Stable Diffusion 3 Image To Image: Supercharged Image Editing

All Your Tech AI
29 Apr 202410:45

TLDRThis video explores the innovative capabilities of Stability AI's Stable Diffusion 3, particularly focusing on the new image-to-image feature. Unlike the standard text-to-image process, this feature allows users to modify an existing image by using text prompts, significantly enhancing the creative possibilities. The presenter, through various examples, demonstrates how the feature can alter images subtly or drastically, including changing expressions, swapping elements, and adding complex elements like scenery changes. The walkthrough highlights the tool's potential for both fun experimentation and practical applications in image editing.


  • 🚀 Stable Diffusion 3 by Stability AI includes two models: one for text-to-image generation and another for image-to-image editing.
  • 🖼️ Image-to-image editing allows users to modify existing images using a text prompt along with a source image.
  • 📚 The process involves conditioning the image using both the text prompt and the input image to generate a new, edited image.
  • 🌐 Pixel Doo is a platform where users can experiment with diffusion models, including upscaling, enhancing photos, and style transfer.
  • 🐢 An example given was transforming an image of a tortoise to make it appear as if it's holding bananas.
  • 🙃 The model can attempt to change expressions in a face, such as from smiling to frowning, using an input image and a text prompt.
  • 🧙‍♂️ The system can add or modify elements in an image, such as surrounding a character with apples or placing them in a modern city.
  • 🎃 It can also make more complex changes like replacing a television head with a pumpkin head in an image.
  • 🍽️ The model can edit food images, such as adding mushrooms to a steak dinner or swapping steak for chicken.
  • 📱 However, the model has limitations and may not always incorporate objects that are not typically associated with the context, like cell phones in a dinner image.
  • 💰 Access to Stable Diffusion 3 and its image-to-image model is available via API from Stability AI, with a minimum cost for API credits.
  • 🌟 Pixel Doo offers a subscription service that provides access to Stable Diffusion 3 models, including image-to-image editing.

Q & A

  • What are the two separate models or API endpoints launched by Stability AI with Stable Diffusion 3?

    -Stability AI launched two separate models with Stable Diffusion 3: one for text-to-image generation using a text prompt, and the other for image-to-image editing which also utilizes a source image along with a text prompt.

  • How does the image-to-image model differ from the text-to-image model in Stable Diffusion 3?

    -The image-to-image model differs from the text-to-image model by incorporating a source image in addition to a text prompt. This allows the model to apply changes or transformations based on both the text and the content of the input image.

  • What is the name of the website used to test the image-to-image feature of Stable Diffusion 3?

    -The website used to test the image-to-image feature is called Pixel Doo, which is a project created by the speaker.

  • What are some of the capabilities of Pixel Doo other than accessing Stable Diffusion 3 and image-to-image?

    -Pixel Doo allows users to upscale and enhance photos, create different poses for people using consistent characters, perform style transfer, and access various diffusion models.

  • How does the image-to-image model handle requests to remove elements from an image?

    -The image-to-image model attempts to modify the source image based on the text prompt. However, it may not always perform removals as expected; for example, when asked to create an image of a tortoise without a shell, the model did not remove the shell but still generated an image that was influenced by the original.

  • What is the process for generating an image using the image-to-image feature on Pixel Doo?

    -To generate an image, you start by selecting a source image and choosing 'Stable Diffusion 3' from the dropdown menu. Then, you add a text prompt describing the desired changes or additions to the image and click 'Generate' to create the modified image.

  • How does the image-to-image model handle complex changes such as changing a person's expression from smiling to frowning?

    -The model can infer and apply changes in expressions to some extent. In the example given, the model managed to create an image of a red-haired girl frowning, showing the ability to interpret and apply changes in facial expressions based on the text prompt.

  • What are the limitations observed when using the image-to-image model to introduce inanimate objects into a scene where they wouldn't typically belong?

    -The model tends to avoid introducing completely unrelated objects into a scene. For instance, it did not insert cell phones or a computer into a dinner scene, even when explicitly prompted, suggesting a level of inherent logic or plausibility in the image generation process.

  • How does the image-to-image model handle requests to change fundamental aspects of an image, such as swapping a television head for a pumpkin head?

    -The model can handle such requests quite well, as demonstrated by the example where it successfully replaced a television head with a pumpkin head while maintaining the overall style and aesthetic of the original image.

  • What is the cost associated with using the Stable Diffusion 3 and image-to-image models via the Stability AI API?

    -To use the models via Stability AI's API, there is a minimum charge of $10 for API credits. Users can then either use a provided user interface or build their own system to utilize the API.

  • How does the subscription to Pixel Doo compare to using the Stability AI API?

    -Pixel Doo offers a subscription service at $99.5 a month, which gives users access to create images using Stable Diffusion 3, image-to-image, and other included models and upscalers without the need to purchase API credits from Stability AI.

  • What is the future outlook of image editing as suggested by the capabilities of Stable Diffusion 3's image-to-image model?

    -The future of image editing is suggested to involve more direct manipulation of images using text prompts, allowing for creative steering of the image generation process, although it is noted that the level of control is not yet as refined as might be desired for professional creative work.



🖼️ Introduction to Stable Diffusion 3's Image-to-Image Feature

This paragraph introduces the dual functionality of Stability AI's Stable Diffusion 3 launch, highlighting two distinct models: text-to-image and image-to-image. The latter is the focus, where an input image is modified based on a text prompt, a process known as conditioning. The speaker guides listeners through a demonstration on pixel doo, a platform for experimenting with diffusion models, to illustrate how image-to-image works. They generate images by altering the original subjects, such as a tortoise holding bananas and a woman changing her facial expression, showcasing the potential for creative image editing.


📚 Exploring Image-to-Image Modifications and Limitations

The second paragraph delves deeper into experimenting with the image-to-image feature. It explores the modification of existing images by changing elements within them, such as replacing a man's television head with a pumpkin head and superimposing text on a subject's shirt. The speaker also tests the limits of the model by attempting to introduce unrelated objects into the images, like cell phones or computers as dinner items, which the model resists. The paragraph emphasizes the model's proficiency in text generation and its ability to maintain the original image's aesthetic while introducing new concepts.


💡 The Future of Image Editing with Stable Diffusion 3

The final paragraph discusses the potential future of image editing with tools like Stable Diffusion 3, suggesting that the ability to guide images using text prompts is a significant advancement. It acknowledges the current limitations for fine control needed by professional artists but celebrates the creative possibilities. The speaker also provides information on how to access Stable Diffusion 3 and its image-to-image feature, mentioning the API availability and costs associated with Stability AI, and promoting pixel doo as an alternative platform for creating images using the model.



💡Stable Diffusion 3

Stable Diffusion 3 is a highly advanced image model developed by Stability AI. It is capable of generating images from text prompts, utilizing the latest text-to-image technology. In the video, it is used to create various images based on the provided text prompts, demonstrating its ability to understand and visualize textual descriptions into visual content.

💡Image to Image

Image to Image is a feature of Stable Diffusion 3 that allows for the editing of existing images using text prompts. Unlike the traditional text-to-image generation, Image to Image takes a source image and applies the text prompt to modify or enhance the image, creating a new image that reflects the text's description. The video showcases this by transforming images of animals, people, and objects according to the text prompts given.

💡Text Prompt

A text prompt is a descriptive phrase or sentence that guides the image generation process. It is used in both text-to-image and image-to-image models to steer the AI towards creating a specific visual outcome. In the video, text prompts like 'a tortoise holding bananas' or 'a man with a television for a head' are used to generate images that match these descriptions.

💡API Endpoints

API endpoints refer to the specific URLs within an API that can be called to perform certain operations. In the context of the video, Stability AI provides two separate API endpoints for Stable Diffusion 3: one for text-to-image generation and another for image-to-image editing. These endpoints allow users to integrate the model's capabilities into their applications or projects.

💡Pixel Doo

Pixel Doo is a project created by the speaker that allows users to experiment with the latest diffusion models. It offers features such as image upscaling, enhancing photos, creating different poses for characters, style transfer, and accessing Stable Diffusion 3 and Image to Image. The platform is used in the video to demonstrate the capabilities of Stable Diffusion 3.

💡Upscale and Enhance

Upscale and enhance refers to the process of improving the resolution and quality of an image. In the video, Pixel Doo is mentioned as a platform that can upscale and enhance photos, suggesting that it can take a standard resolution image and increase its size without losing detail or clarity, thereby enhancing its overall quality.

💡Consistent Characters

Consistent characters in the context of the video relate to the ability to create images of the same character in various poses or situations. This feature is useful for creating a series of images that maintain a consistent style and appearance of the character, which can be particularly beneficial in storytelling or character design.

💡Style Transfer

Style transfer is a technique used in image processing where the style of one image is applied to another, while retaining the content of the original image. In the video, style transfer is mentioned as one of the features available on Pixel Doo, allowing users to apply different visual styles to their images, creating unique and artistic results.

💡Inference Steps

Inference steps refer to the process of the AI making predictions or decisions based on the input data. In the context of Stable Diffusion 3, fewer inference steps in the Turbo model result in faster image generation but potentially lower quality compared to the standard model, which uses more steps to achieve a higher quality image.

💡Text Coherence

Text coherence is the property of a text where the elements are logically and contextually connected, making it understandable and meaningful. In the video, the generated images are described as having coherent text, meaning that the text prompts used to create the images result in a logical and contextually appropriate visual representation.

💡Creative Control

Creative control refers to the level of influence an artist or user has over the creative process. While the video demonstrates that Stable Diffusion 3 can produce impressive results, it also notes that the level of control is not yet as refined as a professional artist might require. However, it provides a significant tool for steering the creative direction of an image through text prompts.


Stability AI launched two separate models with Stable Diffusion 3: one for text-to-image and another for image-to-image editing.

Image-to-image editing allows users to modify existing images using a text prompt and a source image.

Pixel Doo is a platform that enables users to experiment with the latest diffusion models, including upscaling and enhancing photos.

Stable Diffusion 3 is quick at generating images, usually taking just a few seconds.

The model can create images with specific objects or poses, such as a tortoise holding bananas.

Attempting to remove certain elements from an image, like a tortoise's shell, may result in unexpected outcomes.

The model can change facial expressions in a portrait, such as from smiling to frowning.

Inference from the original image can influence the final image's outcome, even with different poses or looks.

The model can add or change elements in a scene, such as surrounding a character with apples or placing them in a modern city.

Text prompts can steer the direction of an image, but the results may not always match the exact prompt given.

Stable Diffusion 3 can generate high-quality images with coherent text and aesthetics that match the source image.

The model can create entirely new concepts while maintaining the original image's look and feel.

Experiments with swapping out main elements in an image, such as changing a steak to a chicken, can yield surprisingly good results.

The model struggles with incorporating certain objects, like cell phones or computers, into a dinner setting as requested.

Stable Diffusion 3 is powerful for steering images in a creative direction using text prompts.

Pixel Doo offers a subscription service for creating images using Stable Diffusion 3 and other models for $99.5 a month.

The future of image editing may involve using text prompts to guide the direction of an image, as demonstrated by Stable Diffusion 3.