Stylar AI Trending Image Generator: Text to Image & Image to Image AI Tool | AI Image Editor

AI Edge Mastery
18 Jan 202408:16

TLDRDiscover the capabilities of Styler AI, an advanced AI image editor designed to transform text into vivid images and to refine existing images with innovative features. In this tutorial, learn how to navigate the Styler AI platform, from signing up and managing credits to choosing styles and customizing your workspace. Enhance your images by changing backgrounds, adding text, and adjusting style intensity. The tool offers a user-friendly interface with options like drag-and-drop layer management, undo/redo functions, and a variety of export options, making it accessible for both novices and seasoned designers.


  • 🎨 Styler AI is a powerful AI image editor that can convert text to images and change image styles.
  • 📱 Users sign up on the Styler AI website and can use Google account for registration.
  • 💡 Each account receives 200 credits per week, updated every 7 days for creating images.
  • 🌟 A variety of styles are available in different categories for users to choose from.
  • 📷 Users can start a new project, set the canvas size and aspect ratio according to their needs.
  • ✍️ Text can be added and edited with various settings such as font type and style.
  • 🖼️ The 'Text to Image' feature allows users to create images based on text prompts and select styles.
  • 🔄 The 'Image to Image' feature enables users to import an image and change its style with a new prompt.
  • 🎨 Users can edit layers, show or hide them, and move them within the workspace.
  • 🖼️ The export function allows users to download images in different formats and sizes.
  • 📚 The script encourages users to explore the tool, test different styles, and share their experiences.

Q & A

  • What is Styler AI?

    -Styler AI is an AI tool and image editor that assists users in creating stunning images by converting text to images and altering image styles.

  • How can you sign up for Styler AI?

    -To sign up for Styler AI, visit the website, press the sign-up button, enter your email and password, or sign up with your Google account.

  • How often are the credits updated on Styler AI?

    -The credits are updated every 7 days, with 200 credits per week for each account.

  • What can you do with the styles available on Styler AI?

    -You can use the styles in different categories for your image generation, view samples and style descriptions, and apply them to your work.

  • How do you create a new project on Styler AI?

    -To create a new project, press the 'New Project' button to set up a workspace where your image will be added.

  • What options are available for editing the canvas on Styler AI?

    -You can change the name and aspect ratio of the project, adjust the canvas size, and use tools to move, add text, and zoom on the canvas.

  • How does the text to image feature work on Styler AI?

    -Press the 'Text to Image' button, select your preferred style, write a prompt describing what you want, and press the 'Styler AI' button to generate images based on your prompt.

  • What can you do with the image to image feature on Styler AI?

    -With the 'Image to Image' feature, you can import an image, select a style, write or auto-generate a prompt, and change settings to modify the image's style and appearance.

  • How can you remove or change the background of an image on Styler AI?

    -Select the 'Image', use the 'Remove Background' tool, and then choose the 'Cabin' or other elements to change the background and place it on the canvas.

  • How do you export and download your images on Styler AI?

    -Use the 'Export' button to download the image, change its type and size, and select 'Export All Layers' if you want to download multiple images.

  • What should you do to keep the images when closing the 'Image to Image' section?

    -Press 'Place on Canvas' for each image you want to keep before closing the 'Image to Image' section, as closing it will remove unplaced images.

  • How can you create images with different styles using Styler AI?

    -Use the 'Text to Image' feature, select different styles, adjust the intensity slider, and generate images. You can also duplicate and modify elements like the 'Cabin' to apply various styles.



🎨 Introduction to Styler AI and Its Features

This paragraph introduces Styler AI, an AI-powered image editor that allows users to create stunning images. It explains how to utilize Styler AI to convert text to images, apply various image styles, and make adjustments such as inserting or removing image parts and changing the background. The script also guides users through the process of signing up on the Styler AI website, understanding the credit system, and getting started with a new project. It highlights the ability to choose from different style categories, apply these styles to projects, and provides instructions on how to use the text-to-image feature, including writing prompts and selecting styles for the best results.


🖼️ Exploring Styler AI's Image-to-Image and Background Editing Capabilities

The second paragraph delves into testing different styles using Styler AI's text-to-image feature and importing images to change their style. It covers the process of selecting a style, applying it, and waiting for the results. The script also describes how to import an image, adjust the canvas size, and use the image-to-image feature to modify the style of existing images. Additionally, it explains how to change the background of an image, make copies of selected parts, and adjust layer sizes. The paragraph concludes with an invitation to like, subscribe, and share experiences with the tool, and encourages users to ask questions or provide feedback in the comments section.



💡Styler AI

Styler AI is an AI-powered image editing tool that enables users to create visually stunning images. It is the central focus of the video, which showcases its capabilities in text-to-image and image-to-image conversion. The tool allows for various modifications such as inserting or removing parts of an image, changing backgrounds, and applying different styles to achieve a desired aesthetic. In the context of the video, Styler AI is presented as a versatile and user-friendly platform for image generation and editing.

💡Text to Image

The 'Text to Image' feature of Styler AI is a function that transforms textual descriptions into visual images. This is a key concept in the video, as it demonstrates the tool's ability to interpret and generate content based on textual input. Users can input a prompt and Styler AI will create an image that corresponds to the description provided. This feature is particularly useful for bringing ideas to life in a visual format, as seen in the video where the user writes a prompt and Styler AI renders an image that matches the given text.

💡Image to Image

The 'Image to Image' function refers to the process of taking an existing image and transforming it into a new version with a different style or appearance. In the video, this concept is illustrated by importing an image and then applying various styles to it, resulting in a range of visually distinct outputs. This feature is valuable for those looking to modify existing images or create new designs based on a reference image, as it allows for a high degree of creativity and customization.


In the context of Styler AI, 'Style' refers to the visual aesthetic or artistic theme that can be applied to an image. The video emphasizes the variety of styles available within the tool, each with its own unique characteristics and samples. Users can select a style to influence the look and feel of their generated images, with the option to adjust the intensity of the style's influence. This feature is crucial for achieving a specific artistic direction or mood in the final image.


The 'Canvas' in Styler AI is the virtual space where images are created and edited. It is the foundation upon which all design elements are placed and manipulated. The video explains how users can adjust the canvas's name, aspect ratio, and size to suit their project requirements. The canvas is where users compose their images, add text, and apply styles, making it a central component of the image creation process within the tool.


Layers in Styler AI are a fundamental aspect of image composition, allowing users to work with multiple elements separately. The video describes how layers can be shown or hidden, moved within the layer list, and manipulated for various effects. Layers provide a structured way to organize and refine an image, offering control over individual components without affecting the entire composition. This feature is essential for complex image editing and design tasks.


A 'Prompt' in the context of Styler AI is a brief text description that guides the AI in generating an image. The video demonstrates the importance of crafting a clear and concise prompt for the 'Text to Image' feature, as it directly influences the output. The prompt serves as the user's instruction to the AI, determining the subject matter, theme, or concept that will be visually represented in the resulting image.

💡Auto Prompt

The 'Auto Prompt' feature in Styler AI is an automatic generation of text prompts based on the content of an imported image. This function simplifies the image-to-image process by eliminating the need for manual text input. The video highlights how this feature can save time and effort, especially for users who may struggle to describe their image ideas in words. Auto Prompt uses the visual information from the image to create a relevant textual description that can then be used to guide the AI's image generation.


In Styler AI, 'Export' refers to the process of saving or downloading the final edited image. The video explains that users can choose to export individual images or all layers at once, with options to adjust the image type and size. Exporting is the final step in the image creation process, allowing users to share, print, or use their AI-generated images in various applications. It is an essential feature for applying the finishing touches and making the images available for further use.

💡Style Intensity

The 'Style Intensity' slider in Styler AI is a control that allows users to adjust how prominently a selected style is applied to their image. The video illustrates how moving the slider to a higher value increases the effect of the style on the image, while a lower value results in a more subtle application. This feature provides users with the flexibility to fine-tune the visual aesthetic of their images, ensuring that the style aligns with their creative vision.

💡Auto Select

The 'Auto Select' tool in Styler AI is a feature that automatically identifies and selects a specific part of an image for editing. As demonstrated in the video, this tool is particularly useful when working with complex images where manual selection might be time-consuming or challenging. Auto Select simplifies the process by intelligently recognizing and isolating elements within the image, allowing users to focus on making changes or adjustments without the hassle of precise manual selection.


Styler AI is a powerful image editor that can create stunning images.

The tool allows users to convert text to image and change image styles.

Users can sign up on the Styler AI website with an email or Google account.

Each account receives 200 credits per week, updated every 7 days.

Styler AI offers a variety of styles across different categories for image generation.

The canvas for image creation can be customized in size and aspect ratio.

Text can be added and customized with different font types and styles.

The zoom level on the canvas is adjustable for detailed editing.

Importing images or creating from text prompts is straightforward with dedicated buttons.

The tool provides help with prompts based on different categories for better results.

Users can select their preferred style and generate images with the 'Styler eyesee' button.

Editing features include background removal, part insertion, and duplication.

Images can be exported in different formats and sizes.

The 'place on canvas' option allows users to select and keep their preferred image results.

Changing the background of an image is possible by using the selection and duplication tools.

Styler AI enables the creation of images with various styles to enhance visual appeal.

Users are encouraged to like, subscribe, and share their experiences with Styler AI.

The platform invites questions and engagement in the comment section for community support.