Unstable diffusion JUST GOT BANNED! 😲

Sebastian Kamph
21 Dec 202208:38

TLDRKickstarter has suspended the Unstable Diffusion project, citing concerns over intellectual property and the potential impact on the creative community. The project aimed to create an unrestricted AI art model but faced backlash and was canceled, leaving many backers and the community in uncertainty about the future of AI art on the platform.


  • 🚫 Unstable Diffusion, an AI art project, has been suspended by Kickstarter.
  • 💌 Users who backed the project received an email from Kickstarter's Trust and Safety Team regarding the suspension.
  • 🧐 The suspension was due to strong evidence of the project misrepresenting itself or violating Kickstarter's rules.
  • 🤔 There were allegations of intellectual property issues, but Unstable Diffusion claimed they wouldn't use certain datasets.
  • 💡 Kickstarter is taking a stance on AI-generated art, emphasizing the importance of creative work and the humans behind it.
  • 🌐 Kickstarter is considering the impact of AI on the creative community and is navigating undefined areas.
  • 🚷 The platform prohibits projects that promote discrimination, bigotry, or intolerance towards marginalized groups.
  • 🤝 Kickstarter invites ongoing conversation with the community about the role of AI in the platform.
  • 🔄 The controversy around Unstable Diffusion highlights the broader debate on AI's role in art and its potential to disrupt traditional creative processes.
  • 🔮 The future of AI art on Kickstarter and other platforms remains uncertain, with the technology evolving rapidly.

Q & A

  • What happened to the Unstable Diffusion project on Kickstarter?

    -The Unstable Diffusion project on Kickstarter was suspended due to concerns about intellectual property and potential violations of Kickstarter's rules.

  • What was the reason given by Kickstarter for the suspension?

    -Kickstarter stated that projects are suspended when there is strong evidence of misrepresentation or violation of their rules, including unresolved intellectual property disputes.

  • How did the community react to the suspension?

    -The community, particularly on Discord, was very active and concerned about the suspension, as the project had built a large following and its main source of income was affected.

  • What was Unstable Diffusion's plan regarding the data set for their AI model?

    -Unstable Diffusion planned to train a new model with a new data set, and they claimed that the old data set used by Stable Effusion would not be part of it, aiming to avoid IP issues.

  • What did Kickstarter's blog post say about AI-generated images and art?

    -Kickstarter's blog post emphasized their support for creative work and the humans behind it, and they are considering the impact of AI-generated images and art on the creative community, including concerns about copying or mimicking artists' work.

  • What is Kickstarter's stance on AI art and its role on the platform?

    -Kickstarter is taking a stance against AI art, stating that they will always be on the side of creative work and the humans behind that work, and they are considering how AI art should be allowed on the platform, if at all.

  • How much funding had Unstable Diffusion reached before the suspension?

    -Unstable Diffusion had reached approximately 58,000 USD of their 26,000 USD goal with 867 backers before the suspension.

  • What is the main concern for creators regarding AI-generated art?

    -The main concern for creators is the potential impact of AI-generated art on the creative community, including the possibility of AI replacing traditional artists and the challenges in protecting intellectual property.

  • How is Unstable Diffusion addressing the issue of intellectual property?

    -Unstable Diffusion has stated that they will not use data sets that could lead to IP issues, but the exact measures they are taking are not detailed in the script.

  • What is the future outlook for Unstable Diffusion and similar projects?

    -The future is uncertain for Unstable Diffusion and similar projects, as they face challenges with intellectual property and acceptance on platforms like Kickstarter, but they may seek alternative platforms to continue their work.

  • What is the narrator's personal opinion on AI art and its impact on artists?

    -The narrator, being an artist who likes AI art, believes that AI art will become more prevalent and that those who do not adapt may be replaced, suggesting a belief in the transformative power of AI in the art world.



🚨 Kickstarter Suspends Unstable Diffusion Project 🚨

The first paragraph discusses the recent suspension of the Unstable Diffusion project on Kickstarter due to alleged intellectual property issues. The suspension was announced via email to backers, explaining that the project was halted because of strong evidence of misrepresentation or violation of Kickstarter's rules. The speaker speculates on the reasons, including potential IP disputes, despite Unstable Diffusion's claim of using a new dataset. The project had reached a significant amount of funding with a large number of backers, but its future on Kickstarter is now uncertain. The speaker also mentions reaching out to Unstable Diffusion for a response and notes the活跃 discussion on their Discord server.


🤖 Kickstarter's Stance on AI Art and the Future of Creativity 🎨

The second paragraph delves into Kickstarter's public statement on AI-generated art, indicating that the platform is siding with human creativity and is cautious about the impact of AI on the creative community. Kickstarter has engaged its Community Advisory Council and is considering the implications of AI on their platform, including concerns about projects copying or exploiting artists' work and the potential harm to communities. The speaker expresses disagreement with Kickstarter's stance, arguing that AI art will inevitably become more prevalent and that resistance is futile. The paragraph concludes with a call for ongoing discussion on the topic and an invitation for viewers to share their thoughts.



💡Unstable Diffusion

Unstable Diffusion refers to a project that aimed to create unrestricted AI art using a new model trained with a data set. The project was suspended by Kickstarter due to potential intellectual property issues and other concerns. It is a central topic in the video as the creator discusses the suspension and its implications for the AI art community.


Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that allows creators to raise funds for their projects from the public. In the context of the video, Kickstarter has suspended the Unstable Diffusion project, citing concerns about the project's adherence to their rules and potential intellectual property disputes.

💡Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols, names, and images used in commerce. In the video, the issue of intellectual property arises because of concerns that the Unstable Diffusion project may have used data sets in training their AI model without proper attribution or consent.

💡AI Art

AI Art refers to the creation of artwork through artificial intelligence, where the AI is trained on data sets to generate images or other forms of art. The video discusses the controversy surrounding AI Art and its impact on the creative community, particularly in relation to the Unstable Diffusion project.


In the context of the video, community refers to the group of individuals who are interested in and support the development of AI Art, particularly through platforms like Kickstarter. The video highlights the importance of this community and their reaction to the suspension of the Unstable Diffusion project.


Suspension in this context refers to the action taken by Kickstarter to halt the Unstable Diffusion project, effectively pausing all associated activities and funding. This term is significant as it marks a critical point in the project's lifecycle and the narrative of the video.

💡Data Set

A data set is a collection of data, often used in machine learning and AI training to provide the necessary information for the AI to learn and generate outputs. In the video, the data set is a contentious issue as it relates to the potential IP violations that led to the suspension of the Unstable Diffusion project.


Censorship refers to the suppression or prohibition of any parts of speech or other communication that are deemed politically unacceptable or considered to be in violation of social norms. In the video, the creator of Unstable Diffusion aimed to create an AI art platform without censorship, which is a significant point of discussion regarding the project's goals and the implications of its suspension.


Patreon is a platform that allows creators to receive funding directly from their fans, or patrons, on a recurring basis. In the video, it is mentioned as an alternative platform that Unstable Diffusion might use following their suspension from Kickstarter.


Discord is a communication platform that allows users to create and join communities, or servers, where they can chat and share information. In the video, Discord is mentioned as the place where the Unstable Diffusion community is discussing the project's suspension and its implications.


In the context of the video, moral refers to the principles concerning the nature of right and wrong or good and bad behavior. The discussion of the morality of AI Art and its impact on traditional artists and the creative community is a significant theme in the video.


Unstable diffusion has been banned from Kickstarter.

The AI community is abuzz with the news from Reddit.

A user received an email from Kickstarter's trust and safety team regarding the suspension.

The project 'unstable diffusion unrestricted AI art' was suspended due to strong evidence of misrepresentation or violation of Kickstarter rules.

The suspension was not due to an unresolved intellectual property dispute but rather the potential for one.

Unstable diffusion planned to train a new AI model with a different dataset to avoid IP issues.

The Kickstarter page for unstable diffusion confirms the suspension and shows the amount of funding received.

The project had 867 backers and was close to reaching its funding goal.

Unstable diffusion's Patreon page may still be active as an alternative source of funding.

The Discord community for unstable diffusion is very active following the suspension.

Kickstarter has released a statement emphasizing their support for human creative work over AI-generated art.

Kickstarter is considering the impact of AI on the creative community and the potential for exploitation.

The platform is evaluating the use of AI-generated images and art in projects.

Kickstarter is open to ongoing conversations about the role of AI in creative work.

The suspension of unstable diffusion raises questions about the future of AI art and its acceptance by platforms like Kickstarter.

The author of the transcript, an artist themselves, believes that AI art will become dominant and those against it may be left behind.

The decision by Kickstarter to take a stance against AI art may have long-term consequences.