Les Vœux Parcoursup en 2023, filière par filière (vœux, sous-vœux...) - Thotis

21 Jan 202312:11

TLDRThe transcript outlines the process of submitting preferences for higher education in France through the Parcoursup platform. It explains the timeline, the distinction between non-selective and selective programs, and the allocation of wishes for both categories. The video emphasizes the importance of diversifying choices based on admission rates and provides specific examples for various fields, including medicine, engineering, and business schools. It also clarifies the rules for apprenticeships and the unique system for Île-de-France region, encouraging students to maximize their chances by strategically choosing their preferences.


  • 📅 The deadline for submitting vœux (wishes) is March 9th, 2023, at 23:59.
  • 🎓 Students can submit up to 10 vœux for undergraduate studies and 10 for apprenticeships.
  • 🏫 For non-selective licenses at universities, such as law, economy, history, and science, each choice costs one vœu.
  • 🏥 In Île-de-France, applying for a health-related first year (PASS) costs one vœu per university applied to.
  • 🌟 Selective formations like BTS, DCG, preparatory classes, and professional diplomas allow up to 10 different establishments per vœu.
  • 🏢 For competitive schools like business and engineering schools, there is no limit to the number of schools and programs that can be listed under one vœu, with no count towards the 20 sous-vœux limit.
  • 🏛️ Sciences Po has specific rules: one vœu for Sciences Po Paris and two additional campuses without counting towards the sous-vœux limit.
  • 🏫 IFSI (Instituts for specific professional studies) allow up to 5 vœux within a single university regroupement, with each institute counting as one vœu.
  • 🏥 Veterinary schools operate on a competitive exam basis, with one vœu for all four national schools, and each considered as a sous-vœu.
  • 🏢 Architecture schools and other paramedical fields have a limit of 10 vœux per field, with each institute or school counting as one vœu.

Q & A

  • What is the deadline for submitting wishes for the 2023 academic year?

    -The deadline for submitting wishes is March 9th, 2023, at 23:59.

  • How many wishes are candidates allowed to express for undergraduate studies and apprenticeships?

    -Candidates can express 10 wishes for both undergraduate studies (as a student status) and 10 wishes for apprenticeships.

  • What is the difference between 'vœux classique' and 'vœux divin' in the context of the script?

    -In the context of the script, 'vœux classique' refers to traditional undergraduate studies, while 'vœux divin' refers to apprenticeships. Both allow candidates to express 10 wishes each.

  • How does the selection process work for non-selective degrees such as licenses at universities?

    -Non-selective degrees, like licenses at universities, are considered as such and each application to a university will cost one wish. Candidates can apply to as many universities as they want within their 10 wishes limit.

  • What is the rule for applying to 'parcoursup' in Île-de-France?

    -In Île-de-France, candidates can apply to all 'parcoursup' with a single wish and then add as many choices as they want without them being counted towards the 10 sub-wishes limit.

  • How does the 'sous-vœux' system work for selective formations like BTS, DCG, preparatory classes, and professional training?

    -For selective formations, candidates can apply to up to 10 different establishments for a single wish. This means they can use one wish to apply to multiple institutions for the same formation.

  • What is the specific rule for applying to preparatory classes with or without boarding facilities?

    -Applying to a preparatory class with or without boarding facilities costs a single sub-wish, regardless of the number of formations applied for within that class.

  • How many wishes are candidates allowed for selective training programs and what is the limit for 'IFSI' applications?

    -Candidates have 20 wishes for selective training programs and are limited to 5 wishes for 'IFSI' applications.

  • What is the procedure for applying to Sciences Po and its regional campuses?

    -For Sciences Po in Paris, it costs one wish to apply, and two additional campuses can be added without extra cost. For Sciences Po in regional networks, each campus counts as a separate wish.

  • How does the 'école de commerce' and 'école d'ingénieur' selection process work in terms of wishes?

    -For 'école de commerce' and 'école d'ingénieur', candidates can apply to as many schools, programs, and campuses as they want for a single wish. Additionally, sub-wishes for these applications do not count towards the total number of 20 sub-wishes allowed.

  • What are the rules for applying to veterinary schools through the 'conseil national des écoles vétérinaires'?

    -There is a single wish for the 'conseil national des écoles vétérinaires', and candidates can apply to all four national veterinary schools without any of these applications counting as sub-wishes.



📘 Understanding the Application Process and Deadlines

This paragraph outlines the timeline and key dates for the application process. It begins by reminding applicants of the deadline to submit their wishes, which is 9th March 2023 at 23:59. It emphasizes the importance of remembering this date. Following this, applicants have until 6th April 2023 at 23:59 to finalize their application files, including motivation letters and other required sections. The paragraph also explains the platform's functionality, where applicants can list up to 10 wishes for both undergraduate studies and apprenticeships. It highlights the non-selective nature of university licenses, meaning they do not count towards the total number of wishes. The speaker provides an example of applying for law degrees at different universities, emphasizing the need to use each application as a separate wish.


🏥 Navigating Health and Competitive Programs

This paragraph delves into the specifics of applying for health-related programs and competitive tracks such as BTS, DCG, preparatory classes (prépas), and other specialized paths. It explains the unique rules for Île-de-France, where applying to a pass (a group of universities) within the region counts as one wish. The paragraph also discusses the possibility of adding minor subjects, which do not count towards the total number of wishes. It further clarifies the application process for preparatory classes, both with and without boarding facilities, and how they are counted as a single wish. The speaker then moves on to discuss competitive programs like BTS, DCG, prépa efts, and the system of 'sauveu' (rescue wishes) that allows applicants to apply to up to 10 different establishments for a single wish, thereby increasing their chances of selection.


🎓 Strategies for Business and Engineering Schools

This paragraph focuses on the application strategies for business and engineering schools, emphasizing the importance of the Parcoursup platform for these competitive programs. It explains that for a single competition wish, applicants can list as many schools, programs, and campuses as they wish without any limit on the number of sub-wishes. The paragraph also clarifies that sub-wishes for competitions do not count towards the total number of 20 sub-wishes allowed. The speaker provides an example using the Sesame competition for business schools, illustrating how applicants can list multiple schools and programs under one competition wish without affecting their total sub-wish count. The paragraph concludes with a brief mention of the application process for Sciences Po, highlighting the unique rules for applying to multiple campuses and the non-counting of sub-wishes for certain networks.




The term 'Vœux' refers to the wishes or preferences expressed by students during the application process for higher education programs in France. In the context of the video, it is central to understanding the process of applying to various educational programs, such as undergraduate degrees, professional certifications, and preparatory classes for competitive exams. The video outlines the number of 'vœux' a student can submit and how they should strategically choose their preferences based on the selectivity and distribution of programs across different regions and institutions.


In the context of the video, 'Formation' refers to the educational programs or courses that students can apply for. It encompasses a wide range of study areas including law, economics, history, science, and more. The term is crucial as it relates to the main theme of the video, which is guiding students on how to formulate their 'vœux' for various 'formations' based on their interests and the competitive nature of the programs.


The term 'Sélectif' in French translates to 'selective' in English and refers to educational programs that have a competitive entry process based on the number of available spots and the number of applicants. In the video, 'sélectif' is an important concept as it affects how students should strategize their 'vœux', considering the competitive nature of certain 'formations' and the need to diversify their choices to increase their chances of being admitted.


Parcoursup is the centralized platform for higher education applications in France. It is a key term in the video as it is the system through which students submit their 'vœux' or preferences for various educational programs. The video provides guidance on how to navigate Parcoursup effectively, including the timeline for submitting 'vœux' and the strategic use of 'sous-vœux'.


The 'Dates' keyword refers to the specific timelines and deadlines that students must adhere to when applying for higher education programs via Parcoursup. These dates are critical for students to know as they determine when students can start submitting their 'vœux' and when they must finalize their applications.

💡Lettres de motivation

The term 'Lettres de motivation' or 'motivation letters' refers to the personal statements that students are required to write as part of their higher education applications. These letters are essential as they allow students to express their interests, goals, and motivations for choosing specific 'formations', and they play a significant role in the admission process.


In the context of the video, 'Plateforme' refers to the online platform where students can submit their 'vœux' and manage their higher education applications. The term is important as it represents the central system through which the entire application process is facilitated, including the expression of 'vœux', submission of documents, and communication with institutions.


The term 'Sous-vœux' refers to the secondary or additional preferences that students can express alongside their primary 'vœux' in the higher education application process. These 'sous-vœux' provide students with more options and increase their chances of being admitted to a program, especially in competitive 'formations'.


In the context of the video, 'Concours' refers to competitive exams or entrance examinations for specific higher education programs, particularly for prestigious institutions such as grandes écoles. The term is significant as it relates to the highly selective nature of these programs and the additional steps students must take to apply, including preparing for and passing these exams.


The term 'Prépas' refers to preparatory classes in France that prepare students for competitive entrance exams to grandes écoles. These classes are known for their rigorous curriculum and are a key pathway for students aiming to enter top-tier institutions. In the video, 'prépas' are discussed as one of the 'formations' students can apply for, with specific strategies for using 'vœux' and 'sous-vœux' in their applications.

💡Formation en apprentissage

The term 'Formation en apprentissage' refers to a type of vocational training in France where students combine work experience with classroom-based learning. This form of education is significant in the video as it represents an alternative pathway for students to gain professional qualifications and practical skills, with its own set of 'vœux' and 'sous-vœux'.


The video provides essential elements for formulating one's vœux (wishes) for higher education in France.

The deadline for submitting vœux is 9th March 2023 at 23:59.

Candidates have until 6th April 2023 at 23:59 to finalize their application dossier, including motivation letters and project sections.

Upon registration, candidates can express up to 10 wishes for both student status and apprenticeship training.

Licenses at universities are considered non-selective, allowing candidates to apply to multiple universities within the same field without using up multiple wishes.

For competitive programs such as BTS, DCG, preparatory classes, and professional licenses, a 'sous-voeux' (sub-wish) system is in place, allowing candidates to apply to multiple establishments within the same field.

In Île-de-France, candidates can apply to all passes (different geographical areas) for a single competitive program for just one wish.

The video emphasizes the importance of diversifying one's vœux based on the selectivity and geographical distribution of the programs.

For preparatory classes leading to competitive fields, applying to a class with or without boarding counts as a single sub-wish.

Candidates can apply to as many schools as they wish for competitive exams like the 'concours' for business and engineering schools, without counting towards the 20 sub-wish limit.

For Sciences Po applications, candidates can apply to two campuses for the price of one wish, with additional campuses not counted towards the sub-wish limit.

The IFSI (Instituts for Specific Higher Education) allows candidates to apply to all IFSI within a university grouping with a limit of 5 wishes.

Veterinary schools operate under a competitive exam system, with one wish covering all four national schools.

Architecture schools require one wish per school, with no sub-wish counting.

For paramedical fields, candidates can apply to up to 5 schools per field, with each school counting as one wish.

The video encourages viewers to subscribe for more content and hints at future videos.