갤럭시S24 얼마나 똑똑해졌을까? AI 번역기능 실전 리뷰!

26 Jan 202411:19

TLDRThe video script discusses the AI capabilities of the newly released Samsung Galaxy S24, highlighting its real-time translation features for Japanese, Chinese, and English. The demonstration showcases the device's proficiency in translating various languages, although it acknowledges some limitations in recognizing certain terms and mixed language use. The script also touches on the text translation feature, which offers different versions to suit various contexts and the potential of the AI to improve with further training. The overall impression is positive, with suggestions that the AI's utility will only increase with future updates from Samsung.


  • 😀 The script covers a detailed review of the Samsung Galaxy S24's AI features, comparing it with other AI technologies.
  • 😎 Highlights include an in-depth look at the AI translation capabilities of the Galaxy S24, testing its performance in real-time interpretation across multiple languages including Japanese, Chinese, and English.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ A special focus is placed on the Galaxy S24's ability to handle everyday conversational language, noting its proficiency in Korean to English translations and vice versa.
  • 😱 Some challenges are mentioned with the AI's recognition of specific nouns and the handling of recently coined slang or expressions, indicating room for improvement.
  • 💯 The review appreciates the Galaxy S24's different translation versions for text messages, such as polite, professional, and social media styles, allowing users to tailor their communication.
  • 👍 Positive feedback on the device's utility in practical scenarios, such as foreign travel and instant communication with speakers of other languages, is provided.
  • 🙄 Concerns are raised about the limitations in understanding and translating newly emerged slang or specific phrases, suggesting the AI might not be fully up-to-date with the latest linguistic trends.
  • 📝 The review also touches on the functionality of translating text messages, highlighting the ease and versatility this feature offers to users interacting with foreign languages.
  • 📱 A comparison is made between Samsung's AI, Papago, and ChatGPT in terms of translating trendy phrases and slang, showing some differences in their abilities to interpret and translate accurately.
  • 🙏 The script concludes with optimism about future updates from Samsung that could address the current shortcomings and enhance the Galaxy S24's AI capabilities.

Q & A

  • What AI features are mentioned in the script as being included in the latest Samsung Galaxy S24?

    -The script mentions AI translation features as part of the latest Samsung Galaxy S24's capabilities.

  • How does the AI translation feature work in real-time?

    -The AI translation feature works in real-time by translating spoken language instantly into the desired target language, as demonstrated in the script with Japanese, Chinese, and English.

  • What are some of the challenges faced by the AI translation feature?

    -Some challenges faced by the AI translation feature include difficulty in recognizing and translating proper nouns and new colloquial terms, as well as maintaining context and meaning in translations.

  • How does the script demonstrate the effectiveness of the AI translation feature?

    -The script demonstrates the effectiveness of the AI translation feature by showing instances where it accurately translates everyday conversational phrases and expressions from one language to another.

  • What is the significance of the AI translation feature for international communication?

    -The AI translation feature is significant for international communication as it allows for more seamless and accessible interactions between people who speak different languages, facilitating better understanding and cooperation.

  • What are the different versions of text translation mentioned in the script?

    -The script mentions various versions of text translation, including polite versions, professional versions, and social media versions, allowing users to choose the most appropriate style for their needs.

  • How does the AI feature handle slang or newly coined terms?

    -The AI feature has some difficulty understanding and translating newly coined terms, as it requires further training and updates to improve its recognition and translation of such language elements.

  • What is the reviewer's overall impression of the AI features in the Samsung Galaxy S24?

    -The reviewer finds the AI features in the Samsung Galaxy S24 to be quite useful and accurate, especially for translating well-structured and formal text, but notes that there is room for improvement in handling slang and new terms.

  • What advice does the reviewer give regarding the purchase of the Samsung Galaxy S24?

    -The reviewer suggests that potential buyers may want to wait for further updates and improvements to the AI features before purchasing the Samsung Galaxy S24, especially since some minor shortcomings are still present.

  • How does the AI translation feature support travelers?

    -The AI translation feature supports travelers by providing real-time translation services, which can be particularly helpful when visiting foreign countries and needing to communicate in different languages.

  • What is the reviewer's suggestion for the future development of the AI features?

    -The reviewer suggests that Samsung should continue to update and improve the AI features, particularly in recognizing and translating new and colloquial terms, to enhance the user experience and make the device more versatile and useful.



🗣️ AI Translation Features in Samsung Galaxy S24

This paragraph discusses the AI translation capabilities of the newly released Samsung Galaxy S24. The journalist from Chosun Ilbo Tech, named Yoo Ji-journalist, tests the real-time translation feature by speaking in Japanese, Chinese, and English. The AI's performance in translating these languages is evaluated, and the journalist notes that while the AI does well in translating longer sentences, it still has some difficulty with certain phrases and words, especially when it comes to recognizing and translating proper nouns and new terms. The limitations of the AI in understanding mixed languages are also highlighted.


📱 User Experience and Evaluation of AI Features

The second paragraph focuses on the user experience with the AI features of the Samsung Galaxy S24. The journalist shares their personal impressions after using the device, noting that the AI is particularly effective in recognizing and translating Korean to English. However, challenges remain in translating English back to Korean, especially with proper nouns and idioms. The journalist also mentions the potential of the AI to assist in various communication scenarios, such as international travel, and expresses optimism for future improvements as Samsung continues to update the AI capabilities.


📝 Application of AI in Official and Informal Settings

The final paragraph explores the application of AI in both formal and informal settings. The journalist discusses the AI's strengths in translating official documents and emails, as well as its limitations in more casual conversational contexts. The potential benefits of the AI for professionals who may not frequently use English are also considered. The paragraph concludes with a recommendation for potential buyers to wait for further updates to the Galaxy S24, as there are still some areas for improvement, particularly in the AI's understanding of new and complex terms.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is a core feature of the Samsung Galaxy S24, enabling real-time translation and other advanced functionalities. The script highlights the AI's ability to translate between different languages and its potential for continuous improvement through updates.

💡Galaxy S24

The Samsung Galaxy S24 is a flagship smartphone model from Samsung Electronics. It is highlighted in the video for its advanced AI capabilities, particularly in the area of language translation and interpretation. The Galaxy S24 is presented as a device that can significantly enhance communication between users of different languages.

💡Real-time translation

Real-time translation refers to the immediate conversion of spoken or written text from one language to another, without significant delay. In the video, this feature is crucial as it showcases the AI's ability to facilitate communication in various languages, bridging language barriers in both conversational and written contexts.

💡Language barriers

Language barriers occur when communication between people is hindered due to differences in language proficiency. The video emphasizes the role of AI technology in overcoming these barriers by providing seamless translation services, thus enabling more effective communication between individuals who speak different languages.

💡Text translation

Text translation involves converting written content from one language to another, allowing for cross-language understanding and communication. In the context of the video, text translation is one of the AI functionalities that can be used to communicate with people from different linguistic backgrounds, enhancing the user's ability to interact and share information.


MBTI, or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a personality assessment tool that categorizes individuals into one of 16 personality types based on their preferences in four dichotomies: extraversion vs. introversion, sensing vs. intuition, thinking vs. feeling, and judging vs. perceiving. In the video, MBTI is mentioned in passing as a topic of conversation, illustrating the AI's ability to understand and translate specialized terminology.

💡Cultural references

Cultural references are allusions to cultural artifacts, symbols, or expressions that are part of a group's shared knowledge and experience. In the video, cultural references are important as they demonstrate the AI's ability to understand and translate content that carries specific cultural significance, which can be challenging due to the nuances involved.


Neologisms are newly coined words or expressions that have not yet been widely accepted or documented. In the context of the video, the AI's ability to understand and translate neologisms is discussed, highlighting the challenges in keeping up with the ever-evolving language and the need for continuous learning and updates.

💡Contextual translation

Contextual translation refers to the process of translating text or speech in a way that takes into account the specific context in which it is used, ensuring that the translation conveys the intended meaning accurately. In the video, the AI's contextual translation capabilities are tested, emphasizing the importance of understanding the context to provide accurate translations.

💡Updates and improvements

Updates and improvements refer to the ongoing process of refining and enhancing a product or service based on user feedback, technological advancements, and the need to stay current. In the video, the mention of updates signifies Samsung's commitment to continually upgrade the AI's capabilities, addressing its limitations and incorporating new features to meet user needs.

💡Travel and communication

Travel and communication are key themes in the video, highlighting the importance of being able to communicate effectively when visiting different countries. The AI's translation capabilities are particularly relevant for travelers, as they facilitate interaction and understanding between individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds.


The introduction of the Galaxy S24 with advanced AI features.

Real-time translation capabilities demonstrated with Japanese, Chinese, and English.

The AI's ability to recognize and translate spoken language, even with minor mispronunciations.

The limitation of the AI in recognizing certain Korean expressions when set to English.

The AI's potential to improve with training to better recognize mixed languages within a single conversation.

The AI's proficiency in translating Korean to English, showcasing its strong language recognition skills.

The AI's struggle with translating proper nouns and specific cultural references accurately.

The variety of translation styles available, including polite, professional, and social media versions.

The AI's ability to handle sudden requests and provide translations that match the context and tone.

The comparison of Samsung's AI with other AI platforms like Naver's Papyrus and Chat GPT.

The AI's performance in translating trending slang and newly coined terms.

The practical application of the AI for travelers, providing real-time translation even offline.

The continuous updates and improvements promised by Samsung for their AI technology.

The potential for the AI to become more accurate and user-friendly with future updates.

The current limitations of the AI in understanding the latest slang and its potential for improvement.

The overall positive review of the Galaxy S24's AI features and their practical applications.

The recommendation for potential buyers to wait for further updates for enhanced functionality.