Cinema Therapy
23 Mar 202219:15

TLDRThe video transcript details the exciting process of creating a short horror film called 'Moonstruck'. The team, including the filmmaker and actors, share their experiences of shooting through the night, the challenges faced, and the fun moments. They discuss their Kickstarter campaign, sharing details about the remaining goals, incentives for backers, and the potential for a theatrical screening. The conversation is filled with anecdotes from their filmmaking journey, highlighting the passion and camaraderie among the crew.


  • 🎬 The team is currently working on a short horror film, shooting from 7 PM to 6:30 AM.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧 The film is a family project involving the speaker's daughter and wife, with real-life dynamics incorporated into the plot.
  • 🎥 The production is a blend of practical and digital effects, with some elements intentionally left unspoiled for the audience.
  • 🎭 The cast includes both professional actors and people from the speaker's personal life, creating a unique dynamic on set.
  • 📌 The film is part of a Kickstarter campaign with a deadline approaching, offering various rewards for backers.
  • 🍿 There are plans for a theatrical screening for higher-level backers and a live watch party via streaming.
  • 🎞 The short film will be released on YouTube through the Telekinesis Entertainment channel after participating in film festivals.
  • 🌐 The team is open to the idea of dubbing the film into foreign languages or providing subtitles based on audience interest.
  • 🤣 The speaker shares personal anecdotes from past filmmaking experiences, highlighting the growth and evolution of their skills.
  • 💪 The film's production showcases the capabilities of the crew, including sound, lighting, and camera work, reflecting a professional and dedicated team.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the short film being discussed?

    -The main theme of the short film is a scary movie involving a happy family in a dark house at night where all hell breaks loose.

  • What is the current status of the short film project?

    -The short film is in the process of being shot, with two days of shooting completed out of a total of four days.

  • How does the speaker describe their experience shooting the film?

    -The speaker describes the experience as intense, with shooting taking place from 7 PM until 6:30 AM, and compares the atmosphere on set to being in an evil place, which they find exciting.

  • What is the significance of the Kickstarter campaign for this project?

    -The Kickstarter campaign is significant as it provides funding for the project. The campaign is about to end, and the team has already reached some of their goals, with one big stretch goal left to achieve a theatrical screening.

  • What are some of the rewards offered to Kickstarter backers?

    -Some rewards offered to Kickstarter backers include invitations to a live watch party, 4K HDR digital downloads, high-quality soundtrack downloads, and exclusive behind-the-scenes material.

  • What is the role of Shona in the film?

    -Shona plays the role of Liz, a character who is in peril in the film.

  • What is the relationship between the speaker and Alan?

    -The speaker and Alan are long-time friends and former business partners. They have worked together on various projects over the years, including a feature film 15 years ago.

  • What is the significance of the story about the grocery bag of ones and fives?

    -The story about the grocery bag of ones and fives highlights the low-budget nature of their early filmmaking experiences and the speaker's first professional project as a supervising sound engineer.

  • What is the speaker's plan for the short film after its completion?

    -After completion, the short film will be submitted to film festivals and later released on YouTube through the Telekinesis Entertainment channel.

  • What is the duration of the short film?

    -The short film will be between 10 and 15 minutes long.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on dubbing the short film into foreign languages?

    -The speaker is open to the idea of dubbing the short film into foreign languages, though it has not been discussed yet. They mention that dubbing is more expensive than subtitling but are interested in hearing the audience's thoughts on it.



🎬 Filmmaking Journey and Family Involvement

The paragraph discusses the process of creating a short film, highlighting the all-night shooting schedule from sunset to sunrise. The speaker emphasizes the involvement of their family, including their daughter and husband, in the project. The daughter played a role, while the husband's character was described through the concept of 'Freudian fears.' The speaker also mentions their excitement about the practical and digital makeup effects used. Additionally, they discuss a Kickstarter campaign for the film, which is set to end soon, and invite backers to a potential theatrical screening.


👥 Behind the Scenes and Crew Dynamics

This paragraph delves into the behind-the-scenes aspects of the film production, focusing on the crew and their experiences. The speaker talks about the presence of a real crew, including actors, sound and lighting technicians, and camera operators. They express their enjoyment of being on set for an atmospheric thriller, contrasting it with their previous experiences in low-budget filmmaking. The paragraph also shares anecdotes from past projects, illustrating the evolution of their filmmaking abilities and the strong bond between the team members.


🌟 Personal Anecdotes and Stunts

The speaker shares personal stories and experiences related to stunts and physical challenges on film sets. They recount a particular incident where a colleague fell down stairs as a stunt, which resulted in a traumatic but successful take. The paragraph also reflects on the physical risks involved in filmmaking, especially as the team members have aged, and the importance of safety. The speaker praises their colleague's ability to perform stunts, and they touch on the theme of friendship and camaraderie within the filmmaking team.


🎥 Post-Production and Future Plans

In this paragraph, the speaker discusses the post-production aspects of their film project, including the potential for a theatrical premiere and the subsequent release on YouTube. They mention the support from their audience and backers, emphasizing the importance of reaching stretch goals on Kickstarter. The speaker also talks about upcoming episodes of their show, featuring a special guest discussing mental health and masculinity. They conclude by expressing gratitude to their supporters and reiterating the potential for dubbing the film into foreign languages based on audience interest.



💡Short Film

A short film refers to a motion picture that is not long enough to be considered a feature film. These are often used as a medium for storytelling in a concise manner, for artistic expression, or as a means to explore complex ideas briefly. In the video, the creators are working on a short film, which is the central theme and project around which the discussion revolves.


Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that allows creators to raise funds for their projects from the public. It is a way for artists, filmmakers, and other creators to seek financial support for their creative endeavors. In the context of the video, the filmmakers are using Kickstarter to fund their short film project, with various rewards offered to backers.

💡Atmospheric Thriller

An atmospheric thriller is a genre of film that relies heavily on its mood and setting to create suspense and tension. These films often feature a dark, eerie, or mysterious atmosphere that contributes to the overall sense of dread or excitement. In the video, the short film being produced is described as an atmospheric thriller, suggesting that the setting and mood play a key role in the storytelling.

💡Freudian Fears

Freudian fears refer to the psychological concepts introduced by Sigmund Freud, which involve deep-seated anxieties and concerns that are often rooted in childhood experiences or subconscious thoughts. In the context of the video, one of the characters is playing a role that embodies the protagonist's Freudian fears about parenting, indicating a layer of psychological depth to the narrative.

💡Practical and Digital Effects

Practical and digital effects are two different methods used in filmmaking to create visual effects. Practical effects are achieved through tangible, real-world techniques, such as makeup, props, and on-set stunts. Digital effects, on the other hand, are created using computer software and are added during post-production. The video discusses a blend of these two types of effects, indicating a combination of hands-on and technologically advanced techniques in the film's production.

💡Family Dynamics

Family dynamics refer to the interactions, relationships, and behaviors within a family system. These dynamics can influence the emotional environment and the development of individual family members. In the video, the short film's plot revolves around a happy family in a dark house, suggesting that the family dynamics will be a central focus and potentially a source of conflict or suspense.


Post-production is the stage of film production that occurs after the principal photography has concluded. It involves editing, sound design, visual effects, and other processes to refine the film and prepare it for release. In the context of the video, post-production is relevant as the creators discuss their experiences in this phase, particularly in relation to sound engineering and the use of practical effects.


Bromance is a term used to describe a close, non-romantic relationship between two men. It often involves a deep bond of friendship, camaraderie, and mutual support. In the video, the term is used to describe the friendly and collaborative relationship between the filmmakers, highlighting the personal connection and history they share.

💡Theatrical Premiere

A theatrical premiere is the first public screening of a film in a movie theater. It is a significant event in the film distribution process and often involves a red-carpet event, media coverage, and an audience of critics and fans. In the video, the creators mention their goal to hold a theatrical premiere for their short film, indicating their ambition to showcase their work on a larger platform.

💡YouTube Channel

A YouTube channel is a user-created service on the YouTube platform where individuals or organizations can upload, share, and manage their video content. It serves as a central hub for all videos associated with the channel's creator. In the context of the video, the creators mention their YouTube channel as the platform where the finished short film will be released for public viewing.


The group is currently making a short film, shooting from 7 PM to 6:30 AM.

The daughter of the speaker played her on-screen father's actual daughter in the film.

Audrey, the daughter, played a scary character with unique eye makeup.

The speaker is playing a character representing Alan's Freudian fears about parenting.

The film includes a blend of practical and digital effects, with some elements intentionally left unspoiled.

A Kickstarter campaign is running for the film, with only 24 hours left.

There is a stretch goal to do a big three theatrical screening for the film.

The film is about a happy family in a dark house at night, with a twist.

The speaker and Allen have not made a movie together for 15 years.

The speaker appreciates the growth in Allen's filmmaking skills over the past 15 years.

The film set is described as an atmospheric night thriller set, which the speaker finds exciting.

The film will eventually be released on YouTube and potentially shown at film festivals.

There are behind-the-scenes materials and additional content available for higher-tier backers.

A live watch party with the cast and crew is one of the rewards for backers.

The film's length is expected to be between 10 to 15 minutes long.

The number of backers is important to show potential investors there is an audience for their work.

There are 22 slots left for a pre-release screening of the film.