Dezgo Vs Runway. Image AI Generators. Image to Image. Text to image.

Kote Todua
8 May 202310:54

TLDRIn this video, the user compares two AI image generators, Dezgo and Runway, focusing on their image-to-image capabilities. Dezgo is highlighted as a free option, whereas Runway requires payment. The comparison involves various prompts, including generating images of clothing, a human neck, and a scientific subject like pneumaticities Giro SC. The results show that while Dezgo failed to meet expectations, Runway delivered more precise and satisfactory images, despite not being perfect and its subscription-based model.


  • πŸ” The video compares two AI image generators: Dezgo and Runway.
  • πŸ†“ Dezgo is a free AI image generator, while Runway is not free.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ The comparison focuses on image to image functionality and precision.
  • πŸ‘• A simple image of a monochrome T-shirt was used as a test sample.
  • 🎨 Both generators were given the same prompt 'read new clothes'.
  • 🚫 Dezgo's results were not satisfactory, lacking understanding of the human form.
  • πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ A more complex task of generating an anatomically correct human neck was attempted.
  • πŸ“ˆ The results varied between different engines like Stable Diffusion and Epic Diffusion.
  • πŸ”¬ A third task involving generating an image of pneumatic gyroscope, a microbe, was also conducted.
  • 🫁 The comparison concluded that Runway produced better and more precise images.
  • πŸ‘Ž The video creator does not recommend Dezgo and finds it useless, while Runway requires improvement but is better.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a comparison between Dezgo and Runway, two AI image generators, focusing on their image to image and text to image functionalities.

  • How does the video introduce Dezgo?

    -The video introduces Dezgo as an AI image generator that is completely free to use.

  • What is the first task given to both Dezgo and Runway?

    -The first task given to both Dezgo and Runway is to generate an image of a human wearing new clothes based on a provided sample image.

  • What is the critique of Dezgo's output in the video?

    -The critique of Dezgo's output is that it fails to understand the concept of human self and produces an image that the presenter does not like.

  • How does the video describe Runway's performance in comparison to Dezgo?

    -The video describes Runway's performance as much better than Dezgo's, providing a more precise and desirable output.

  • What is the second task given to both AI generators?

    -The second task is to generate an anatomically correct human neck based on the given prompt.

  • What is the issue with the output of both Dezgo and Runway for the human neck task?

    -The issue with both Dezgo and Runway's output for the human neck task is that they do not produce satisfactory results, with Dezgo's output being particularly disliked by the presenter.

  • What engine types does Dezgo offer for the image to image task?

    -Dezgo offers different engine types including Stable Diffusion, Epic Diffusion 2.1, and Fusion 2.1 for the image to image task.

  • What is the third task given to the AI generators?

    -The third task is to generate an image of pneumaticites girosci, a type of microbe, in a scientific and accurate manner.

  • How does the video conclude about Dezgo and Runway?

    -The video concludes that Dezgo is not good and is considered useless by the presenter, while Runway, although not free and still in need of improvement, is much better than Dezgo.

  • What is the final verdict on Dezgo and Runway in terms of text to image functionality?

    -The final verdict is that Dezgo's text to image functionality is also not good, producing an image that the presenter does not understand, while Runway's performance is not discussed for this specific task in the script.



🎨 AI Image Generators: Tesco vs Runway

The paragraph discusses a comparison between two AI image generators: Tesco and Runway. The speaker highlights that Tesco is free but of lower quality, while Runway, although not free, delivers better results. The comparison is based on the precision and quality of the images produced when given the same prompts. The speaker is dissatisfied with Tesco's inability to understand the concept of human self and Runway's loss of detail in the generated images. The test includes prompts like 'new clothes' and 'human neck,' with the results showing a significant difference in quality between the two platforms.


πŸ” Further Analysis of AI Image Generators

In this paragraph, the speaker continues to evaluate different versions of the stable diffusion engine in Tesco, finding them all inadequate. Despite changing the version, the results remain unsatisfactory. The speaker also compares the performance of Tesco and Runway with a prompt about a human neck, noting that while Tesco's output is almost identical across versions, Runway's results are superior. The speaker then introduces a third task, generating an image of 'pneumaticities Giro SC,' a microbe, and shares their disappointment with Tesco's output, deeming it useless despite being free. In contrast, Runway's precision is praised.


πŸš€ Conclusion on AI Image Generators

The speaker concludes the comparison by expressing a negative view of Tesco, considering it to be of no value. They also acknowledge that Runway, while better, has its limitations and is not accessible to everyone due to its cost. The speaker mentions that despite the shortcomings, Runway allows for the creation of several free images, making it a better option than Tesco. The paragraph ends with a call to action for viewers to like, share, and subscribe to the channel for more content like this.



πŸ’‘AI image generator

An AI image generator is a type of artificial intelligence software that can create images based on user input. In the video, the AI image generators being compared are used to generate images from text prompts or other images, showcasing their capabilities and limitations. The comparison is made to determine which generator is more precise and effective in creating desired images.


Dezgo is mentioned as a free AI image generator in the video. The user tests its performance by comparing it with another paid service, Runway. The comparison includes evaluating the precision and quality of the images generated by Dezgo, particularly in relation to text-to-image and image-to-image tasks. The video suggests that Dezgo may not be as effective as Runway in generating high-quality images.


Runway is an AI image generator service that is not free, as opposed to Dezgo. In the video, the user compares the output of Runway with Dezgo to assess the differences in quality and precision. The comparison shows that while Runway may produce better results, it is not accessible to everyone due to its cost.

πŸ’‘Image to image

The term 'image to image' refers to the process of converting one image into another, often with the help of AI algorithms. In the context of the video, the user is interested in how well the AI generators can transform a given image into a new one based on certain prompts or criteria. The comparison between Dezgo and Runway focuses on the quality and accuracy of this transformation.

πŸ’‘Text to image

Text to image is a process where AI generates an image based on a textual description provided by the user. In the video, the user tests the ability of the AI generators to interpret and visualize text descriptions into images. The comparison highlights the differences in the quality and creativity of the images produced by Dezgo and Runway from text prompts.


Precision in the context of AI image generation refers to the accuracy and detail with which the AI can produce an image that matches the user's request. The video emphasizes the importance of precision by comparing how well Dezgo and Runway generate images that closely align with the given prompts or source images, with a focus on the finer details and overall correctness of the output.


A prompt is a piece of text or an input that guides the AI image generator to create a specific image. In the video, the user provides various prompts to test the generators' abilities to generate images that match the desired concept or theme. The effectiveness of a prompt can greatly influence the quality and relevance of the generated images.

πŸ’‘Anatomically correct

Anatomically correct refers to the accurate depiction of the biological structure of a living organism. In the video, the user challenges the AI generators to create an image of a human neck that is anatomically correct, highlighting the importance of precision in capturing the details of real-world subjects.

πŸ’‘Stable diffusion

Stable diffusion is a term used in the context of AI image generation to describe a specific algorithm or model that is used to create images. The video mentions different versions of stable diffusion, suggesting that the choice of model can impact the quality of the generated images. The user experiments with various versions to find the one that produces the most satisfactory results.


A microbe is a small organism that is invisible to the naked eye, such as bacteria, viruses, and other microscopic life forms. In the video, the user provides a task to generate an image of a specific microbe, pneumaticities Giro SC, to test the AI generators' ability to create detailed and scientifically accurate images of complex biological subjects.


Comparison in this context refers to the process of evaluating and contrasting the outputs of different AI image generators. The video is centered around a comparison between Dezgo and Runway, assessing their capabilities in generating images from text and other images. The comparison aims to determine which service is more precise and effective in fulfilling the user's requests for image generation.


Tesco is an AI image generator that is completely free to use.

The comparison is made between Tesco and Runway's image generators focusing on image to image functionality.

Free engines for text to image are common, but image to image generators often lack high quality.

The test begins with a simple image and a prompt about 'monocytes' to assess precision.

Runway's image generator is not free, which adds to the interest in seeing how it performs.

The first results from the image to image generator on Runway are not satisfactory.

A prompt about 'new clothes' is given to both generators to compare their outputs.

The nucleus and the concept of 'big new clothes' are lost in Runway's generated image.

A different prompt, 'human neck,' is given for both generators to test their accuracy.

Tesco's output for the 'human neck' prompt is not anatomically correct and is not liked.

Runway's response to the 'human neck' prompt is much better and more precise.

The impact of different engines like Stable Diffusion and Epic Diffusion on the output is tested.

Despite trying different versions of Stable Diffusion, Tesco's results remain unsatisfactory.

A third task with the prompt 'pneumaticties Giro SC,' a microbe, is given to see how the generators perform.

Tesco's output for the microbe prompt is not scientific or accurate.

Runway's generation of the microbe image is much more precise and scientific.

Tesco is deemed useless for generating precise images, while Runway, though not free, is much better.

The video encourages viewers to like and subscribe for more content.