QuillBot Vs Undetectable AI: Which One Is The Best? [PROVEN]

30 Dec 202310:10

TLDRIn this video, the host compares two AI content rewriters, QuillBot and Undetectable AI, to determine the superior tool. The comparison is made using Originality AI as the benchmark for accuracy. A sample blog post on drop shipping is created and rewritten by both tools. QuillBot's rewrite is found to be 100% AI-written, indicating it's not effective at masking AI content. Undetectable AI, however, performs better, with a rewritten piece that scores 62% originality and 38% AI, suggesting it's more successful at creating content that passes as human-written. The video also discusses pricing plans for both services, with Undetectable AI offering more cost-effective options. The host concludes that Undetectable AI is the better choice, especially for those seeking high-quality, undetectable AI content.


  • 📝 The video compares two AI content rewriters, QuillBot and Undetectable AI, to determine which is superior.
  • 🔍 The presenter uses Originality AI to check the originality of the content, considering it the best AI checker currently.
  • ✍️ A sample blog post about drop shipping is created and then rewritten using both QuillBot and Undetectable AI to compare effectiveness.
  • 💰 The cost of using Originality AI is considered, with credits being used for scanning the content and the presenter mentioning a sign-up bonus.
  • 🚫 QuillBot's rewritten content is found to be 100% AI-written, indicating it's not effective at passing off as human-written content.
  • 🎓 Even using QuillBot's 'Academic' mode does not improve the originality of the content, still showing 100% AI-written.
  • 📈 Undetectable AI performs better, with a rewritten content piece showing 62% originality after several revisions.
  • 💵 Pricing for both QuillBot and Undetectable AI is discussed, with the presenter sharing their preference for the annual plan due to cost savings.
  • 📉 QuillBot's free version has limitations, such as a 125-word limit in the paraphraser and only standard and fluency modes.
  • 📚 Undetectable AI offers a 'humanize' feature that improves the originality of the content with each iteration.
  • ✅ The presenter concludes that Undetectable AI is better than QuillBot for rewriting content to appear more original.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The video compares two AI content rewriters, Quillbot and Undetectable AI, to determine which one is the best.

  • Which tool does the speaker consider the best AI Checker?

    -The speaker considers Originality AI to be the best AI Checker.

  • What is the first step the speaker takes to create a blog post for testing purposes?

    -The speaker uses Char, gbt to create a quick blog post with a 300-word prompt on how to make money with Drop Shipping.

  • How does the speaker ensure the content is AI-generated before testing?

    -The speaker uses Originality AI to scan the content and confirm that it is 100% AI-generated.

  • What is the result of using Quillbot to rewrite the content?

    -After using Quillbot, the rewritten content is still detected as 100% AI-generated by Originality AI.

  • What does the speaker conclude about Quillbot's effectiveness?

    -The speaker concludes that one cannot depend on Quillbot for rewriting content to avoid AI detection.

  • What is the result of using Undetectable AI to rewrite the content?

    -After several attempts with Undetectable AI, the content is detected as having 62% originality and 38% AI, which is an improvement over Quillbot.

  • What is the significance of the 'green' and 'red' percentages in the context of AI detection?

    -The 'green' percentage represents the original content, while 'red' represents AI-generated content. A higher green percentage indicates better humanization of the content.

  • What are the limitations of Quillbot's free version?

    -The free version of Quillbot allows for only 125 words in the paraphraser, has standard and fluency modes, and can summarize up to 1,002 words.

  • What are the pricing options for Quillbot's premium version?

    -Quillbot's premium version offers unlimited words in the paraphraser, custom mode, and other features. The annual plan is $99.95 per month, semi-annual plan is $13.33 per month, and the monthly plan is $19.95.

  • What does the speaker recommend for businesses or agencies?

    -The speaker recommends choosing the business plan for Undetectable AI, which offers 3,000 credits for a one-time $30 payment or 2,000 credits per month for $4.95.

  • Which tool does the speaker ultimately recommend as better between Quillbot and Undetectable AI?

    -The speaker ultimately recommends Undetectable AI as being better than Quillbot for content rewriting and avoiding AI detection.



📝 AI Content Rewriter Comparison: Quillbot vs. Undetectable AI

The speaker begins by introducing the purpose of the video, which is to compare two AI content rewriters, Quillbot and Undetectable AI, using Originality AI as the benchmark for content originality. They discuss the importance of Originality AI for checking AI-written content and provide links to tutorials and reviews in the description box. The process involves creating a short blog post on dropshipping, using Char-gbt to generate the content, and then copying and pasting it into both Quillbot and Undetectable AI for rewriting. The speaker emphasizes the need to check the rewritten content with Originality AI to ensure it's not flagged as AI-generated, as this can waste credits. They also mention a sign-up bonus for Originality AI and provide a link for it.


💰 Pricing and Features of AI Rewriting Tools

The second paragraph focuses on the pricing and features of Quillbot and Undetectable AI. The speaker outlines the limitations of Quillbot's free version, which allows only 125 words for paraphrasing and lacks advanced modes. They contrast this with the premium version, which offers unlimited words and additional features. Moving on to Undetectable AI, the speaker details its pricing plans, including monthly, yearly, and business options, and emphasizes the value of a yearly plan. They also discuss the importance of achieving a balance between AI and human content, aiming for more than 55% human content to be considered good. The speaker concludes by recommending Originality AI as an essential tool for checking the originality of content regardless of which rewriting tool is used.


📢 Conclusion and Call to Action

In the final paragraph, the speaker summarizes their findings, stating that Undetectable AI is superior to Quillbot based on the comparison. They thank the viewers for their time and encourage them to comment and subscribe to the channel for more content. The speaker reiterates the importance of using Originality AI in conjunction with any content rewriting tool to ensure the content passes as human-written and provides value to the reader.




QuillBot is an AI-powered content rewriter tool that is designed to paraphrase and rephrase text to make it unique and original. In the video, it is compared with Undetectable AI to determine which tool is more effective in rewriting content without being detected as AI-generated. The script discusses the limitations and capabilities of QuillBot, particularly noting that the free version has a 125-word limit in the paraphraser.

💡Undeetectable AI

Undeetectable AI is another content rewriter tool that aims to produce human-like, original content that is difficult for AI detection tools to identify as AI-generated. The video focuses on demonstrating how Undetectable AI performs in comparison to QuillBot, highlighting its ability to rewrite content for free and achieve a higher percentage of originality as detected by the Originality AI checker.

💡Originality AI

Originality AI is an AI checker tool used to determine the uniqueness and originality of content. It is mentioned as the best AI checker by the video's presenter and is used to test the rewritten content from both QuillBot and Undetectable AI. The tool is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of the content rewriter tools being compared.

💡Content Rewriter

A content rewriter is a tool or software that rephrases existing text to create new content that is similar in meaning but uses different phrasing and structure. In the context of the video, both QuillBot and Undetectable AI are content rewriter tools, and their performance in rewriting a sample blog post is evaluated.

💡Drop Shipping

Drop shipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store does not keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product using the drop shipping model, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. The video uses 'how to make money with Drop Shipping' as a sample prompt to demonstrate the rewriting capabilities of the tools.

💡AI Detection

AI detection refers to the process of identifying whether content has been generated or significantly altered by an AI tool. The video discusses the AI detection likelihood provided by the tools themselves and emphasizes the importance of using a reliable AI checker like Originality AI to accurately determine the AI-generated content.


E-commerce, short for electronic commerce, refers to buying and selling goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions. The video script uses e-commerce as the context for discussing drop shipping, which is a common business model in the online retail industry.

💡Pricing Plans

Pricing plans are the various options available for customers to subscribe to a service, in this case, the content rewriter tools. The video provides a detailed breakdown of the pricing plans for both QuillBot and Undetectable AI, discussing the features and benefits of each plan and offering advice on which might be the best value.

💡Free Version

The free version of a tool refers to the basic, no-cost offering that includes limited features compared to the premium or paid versions. The video mentions the limitations of the free version of QuillBot, such as the 125-word limit in the paraphraser and the absence of certain advanced features.

💡Premium Version

The premium version of a tool is the paid, enhanced version that offers more features and capabilities than the free version. In the context of the video, the premium version of QuillBot is highlighted as providing unlimited words in the paraphraser and access to additional modes and features.


Humanization in the context of AI content rewriter tools refers to the process of making AI-generated content appear more like it was written by a human. The video demonstrates the humanization feature of Undetectable AI, which allows users to further refine the rewritten content to reduce its AI detection likelihood.


This video compares Quillbot and Undetectable AI to determine the best AI content rewriter.

Originality AI is used as the AI checker to verify the rewritten content's originality.

A quick blog post on 'how to make money with Drop Shipping' is created for comparison purposes.

Quillbot's rewritten content is found to be 100% AI, indicating it's not effective at passing off as human-written.

Undeetectable AI's first attempt shows a 24% originality score, which is improved upon in subsequent rewrites.

After multiple rewrites with Undetectable AI, the content achieves a 62% originality score.

The importance of providing valuable and informative content for readers is emphasized for Google's algorithm.

Quillbot offers a free version with limitations and a premium version with more features.

Undeetectable AI provides a monthly plan with varying word limits and prices, and a lifetime plan for businesses.

The tutorial suggests that Undetectable AI is superior to Quillbot in terms of content originality and pricing.

The video provides a direct link for signing up with Undetectable AI and mentions a potential sign-up bonus.

The presenter uses their own credits for the research, advising viewers on how to avoid wasting credits.

Originality AI is recommended as an essential tool for checking AI-generated content, regardless of the rewriter used.

The presenter discusses the importance of achieving a higher percentage of original content over AI-generated content.

Different pricing plans are broken down for both Quillbot and Undetectable AI, highlighting the best value options.

The video concludes with a recommendation to subscribe to the channel for more informative content.