Story Engine: AI Writing Just Got a Serious Upgrade (Full Tutorial)

The Nerdy Novelist
19 May 202316:27

TLDRIn this tutorial video, the presenter introduces 'Story Engine' from Pseudorite, an AI-powered tool that revolutionizes fiction writing. The tool is lauded for its ability to generate compelling narratives, particularly in the young adult epic fantasy genre. The presenter walks viewers through creating a new project, setting the style, and crafting a synopsis. The AI then creates an outline and story beats, which are used to generate detailed prose. The video showcases the tool's efficiency in producing high-quality writing with minimal editing, offering a 10,000-word trial for interested users to experience its capabilities.


  • 📚 The video is a tutorial on using the Story Engine feature from Pseudorite, an AI writing tool for fiction.
  • 💡 Pseudorite is considered the best tool for writing fiction with AI, especially for writing prose.
  • 📝 The tutorial starts by creating a new project and setting up the story's genre, style, and specific preferences.
  • 🔍 The user enters a summary of the story and uses the Story Engine to generate a synopsis based on the input.
  • 🎭 The tool also helps in creating character profiles, which are crucial for determining the voice and dialogue in the scenes.
  • 📋 The outline is generated based on the synopsis, characters, and additional information provided by the user.
  • 📘 The user can edit the generated synopsis and outline to ensure they meet the desired standards and detail.
  • 📝 Story beats are generated or inputted by the user, and they serve as the foundation for writing the actual prose.
  • ✍️ The Story Engine can write the prose based on the story beats, with options for the most accurate, best prose, or the fastest output.
  • 🔑 The user emphasizes the importance of specificity in the prompts to avoid deviations from the desired style and content.
  • 🎉 The video concludes by highlighting the efficiency and effectiveness of the Story Engine for quickly writing chapters with consistent style.

Q & A

  • What is the title of the tutorial video discussed in the transcript?

    -The title of the tutorial video is 'Story Engine: AI Writing Just Got a Serious Upgrade (Full Tutorial)'.

  • What feature of Pseudorite is the video tutorial focused on?

    -The video tutorial is focused on the 'Story Engine' feature of Pseudorite.

  • What type of project is the author starting in the tutorial?

    -The author is starting a new project for writing the fifth book in their 'Fairy Queen' series.

  • What is the genre and style the author specifies for the project in the tutorial?

    -The author specifies the genre as 'Young Adult Epic Fantasy' and the style includes 'third person limited point of view', 'realistic dialogue', 'avoid mushy descriptions and dialogue', 'lots of drama between characters', and 'concise and descriptive language style'.

  • How does the author use the 'Story Engine' to create a synopsis for their project?

    -The author copies and pastes a summary of their story into the 'Story Engine', specifies the genre and style, and then uses the 'generate' function to create a synopsis.

  • What is the importance of character information in the 'Story Engine'?

    -Character information is important because it helps determine the voice of the characters in the scenes and influences the dialogue and descriptions in the story.

  • How does the 'Story Engine' assist in creating an outline for the story?

    -The 'Story Engine' uses all the information entered, including the synopsis and characters, to generate an outline based on the input data.

  • What is the purpose of generating individual story beats in the 'Story Engine'?

    -Generating individual story beats helps to create a more detailed and specific outline that the 'Story Engine' can use to write the actual prose of the story.

  • What options does the 'Story Engine' provide for writing the prose of the story?

    -The 'Story Engine' provides three options for writing the prose: the most accurate version, the best prose, and the fastest one.

  • How does the author suggest using the 'Story Engine' to improve the quality of the output?

    -The author suggests spending time fleshing out the story beats and being specific with the prompts to ensure the output meets the desired style and content.

  • What is the author's recommendation for those interested in trying Pseudorite's 'Story Engine'?

    -The author provides an affiliate link for those interested in trying 'Story Engine', offering 10,000 free words to experiment with the tool.



📚 Introduction to Pseudorite's Story Engine Tutorial

The video begins with the host introducing a step-by-step tutorial on using the Story Engine feature in Pseudorite, a tool that has been making waves in the AI writing community. They mention having recently published a review of Pseudorite and express their belief that it's currently the best tool for AI-assisted fiction writing. The host then demonstrates the creation of a new project, 'Fall of the Fairy,' which is part of their ongoing Fairy Queen series. They explain how AI can help overcome writer's block and proceed to show how to use the Story Engine, starting with inputting a story summary and defining the genre and style preferences, such as avoiding mushy dialogue and aiming for a concise and descriptive language style.


📝 Crafting the Synopsis and Character List

In this segment, the host focuses on generating a synopsis using the information previously inputted into the Story Engine. They discuss the importance of not exceeding the word limit and the process of refining the synopsis for clarity and detail. The tutorial then moves on to character creation, emphasizing the significance of defining characters' voices and personalities to guide the AI in writing distinct dialogues. The host also explains the technical requirements for character input format to ensure the AI can utilize the information effectively.


📖 Generating an Outline and Story Beats

The host demonstrates how to use the information gathered from the synopsis and characters to generate an outline for the story. They mention the AI's tendency to take creative liberties, which can be adjusted according to the writer's vision. The segment also covers the generation of individual story beats, which serve as the foundation for writing the actual prose. The host advises spending time fleshing out these beats to ensure they are detailed and specific, as this will save time in the writing process and result in a more accurate and controlled output.


✍️ Writing the Prose with AI Assistance

In the final part of the tutorial, the host discusses the exciting aspect of writing the prose using the AI's assistance. They explain the different options available for generating prose, such as the most accurate, best prose, and fastest options, and share their preference for sticking to the script with the 'most accurate' setting. The host illustrates how the AI takes the input from the story beats and generates a chapter, highlighting the impressive output quality when the prompts are well-defined. They conclude by endorsing the Story Engine's capabilities and offering an affiliate link for viewers to try the tool with a bonus of 10,000 free words.



💡Story Engine

Story Engine is a feature within the Pseudorite tool, designed to assist in the writing process, particularly for fiction. It is highlighted in the video as a significant upgrade in AI writing capabilities. The script describes how it can generate a synopsis, characters, and outlines, and even write prose based on user input, which is central to the video's theme of leveraging AI for creative writing.


Pseudorite is a platform for AI-assisted writing. The video script suggests that it is currently considered the best tool for writing fiction with AI, especially when it comes to writing prose. The tutorial focuses on how to use Pseudorite's Story Engine feature to enhance the writing process.

💡Fairy Queen Series

The Fairy Queen Series is the book series that the video's presenter is working on. The script mentions that the presenter has been stuck on the fifth book in the series, and this is where the AI tool, Story Engine, comes into play to help overcome writer's block and assist in continuing the series.


A synopsis is a brief summary of the entire story or narrative. In the context of the video, the Story Engine uses the information provided by the user to generate a synopsis, which serves as a foundation for the AI to understand the story's direction and to create a detailed outline and prose.


In the script, the genre 'Young Adult Epic Fantasy' is entered into the Story Engine to define the type of story being written. The genre helps the AI to tailor the style and content to fit the expectations of the specific category, which is crucial for maintaining thematic consistency in the writing.


The term 'style' in the script refers to the narrative style the author wishes to achieve. The author specifies preferences such as 'third person limited point of view', 'realistic dialogue', and 'avoid mushy descriptions' to guide the AI in generating text that aligns with the desired writing style.

💡Character Voice

Character voice refers to the unique way each character speaks or is expressed in the narrative. The video emphasizes the importance of defining each character's dialogue style to give them distinctive voices, which brings them to life and adds depth to the story.


An outline is a structured plan for the story, detailing the sequence of events. The script describes how the Story Engine uses the synopsis and character information to generate an outline, which is essential for organizing the narrative and ensuring a coherent plot.

💡Story Beats

Story beats are the key moments or turning points in the narrative. The video script explains how the Story Engine generates these beats based on the chapter summary, which serve as the building blocks for the actual prose writing process.


Prose is the written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure, used in the video to refer to the actual text of the story. The Story Engine's ability to generate prose based on the input and structure provided is a major focus of the tutorial, showcasing the AI's capability to write creative content.


Introduction to Story Engine, a new feature in Pseudorite that is revolutionizing AI writing.

Step-by-step tutorial on using Story Engine for fiction writing with AI.

Creating a new project in Pseudorite and setting up the story parameters.

Importing a story summary and defining the genre and style for the AI to follow.

Customizing the style to avoid mushy dialogue and enhance character dynamics.

Using the synopsis section to generate a story outline based on the input summary.

Editing the generated synopsis to ensure it aligns with the author's vision.

Generating a list of characters and adding details to define their voices and personalities.

The importance of character dialogue in bringing characters to life.

Creating an outline based on the synopsis and character information.

Adjusting the outline to better fit the author's intended story structure.

Generating individual story beats to flesh out the chapter details.

The significance of detailed story beats in guiding the AI writing process.

Choosing the most accurate AI writing mode for strict adherence to the outline.

Observing the AI generate prose based on the story beats and chapter summary.

The potential of Story Engine to quickly write an entire chapter with high-quality prose.

Recommendation to use specific prompts for better AI writing control.

Offering an affiliate link for Pseudorite with a bonus of 10,000 free words to try Story Engine.

Encouraging viewers to explore Pseudorite and Story Engine for their writing projects.