Ronan Farrow describes how his Harvey Weinstein reporting unfolded | Nightline

ABC News
15 Oct 201911:58

TLDRThe transcript discusses the impact of the #MeToo movement, highlighting the courage of individuals like Ronan Farrow who exposed the actions of powerful figures in Hollywood, such as Harvey Weinstein. It details the challenges faced by reporters and victims in the face of media cover-ups and legal tactics aimed at silencing accusers. The narrative underscores the cultural shift towards demanding accountability and change in response to sexual harassment and abuse of power.


  • 🌟 The Me Too movement sparked a cultural shift, encouraging women and men to come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct in various industries.
  • 📢 Ronan Farrow's reporting played a significant role in the Me Too movement, particularly his work on the Harvey Weinstein case.
  • 📰 Ronan Farrow's book 'Catch and Kill' details the systems and patterns of abuse of power and the media's role in covering up these allegations.
  • 🎥 Matt Lauer, former Today Show anchor, was fired from NBC News following allegations of sexual misconduct, with Farrow's book alleging NBC News mishandled accusations against Lauer.
  • 🚨 NBC News' response to Farrow's book claims they have no secrets and nothing to hide, refuting allegations of a cover-up culture within the company.
  • 🎬 Harvey Weinstein's case became symbolic of a larger issue in Hollywood and beyond, with over 80 women publicly accusing him of misconduct.
  • 🗣️ Rose McGowan's early allegations against Weinstein were crucial in bringing attention to the issue of sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ Ronan Farrow faced significant challenges while reporting on Weinstein, including being followed and concerns for his safety.
  • 🔍 Farrow's persistence in pursuing the story, despite obstacles and pushback, led to the eventual publication of his reporting in The New Yorker, contributing to the Me Too movement's momentum.
  • 📈 The Me Too movement led to widespread awareness and discussions on sexual harassment, demanding change and equality across various sectors.
  • 🛑 Weinstein's case and the media's response to allegations have raised questions about the power dynamics and ethical responsibilities of media organizations.

Q & A

  • What major event in Hollywood is being referred to in the transcript?

    -The major event being referred to is the widespread exposure of sexual harassment and assault in Hollywood, particularly the allegations against powerful figures like Harvey Weinstein, which sparked the #MeToo movement.

  • What was the initial reaction of the media and corporate America to the #MeToo movement?

    -The initial reaction was one of shock and outrage, with the movement's impact spreading from Hollywood to corporate America, the media, and Capitol Hill, leading to a flood of people from various industries coming forward with their own difficult claims.

  • Which notable figures were mentioned as part of the #MeToo movement's early cases?

    -Notable figures mentioned include Senator Al Franken, Matt Lauer, and several high-profile actresses such as Salma Hayek, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Judd, and Rose McGowan.

  • What role did Ronan Farrow play in the #MeToo movement?

    -Ronan Farrow played a significant role as a reporter who helped bring the allegations to light, particularly through his work with The New Yorker, which published his detailed reporting on Harvey Weinstein.

  • What challenges did Ronan Farrow face while reporting on Harvey Weinstein?

    -Farrow faced challenges such as being underestimated, being followed by suspicious vehicles, and experiencing pushback from his employer, NBC News, which initially refused to run his story.

  • How did the #MeToo movement impact the public's perception of sexual harassment?

    -The movement raised awareness about the prevalence of sexual harassment, particularly in powerful industries, and encouraged more victims to come forward with their stories, demanding change and accountability.

  • What was the significance of the secretly recorded audio mentioned in the transcript?

    -The secretly recorded audio was crucial evidence in Ronan Farrow's reporting on Harvey Weinstein, capturing Weinstein admitting to a pattern of behavior that supported the allegations against him.

  • How did the #MeToo movement influence other areas beyond Hollywood?

    -The movement led to a broader cultural shift, with its influence felt in corporate America, media, and even political spheres, as it highlighted the systemic issues of abuse of power and the need for change.

  • What was NBC News' response to the allegations against Matt Lauer?

    -NBC News terminated Matt Lauer's employment following the allegations, but there were claims that the network mishandled accusations against him and had a culture of covering up abuse.

  • What was the public's reaction to the revelations in Ronan Farrow's book 'Catch and Kill'?

    -The book, which includes graphic details of alleged abuse and cover-ups, dominated headlines and renewed discussions about the abuse of power and media's role in concealing such actions.

  • What was the impact of the #MeToo movement on the accused individuals and their careers?

    -The movement led to significant consequences for the accused, including resignations, terminations, and legal actions. For example, Harvey Weinstein was arrested and awaits trial on charges of sexual assault and rape.



💥 Hollywood's Me Too Movement and Its Impact

This paragraph discusses the Me Too movement's emergence and impact on Hollywood and beyond. It highlights the scandal involving Harvey Weinstein and other high-profile figures, the bravery of those coming forward with allegations, and the media's role. The paragraph also introduces Ronan Farrow, whose reporting played a significant part in the movement, and his new book 'Catch and Kill,' which delves into the systems that protect powerful predators.


🕵️‍♂️ Ronan Farrow's Investigative Journey and NBC's Response

This section details Ronan Farrow's investigative process and the challenges he faced, including surveillance and pressure from Harvey Weinstein's team. It also covers the reluctance of NBC News to air Farrow's findings, leading to his decision to publish through The New Yorker. The paragraph further discusses the subsequent firing of Matt Lauer and questions surrounding NBC's handling of the Weinstein story.


🚨 Weinstein's Downfall and NBC's Handling of Allegations

The final paragraph focuses on the aftermath of the Weinstein allegations, his arrest, and the upcoming trial. It also addresses the criticism faced by NBC News for their handling of Farrow's investigation, suggesting a possible cover-up culture within media organizations. The paragraph emphasizes the broader implications of the Me Too movement, which extend beyond individual cases to challenge systemic abuse of power.



💡Hollywood scandal

The term 'Hollywood scandal' refers to a major controversy or wrongdoing involving one or more individuals in the Hollywood entertainment industry. In the context of the video, it highlights the widespread nature of the scandal, which has impacted various levels of society, including corporate America and Capitol Hill. The scandal is centered around the Me Too movement and involves high-profile figures such as Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, and Senator Al Franken.

💡Me Too movement

The Me Too movement is a social movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault. It gained prominence in 2017 when numerous women in the entertainment industry and other fields came forward with their stories of harassment and assault, often against powerful and influential figures. The movement aims to raise awareness and promote changes in behavior, workplace culture, and legal accountability.

💡Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of harassment that involves unwanted and inappropriate sexual advances, comments, or behaviors. It can occur in various settings, including the workplace, and can have severe psychological and professional consequences for the victims. In the context of the video, it is a critical issue that has been brought to light by the Me Too movement, with many individuals coming forward to share their experiences.

💡Media cover-up

Media cover-up refers to the act of intentionally concealing or suppressing information from the public by media organizations. This can occur for various reasons, such as protecting the reputation of an individual or a company. In the video, the term is used to describe the alleged actions of NBC News in handling accusations against Matt Lauer, suggesting that the network may have attempted to suppress the story to protect its image.

💡Ronan Farrow

Ronan Farrow is an American journalist and the son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen. He gained significant recognition for his investigative reporting on the Me Too movement, particularly his work on the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Farrow's reporting played a crucial role in bringing the issue of sexual harassment in Hollywood to the forefront of public consciousness.

💡Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein is a former film producer and convicted sex offender. He was one of the most powerful figures in Hollywood before being accused by numerous women of sexual harassment, assault, and rape. Weinstein's case became a catalyst for the Me Too movement and a symbol of the abuse of power in the entertainment industry.

💡Matt Lauer

Matt Lauer is a former television news anchor, best known for his role on NBC's Today Show. He was terminated from NBC News following allegations of sexual misconduct. Lauer's case is significant as it illustrates the reach of the Me Too movement beyond the entertainment industry and into the realm of broadcast journalism.

💡Power dynamics

Power dynamics refer to the way power is distributed and exercised between individuals or groups in a relationship or a broader social context. In the video, the power dynamics are highlighted in the context of sexual harassment and abuse, where powerful figures in Hollywood and other industries use their influence to exploit or silence their victims.

💡Cultural shift

A cultural shift refers to a significant change in the beliefs, behaviors, and values of a society or a group of people over time. In the context of the video, the Me Too movement is described as a cultural shift that has redefined societal attitudes towards sexual harassment and assault, leading to increased awareness and action against such behavior.

💡Rose McGowan

Rose McGowan is an American actress and activist who became one of the most prominent figures in the Me Too movement after she publicly accused Harvey Weinstein of rape. Her actions and advocacy have been influential in encouraging other survivors to come forward with their stories and in raising awareness about the prevalence of sexual misconduct in Hollywood.

💡Corporate responsibility

Corporate responsibility refers to the ethical and legal obligations a company has towards its stakeholders, including employees, customers, and the wider community. It encompasses the ways in which a company conducts its business and responds to issues such as workplace harassment or abuse. In the video, corporate responsibility is discussed in the context of media organizations like NBC News and their alleged role in covering up instances of sexual misconduct.


The Me Too movement sparked a cultural shift, leading to an outpouring of support and stories from both women and men across various industries.

Prominent figures such as Salma Hayek, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Ashley Judd were among those who came forward with their experiences.

Senator Al Franken announced his resignation amidst the growing pressure on public figures in the wake of the Me Too movement.

Matt Lauer was terminated from NBC News following allegations of sexual misconduct.

Ronan Farrow, initially underestimated, played a crucial role in reporting the Me Too era and exposing powerful figures like Harvey Weinstein.

More than 80 women came forward publicly with accusations against some of the most powerful men in Hollywood, including Harvey Weinstein.

Ronan Farrow's new book, 'Catch and Kill', adds a new chapter to his reporting on the Me Too era, focusing on systems and patterns of abuse of power.

The book alleges that NBC News mishandled accusations against Matt Lauer, suggesting a cover-up culture within media organizations.

Ronan Farrow's sister's experiences with speaking out against sexual abuse gave him insight into the importance of the Me Too movement.

Rose McGowan's initial reluctance to name Harvey Weinstein publicly was overcome with Ronan Farrow's urging and support.

Harvey Weinstein allegedly hired Black Cube, a firm with former Mossad agents, in an attempt to suppress the allegations against him.

Ambra Gutierrez's secret recording of Weinstein confessing to a pattern of behavior was a turning point in the case.

Ronan Farrow's reporting led to a safety deposit box containing crucial evidence and a note instructing what to do if something happened to him.

NBC executives issued a hard stop to Ronan Farrow's reporting on Weinstein, claiming there wasn't enough on-the-record evidence.

Ronan Farrow took his reporting to The New Yorker, where he found more accusers willing to be named on the record.

The publication of Farrow's article in The New Yorker, following the New York Times' story, was a watershed moment for the Me Too movement.

Harvey Weinstein was arrested in 2018 and awaits trial on charges of sexual assault and rape, to which he has pleaded not guilty.

Weinstein denies all allegations of non-consensual sex and claims Farrow's reporting is a dramatic fictional tale.

The Me Too movement and Farrow's reporting exposed vast systems that society continues to grapple with regarding abuse of power and cover-ups.