Chill House set in a Cafe | ft. Nariki | Moonstruck cafe

28 Nov 202352:37

TLDRThe transcript appears to be from a spoken word performance or a song with recurring musical interludes. The speaker reflects on the rapid growth of their social media presence, specifically mentioning Facebook and the absence of YouTube during the era of 1999. The narrative is interspersed with musical elements and applause, suggesting a live performance. The speaker also touches on themes of thought, mind, and the concept of 'cooking on time,' possibly as a metaphor for life's journey. The transcript, while fragmented, conveys a sense of nostalgia and the transformative power of social media and technology.


  • 🎶 The script appears to be a transcript of a spoken word or musical performance with repeated musical interludes.
  • 🕺 The speaker references a time 'in 1999', suggesting a retrospective view on past events or achievements.
  • 📱 A mention of 'Facebook' and having 'over 2500 friends' indicates a discussion on social media networking and its impact.
  • 🚀 The speaker seems to have achieved a significant social media milestone within a year, showcasing the power of online connections.
  • 🎵 There are multiple instances of 'Music', implying the transcript is from a performance that integrates spoken word with music.
  • 🤔 The script includes questions and contemplations, like 'is that Tom hooker's voice', which may indicate audience engagement or self-reflection.
  • 🌐 A reference to 'YouTube' and 'Facebook' suggests a discussion on the evolution of digital platforms and their role in modern communication.
  • 👥 The transcript suggests a communal or interactive element, with expressions like 'call me' and 'you', implying direct address to the audience.
  • 🎤 The use of '[Applause]' indicates moments of audience interaction, such as cheering or clapping, within the performance.
  • 🌟 The script touches on themes of connection, reflection, and possibly inspiration, given the motivational tone of certain phrases.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the year 1999 mentioned in the transcript?

    -The year 1999 is significant because it is the time when the speaker achieved something notable, presumably in the realm of social connections or online presence, before the widespread use of platforms like Facebook and YouTube.

  • How many friends did the speaker have on Facebook after less than a year of joining?

    -The speaker had over 2500 friends on Facebook after less than a year of joining the platform.

  • What does the phrase 'cooking on time the spice of life' metaphorically represent?

    -The phrase 'cooking on time the spice of life' metaphorically represents the importance of timing and seasoning in life experiences, suggesting that the right moments and the right influences can enhance the quality of one's life.

  • What is the significance of the mention of 'black and white' in the context of the transcript?

    -The mention of 'black and white' could be referring to the stark contrast or clarity in certain truths or situations, emphasizing the importance of clear distinctions in one's thoughts or decisions.

  • What does the speaker seem to be discussing in relation to 'thought for the mind'?

    -The speaker seems to be discussing the importance of nurturing and exercising one's mind, possibly in the context of personal growth, intelligence, or mental well-being.

  • Why might the absence of YouTube and Facebook be relevant to the speaker's achievements in 1999?

    -The absence of YouTube and Facebook in 1999 suggests that the speaker's achievements were made through different means, possibly more traditional or personal methods of communication and networking, highlighting the speaker's resourcefulness and adaptability.

  • What could be the reason for the repeated use of [Music] and [Applause] in the transcript?

    -The repeated use of [Music] and [Applause] in the transcript indicates that the speaker's words are interspersed with musical elements and audience reactions, suggesting that this might be a recording of a live performance or presentation.

  • How does the mention of Tom Hooker's voice relate to the overall context of the transcript?

    -The mention of Tom Hooker's voice could imply that the speaker or the audience is familiar with Tom Hooker, and his voice might be recognized or associated with the content being discussed, adding a layer of familiarity or connection to the discussion.

  • What is the possible meaning behind the phrase 'pap [Music] he as SMD Pro'?

    -The phrase 'pap [Music] he as SMD Pro' appears to be a fragment that might not convey a clear meaning on its own. It could be a part of a larger context or a misinterpretation in the transcript, possibly referring to a professional role or title.

  • What does the phrase 'foreign, spee, can, [Music], for' suggest in the context of the transcript?

    -The phrase 'foreign, spee, can, [Music], for' seems to be a part of a larger message that got cut off or was unclear in the transcript. It might suggest a discussion about foreign capabilities, opportunities, or the potential for communication and collaboration.

  • How does the transcript's structure and content contribute to the overall understanding of the speaker's message?

    -The transcript's structure, with its mix of spoken words, musical interludes, and audience reactions, provides a sense of the dynamic nature of the speaker's delivery and the engagement of the audience. It helps to understand the speaker's message not just through the content of the words, but also through the emotional and atmospheric context in which they are delivered.



🎶 Musical Interlude with Chants

The first paragraph introduces a rhythmic and musical segment, featuring a mix of vocal chants and musical notes. The words 'Sun joh my' and 'boy' are interspersed with musical cues, suggesting a lively and energetic atmosphere. This segment might be part of a song or a performance piece, characterized by its repetitive and catchy nature.


🎵 Reflective Chorus with a Surprise Twist

In this paragraph, the narrative continues with a reflective tone, as indicated by the repeated use of 'he' and 'yeah'. The phrase 'Suddenly at the last' suggests an unexpected event or realization. The mention of '1999' and the lack of certain social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube provides a historical context, indicating a retrospective look at the past and its differences from the present.


🎶 Rapid Recount of Social Media Growth

This paragraph focuses on the rapid growth of social media, particularly Facebook. The speaker recounts joining Facebook about a year ago and quickly amassing over 2500 friends. This highlights the powerful impact and widespread adoption of social media platforms in connecting people. The paragraph also includes a nostalgic reference to the past, mentioning the absence of these platforms in 1999.


🎵 Nostalgic Reflection on Past and Present

The speaker in this paragraph juxtaposes the past with the present, emphasizing the technological advancements and social changes that have occurred since 1999. The mention of Facebook and the number of friends acquired within a year showcases the significant role social media plays in modern-day communication and relationships. The paragraph also hints at a sense of wonder and perhaps slight disbelief at the speed and ease with which connections can be made today.


🎶 Chaotic Melody with Echoed Phrases

This paragraph presents a chaotic and intense musical interlude, with a rapid succession of words and musical notes. The repetition of 'man for the' and 'mind' suggests a focus on the individual and their thoughts. The phrases 'cooking on time' and 'the spice of life' may symbolize the importance of living in the moment and enjoying life's simple pleasures. The paragraph ends with a mention of 'black and white', possibly alluding to the simplicity or clarity of certain truths or experiences.


🎵 Foreign Sounds and Musical Accents

The paragraph features a blend of foreign-sounding words and musical accents, creating an exotic and intriguing atmosphere. The repetition of 'foreign' and 'spee' might represent an exploration of different cultures or languages through music. The paragraph's content is somewhat abstract, leaving room for interpretation and highlighting the power of music to evoke imagery and emotion.


🎶 Call and Response with Musical Interplay

This segment includes a call and response pattern, with the phrases 'call me' and 'yeah call me' indicating a form of communication or connection. The paragraph seems to be part of a song or a performance that uses music to facilitate interaction between the performer and the audience. The use of musical interjections enhances the emotional expression and engagement of the piece.


🎵 Emotional and Repeated Chants

The paragraph is filled with emotional intensity, as indicated by the repeated phrases 'all die' and 'what you want to hold'. The speaker seems to be grappling with themes of mortality and desire for connection. The use of musical elements alongside these phrases adds a layer of depth and complexity to the emotions being conveyed, suggesting a profound and possibly melancholic reflection on life and relationships.


🎶 Closing Musical Notes and Applause

The final paragraph brings the script to a close with a series of musical notes and applause. This signifies the end of a performance or speech, and the applause indicates appreciation and approval from an audience. The paragraph's content, though primarily musical, serves as a satisfying conclusion to the narrative, encapsulating the emotional journey and the communal experience of the performance.




The term 'Music' refers to the art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a composition of pitch, rhythm, timbre, and volume. In the context of the video, music serves as a background element that enhances the emotional impact and sets the mood for the narrative. It is used throughout the transcript to underscore the spoken words, creating a more immersive experience for the viewer.

💡Sun joh my

While 'Sun joh my' does not appear to be a standard English phrase or term, it could be a transcription error, a name, or an expression that is not immediately clear without additional context. In the absence of clear usage or definition, it's challenging to provide a detailed explanation. However, it might be a cultural or regional term, a proper noun, or an idiomatic expression that carries specific meaning within the video's narrative or the speaker's intended message.

💡Suddenly at the last minute

The phrase 'Suddenly at the last minute' conveys the idea of an unexpected event or realization occurring just before a deadline or the end of a time period. In the context of the video, this phrase suggests a dramatic turn of events or a surprise that was not anticipated. It adds a sense of urgency and excitement to the narrative, as it implies that something significant happened quickly and without much warning.


Facebook is a popular social networking service and website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family, and acquaintances. In the video, the mention of Facebook indicates the use of social media as a tool for communication and connection. The speaker's acquisition of over 2500 friends on the platform within a year demonstrates the potential for social networking sites to facilitate the rapid expansion of one's social circle.


YouTube is a video-sharing platform where users can upload, share, and view videos. It has become one of the most popular websites in the world and has revolutionized the way content is consumed and shared online. In the context of the video, the mention of YouTube likely alludes to the changes in media consumption and the opportunities for content creators to reach wide audiences through digital platforms, which was not as prevalent in 1999.


The term 'Friends' generally refers to people with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically not related by blood but rather by choice or circumstance. In the video, the concept of friends takes on a digital aspect, as the speaker talks about having over 2500 friends on Facebook. This illustrates the modern expansion of the term to include online connections that may not have the same depth as traditional friendships.


The word 'Foreign' refers to something that is not native or local, but rather belongs to another country or culture. In the context of the video, 'foreign' could be used to describe ideas, influences, or elements that are外来的 or not originally one's own. It may suggest a sense of exploration or learning from other cultures and perspectives.


The 'Mind' is often used to describe the element of a person that enables consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory. It is the faculty of being aware of and a capacity for thought and reason. In the video, the mention of the mind could be tied to discussions about mental well-being, cognitive abilities, or the importance of nurturing one's thoughts and ideas. It may also imply a focus on intellectual or emotional growth.


Time refers to the measurable and observable phenomenon which occurs in a linear sequence. It is a fundamental aspect of the universe and is considered the fourth dimension. In the video, 'time' could be a central theme, emphasizing the importance of managing and valuing our time, or it could refer to a specific period or moment in time that is significant to the narrative.

💡SMD Pro

SMD Pro is not a standard term or widely recognized concept. It could potentially be an abbreviation, a product name, or a specific term related to a certain field or industry. Without additional context, it is difficult to provide a precise definition or explanation. However, in the video, it may represent a specific tool, technology, or concept that is important to the speaker or the narrative.

💡Spice of life

The phrase 'spice of life' is a common idiom that refers to the elements, experiences, or activities that make life interesting, enjoyable, or varied. It suggests that life should not be dull or monotonous but should be filled with diverse and stimulating experiences. In the video, this phrase likely alludes to the importance of variety and excitement in one's life, and how these elements contribute to personal fulfillment and happiness.


Truth is a concept that denotes the quality or state of being in accordance with fact or reality. It is often contrasted with falsehood or deception. In the context of the video, the mention of 'truth' could be a thematic element that underscores the importance of honesty, authenticity, or the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. It may also be used to emphasize the significance of discerning what is real and genuine amidst various influences and information.


The transcript begins with a musical introduction.

The speaker mentions the name 'Sun joh my', possibly referring to a person or a place.

A reference to a past event where 'he' did something significant in 1999 is made.

The absence of 'you' in the past is emphasized with musical accompaniment.

The speaker discusses the modern era's lack of certain technologies, such as YouTube and Facebook.

A personal anecdote about joining Facebook and quickly amassing over 2500 friends is shared.

The year '1999' is mentioned again, highlighting the contrast between past and present.

The transcript includes a moment of applause, indicating a live audience or a significant point.

The phrase 'man for the for the' is repeated, possibly emphasizing a point or creating a rhythm.

The concept of 'thought for the mind' is introduced, suggesting a focus on mental well-being.

The transcript mentions 'cooking on time' and 'the spice of life', possibly metaphors for life's experiences.

The idea of 'truth is black and white' is contrasted with 'thought for the mind'.

The term 'SMD Pro' is mentioned, which could be a name, title, or acronym.

The word 'foreign' is repeated, possibly indicating a discussion about otherness or international relations.

The phrase 'call me this' is used, suggesting a request for identification or a call to action.

The transcript ends with a series of 'w' sounds and musical notes, possibly signaling a conclusion.