
12 May 202304:55

TLDRThe script appears to be a fragmented and surreal collection of phrases and sentences, possibly from a dream-like or abstract narrative. It touches on themes of silent conversations, gratitude, and imagery, with references to a baby, a variety of foods, and the internet. The text also includes elements of mystery and introspection, with mentions of hidden things, non-existence, and the moon. There are also expressions of emotion, such as jealousy and love, and a call for not giving up. The script ends with a hopeful note about promises and learning, despite the characters not having learned from their mistakes. The overall tone is poetic and enigmatic, inviting viewers to delve into its depths.


  • 🎵 The script seems to be a mix of unrelated phrases and sentences, possibly from a song or poem.
  • 🌟 It includes expressions of gratitude and mentions of silence and communication.
  • 🍃 There are references to nature, such as a 'good baby' lying in a field of kenpeki (a type of flower).
  • 🍽️ The script asks about daily life activities, specifically what was eaten today.
  • 🥒 It mentions waiting at a place called 'Zucchini', which could be a location or a metaphor.
  • 🏞️ There's a mention of not eating anything and a坂 (slope or hill), possibly indicating a setting or a situation.
  • 🌐 The script talks about the internet connection being very calm, which might imply a peaceful environment.
  • 🐝 A hidden honey (or 'hachimitsu') is seen but not acknowledged, possibly symbolizing something unspoken or unnoticed.
  • 🌙 The mention of the moon and its types could be a metaphor for different aspects or phases of a situation or life.
  • 👤 The script touches on themes of loneliness, not knowing if someone is crossing over, and the concept of truth and lies.
  • 💖 There's a strong emphasis on love and affection, with phrases like 'I love you' and 'I can't help but love you'.
  • 🎶 Music and applause are interwoven throughout the script, suggesting a performance or a narrative with rhythm and emotion.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the silent conversation mentioned in the script?

    -The silent conversation signifies a non-verbal form of communication that is deeply understood by the characters involved, possibly indicating a strong bond or shared experience.

  • What does the phrase '濡れてくれてありがとう' imply?

    -This Japanese phrase translates to 'Thank you for getting wet' and may suggest a metaphorical expression of gratitude for someone's actions or sacrifices.

  • How does the script connect the characters with the image of a good baby lying in a sunflower field?

    -The script might be using the image of a good baby in a sunflower field as a symbol of innocence, growth, and positivity, possibly relating to the characters' experiences or their aspirations.

  • What is the relevance of the question '今日何を食べましたか' in the context of the script?

    -This question, meaning 'What did you eat today?' in Japanese, could represent a mundane yet essential aspect of life, showing a shift in focus from the abstract or complex to the simple and everyday.

  • What could be the reason for the mention of 'ズッキーニ' and waiting?

    -The mention of 'ズッキーニ' (zucchini) and waiting might symbolize anticipation or patience, possibly referring to a situation where characters are waiting for something significant or looking forward to an event.

  • How does the script use the concept of '隠れたハチミツ' (hidden honey)?

    -The '隠れたハチミツ' could represent hidden sweetness or rewards in life, suggesting that there are unnoticed or unexpected joys even in difficult or mundane situations.

  • What is the significance of the moon types mentioned in the script?

    -The moon types might symbolize different phases of life or emotions, indicating the complexity and variability of human experiences.

  • Why does the script mention someone being single again?

    -The mention of someone being single again could reflect a personal change or transformation, possibly indicating a return to independence or a new beginning after a relationship.

  • What could the phrase '独身にしました再び' signify?

    -This phrase, translating to 'made single again,' might suggest a deliberate choice or a significant event that led to a change in the character's relationship status, potentially impacting their life trajectory.

  • What is the importance of the '愛してる' (I love you) declaration in the script?

    -The declaration of '愛してる' signifies a strong emotional connection or affection between characters, emphasizing the importance of love and communication in their relationships.

  • How does the script use the concept of learning and not learning in the context of the characters' experiences?

    -The script might be highlighting the contrast between formal education and real-life experiences, suggesting that some lessons can only be learned through living and not just from books or lectures.



🎶 Incomprehensible Imagery and Conversation

The paragraph presents a stream of consciousness filled with disjointed phrases and references. It begins with an appreciation for a silent conversation and a photograph, followed by mentions of a baby lying in a sunflower field and an inquiry about today's meal. The text then shifts to a warning against neglecting food and a mention of an internet connection. It continues with a mysterious observation of hidden honey and a non-existent moon type. The paragraph concludes with a reflection on loneliness and an ambiguous mention of someone crossing over, leaving the speaker single again. There's also a note about a hidden treasure and a declaration of love, ending with a mention of music.




In the context of the video, silence refers to the lack of spoken communication between individuals, creating a unique atmosphere. It is a powerful form of non-verbal expression that can convey deep emotions and thoughts without the need for words. The script mentions '無言の会話,' which illustrates the importance of silence in communication, as it allows for a different level of understanding and connection.


Gratitude is the feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for something or someone. In the video, it is expressed through the phrase '濡れてくれてありがとう,' which conveys a sense of thankfulness for a gesture or an act of kindness. This keyword emphasizes the importance of recognizing and expressing gratitude in our interactions with others, fostering positive relationships and a sense of community.


Imagery in the video refers to the use of vivid and descriptive language to create mental pictures and evoke emotions. It is a literary device that helps the audience to visualize scenes and concepts, enhancing their understanding and engagement with the content. The script mentions 'イメージ,' which suggests the use of visual or sensory descriptions to create a specific atmosphere or convey a particular message.

💡Daily Life

Daily life encompasses the routine activities and experiences that make up an individual's everyday existence. The video touches on this concept with the question '今日何を食べましたか,' which translates to 'What did you eat today?' This keyword highlights the mundane yet essential aspects of life, such as meals and conversations, that shape our daily experiences and interactions with the world around us.


Patience is the ability to withstand delays, obstacles, or challenges without getting annoyed or upset. In the video, the concept of patience is implied through the phrase 'ズッキーニに待ちどこで,' which suggests waiting for something with a sense of endurance and calmness. This keyword emphasizes the importance of patience in our lives, as it allows us to navigate through difficult situations with grace and resilience.

💡Internet Connection

The term 'Internet Connection' refers to the link between a device and the internet, enabling access to online resources and communication. In the video, the phrase '起こりませんインターネット接続非常に' suggests a focus on the reliability and quality of this connection, which is crucial in our increasingly digital world. This keyword highlights the significance of stable internet access for effective communication, work, and social interactions.


Honey, in the context of the video, could symbolize sweetness, purity, or a valuable resource. The phrase '隠れたハチミツ' suggests the presence of hidden honey or sweetness, which may metaphorically represent the small joys or treasures in life that we may overlook. This keyword emphasizes the importance of appreciating and seeking out the positive aspects of our existence, even when they are not immediately apparent.


The moon is often used as a symbol of change, cycles, and mystery in various cultures and contexts. In the video, the phrase '月の種類は本当ですか' might be questioning the different phases of the moon, which could represent the diverse stages of life or the complexities of human emotions. This keyword invites the audience to reflect on the cyclical nature of life and the importance of understanding the different phases we go through.


Solitude refers to the state of being alone, often by choice, and can be a time for introspection, self-discovery, and personal growth. The video touches on this concept with the phrase 'が一人,' which suggests a focus on individual experiences and the importance of solitude in our lives. This keyword highlights the value of spending time alone to gain a better understanding of oneself and to find peace amidst the chaos of the world.


Crossing, in this context, can refer to the act of moving from one place to another, either physically or metaphorically. The phrase '渡ってのかわからない' suggests a sense of uncertainty or a transformative journey. This keyword emphasizes the importance of change and transition in our lives, as we navigate through different stages and experiences, learning and growing along the way.


Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that encompasses a range of feelings, from romantic affection to deep compassion and care for others. In the video, the phrase '愛してる' is a direct expression of love, which underscores the significance of this emotion in human relationships and connections. This keyword highlights the power of love to bring people together, create bonds, and enrich our lives.


A promise is a commitment or assurance that one will do something or behave in a certain way. In the video, the concept of a promise is implied through the phrase 'この約束が叶いますように,' which suggests a hope or desire for a promise to be fulfilled. This keyword emphasizes the importance of trust, reliability, and the fulfillment of commitments in our relationships and personal growth.


The transcript begins with a mention of a music theme, setting the tone for the content that follows.

A photo of an old woman is referenced, indicating a possible focus on storytelling or character study.

The phrase 'silent conversation' suggests a theme of nonverbal communication or introspection.

The mention of 'thanking' implies an element of gratitude or appreciation within the context.

The description of a 'good baby' lying in a sunflower field introduces a note of innocence or purity.

The question 'What did you eat today?' could be an exploration of everyday life and mundane experiences.

The phrase 'waiting at the zucchini' hints at a potential narrative or anecdote involving anticipation.

The instruction 'do not eat anything' might suggest a theme of restraint or discipline.

The mention of 'no internet connection' could indicate a focus on technology or its absence.

The term 'calmly' introduces a sense of tranquility or peacefulness into the narrative.

The phrase 'hidden honey' may symbolize secrets or sweetness in the midst of the content.

The question about the existence of moon types could explore scientific or mythological themes.

The mention of 'crossing alone' suggests themes of solitude or individuality.

The phrase 'lying single again' could indicate a narrative about personal relationships or change.

The mention of 'plowing it all' might symbolize hard work, agriculture, or a fresh start.

The phrase 'hidden gold' introduces a theme of value, wealth, or hidden treasures.

The mention of an 'image dress' could suggest a focus on fashion, appearance, or self-expression.

The phrase 'safety at the beginning' hints at a concern for security or caution.

The mention of 'weak and unseen relatives' introduces a theme of family dynamics or vulnerability.

The reference to 'real video meetings' might indicate a focus on modern communication or work life.

The phrase 'boring days' could reflect on the monotony or search for excitement in daily life.

The mention of 'romantic and unromantic jobs' explores the contrast between idealism and reality.

The phrase 'it's my turn to flow' might suggest a theme of taking one's chance or seizing the moment.

The mention of 'beautiful sweat' could symbolize hard work, effort, or the physical aspect of life.

The phrase 'Ruby-made Mary' introduces a note of creativity or artistic expression.

The mention of 'the best time' suggests a focus on enjoying the present or cherishing moments.

The question 'Have you ever been on a date?' explores personal experiences and social interactions.

The phrase 'true lies' might delve into themes of deception, honesty, or the complexity of truth.

The mention of 'learning not to be surprised' could reflect on adaptability or the acceptance of change.

The phrase 'I love you' in a single unit might symbolize the simplicity or purity of love.

The mention of 'applause and music' could indicate a performance, celebration, or conclusion.