Stable Diffusion Demo

Joe Conway
23 May 202322:09

TLDRThe video script offers a beginner's guide to using stable diffusion AI software for image generation. It covers creating images from text prompts, using the 'text to image' tab, and refining results with 'image to image' functionality. The creator also discusses utilizing Styles for saving and reusing prompt configurations, and explores the impact of seed numbers on image generation. The demonstration includes a practical walkthrough of generating an image based on Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft and experimenting with different prompts and settings to achieve desired results.


  • 🌟 The video is a tutorial on using stable diffusion AI software for creating images from text prompts and existing images.
  • 📝 The presenter has been using the software for a few weeks and aims to share insights for beginners.
  • 🖼️ The process begins with the 'text to image' feature, where users input positive and negative prompts to guide the image generation.
  • 📌 The 'model' or 'checkpoint' used in the demo is Realistic Vision 2.0, which is essential for achieving the desired image style.
  • 🚫 Negative prompts are used to exclude unwanted elements from the generated images.
  • 🛠️ Basic config settings can be adjusted based on user preferences, but sticking to defaults is recommended for beginners.
  • 🎨 The 'Styles' feature allows users to save and reuse prompt configurations for future image generation.
  • 🌐 Prompt Hero website is a resource for finding and generating image prompts, but it requires user registration.
  • 🌿 The video demonstrates how to modify settings like sampling steps, image size, and seed number for different outcomes.
  • 🔄 Transitioning from 'text to image' to 'image to image' introduces additional config options like denoising strength.
  • 🔍 Experimentation with different prompts, images, and config settings can yield varied and interesting results in image generation.
  • 📈 The presenter concludes by highlighting the flexibility and potential of stable diffusion AI for creating customized images.

Q & A

  • What is the primary focus of the video?

    -The primary focus of the video is to demonstrate the process of creating images using the Stable Diffusion AI software, specifically through text-to-image and image-to-image features.

  • Which model does the presenter choose to use for the demonstration?

    -The presenter chooses to use the Realistic Vision 2.0 model for the demonstration.

  • How does the presenter describe the process of generating images with text prompts?

    -The presenter describes the process of generating images with text prompts by entering the desired prompts into the text-to-image tab, including both positive and negative prompts, and adjusting the basic configuration settings to generate the desired images.

  • What is the purpose of negative prompts in the text-to-image generation process?

    -The purpose of negative prompts is to exclude certain elements from appearing in the generated image. If something undesired appears in the image, it can be added to the negative prompts to prevent its appearance in subsequent attempts.

  • What is the role of the 'Styles' feature in Stable Diffusion?

    -The 'Styles' feature allows users to save and recall the combination of positive and negative prompts used for a particular image generation. This can be useful for recreating similar images or incorporating the saved styles into new prompts.

  • How does the presenter use the Prompt Hero website?

    -The presenter uses the Prompt Hero website to find useful prompts to generate images. Users need to register with the website to access the prompts, and the presenter selects a prompt based on a previously generated image to recreate a similar image.

  • What is the significance of the 'seed number' in image generation?

    -The 'seed number' is a unique identifier for each generated image. It helps in recreating images that are similar to a previously generated one by using the same seed number, although it won't produce an exact replica.

  • What is the difference between 'CFG scale' in text-to-image and 'denoising strength' in image-to-image?

    -The 'CFG scale' in text-to-image impacts how much the AI listens to the prompts, while the 'denoising strength' in image-to-image affects how much the generated image resembles the input image. Both allow for fine-tuning the image generation process but apply to different aspects.

  • How does the presenter experiment with the image-to-image feature?

    -The presenter experiments with the image-to-image feature by transferring a generated image to the next stage and adjusting the seed number and other settings to create new images. They also try adding a completely random image to see how the AI incorporates elements from the new input.

  • What observation does the presenter make when using a random image with the same prompts?

    -The presenter observes that when using a random image with the same prompts, the AI tries to incorporate the pose and some elements from the input image while still following the text prompts, resulting in images that are a mix of the written prompt and the input image.

  • What is the main takeaway from the video for someone new to Stable Diffusion AI software?

    -The main takeaway is that Stable Diffusion offers various features like text-to-image, image-to-image, and Styles, which can be combined and adjusted to generate desired images. Experimenting with these features and settings can help users refine their image generation process.



🎥 Introduction to Stable Diffusion AI Software

The speaker begins by welcoming viewers to their channel and introduces the topic of discussion - the Stable Diffusion AI software. They share their experience of using the software for a few weeks and express their intention to showcase their learning process, hoping to provide value to fellow beginners. The speaker outlines the agenda for the session, which includes creating images from text prompts, using the text-to-image feature, exploring the image-to-image functionality, discussing the use of styles in building prompts, and reviewing the Prompt Hero website for generating useful prompts.


🖋️ Text-to-Image Process and Prompt Hero Website

In this segment, the speaker delves into the specifics of the text-to-image process within the Stable Diffusion software. They guide the audience through the interface, explaining the role of the model or checkpoint, the process of entering text prompts to generate images, and the use of negative prompts to exclude unwanted elements. The speaker also discusses the basic configuration settings and their decision to stick to default values. Additionally, they introduce the Prompt Hero website as a resource for finding useful prompts and walk through the registration process and how to navigate the site to select prompts, demonstrating the application of these prompts in the software.


🎨 Image-to-Image Generation and Style Application

The speaker transitions to discussing the image-to-image functionality of the software, explaining how it works and its applications. They describe the process of selecting an image and using it to generate new images with altered prompts and settings. The concept of 'seed' numbers is introduced, highlighting how they can be used to achieve similar images. The speaker also explores the use of styles, demonstrating how to save and recall specific prompt configurations for future use, thereby streamlining the image generation process.


🌟 Generating Images with Different Prompts and Seeds

Here, the speaker focuses on the practical application of the software by generating images through text-to-image and image-to-image processes. They explain how to refine the output by adjusting settings such as sampling steps, image size, and batch count. The speaker also illustrates the impact of using different seeds and how it affects the resulting images. They further experiment by introducing a random image into the mix and discuss the software's ability to adapt to new visual inputs while still adhering to the textual prompts.


📝 Recap and Final Thoughts on Stable Diffusion AI

In the concluding segment, the speaker recaps the key points covered in the video. They summarize the process of generating images using both text-to-image and image-to-image functionalities, the use of styles for efficient prompt management, and the exploration of different prompts and seeds. The speaker reflects on the learning experience and the potential for further refinement and experimentation with the software. They express satisfaction with the outcomes and encourage viewers to explore the software on their own, ending the session with a note of thanks for the audience's time and attention.



💡Stable Diffusion AI

Stable Diffusion AI is a software application that uses artificial intelligence to generate images from textual descriptions or other images. In the video, the user is exploring the capabilities of this AI tool, specifically its ability to create realistic images based on prompts and styles entered by the user.

💡Text to Image

Text to Image is a feature within the Stable Diffusion AI software that allows users to input textual descriptions and generate corresponding images. This process involves the AI interpreting the text prompts and creating visual representations that match the given descriptions.


In the context of the Stable Diffusion AI software, prompts are textual inputs provided by the user that guide the AI in generating specific types of images. Prompts can be positive, specifying what to include, or negative, specifying what to exclude from the generated image.


Styles in the Stable Diffusion AI software refer to a collection of saved prompts and settings that can be reused or modified for future image generation. This feature allows users to maintain consistency or build upon previous creative inputs.

💡Prompt Hero

Prompt Hero is a website that provides a collection of prompts and images created by other users of the Stable Diffusion AI software. It serves as a resource for users to find inspiration or examples of effective prompts for their own image generation tasks.

💡Negative Prompts

Negative prompts are specific instructions included in the Stable Diffusion AI software that tell the AI what elements should not be present in the generated image. They are used to refine and control the output based on the user's preferences.

💡Sampling Steps

Sampling steps in the context of the Stable Diffusion AI software refer to the number of iterations the AI goes through to refine and improve the generated image. Increasing the number of sampling steps can result in a more detailed and polished final image.

💡CFG Scale

CFG Scale, or Control Flow Graph Scale, is a parameter within the Stable Diffusion AI software that adjusts the influence of the prompts on the generated image. A higher CFG scale means the AI pays more attention to the prompts, while a lower scale allows for more creative freedom in the image generation.

💡Seed Number

The seed number in the Stable Diffusion AI software is a unique identifier for each generated image. It is used to recreate a similar image or to ensure a certain level of consistency when generating multiple images based on the same prompt or style.

💡Image to Image

Image to Image is another feature within the Stable Diffusion AI software that allows users to generate new images based on an existing image. This feature uses the content and style of the input image to guide the creation of new visual content.

💡Denoising Strength

Denoising strength is a configuration setting in the Stable Diffusion AI software's Image to Image feature that controls the influence of the input image on the generated output. A higher denoising strength results in an image that more closely resembles the input, while a lower strength allows for more variation and creativity.


Introduction to stable diffusion AI software and its capabilities.

Demonstration of creating images from text prompts using the text to image tab.

Explanation of how to use negative prompts to exclude unwanted elements from the generated images.

Overview of basic configuration settings and their default values in stable diffusion.

Discussion on the use of Styles to save and recall prompt details for future use.

Walkthrough of the prompt hero website for finding useful prompts to generate images.

Illustration of how to adjust settings like sampling steps and image size for better results.

Explanation of seed numbers and their role in generating unique images.

Transition from text to image to image to image for further image generation.

Clarification on the difference between CFG scale in text to image and denoising strength in image to image.

Experiment of generating images using a random image input along with prompts.

Observation of how the AI incorporates elements from the input image into the generated images.

Conclusion on the effectiveness of using Styles and image inputs to influence generated images.

Overall summary of the process from using text prompts to generating and refining images.

Appreciation for the viewer's time and the usefulness of the demonstrated techniques.