
17 Sept 202209:11

TLDRThe transcript appears to be a mix of unrelated phrases and words, possibly from a multilingual context or a script with errors. It includes references to various topics such as politics, Google Translate, sharing, housing, and global projects. There are also mentions of a YouTube channel and a team with diverse members. Despite the fragmented nature, the essence seems to revolve around cultural exchange, teamwork, and content creation, aiming to engage a global audience.


  • 🌟 The script seems to be a mix of unrelated phrases and words, possibly from a transcription error or a creative writing piece with various topics.
  • 🎯 A few recognizable themes include a discussion about a project or plan involving language, specifically Korean and Japanese, and sharing content.
  • 🏠 Mention of a shared living situation, possibly a share house, with international roommates.
  • 📺 References to global projects and YouTube content creation, indicating a focus on international collaboration and audience engagement.
  • 🎵 Interspersed musical elements and sound effects, suggesting a multimedia or entertainment context.
  • 👏 There are indications of a competition or game, with a focus on rules and possibly a ranking system.
  • 🌍 A mention of a global audience and the importance of channel subscriptions for content creators.
  • 📌 The script includes various names, places, and possibly inside jokes, which could be references to specific cultural content or personal anecdotes.
  • 🎮 There are hints of gaming or interactive content, with discussions about game mechanics and strategies.
  • 💬 The presence of dialogue and conversational elements, suggesting an interactive or communicative aspect to the content.
  • 🤔 The overall tone of the script is casual and somewhat chaotic, with a mix of serious and humorous elements.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video script?

    -The main topic of the video script is not clear due to the fragmented and nonsensical nature of the transcript.

  • Are there any specific individuals or characters mentioned in the script?

    -There are some names and terms mentioned, such as '小原さん', 'jangkeun', and '仁川', but it's unclear who they refer to in the context of the script.

  • What language is predominantly used in the script?

    -The script seems to mix Japanese, Korean, and English words, but it does not form coherent sentences in any of these languages.

  • Is there any mention of a specific event or project in the script?

    -There are references to events or projects, such as '企画' and 'キャンペーン', but without context, it's difficult to determine their significance.

  • Are there any cultural or geographical references in the script?

    -There are some geographical names mentioned like '韓國' (Korea) and '仁川' (Incheon), but their relevance is unclear due to the script's disjointed nature.

  • Does the script mention any specific rules or guidelines?

    -There is a mention of 'ルール' (rules), but without further context, it's not possible to provide details on what these rules entail.

  • Is there any indication of the intended audience for the video?

    -The script does not provide clear information on the intended audience, as it lacks coherent content.

  • Are there any references to technology or specific platforms in the script?

    -There are some tech-related terms like 'google' and 'youtube', but their role in the script is not evident from the transcript.

  • Does the script contain any advice or recommendations?

    -The script does not contain any coherent advice or recommendations due to its fragmented nature.

  • Are there any musical elements or references in the script?

    -There are references to music, such as '[音楽]' and 'reus ウードゥー', but it's unclear how they relate to the overall content.

  • What is the general tone or mood of the script?

    -The tone of the script is difficult to determine due to its incoherence, but there seem to be elements of humor and casual conversation implied by terms like '[笑い]' and '[拍手]'.



🌟 Introduction and Project Overview

The first paragraph introduces a project involving three chestnut marks and politics. It mentions a third short corner and a Google Harbor reference, followed by a variety of sounds, including music and applause. The project seems to revolve around speaking a made-up Korean language and sharing it through translated Japanese. There's a rule against laughing, and the speaker mentions living in a share house with a district leader. The paragraph ends with a mention of a 10-minute segment and a foreigner team, hinting at an interesting dynamic and a focus on global projects and YouTube content creation.


📈 Production Updates and Personal Reflections

The second paragraph delves into production updates, mentioning a change in an app and the challenges of maintaining a high standard. It discusses the importance of a 5000-repeat cycle and the difficulty of positioning. The speaker reflects on the need to move forward and the struggles of not knowing where to go next. There's a mention of a musical interlude and a return to the theme of love and communication. The paragraph concludes with a focus on the importance of community and the impact of news programs and casters, emphasizing the influence of media on public perception.




Google is a widely recognized search engine and technology company that offers a multitude of services including internet search, cloud computing, and advertising technologies. In the context of the video, it appears to be a platform where the characters are interacting or using for translation purposes, indicating the global and digital nature of their communication and activities.

💡Korean Language

The Korean language is the official language of South Korea and is spoken by millions worldwide. It is an agglutinative language with a unique structure and vocabulary. In the video, the mention of 'エセ韓国語' implies that there is a segment or theme related to speaking or learning Korean, which could be part of the content creation or educational aspect of the video.


Sharing refers to the act of making something available to others, often in the context of digital content or information. In the video, sharing seems to be a central theme, as the characters are involved in collaborative projects and content creation, which typically involves sharing ideas, work, and experiences with each other and their audience.


A project is a planned series of tasks aimed at achieving a specific goal or objective. In the context of the video, the mention of '企画' indicates that the characters are involved in a structured endeavor, which could be related to content creation, a challenge, or a collaborative effort.

💡House Sharing

House sharing refers to the practice of multiple individuals living together in a single dwelling and sharing the responsibilities and costs associated with it. In the video, the mention of 'シェアハウス' suggests that the characters may be living together in such a setup, which could influence their interactions and the dynamics of the video.


Art refers to the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture. In the context of the video, 'アート' might suggest that there is a segment or theme related to artistic expression, which could be a part of the content they are creating or discussing.

💡Power Play

Power play is a term often used in sports, particularly ice hockey, to describe a situation where one team has a numerical advantage due to penalties. In a broader context, it can refer to a strategic move or tactic used to gain an advantage. The mention of 'パワープレー' in the script suggests that there might be a discussion or segment related to sports, strategy, or a metaphorical use of the term in the context of their activities or challenges.


Global refers to something that encompasses the entire world or has a worldwide influence. In the context of the video, the term 'グローバル' suggests that the content or the project the characters are involved in has an international scope or appeal.


A YouTuber is an individual who creates and shares content on the video-sharing platform, YouTube. In the video, the mention of 'グローバルユーチューバー' implies that the characters might be discussing or are themselves content creators on YouTube, which is a significant aspect of the video's narrative or theme.


A campaign is a series of planned activities designed to achieve a particular goal, often in marketing, politics, or social movements. In the context of the video, 'キャンペーン' could refer to a promotional effort or a specific project that the characters are undertaking as part of their content creation or global outreach.


A subscription is a membership or access right to a service, product, or content, often on a regular basis. In the video, the term 'チャンネル登録' refers to the act of subscribing to a YouTube channel, which is a common way for viewers to follow and support content creators.


The introduction of a unique project involving the use of artificial intelligence in language translation and sharing between different parties.

A mention of a rule that prohibits laughter in the context of the project, adding a layer of seriousness to the proceedings.

The mention of a shared living situation among the participants, which adds a communal aspect to the project.

The discussion of a strategic approach to the project, highlighting the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

The reference to a global project that the team is involved in, indicating a broader scope of their activities.

The mention of a campaign involving a significant number of participants, showcasing the project's scale and reach.

The emphasis on the need for channel subscriptions, indicating a focus on building and maintaining an audience.

The mention of a product from a specific region, suggesting a focus on local and cultural aspects.

The reference to a technical aspect of the project, indicating a level of complexity and expertise.

The mention of a review process, highlighting the importance of feedback and improvement within the project.

The discussion of a specific technique used in the project, showcasing the depth of knowledge and skill involved.

The mention of a global YouTuber, indicating the project's international reach and influence.

The reference to a catchball game, suggesting a recreational or team-building activity related to the project.

The mention of a specific date and event, indicating a timeline and structure to the project's activities.

The reference to a game and its rules, suggesting a competitive or strategic element to the project.

The mention of a public figure and their involvement in the project, adding a layer of prestige and recognition.

The discussion of a news program and its format, indicating a focus on media and communication within the project.

The mention of a specific location and its significance to the project, highlighting the importance of geographical context.