Perturbing His Pastor

The People's Court
20 Jun 202311:53

TLDRIn a case presented in the People's Court, Doris Johnson, a pastor, sued Vernon Cash for the amount of $629.98, claiming he failed to reimburse her for a computer and tablet she purchased for him. Johnson stated that Cash had given her a check, which she lost, and refused to write another. Cash insisted the original check was provided but Johnson claimed it was lost before she could cash it. The court ruled in favor of Johnson, ordering Cash to pay the owed amount, including the additional $25 for her assistance.


  • ๐Ÿ“ Doris Johnson, the plaintiff, claims to have paid for a computer and tablet for a church member, Vernon Cash, who is the defendant and refuses to reimburse her.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฐ The amount in dispute is $629.98, which was the cost of the computer and tablet plus an additional $25 for her assistance.
  • ๐Ÿฆ The defendant, Vernon Cash, insists he gave Doris a check for the items but she claims to have lost it.
  • ๐Ÿ” Vernon accuses Doris of attempting to steal from him and refuses to pay her a second time, believing she may be trying to deceive him.
  • ๐Ÿค The relationship between Doris and Vernon is through their church, with Doris being a pastor and Vernon a member of her congregation.
  • ๐Ÿ›๏ธ The purchase was made at BJ's Wholesale, where Doris used her membership to get a better price, as Vernon is not a member.
  • ๐Ÿงพ Doris paid for the items with her debit card and Vernon wrote her a check, which she later lost.
  • ๐Ÿ” The judge questions why Vernon did not stop payment on the check and issue a new one, as this would resolve the issue without loss to either party.
  • ๐Ÿšซ Vernon expresses suspicion towards Doris and reluctance to engage with her or resolve the matter outside of court.
  • ๐Ÿ“Œ The court case revolves around the lost check and whether or not the defendant is obligated to pay the plaintiff again for the items.
  • ๐Ÿ”Ž The judge ultimately decides in favor of the plaintiff, ordering Vernon to pay Doris the full amount of $629.98, including the original $25 fee for her assistance.

Q & A

  • Who is the plaintiff in this case?

    -The plaintiff in this case is Doris Johnson.

  • What items did Doris Johnson purchase for the defendant?

    -Doris Johnson purchased a computer and a tablet for the defendant, Vernon Cash.

  • What is the total amount that Doris Johnson is suing for?

    -Doris Johnson is suing for a total of $629.98.

  • What was the defendant's initial response to the claim that he owes Doris Johnson money?

    -The defendant, Vernon Cash, claimed that he had already given Doris Johnson a check for the computer and tablet, and he refused to pay her a second time.

  • How did Doris Johnson lose the check?

    -Doris Johnson lost the check while she was at the store, possibly when she was looking for Vernon Cash who had wandered off.

  • What was the defendant's reaction when Doris Johnson informed him about the lost check?

    -The defendant, Vernon Cash, was skeptical and accused Doris Johnson of trying to steal from him or make false claims.

  • What is the judge's decision in this case?

    -The judge ordered Vernon Cash to pay Doris Johnson the $629.98 because that's what he was supposed to do when the check was lost.

  • What was the judge's reasoning for ordering the defendant to pay?

    -The judge reasoned that even though the check was lost, the defendant still owed the money, and the proper action would have been to stop payment on the check and issue a new one.

  • What was the defendant's occupation mentioned in the script?

    -The defendant's occupation was not explicitly mentioned in the script.

  • What was the relationship between Doris Johnson and Vernon Cash?

    -Doris Johnson and Vernon Cash were members of the same church, and Doris was a pastor.

  • What was the role of the witness, Gail, in this case?

    -Gail was with Doris Johnson during the transaction and supported her claim by accompanying her to confront Vernon Cash at his house.



๐Ÿค Dispute Over Church Purchase

This paragraph introduces the legal dispute between Doris Johnson, a plaintiff, and Vernon Cash, the defendant. Doris claims she paid for a computer and tablet on behalf of Vernon, a member of her church, but he refuses to reimburse her. Vernon alleges that Doris is attempting to defraud him, but she insists on the legitimacy of her claim, seeking the owed amount of $629.98. The situation escalates to court, with Doris expressing her desire for justice and Vernon maintaining his innocence, stating he had already paid Doris with a check, which she claims to have lost.


๐Ÿ›๏ธ The Incident at BJ's Wholesale

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of the incident at BJ's Wholesale. Doris recounts the day she helped Vernon purchase a computer and tablet, explaining that she used her membership to get a better price due to his non-membership status. After the purchase, Doris claims to have received a check from Vernon to cover the cost, but she lost it before it could be cashed. Despite her attempts to notify Vernon and seek a replacement check, he refused to cooperate, leading to Doris's decision to take legal action. The paragraph also touches on the emotional impact of the situation on Doris and the initial interaction between the parties after the loss of the check.


๐Ÿ“ Resolution and Repayment

In the final paragraph, the court's proceedings are highlighted, focusing on the judge's questioning and the defendant's defense. Vernon insists that he had written a check before the purchase was made and that it's Doris's responsibility to handle it properly. The judge interrogates both parties, emphasizing the importance of stopping payment on a lost check and issuing a new one. The judge orders Vernon to pay Doris the full amount she initially sought, plus an additional $25 for the inconvenience caused, signifying that the court finds in favor of Doris. The paragraph concludes with the judge's stern reminder to Vernon about the consequences of his actions and the importance of honoring financial obligations.




A plaintiff is a person who brings a civil action in a court of law against another person or entity, the defendant. In this video, Doris Johnson is the plaintiff who is suing Vernon Cash for the amount owed for a computer and tablet she purchased for him.


A defendant is a person or entity accused of a crime or a party against whom a civil lawsuit has been filed. In this case, Vernon Cash is the defendant who is accused of not repaying Doris Johnson for the computer and tablet she bought for him.


A computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. In the context of the video, a computer is one of the items that Doris Johnson purchased for Vernon Cash, which he has not repaid her for.


A tablet is a thin, flat mobile computer with a touchscreen interface, cellular or wireless network connections, and can be used for browsing the internet, watching videos, playing games, and making calls. In the video, Doris Johnson also purchased a tablet for Vernon Cash, which is part of the disputed amount.


A check is a document that orders a bank to pay a specific sum of money from the account of the person writing the check to the person or entity named on the check. In this video, Vernon Cash wrote a check to Doris Johnson for the amount of the computer and tablet, but she claims to have lost it.


To lose something means to be unable to find it or no longer have it in one's possession, often due to carelessness or misplacement. In the video, Doris Johnson claims to have lost the check that Vernon Cash gave her to repay for the computer and tablet.


A pastor is a leader of a church, typically in charge of preaching, teaching, and providing spiritual guidance to a congregation. In this video, Doris Johnson is a pastor who helped Vernon Cash purchase a computer and tablet, and is now involved in a legal dispute with him over the payment.


A court is a place where legal disputes are heard and decided, and where justice is administered. In this video, the dispute between Doris Johnson and Vernon Cash is brought before a court to resolve the issue of the unpaid check for the computer and tablet.


To be owed something means that someone is in debt to you or is obligated to provide you with something, often money. In this context, Doris Johnson claims that Vernon Cash owes her money for the items she purchased for him.

๐Ÿ’กstop payment

Stopping payment on a check is a process where the person who wrote the check, known as the drawer, instructs their bank not to pay the check if it is presented. This is typically done when a check is lost or if there is a concern that the check may be fraudulently cashed. In this video, the concept of stopping payment is discussed as a potential solution to the problem of the lost check.


A transaction is an act of buying or selling something, or the process of making an exchange of goods, services, or funds. In the video, the transaction refers to the purchase of the computer and tablet by Doris Johnson on behalf of Vernon Cash, and the subsequent dispute over the payment.


Doris Johnson, the plaintiff, claims to have paid for a computer and tablet for a church member who refuses to reimburse her.

The defendant, Vernon Cash, alleges that Doris is attempting to defraud him.

Doris is seeking a repayment of $629.98, the amount she claims is owed for the purchases.

Vernon Cash insists he had given Doris a check for the items, but she asserts the check was lost.

Doris and Vernon have a disagreement about the circumstances surrounding the lost check.

Doris is a pastor who helps her community and knew Vernon through her bus trips.

Vernon needed to purchase a tablet and computer but was not a member of BJ's Wholesale, hence he sought Doris's assistance.

Doris used her debit card to pay for the items, with Vernon providing a check to cover the cost and an additional $25 for her help.

Doris lost Vernon's check while trying to locate him in the store after the purchase.

Vernon denies any responsibility for the lost check and refuses to pay Doris a second time.

Doris attempted to contact Vernon to resolve the issue, but he avoided communication.

The court questions why Vernon did not stop payment on the check and issue a new one if he believed the check was lost.

Vernon's suspicion of Doris losing the check intentionally is questioned, as no evidence suggests foul play.

The court orders Vernon to pay Doris the full amount of $629.98, as he still owes the money despite the lost check.

Vernon's lack of action to stop payment on the check raises doubts about his claims of the check being lost.

Doris's good faith in helping Vernon is highlighted, as she did not benefit from the lost check.

The case underscores the importance of trust and responsibility in financial transactions.

The court's decision emphasizes the obligation to honor commitments, even when payments are lost or delayed.

Vernon's reluctance to resolve the issue outside of court has resulted in a legal judgment against him.

The case serves as a reminder that lost checks can be easily replaced to prevent financial loss to the payee.