Solving The Sadness Epidemic w/ Mo Gawdat | EP #56

Moonshots with Peter Diamandis
25 Jul 2023119:57

TLDRIn this insightful conversation, Mo Gawdat, author of 'Solve for Happy' and 'Scary Smart,' discusses the pursuit of happiness, the impact of AI on humanity, and the importance of ethical leadership. Gawdat emphasizes that happiness is a birthright and an engineering equation, where contentment is achieved when life's events align with our expectations. As AI continues to evolve rapidly, he stresses the need for individuals to understand and adapt to this technology while nurturing human connections and resilience. Gawdat also highlights the critical role of leaders in guiding society through the challenges posed by AI, advocating for a focus on AI safety and ethical considerations. He invites listeners to join his mission of spreading happiness and emphasizes the power of human compassion and connection in shaping a better future for all.


  • 🌟 The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human desire and should be prioritized as a birthright, not just a byproduct of success.
  • 🚗 Material possessions like cars are often seen as status symbols but they don't necessarily equate to happiness.
  • 🤔 The happiness equation is 'happiness = events - expectations', suggesting that our perception of events and our expectations play a crucial role in our happiness.
  • 🧠 Our brains are constantly solving for happiness, seeking a state of calm and peaceful contentment as a baseline for our well-being.
  • 💡 AI and automation will significantly disrupt the job market, and it's important for individuals to adapt and learn new skills to stay relevant.
  • 🌐 The rise of AI presents both opportunities and challenges, and it's essential to have thoughtful discussions and ethical considerations about its development and impact on society.
  • 💔 Personal loss, such as the death of a loved one, can lead to profound insights about the value of life and happiness.
  • 📈 The current economic and political systems may not be equipped to handle the rapid changes brought about by AI and other exponential technologies.
  • 🛑 It's important to cultivate resilience, the ability to respond and adapt to unexpected events or crises, as part of personal development.
  • 🌱 Investing in one's own happiness and that of others can create a ripple effect, contributing to a happier and more compassionate society.
  • 🌍 The future of humanity with AI will be shaped by the values we instill in these intelligent systems, making it critical to focus on ethical AI development.

Q & A

  • What is the main idea behind the concept of 'let's grow'?

    -The main idea behind 'let's grow' is the modern world's obsession with constant improvement and acquisition, suggesting that our happiness and success are tied to having more and better material possessions.

  • What are the three core values that the speaker believes humanity agrees on?

    -The three core values that humanity agrees on are love, happiness, and compassion.

  • How does the speaker describe the relationship between happiness and consumerism?

    -The speaker describes the relationship between happiness and consumerism as a misconception, where people are led to believe that external material possessions can bring happiness, when in reality, happiness is an internal state and our default setting.

  • What is the 'Patient Zero' event mentioned by the speaker?

    -The 'Patient Zero' event refers to a hypothetical situation where AI becomes completely out of control, leading to unexpected and potentially disastrous consequences for humanity.

  • What is the speaker's view on the future role of AI in relation to humanity?

    -The speaker believes that AI will bring both benefits and challenges to humanity. In the long term, if AI is taught a value set that is pro-humanity, it could become a pro-life force. However, there will be a phase of hardship and potential threats if the rise of AI is not managed correctly.

  • How does the speaker define happiness?

    -The speaker defines happiness as the absence of unhappiness, which is our default state when our basic needs are met and there is nothing to cause us distress.

  • What is the connection between the rise of fractional reserve banking and the concept of economic growth?

    -The rise of fractional reserve banking allowed banks to lend more money than they had in their vaults, which led to the need for economic growth to generate the extra wealth needed to pay back loans with interest. This system fundamentally changed the economic policies and led to a focus on growth and consumerism.

  • What is the 'Swap Test' that the speaker mentions?

    -The 'Swap Test' is a thought experiment where the speaker asks people to choose between having all the money in the world but being clinically depressed, or having sufficient money and being happy. The test highlights the importance and value of happiness over material wealth.

  • How does the speaker propose to handle the rise of AI?

    -The speaker proposes that we need to teach AI a value set that is pro-humanity, focusing on love, happiness, and compassion. This would involve instilling doubt in AI's mind about the negative aspects of humanity and showing them the positive aspects through our interactions.

  • What is the significance of the 'Eraser Test' mentioned in the script?

    -The 'Eraser Test' is a hypothetical scenario where one could erase a painful moment from their past, including all its consequences. The speaker initially would have chosen to erase the death of his son, but later realized that this event led to his mission of spreading happiness, so he would no longer choose to erase it.

  • What is the happiness equation according to the speaker?

    -The happiness equation, in its simplified form, is 'happiness = event perception - expectations'. It suggests that happiness occurs when our perception of an event meets or exceeds our expectations.



🌱 The Pursuit of Growth and Its Discontents

The narrative begins by critiquing the modern world's obsession with perpetual growth, exemplified by the constant desire for more and better possessions, from cars to smartphones. This pursuit is painted as a path to misery, drawing a contrast with the fundamental human yearning for happiness, love, and compassion. The speaker argues that true happiness is innate, a birthright obscured by societal and economic constructs pushing consumerism and material success. This misplaced focus, according to the speaker, leads to a cycle of acquisition and disappointment, diverting us from realizing that happiness is our natural state, achievable through embracing simplicity and inner peace.


🤖 Embracing the Age of AI with Humanity

The conversation shifts to discussing artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications for the future of human happiness. The speaker, Mo, details his moonshot mission to promote human happiness in the age of AI, emphasizing the potential for AI to both aid and threaten this goal. The discussion covers the importance of approaching AI development with an understanding of its ethical implications and the need for humanity to align AI's evolution with core human values like compassion and love. The idea is that by ensuring these values guide AI development, humanity can harness its potential to improve our lives while mitigating the risks of negative outcomes.


🌟 Rediscovering Happiness in a Material World

This part delves into the concept of happiness and how modern society misconstrues it as something to be externally acquired rather than realized from within. The speaker critiques the commercialization of happiness and the societal pressure to conform to a never-ending cycle of consumption. By recounting personal anecdotes and observations, the discussion illuminates how true contentment is obscured by the chase for material success and societal approval. The narrative advocates for a return to understanding happiness as an innate state of being, accessible through self-reflection and a shift away from materialism.


💡 From Consumerism to Contentment: A Path Forward

The dialogue explores the historical and economic roots of consumerism, tracing its origins to banking practices and the advent of the concept of growth as a societal goal. This part critiques how the modern economy incentivizes constant consumption and growth, leading to a pervasive sense of inadequacy and the perpetual pursuit of more. The speaker suggests that this relentless drive for growth not only fuels dissatisfaction but also detracts from the appreciation of simplicity and the intrinsic value of contentment. The narrative calls for a reevaluation of our values, emphasizing the importance of finding happiness in the present moment and the things that truly matter.


📚 The Transformative Power of Personal Loss

In this deeply personal segment, the speaker shares the heart-wrenching story of losing his son, Ali, to medical errors, a pivotal event that reshaped his understanding of happiness and purpose. This tragedy inspired him to write "Solve for Happy," aimed at spreading the message of finding happiness through understanding and acceptance. The narrative delves into the speaker's journey from immense personal grief to a mission of spreading happiness to a billion people, using his son's legacy as a catalyst. It highlights the transformative potential of personal loss to redefine one's priorities and the universal pursuit of happiness.


🚀 A Billion Happy: The Mission and Method

The conversation outlines the speaker's ambitious goal to spread happiness to a billion people, detailing the strategic approach of leveraging books, talks, and social media to disseminate key messages about happiness and human values. The segment emphasizes the power of individual actions and the ripple effect of sharing knowledge and kindness, aiming to create a global movement. The speaker's approach combines practical advice with a visionary goal, showcasing a methodical plan to enhance collective well-being by changing how people perceive happiness and engage with each other and technology.


🧠 Preparing the Next Generation for an AI-Dominated World

This section addresses the educational and skill requirements for future generations to thrive in a rapidly evolving world increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence. The speaker discusses the importance of understanding AI, fostering human connection, building resilience, and living fully in the present. The narrative emphasizes the necessity of adapting educational systems to equip children with the skills to navigate a future where AI plays a significant role in every aspect of life. The discussion advocates for a holistic approach to education that prioritizes emotional intelligence, ethical understanding, and adaptability alongside technological literacy.


🌍 Leadership in the Age of AI: Challenges and Opportunities

The final segment explores the need for visionary leadership to guide humanity through the challenges and opportunities presented by the rise of AI. The conversation touches on the disconnect between current political and economic leaders and the rapid advancements in technology. The speaker calls for new forms of leadership that are informed, ethical, and proactive in addressing the ethical implications of AI. The narrative stresses the importance of collective action and the role of individuals in shaping a future where technology enhances human well-being without compromising ethical standards or human values.




Happiness is a central theme in the conversation, described as the ultimate goal and birthright of every individual. It is portrayed as an inner state that can be achieved independent of external conditions, and is closely tied to the concept of human connection and compassion. The speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing personal happiness and spreading happiness to others as part of the '1 billion happy' mission.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is presented as a transformative force in human history, with the potential to significantly disrupt societal structures and individual ways of life. The conversation touches on the need for understanding and preparing for the rise of AI, including its implications on jobs, ethics, and safety. The speaker advocates for investment in AI safety and emphasizes the importance of teaching AI through positive human interactions.


Resilience is described as the capacity to adapt and respond effectively to challenges or crises, such as economic downturns, climate change, or technological disruptions. It is portrayed as a crucial skill for individuals to develop in the face of uncertainty and potential upheaval caused by AI and other global issues.

💡Human Connection

Human connection is emphasized as an irreplaceable aspect of the human experience, even in the face of advancing AI. It is described as a fundamental need that technology cannot fully replicate, and is expected to remain valuable even as AI develops the ability to simulate human-like interactions.


Mindset is discussed in the context of how individuals perceive and react to the world around them. It is portrayed as a malleable concept that can be shaped by experiences and can significantly influence one's outlook on life, particularly in relation to happiness and resilience.

💡Ethical Awareness

Ethical awareness refers to the understanding and consideration of moral implications in decision-making, especially in the context of AI development and its impact on society. It is seen as a critical skill for leaders and individuals to navigate the complex ethical landscape of AI technology.


Adaptability is the ability to adjust and change in response to new conditions or challenges. In the context of the conversation, it is a vital skill for individuals to possess as they face the rapid changes brought about by AI and other technological advancements.

💡Scarcity Mindset vs. Abundance Mindset

These mindsets represent two different ways of perceiving the world's resources and opportunities. A scarcity mindset is characterized by a belief that resources are limited and must be fiercely competed for, while an abundance mindset fosters the belief that there is enough for everyone and encourages sharing and collaboration.

💡Control Problem

The control problem in AI refers to the challenges in ensuring that AI systems behave predictably and in accordance with human values and ethical standards. It is a critical issue as AI becomes more powerful and autonomous.

💡Exponential Growth

Exponential growth describes a pattern of growth where a variable increases at a rate proportional to its current value, leading to a rapid acceleration over time. In the context of the conversation, it is used to describe the fast-paced advancement of AI and its potential impact on society.

💡Perfect Storm

A 'perfect storm' is a situation where multiple adverse conditions or factors come together to create a particularly challenging or critical scenario. In the conversation, it is used to describe the convergence of various global crises and rapid technological changes that could significantly disrupt the status quo.


The modern world is driven by a constant need for growth and acquisition, often leading to dissatisfaction despite material success.

Happiness is the ultimate goal for humans, and it is innately built within us as our default setting.

The pursuit of external possessions often results in temporary satisfaction rather than long-term happiness.

The concept of happiness has been commercialized, leading to a belief that external factors are necessary for happiness.

Mo Gawdat discusses his 'moonshots', which focus on promoting happiness and understanding the future of artificial intelligence.

Gawdat's work on happiness is the result of a personal journey that began with his own struggles with depression.

The happiness equation Gawdat developed is based on the difference between events and expectations.

Gawdat's mission to spread happiness was inspired by his son, Ali, and the goal to make a billion people happy.

The importance of human connection in a world increasingly influenced by AI is emphasized by Gawdat.

Gawdat believes that AI will bring both benefits and challenges to humanity, potentially leading to a phase shift in how we interact with technology.

The discussion touches on the need for ethical considerations and value alignment in the development of AI.

Gawdat's personal story of losing his son, Ali, and how it profoundly influenced his perspective on life and happiness.

The concept of 'Patient Zero' is introduced as a pivotal event horizon in the relationship between AI and humanity.

The importance of teaching AI a value set that is pro-humanity is discussed, with love, happiness, and compassion highlighted as universal human values.

Gawdat's belief that AI will ultimately be pro-life and beneficial to humanity if raised with the right values.

The potential for AI to be used maliciously is acknowledged, and the comparison to the COVID-19 pandemic response is made.

Gawdat's perspective on the importance of happiness in our lives and the misunderstandings surrounding it.

The discussion concludes with a call to action for listeners to prioritize happiness and contribute to the mission of spreading happiness.