SDXL Local LORA Training Guide: Unlimited AI Images of Yourself

All Your Tech AI
2 Jan 202417:09

TLDRThe guide provides a step-by-step tutorial on training a local LORA (Low-Rank Adaptation) model using Stability AI's Stable Diffusion XL. It covers software installation, image sourcing and preparation, and model configuration. The process includes using high-resolution images with diverse variations, leveraging existing celebrity images for guidance, and employing tools like Kya SS for model setup and training. The tutorial emphasizes the importance of model flexibility and precision, offering tips on selecting the optimal LORA file for desired image generation results.


  • 🤖 Introduction to Stable Diffusion XL, a generative AI model capable of producing high-quality images.
  • 🛠️ Explanation of Low Rank Adaptation (Lora) as a small file that customizes Stable Diffusion to generate specific images.
  • 📚 Discussion on finding pre-trained Luras and the possibility of training your own for personalized image generation.
  • 💻 Requirements for training a Lora model, including a gaming PC with Python, Visual Studio, and sufficient drive space.
  • 🔧 Installation process of Coya SS, a software providing a user interface for training and setting up Lora models.
  • 🖼️ Importance of using diverse and high-resolution images for training to ensure flexibility and quality of the model.
  • 🔄 Instructions on using the Lora tab in Coya SS for configuring and starting the training process.
  • 🌟 Highlight on the use of a celebrity or well-known image as a class prompt for better guidance during training.
  • 📈 Details on training parameters like train batch size, Epoch, and learning rate for optimizing the Lora model.
  • 🖌️ Utilization of blip captioning for image analysis and keyword extraction to enhance the training data context.
  • 🎨 Application of the trained Lora model in Stable Diffusion image generators to produce and compare different image outputs.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the training guide?

    -The main topic of the training guide is how to train a Local LORA (Low Rank Adaptation) for generating AI images using Stable Diffusion XL.

  • What is the purpose of training a LORA?

    -The purpose of training a LORA is to instruct Stable Diffusion on how a specific object, person, or anything should look, allowing for the creation of personalized, high-quality AI images.

  • What software is needed to start the training process?

    -To start the training process, you need to install a software called Kya SS, which provides a user interface for training and setting up parameters for your own models.

  • What are the system requirements for training a LORA model?

    -For training a LORA model, you need a gaming PC with Python installed, Visual Studio, and enough drive space. A multi-CPU or multi-GPU system is recommended for faster training.

  • How does one gather images for training a LORA model?

    -Images for training a LORA model can be sourced from high-resolution images online, such as Google Images, or by taking personal photos with various lighting, facial expressions, and backgrounds.

  • Why is it important to use a class prompt when training a LORA model?

    -Using a class prompt provides the model with guidance and parameters by relating it to other well-represented objects or celebrities in Stable Diffusion XL, resulting in more flexible and accurate outputs.

  • What is the role of regularization images in the training process?

    -Regularization images help prevent model overfitting by providing a diverse set of high-resolution images that represent the class of images being trained.

  • How does the training process handle images of different resolutions?

    -The training process in Stable Diffusion XL allows for images of different resolutions without the need for cropping, enabling the model to accommodate various image sizes effectively.

  • What are the LORA training parameters that need to be set?

    -LORA training parameters include train batch size, epochs, save frequency, caption extension, mix precision, text encoder learning rate, UNet learning rate, network rank, and network alpha.

  • How can one evaluate the quality of different LORA files generated?

    -The quality of different LORA files can be evaluated by using them in conjunction with a prompt in a stable diffusion image generator software and comparing the generated images side by side to find the best balance of flexibility and precision.



🤖 Introduction to Stable Diffusion XL and LURA

This paragraph introduces the viewer to Stable Diffusion XL, a generative AI model capable of producing high-quality images. It explains the concept of LURA (Low Rank Adaptation), a small file that can be trained to instruct Stable Diffusion on how to generate specific images of objects, people, or other content. The video aims to guide the viewer on training their own LURA for personalized image generation, emphasizing the potential of using a gaming PC for this purpose. The first step involves installing Kya SS, a software providing a user interface for model training and parameter setup.


🛠️ Setting Up Kya SS and Training Preparation

This section details the process of setting up Kya SS on a Windows machine with Python and Visual Studio installed. It outlines the steps to install Kya SS using the command prompt, including cloning the repository and running setup files. The video also discusses selecting the appropriate computer environment and GPU settings for optimal training performance. It emphasizes the importance of using high-resolution, varied images for training and provides tips on sourcing images, such as using Google Images or taking personal photos with different facial expressions and lighting conditions.


🌟 Configuring LURA Training Parameters

The paragraph explains the process of configuring LURA training parameters using the Kya SS interface. It covers the selection of instance prompts, which guide the AI in generating images, and the use of regularization images to prevent overfitting. The video provides instructions on setting up the training directory, utilizing blip captioning for image context understanding, and adjusting various training parameters such as batch size, epochs, and learning rates. It also discusses the trade-offs between flexibility and precision in LURA training and the impact of network rank and alpha on the model's detail and file size.


🎨 Evaluating and Comparing LURA Models

In this part, the video demonstrates how to evaluate and compare different LURA models using a stable diffusion image generator. It explains how to load the trained LURA files, set up prompts, and generate images for comparison. The video highlights the use of the XYZ plot feature to generate a series of images using different LURA files, allowing for a visual continuum of results. The viewer is encouraged to find a balance between flexibility and precision in their chosen LURA model and to share their experiences and questions in the comments section.



💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a generative AI model known for its ability to create high-quality images from textual descriptions. In the context of the video, it is the foundation upon which the Local LORA (Low-Rank Adaptation) training is based. The video aims to guide users on how to enhance Stable Diffusion's capabilities by training it with specific images to generate personalized content.

💡Local LORA (Low-Rank Adaptation)

Local LORA, or Low-Rank Adaptation, is a technique used to train a smaller model that can adapt and refine the output of a larger AI model like Stable Diffusion. By training LORA with specific images, users can instruct the AI to generate images of particular objects, people, or concepts. The video provides a step-by-step guide on training a LORA to create images of oneself or others.

💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that are capable of creating new content, such as images, music, or text, based on patterns learned from existing data. In the video, the focus is on using generative AI for image creation, where the AI learns from a dataset of images to produce new, unique visual content.

💡Training Data

Training data consists of the collection of images or other input used to teach a machine learning model how to perform a specific task. In the context of the video, high-resolution images of a person or object are used as training data to instruct the AI on how to generate images that match the desired characteristics.

💡GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)

A Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display device. In the video, a GPU is crucial for training AI models efficiently, as it allows for faster processing of the large amounts of data involved in generative AI.


Koya is a software mentioned in the video that provides a user interface for training and setting up parameters for AI models. It simplifies the process of training a LORA by managing the technical aspects and allowing users to focus on the creative aspects of generating images.

💡Class Prompt

A class prompt is a term used in the context of AI training to define the category or class of images that the AI is being trained to recognize and generate. It helps the AI understand the general type of content it should produce, providing guidance and parameters for the image generation process.

💡Regularization Images

Regularization images are additional images used during the training process to prevent the AI model from overfitting to the specific images used for training. These images help ensure that the AI can generalize its learning to produce varied and high-quality outputs.


Captioning in the context of AI training refers to the process of generating descriptive text based on the content of images. This text helps the AI understand the context and keywords associated with the images, which is crucial for generating accurate and relevant outputs.


In machine learning, an epoch is a complete pass of the entire dataset during the training process. The number of epochs determines how many times the AI will learn from the training data, which can impact the quality and accuracy of the final model.

💡Network Rank

Network rank is a parameter used in AI models that affects the detail level retained in the model. A higher network rank results in more detailed and higher-quality outputs, but it also increases the size of the AI model files, which can impact the amount of memory required for training and generation.


Introduction to Stable Diffusion XL, a generative AI model capable of producing stunning images.

Explaining the concept of Local LORA (Low-Rank Adaptation), a small file that can customize Stable Diffusion's image generation.

Guide on training a personalized LORA using high-quality images, even with a gaming PC.

Installation of necessary software, including Python and Visual Studio, for training models.

Detailed steps for setting up the Coya SS interface for model training.

Importance of using varied images with different lighting, expressions, and backgrounds for model flexibility.

Sourcing high-resolution images, either from the web or personal photos, for training purposes.

Instructions on using the Coya SS interface for configuring and starting the LORA training process.

Utilizing blip captioning for image analysis and keyword extraction to improve training context.

Explanation of training parameters such as batch size, epochs, and learning rates for optimizing the LORA model.

Importance of network rank and alpha for detail retention and file size management.

Process of selecting and using the trained LORA files with Stable Diffusion XL for image generation.

Comparison of different LORA files to find the optimal balance between flexibility and precision.

Method to generate a series of images using all trained LORA files for a side-by-side comparison.

Practical application of LORA models for creating personalized and high-quality AI-generated images.

Discussion on the trade-offs between using different LORA files and their impact on image quality and artistic freedom.