic interactions between major world powers.

💡Poking China

The phrase 'poking China' in the video refers to the U.S. or Taiwan taking actions that could be perceived as provocative or challenging by China. Tom Friedman argues that it is not the right time for such actions, especially when China's cooperation or neutrality is beneficial in the larger context of the Ukraine conflict. This concept is critical to understanding the suggested diplomatic caution in the video.


Taiwan is described in the video as a significant but geographically small island nation off the coast of mainland China. Friedman praises its democracy and technological advancements but warns against provoking China, given the sensitive geopolitical tensions. This aligns with his broader message of maintaining focus on Ukraine rather than creating additional international conflicts.

💡Geopolitical Battle

The term 'geopolitical battle' in the video reflects the complex and strategic conflicts among countries on a global scale. Friedman discusses Taiwan in the context of this larger battle, indicating the strategic importance of Taiwan's relationship with both the U.S. and China. This concept helps to frame the international dynamics that influence diplomatic decisions and actions.

💡Eyes on the Prize

This phrase is used by Friedman to emphasize the importance of focusing on the primary goal, which in the context of the video, is Ukraine pushing Russia out of its territory. This metaphor underscores the necessity of prioritizing major geopolitical objectives over other potential distractions, such as escalating tensions with China.

💡Grandma's Advice

Friedman references his grandmother's sayings to provide folksy wisdom on dealing with superpowers. Specifically, he mentions not fighting two superpowers at once and being mindful of geographical vulnerabilities like Taiwan's. These anecdotes serve to simplify and humanize the complex geopolitical strategies discussed in the video.

💡Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi is mentioned as a significant figure whose potential visit to Taiwan is discussed in the video. Friedman suggests that her visiting Taiwan could be seen as provocative by China, especially during a sensitive time. This is tied to the broader theme of carefully managing international relations and avoiding unnecessary provocations.

💡Wag the Dog

The phrase 'Wag the Dog' is used in the video to describe a situation where a leader might create a distraction to shift attention away from domestic troubles. Friedman speculates that the Chinese leader could use an international incident as a distraction from domestic issues like COVID-19 problems. This concept is crucial for understanding the motivations behind political maneuvers on the international stage.

💡Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping, the President of China, is discussed in relation to his leadership during the Ukraine War and his interactions with the U.S. The video highlights the strategic importance of his decisions not to support Russia militarily, which is seen as a critical element in the current geopolitical landscape.

💡Military Aide

Military aide in the context of the video refers to the assistance a country might provide to another in terms of military support. Friedman notes that China did not provide military aide to Russia during the Ukraine War, which he views as a significant and positive development. This is used to illustrate China's strategic decisions in the face of global pressures.


Tom Friedman discusses the importance of the recent phone call between President Biden and President Xi Jinping.

The phone call lasted over two hours, focusing on global issues.

Tom highlights past discussions where the U.S. warned China against aiding Russia in the Ukraine war.

China chose not to provide military support to Russia, aligning with its own national interests.

Tom emphasizes the importance of focusing on Ukraine and not provoking China at this time.

Grandma's advice: Never fight two superpowers at once.

The goal is to keep pushing Russia out of Ukraine with China's indirect support.

Tom Friedman advises against provoking China especially with the geopolitical tensions surrounding Taiwan.

Taiwan is praised for its democracy and technology, but its geographic vulnerability is noted.

Tom suggests there's nothing critical on the agenda that necessitates provoking China.

Nancy Pelosi's potential visit to Taiwan is deemed out of context and unnecessary.

The focus should remain on Ukraine, avoiding unnecessary distractions.

Tom warns of the risks of Xi Jinping seeking a third term amid domestic challenges.

Any aggressive move by Nancy Pelosi could provide Xi with a distraction tactic.

The discussion covers the broader implications of U.S.-China relations in the current geopolitical landscape.