Parcoursup 2024 : comment formuler ses vœux ?

Ministère Enseignement supérieur et Recherche
16 Jan 202405:43

TLDRParcoursup is a streamlined, digital platform enabling candidates to apply for any of the 23,000 state-recognized programs across France, regardless of their location. The process is entirely paperless, with a single application to complete and a common calendar for all programs. Applicants can express up to 10 preferences for both selective and non-selective programs, plus another 10 for apprenticeships, without ranking them. The platform ensures freedom of choice and privacy, as programs only see the expressed wish for them and not the overall list. Candidates must submit their preferences between January 17 and March 14, 2024, and finalize their applications by April 3, 2024, with the exception of apprenticeship programs which have no deadline, focusing instead on securing an apprenticeship contract. The platform's search engine allows candidates to explore programs based on keywords, location, and additional criteria. Detailed information on each program, including access rates, available spots, and specific features, is provided to assist in decision-making. Understanding the selection criteria is crucial, and candidates can add programs to their wish list for further consideration.


  • 📝 The process of expressing wishes on Parcoursup is straightforward and allows candidates to apply for any of the 23,000 state-recognized programs.
  • 🌐 Applications can be made from anywhere, as the process is entirely digital, eliminating the need to be physically present.
  • 📋 Candidates only need to create one application file and follow a single schedule common to all programs.
  • 🆓 There is no restriction on how candidates express their preferences, and they can list up to 10 wishes for both selective and non-selective programs, plus 10 more for apprenticeship programs.
  • 🔄 Preferences do not need to be ranked, and candidates will receive a response for each program they apply to.
  • 🏢 Candidates can apply within or outside their academy, and each program only knows the wish made specifically for it.
  • 📅 Important dates to remember: applications must be made between January 17 and March 14, 2024, and dossiers must be finalized by April 3, 2024.
  • 📝 Apprenticeship programs do not have a deadline; the most crucial factor for admission is signing an apprenticeship contract.
  • 🔍 The search engine on Parcoursup allows candidates to find programs of interest using keywords, locations, and various criteria.
  • 📊 Each program's information includes its status (public or private), access rate (selectivity level), number of available spots, and specific features.
  • 📖 Detailed information about each program is provided in a structured presentation sheet, including analysis criteria for applications.

Q & A

  • How many training programs can you apply for through Parcoursup?

    -You can apply for up to 23,000 recognized state training programs through Parcoursup.

  • Is the application process for Parcoursup digital or physical?

    -The application process is entirely digital, allowing candidates to apply from anywhere, regardless of their place of residence.

  • How many applications do you need to submit for different training programs?

    -You only need to create a single application file and follow a common calendar for all training programs.

  • Are there any restrictions on where you can apply for training programs through Parcoursup?

    -There are no restrictions. You can apply for programs within your academy or outside of it, and each program only knows about the wish you have expressed for it.

  • How many wishes can you express for both selective and non-selective training programs?

    -You can express up to 10 wishes for both selective and non-selective training programs, as well as 10 additional wishes for apprenticeship training programs.

  • Do you need to rank your wishes in order of preference?

    -No, you do not need to rank your wishes, and you will receive a response for each of the training programs you have applied to.

  • What is the application window for expressing your wishes on Parcoursup?

    -You must enter your wishes between January 17 and March 14, 2024, inclusive. You then have until April 3, 2024, inclusive, to finalize your file and confirm each of your wishes.

  • How can you search for training programs that interest you on Parcoursup?

    -Use the search engine on Parcoursup, entering one or several keywords, and you can also select a city, department, or region to refine your search.

  • What information can you find on the presentation page of a training program?

    -The presentation page is structured into six sections to provide essential information such as the status of the training program, access rate, number of available places, specificities of the training, and similar training program suggestions.

  • How can you understand the selection criteria for a training program?

    -Consult the section 'Comprendre les critères d'analyse des candidatures' on the training program's presentation page to understand the criteria used to analyze your application.

  • What is a 'vœu multiple' and how does it work?

    -A 'vœu multiple' is when you can apply for the same training program in several different establishments, but it only counts as one of your 10 wishes, with each establishment being considered a sub-wish.

  • How can you keep track of the number of wishes and sub-wishes you have expressed?

    -Use the counter on your Parcoursup dashboard, but note that it only displays the number of sub-wishes with a limited count.

  • What is the most important factor for being admitted to an apprenticeship training program?

    -The most important factor for being admitted to an apprenticeship training program is to sign an apprenticeship contract.



📝 How to Formulate Wishes on Parcoursup

This paragraph outlines the process of expressing educational wishes through Parcoursup, a digital platform recognized by the state for applying to various educational programs. With 23,000 programs to choose from, candidates can apply from anywhere, regardless of their place of residence. The process is entirely digital, requiring only one application file and a common calendar for all programs. Candidates can express up to 10 wishes for both selective and non-selective programs, as well as 10 additional wishes for apprenticeship programs, without needing to rank them by preference. The platform ensures that each program only knows the wish expressed for it, and the programs do not have access to the full list of wishes. Candidates must adhere to the application deadlines, which are from January 17 to March 14, 2024, for most programs, with the exception of apprenticeship programs that have no deadline but require a signed apprenticeship contract. The paragraph also provides guidance on how to log in, use the search engine to find programs of interest, and understand the criteria used by the programs to analyze applications. It emphasizes the importance of reading the detailed information provided for each program to make an informed choice.


🏫 Choosing Between Programs with and Without Internships

This paragraph discusses the option for candidates to choose between programs that offer internships and those that do not, highlighting that such a choice only counts as one sub-wish within the overall count of wishes formulated on Parcoursup. It also mentions that the counter on the candidate's Parcoursup account only displays the number of limited sub-wishes made. The paragraph advises candidates to consult additional information on Parcoursup and the FAQ section on the official website for a better understanding of sub-wishes. The example given illustrates how a candidate's choices across different establishments for the same program are counted as a single wish with multiple sub-wishes.




Parcoursup is an online platform in France that allows students to apply for higher education programs recognized by the state. It is the central theme of the video as it explains the process of formulating wishes for education and the benefits of using Parcoursup for this purpose. The script mentions that students can apply for up to 23,000 different state-recognized formations through Parcoursup, highlighting its extensive utility.


Dématérialisé refers to the process of making the application process paperless, which is a key feature of Parcoursup. It allows candidates to apply for their desired studies without the need for physical documents, making it more accessible and environmentally friendly. The script emphasizes this by saying that the process is 'entièrement dématérialisé pour permettre à chacun, de candidater où il le souhaite,' which means it is entirely digital and allows anyone to apply from their desired location.


Vœux, in the context of the video, refers to the wishes or preferences of students for specific educational programs or formations. The video explains how students can use Parcoursup to express up to 10 vœux for both selective and non-selective formations, as well as 10 additional vœux for apprenticeships. This term is central to understanding the application process on Parcoursup, as it is the mechanism through which students indicate their choices.


Calendrier refers to the timeline or schedule that students must adhere to when applying through Parcoursup. The script outlines specific dates for submitting vœux and finalizing one's application, emphasizing the importance of respecting these dates to ensure a successful application process. It is crucial for students to be aware of and follow the calendar to avoid missing any deadlines.

💡Formation en apprentissage

Formation en apprentissage refers to vocational training or apprenticeships that combine work experience with education. The video highlights that there is no deadline for these types of formations, but the key to admission is signing an apprenticeship contract. This form of education is an alternative pathway for students who wish to gain practical experience while learning.

💡Moteur de recherche

Moteur de recherche, or search engine, is a tool provided by Parcoursup that allows students to find educational programs that interest them. By entering keywords, selecting a city, department, or region, and other criteria, students can refine their search and discover formations that match their preferences and goals. This feature is essential for navigating the vast number of available programs and making informed decisions.

💡Taux d'accès

Taux d'accès, or access rate, is a statistic that indicates the selectivity of an educational program. It tells students what percentage of candidates who wished to enter a particular formation were offered admission. This information is valuable for understanding the competitiveness of a formation and helps students assess their chances of being admitted.

💡Critères d'analyse des candidatures

Critères d'analyse des candidatures are the criteria used by the educational institutions to analyze and evaluate the applications of students. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding these criteria to improve one's chances of admission. It is where the formation's teachers detail the factors they consider most important in the application process, such as grades, evaluations, and other elements from the student's file.

💡Vœu multiple

Vœu multiple is a term used in the context of applying to the same educational program in different establishments. It is counted as a single vœu for the 10 allowed vœux, with each establishment being considered a sous-vœu. This allows students to have multiple options within the same program across various institutions without using up multiple vœux.

💡Classe prépa

Classe prépa, or preparatory class, refers to specialized classes in France that prepare students for entrance examinations to prestigious higher education institutions, such as grandes écoles. The video mentions that students can choose between a formation with or without boarding (internat) arrangements, and this choice is considered a single sous-vœu, regardless of the number of institutions considered.


Sous-vœux refers to the individual preferences within a single vœu, particularly when applying to multiple establishments for the same educational program. The script explains that the number of sous-vœux is limited and indicated in the student's Parcoursup account, which helps track the applications and manage the selection process.


Parcoursup allows candidates to apply for all state-recognized programs, totaling 23,000 options.

The application process is entirely digital, enabling candidates to apply from any location regardless of their place of residence.

Candidates only need to create one application file and follow a single schedule common to all programs.

Parcoursup guarantees the freedom to express preferences without any constraints.

Candidates can express up to 10 preferences for both selective and non-selective programs, and another 10 for apprenticeship programs.

Preferences do not need to be ranked by order of preference, and candidates will receive a response for each program they apply to.

Candidates can apply within their academy or outside of it, with each program only being informed of the preference expressed for it.

There is no deadline for apprenticeship programs; the most important factor for admission is signing an apprenticeship contract.

Candidates must submit their preferences between January 17 and March 14, 2024, and finalize their applications by April 3, 2024.

To access the programs of interest, candidates can use the search engine on Parcoursup, entering keywords, city, department, or region.

The search results provide essential information about each program, including its status (public or private), access rate, number of available places, and specificities.

The access rate indicates the selectivity level of the program, with a 100% access rate meaning all candidates who wished to access the program received an admission offer.

Candidates can consult the presentation sheet of a program by clicking on 'See the program', which is structured into six sections for easy information overview.

To understand the criteria used by the program's teachers to analyze applications, candidates must consult the 'Understanding the criteria for analyzing applications' section.

The program also indicates if it takes into account high school students' participation in the 'Cordées de la réussite' and provides advice on how to build a strong application.

If a program matches a candidate's study project, they can add it to their list of preferences by clicking 'Add to my list of preferences'.

For most selective programs, candidates can apply for the same program in several different establishments, counting as only one preference out of 10.

For a preparatory class offering boarding, candidates can choose between the boarding and non-boarding options, counting as only one sub-preference.

The counter on a candidate's Parcoursup account allows them to track the number of preferences and sub-preferences they have expressed.

Only the number of limited sub-preferences is indicated in the counter, with more information available on the 'Applying on Parcoursup' page and the FAQ on the official Parcoursup website.